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  • Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe

    ISSN: 2235-7025

    This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English. This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English. This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English.

    25 publications

  • Thought, Society, Culture

    Slovenian and South Eastern European Perspectives

    ISSN: 2195-2191

    The series "Thought, Society, Culture: Slovenian and South Eastern European Perspectives" explores languages, cultures, and societies of Central and South Eastern Europe, with a special focus on Slovenia. Its titles and topics present significant works of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) whose multidisciplinary structure brings together philosophy, social anthropology, archaeology, general and cultural history, art history, musicology, linguistics, literary studies, sociology, ethnology, folklore, and geography. The aim of the series is to publish in-depth studies in the humanities and social sciences produced not only by ZRC SAZU but also by other scholars from Slovenia and elsewhere.

    6 publications

  • Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel / Societies and States in Transformation

    The series “Societies and States in Transformation” offers an interdisciplinary forum for investigations of radical changes in world history with their concomitant social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals. Focus is thus laid on people and societies, both as actors and agencies in processes of transformation and as objects of such changes. These issues are addressed not only in the context of the intense ideological, institutional, and sociological shifts of the 20th Century, but also from deeper historical perspectives, and with a concern for processes currently emerging on the global horizon. The series thus deals with the various forms of expression in time and space that reflect the reactions to the challenges posed by epochal change brought about by the affected societies and nations. It includes works from historical and political science, sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and cultural studies with the aim of facilitating interdisciplinary communication and interaction. Volume 25 concludes the serie. Die Publikationsreihe "Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel" bietet ein interdisziplinäres Forum für Beiträge, die auf die großen Umbrüche in der Weltgeschichte mit ihren sozialen, politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen fokussieren. Mensch und Gesellschaften stehen hierbei sowohl als Handelnde als auch als Objekt von Transformationsprozessen im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung, die über den Paradigmenwechsel in der jüngeren Vergangenheit Europas hinaus auch aktuelle Prozesse einer zunehmend global vernetzten Welt ins Blickfeld nimmt. Thema der Reihe sind damit die unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen in Raum und Zeit, in denen sich die Reaktionen der betroffenen Gesellschaften und Staaten auf die Herausforderungen epochalen Wandels zeigen. In diesem interdisziplinären Feld korrespondieren und interagieren Analysen der Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaft, von Soziologie, Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft. Band 25 schließt die Reihe ab.

    23 publications

  • Migration – Ethnicity – Nation: Studies in Culture, Society and Politics

    ISSN: 2191-3285

    "The aim of the series is to place migration and ethnicity in the context of both local and global history. The comprehensive approach demands that both old and new migration patterns are dealt with. The notion of the Immigration threat calls for a debate on hopes and limits of the cultural pluralism in Europe and in North America. The issues which are addressed in the book series include among other: inter-ethnic relations; changing patterns of Community building, new sense of belonging, religion and ethnicity nowadays, construction and reinvention of identity, and trans-nationalism. The series represents cultural studies in their broadest sense, embracing history, social studies, anthropology, and political studies. "

    9 publications

  • Population, Famille et Société / Population, Family, and Society

    ISSN: 1660-6043

    This series welcomes and encourages the dialogue between demography and family studies to revitalize social history as well as sociology and population studies. An international network of scholars based at the Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies of the University of Geneva has initiated an open-minded series that seeks to reflect the latest developments in research. The collection emphasizes comparative and international perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing from history, economics, statistics, sociology, geography, demography, and cultural anthropology. Innovative methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative analysis which allow authors to reformulate old problems and ask new questions are particular welcome. The series publishes both individual and collective volumes. The first group encompasses case studies or monographs coming from the Swiss or the international scientific world, including the best Ph.D. dissertations. The second group refers to collective volumes organized around a topic emerging from a scientific debate, with contributions from various disciplinary fields and/or geographic horizons. Cette collection a pour ambition d'accueillir et de promouvoir le dialogue entre les démographes et les spécialistes de la famille, dialogue qui renouvelle profondément tant l'histoire sociale que la sociologie contemporaine. Animée par un réseau international qui s'appuie sur le Laboratoire de Démographie et d'Etudes Familiales de l'Université de Genève, la collection est largement ouverte et veut refléter les dynamiques de recherche les plus récentes. Elle privilégie les perspectives comparatives, internationales, ainsi que les approches interdisciplinaires, celles qui mêlent les apports de l'histoire, de l'économie, de la statistique, de la sociologie, de la géographie, de la démographie, de l'anthropologie culturelle, etc. L'innovation méthodologique, dans les domaines du qualitatif aussi bien que du quantitatif, qui permet de refonder les problématiques et d'articuler de nouvelles questions, est particulièrement saluée. La collection accueille aussi bien des contributions individuelles que collectives. Dans le premier groupe se rangent les monographies ou travaux de synthèse issus du milieu scientifique suisse et international, en ce compris les meilleures thèses de doctorat. Le second groupe réunit des recueils d'articles organisés autour d'un thème qui émerge dans le débat scientifique, et qui requiert le croisement de regards venus de multiples horizons disciplinaires et/ou géographiques. This series welcomes and encourages the dialogue between demography and family studies to revitalize social history as well as sociology and population studies. An international network of scholars based at the Laboratory of Demography and Family Studies of the University of Geneva has initiated an open-minded series that seeks to reflect the latest developments in research. The collection emphasizes comparative and international perspectives, as well as interdisciplinary approaches drawing from history, economics, statistics, sociology, geography, demography, and cultural anthropology. Innovative methodologies for both qualitative and quantitative analysis which allow authors to reformulate old problems and ask new questions are particular welcome. The series publishes both individual and collective volumes. The first group encompasses case studies or monographs coming from the Swiss or the international scientific world, including the best Ph.D. dissertations. The second group refers to collective volumes organized around a topic emerging from a scientific debate, with contributions from various disciplinary fields and/or geographic horizons.

    38 publications

  • Participation in Broadband Society

    This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre.

    7 publications

  • Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History . Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. From Vol. 4 onwards, the series continues as Studies in Contemporary History .

    3 publications

  • Travel Writing Across the Disciplines

    Theory and Pedagogy

    The recent critical attention devoted to travel writing enacts a logical transition from the ongoing focus on autobiography, subjectivity, and multiculturalism. Travel extends the inward direction of autobiography to consider the journey outward and intersects provocatively with studies of multiculturalism, gender, and subjectivity. Whatever the journey's motive--tourism, study, flight, emigration, or domination--journey changes both the country visited and the self that travels. Travel Writing Across the Disciplines welcomes studies from all periods of literature on the theory and/or pedagogy of travel writing from various disciplines, such as social history, cultural theory, multicultural studies, anthropology, sociology, religious studies, literary analysis, and feminist criticism. The volumes in this series explore journey literature from critical and pedagogical perspectives and focus on travel as metaphor in cultural practice. The recent critical attention devoted to travel writing enacts a logical transition from the ongoing focus on autobiography, subjectivity, and multiculturalism. Travel extends the inward direction of autobiography to consider the journey outward and intersects provocatively with studies of multiculturalism, gender, and subjectivity. Whatever the journey's motive--tourism, study, flight, emigration, or domination--journey changes both the country visited and the self that travels. Travel Writing Across the Disciplines welcomes studies from all periods of literature on the theory and/or pedagogy of travel writing from various disciplines, such as social history, cultural theory, multicultural studies, anthropology, sociology, religious studies, literary analysis, and feminist criticism. The volumes in this series explore journey literature from critical and pedagogical perspectives and focus on travel as metaphor in cultural practice. The recent critical attention devoted to travel writing enacts a logical transition from the ongoing focus on autobiography, subjectivity, and multiculturalism. Travel extends the inward direction of autobiography to consider the journey outward and intersects provocatively with studies of multiculturalism, gender, and subjectivity. Whatever the journey's motive--tourism, study, flight, emigration, or domination--journey changes both the country visited and the self that travels. Travel Writing Across the Disciplines welcomes studies from all periods of literature on the theory and/or pedagogy of travel writing from various disciplines, such as social history, cultural theory, multicultural studies, anthropology, sociology, religious studies, literary analysis, and feminist criticism. The volumes in this series explore journey literature from critical and pedagogical perspectives and focus on travel as metaphor in cultural practice.

    13 publications

  • Warsaw Studies in Culture and Society

    "The main aim of this book series is to cross borderlines of traditionally defined fields of studies: cultural anthropology, media and communication studies, sociology, political science, social geography and regional studies, history as well as social psychology. Contributions adopting comparative perspective and focusing on Central and Eastern Europe region are preferred; however other approaches and areas are also welcomed. Among a wide variety of topics the series will address issues of a domination of popular culture over classic forms of cultural works, revival and change of regional and national identity, virtual social networks and their impact on “real” group formation and performance, transformation of collective memories and reinterpretation of the past, culturally patterned political attitudes, cultural and social consequences of migrations and globalization of labor markets, grappling with permanent and rapid social changes, depersonalization of social relations in an electronic era, universality of media-affected ways of lives, perpetuation and evolution of political culture, social structure transformations, interrelations of ethnic and cultural minorities with dominant groups, and many others. In short, the series ”Warsaw Studies in Culture and Society” is open for a variety of high-standard academic publications reevaluating old and tackling new problems troubling contemporary societies. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, post-conference volumes as well as dissertations. "

    3 publications

  • Childhood Studies

    ISSN: 2379-934X

    "For many years, the field of Childhood Studies has crossed disciplinary boundaries that include, but are not limited to, anthropology, art, education, history, humanities, and sociology by addressing diverse histories, cultures, forms of representation, and conceptualizations of «childhood». The publications in the Rethinking Childhood Series have supported this work by challenging the universalization of childhood and introducing reconceptualized, critical spaces from which increased social justice and possibilities are generated for those who are younger. This newly named Childhood Studies Series in the global 21st century is created to continue this focus on social justice for those who are younger, but also to broaden and further explore conceptualizations of privilege, justice, possibility, responsibility and activism. Authors are encouraged to consider «childhood» from within a context that would decenter human privilege and acknowledge environmental justice and the more-than-human Other, while continuing to research, act upon, and transform beliefs, public policy, societal institutions, and possibilities for ways of living/being in the world for all of us. Boundary crossings are of greater importance than ever as we live unprecedented technological change, violence against living beings that are not labeled human (through experimentation, industrialization, and medicine), plundering of the earth, and gaps between the privileged and the marginalized (whether rich/poor, human/nonhuman). Along with continued concerns related to social justice, equity, poverty, and diversity, some authors in the Childhood Studies Series will choose to think about, and ask questions like: What does it mean to be a younger human being within such a world? What are the values, education, and forms of care provided within this context; and can/how should these dispositions and practices be transformed? Can childhood studies, and the diverse forms of representation and practice associated with it, conceptualize and practice a more just world broadly, while avoiding utopian determinisms and continuing to remain critical and multiple? "

    13 publications

  • Kurdish People, History and Politics

    ISSN: 2701-3030

    Kurdish People, History and Politics is envisioned as a series to create new knowledge about the Kurds. The social basis of Kurdish Studies began to widen in the latter part of the twentieth century, growing in the context of major political and cultural changes on the global and regional levels including the coming to power of the Kurdistan Regional Government in the wake of the 1991 U.S. war against Iraq, the process of peace negotiation between the Turkish State and the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) since the 1990s, and in more recent years, the struggle of the Syrian Kurds in Rojava (Northern Syria) for self-determination. In the last three decades, an expanded network of Kurdish Studies scholars have borrowed theoretical and methodological approaches from feminist studies, cultural studies, anti-colonial and anti-racist epistemology. This series pushes the boundaries of existing scholarship through a robust engagement with critiques of nationalism, patriarchy, class, colonialism, and orientalism, with the aim of contributing to the renewal of Kurdish Studies in two distinctive ways: First, it aims to prevail over the limitations imposed on knowledge production and dissemination on the Kurds and their homeland of Kurdistan, in Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq. Second, it strives to broaden the social base of Kurdish Studies, which until the mid-twentieth century was primarily conducted by Western academics specializing in the anthropological study of the Kurdish people, languages and culture. The series encourages authors to engage with theoretical frameworks that allow a radical break with the colonial, orientalist, and nationalist traditions of knowledge production, exploring social media, democratization, border studies, and geographies of resistance in the context of Kurdish diaspora through this critical lens. We welcome proposals for monographs, oral history projects, anthologies, edited collections, and projects interdisciplinary and collaborative in nature.

    4 publications

  • (Post-)Critical Global Childhood & Youth Studies

    This book series focuses on critical and post-critical research in global childhood and youth studies. It aims to trace the stimulating exchange of ideas on contemporary issues affecting children and young people around the world while exploring possibilities for local and global social change. That is, the intent is to situate and possibly deconstruct the systems of reasoning that govern human development and education, including deconstructing Euro-American critical paradigms. The series encourages innovative writing formats as well as novel theoretical and methodological approaches to co-producing knowledge in fields such as: urban, rural and indigenous childhood & youth; children's rights; alternative sexual identities; social policy, ecology and youth activism; diverse faith communities; immigration and intersectionality; mobile Internet, digital futures, and global education. It will discuss the geopolitics of knowledge, feminisms in the majority world, and decolonial and anthropological perspectives, among others. It is addressed to relevant scholars from all over the world as well as to global policy makers and employees at international organizations and NGOs interested in theoretical and methodological innovation in childhood and youth studies.

    7 publications

  • Studies in Contemporary History

    Reconsidering the Cold War historiography’s focus on high politics, conflict and confrontation, this series encourages the development of new research that explores ties and similarities transcending the political divide in Europe. It also welcomes new approaches to the history of Central and East European societies under dictatorships: approaches which shed light on individual and collective agency and show high politics as only one of several factors of change. Research in contemporary history still often mentally maps Europe as divided into a West and an East. This overemphasizes barriers between people who often shared similar values and tastes, practices and technologies, between interrelated social phenomena or just neighboring regions. In a similar way, narratives of Central and Eastern Europe often tend to reflect a simplistic vision centered on the conflict between the “regime” and “society”. This overemphasizes the role of crude domination and hinders understanding of the reproduction, evolution and normalization of European communist regimes up to 1989. We seek contributions that employ approaches from history, especially those which integrate insights gained from neighboring disciplines, such as sociology, anthropology, political science, or cultural and gender studies. Discussions of comparative and transnational perspectives are particularly welcome. The series was formerly known as Warsaw Studies in Contemporary History .

    8 publications

  • Black Studies and Critical Thinking

    ISSN: 1947-5985

    Black Studies and Critical Thinking is an interdisciplinary series which examines the intellectual traditions of and cultural contributions made by people of African descent throughout the world. Whether it is in literature, art, music, science, or academics, these contributions are vast and far-reaching. As we work to stretch the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, this series offers a unique opportunity to study the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped the historic experience of Black America, and that continue to determine our future. Black Studies and Critical Thinking is positioned at the forefront of research on the Black experience, and is the source for dynamic, innovative, and creative exploration of the most vital issues facing African Americans. The series invites contributions from all disciplines but is specially suited for cultural studies, anthropology, history, sociology, literature, art, and music. Subjects of interest include (but are not limited to): Education, Sociology, History, Media/Communication, Spirituality and Indigenous Thought, Women’s Studies, Policy Studies, Advertising, African American Studies, Black Political Thought.

    164 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas

    ISSN: 2378-0975

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Diasporas opens a discursive space in diaspora scholarship in all fields of the humanities and social sciences. The volumes published in this series comprise studies that explore and contribute to an understanding of diasporas from a broad spectrum of cultural, literary, linguistic, anthropological, historical, political, and socioeconomic perspectives, as well as theoretical and methodological approaches. The series welcomes original submissions from individually and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. All proposals and manuscripts are peer reviewed.

    22 publications

  • Hip Hop Studies and Activism

    ISSN: 2690-6872

    Hip Hop Studies and Activism book series is the first ever book series dedicated to hip hop studies. This series is an intersectional, interdisciplinary liberatory project that promotes justice, equity, and inclusion. Hip Hop Studies and Activism book series will connect with a broad range of disciplines such as feminism, globalization, economics, science, history, environmental studies, media studies, political science, sociology, religion, anthropology, philosophy, education, and cultural studies. Against apolitical scholarship, Hip Hop studies argues for an engaged critical praxis that promotes the listening and defending space and place for marginalized and silenced communities especially Communities of Color and Youth of Color. Hip hop activism is committed to social action, advocacy, and activism, while other book series are more rooted in theory and apolitical analysis. We will therefore, make a strong effort to publish People and Youth of Color.

    8 publications

  • Asian Pacific Studies

    ISSN: 2572-4886

    Asian Pacific Studies, a new policy-oriented academic field, provides abundant knowledge including International Politics, Social Science, Business, Economics, History, Anthropology and Environmental Studies in the Asia Pacific region.

    1 publications

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