
Romanticism and after in France / Le Romantisme et après en France

Editors: Patrick McGuinness Valentina Gosetti

Romanticism and after in France is a series designed to publish research monographs or longer works of high quality whether by established scholars or recent graduates, dealing with French literature in the period from pre-Romanticism to the turn of the twentieth century. Books may be in English or French, and may consist of studies of single authors or of wider topics. All submissions will be assessed by experts before acceptance.

Le Romantisme et après en France est une collection dont le but est de publier des monographies ou des ouvrages de plus longue haleine, que ce soit des enseignants chevronnés ou de jeunes chercheurs. Ces livres traiteront de la littérature française depuis la période préromantique jusqu'aux premières années du vingtième siècle, et pourront être en anglais ou en français; ils pourront traiter d'un seul auteur ou d'un sujet plus étendu. Toute proposition sera évaluée par un comité d'experts.


  • Title: Against the Grain

    Against the Grain

    The Poetics of Non-Normative Masculinity in Decadent French Literature
    Volume 30
    by Mathew Rickard (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs 260 Pages
  • Title: L’Anti-Salomé


    Représentations de la féminité bienveillante au temps de la Décadence (1850–1910)
    Volume 29
    by Marie Kawthar Daouda (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs 330 Pages
  • Title: Still Loitering

    Still Loitering

    Australian Essays in Honour of Ross Chambers
    Volume 28
    by Valentina Gosetti (Volume editor) Alistair Rolls (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Others 192 Pages
  • Title: Writing the Great War / Comment écrire la Grande Guerre?

    Writing the Great War / Comment écrire la Grande Guerre?

    Francophone and Anglophone Poetics / Poétiques francophones et anglophones
    Volume 27
    by Nicolas Bianchi (Volume editor) Toby Garfitt (Volume editor) 2017
    Monographs 366 Pages
  • Title: Chateaubriand


    The Paradox of Change
    Volume 25
    by Malcolm Scott (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Monographs 259 Pages
  • Title: Lectures croisées

    Lectures croisées

    Essays by Alan Raitt
    Volume 24
    by Francesco Manzini (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2015 Edited Collection 252 Pages
  • Title: The Art of Theatre

    The Art of Theatre

    Word, Image and Performance in France and Belgium, c. 1830–1910
    Volume 23
    by Claire Moran (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection 338 Pages
  • Title: Parisian Intersections

    Parisian Intersections

    Baudelaire’s Legacy to Composers
    Volume 22
    by Helen Abbott (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Monographs 218 Pages
  • Title: Flaubert: Transportation, Progression, Progress

    Flaubert: Transportation, Progression, Progress

    Volume 21
    by Kate Rees (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Monographs 196 Pages
  • Title: ‘When familiar meanings dissolve…’

    ‘When familiar meanings dissolve…’

    Essays in French Studies in Memory of Malcolm Bowie
    Volume 20
    by Naomi D. Segal (Volume editor) Gill Rye (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2011 Others 384 Pages