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  • Schola Nisibina - Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin

    ISSN: 2566-6002

    The history of the cultures that share a common Aramaean heritage stretches over 3000 years, but there is a danger that these communities will permanently disappear from the Near East. It is more important than ever to preserve the remainder of their cultural heritage, yet social scientific and cultural studies on these cultures have only just begun. To promote such research, members of Aramaean diaspora created the Research Centre of Aramaean Studies as an academic institute. This centre aims to broaden the perspective of historical investigation of these communities as well as reevaluate models for historical research. Exchange between Aramaean and non-Aramaean scholars will address new problems and questions. The Research Centre of Aramaean Studies publishes their findings in the series Schola Nisibina – Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin. Die Geschichte der aramäisch geprägten Kulturen lässt sich über 3000 Jahre zurückverfolgen, doch ist zu befürchten, dass sie heute im Vorderen Orient endgültig untergehen. Die Reste ihres kulturellen Erbes zu sichern, ist daher dringender geboten denn je, doch noch steht ihre sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Erforschung am Anfang. Um sie voranzutreiben, haben sich aramäische Bürger dazu entschlossen, mit der Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien eine universitäre Institution dafür zu schaffen. Sie trägt zu einer Öffnung der Geschichtswissenschaften und zu einer Überprüfung historischer Modelle bei. Im Austausch zwischen aramäischen und nichtaramäischen Wissenschaftlern werden neue Fragestellungen erprobt. In der Reihe Schola Nisibina – Beṯ Sefro da-Nṣiḇin veröffentlicht die Forschungsstelle für Aramäische Studien ihre Ergebnisse.

    4 publications

  • Asian American Studies

    The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome. The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome. The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome.

    1 publications

  • Mondes de langue portugaise

    ISSN: 2795-6105

    The "Worlds of Portuguese Language" series encompasses different cultural domains related to the Portuguese language without restrictions of thematic, historical or geographical kind. The underlining notion of language is that of a space of deconstruction, conducive to a broader reflection on spatial and temporal correlations, forms of porosity, mobility and exchange within a broad thematic and disciplinary horizon. To promote interdisciplinarity for a global understanding of cultural phenomena is one of our main concerns. From intercultural and plurilingual heritage, and their embodiment of a certain idea of ​​translation, to visual and performing arts, the series welcomes reflections on the text in its different literary modes (whether lyrical, narrative or dramatic) and on inter-artistic approaches which bring together different semiotic systems. Questions arising from postcolonial and postdictatorial memory will put in perspective major research topics related to the representation of the physical and social body, migration and new approaches to pedagogy and teaching. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino. Mondes de langue portugaise est une collection qui a pour vocation d’aborder les divers domaines culturels en lien avec la langue portugaise sans restriction thématique, temporelle ou géographique. La langue est ici conçue comme espace de déconstruction, propice à une réflexion élargie sur les mobilités spatio-temporelles, les porosités, les échanges et les communications dans un large horizon thématique et disciplinaire. L’objectif est de valoriser l’interdisciplinarité pour une compréhension globale des phénomènes culturels. Les héritages interculturels et plurilingues, leurs rapports avec une idée de traduction sont abordés ainsi que les arts visuels et de la scène, le texte dans ses différents modes (lyrique, narratif, dramatique), en ouvrant sur une approche inter artistique qui comprend plusieurs systèmes sémiotiques. A partir des questions de la mémoire post postcoloniale et post-dictatoriale, sont mises en perspective des thématiques abordant les représentations du corps physique et social, la migration ainsi que les nouvelles approches de pédagogie et d’enseignement. --------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino.

    5 publications

  • Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction / Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und Interaktion

    ISSN: 1866-878X

    Based in Prague, the series "Prague Papers on Language, Society and Interaction / Prager Arbeiten zur Sprache, Gesellschaft und Interaktion" primarily covers the sociolinguistic reality of Central Europe as well as the territory of the former Soviet bloc, which is still underrepresented in international linguistics scholarship. Theoretically and methodologically, the series continues in the sociolinguistic heritage of the Prague School of Linguistics, enriched by contemporary sociolinguistic, discourse analytic, ethnographic and ethnomethodological approaches.

    7 publications

  • A Critical Introduction to Media and Communication Theory

    The study of the media has led scholars to apply a humbling array of theories in their efforts to analyze messages, media systems, audiences and media themselves. One of the strengths of media studies has been its flexibility as it incorporates humanist and social scientific ideas in our work. This series is focused on theories, methods, schools of thought, domains of intellectual struggle, and individual thinkers whose importance to the study of the media can be reconfigured, reinvented, and refocused. Each of the specially commissioned books in the series shares a concern for the heritage of thought in the field of communication. These books provide sophisticated discussions of the relevance of particular theorists or theories, with an emphasis on reinventing communication and media studies, whether by incorporating ideas thought by some to be 'outside' the field, or by providing fresh analyses of ideas that have long been considered central to media studies. Though theoretical in focus, the books are at all times concerned with the applicability of theory to empirical research and experience, and are designed to be accessible, yet critical, for students - undergraduates and postgraduates - and scholars. 

    16 publications

  • Crosscurrents: New Studies on the Middle East

    ISSN: 2381-2443

    "This series will publish book-length manuscripts pertaining to the peoples of the Middle East. The Middle East is understood in the broadest sense associated with the term, and is reflective of widely shared socio-religious patterns, histories, and heritages. For the purpose of this series, the Middle East will include what is more commonly referred to as the Near East (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel/Palestine); North Africa (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Chad, the Sudans, and Somalia); Turkey and Iran; Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the countries of the Arab Gulf; and, finally, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Central Asian Republics. The series will be interdisciplinary and inclusive of diverse topics and methodologies. Representative fields will include art, art history, architecture, language and literature, history, politics, economics, and religion. Reinterpretations, as well as investigations of the hitherto uninvestigated, will be especially welcomed. "

    5 publications

  • Studies in the British Mesolithic and Neolithic

    ISSN: 2297-1068

    Studies in the British Mesolithic and Neolithic presents the results of fieldwork and excavation as well as works of interpretation from all perspectives on the British Neolithic revolution. Archaeological methodology is augmented where appropriate with interdisciplinary techniques, reflecting contemporary practice in the discipline. Throughout the emphasis is on work which makes new contributions to the debate about the transition between hunter gatherer and farming cultures during this pivotal stage in British prehistory. The series supports the archaeological community both in providing an appropriate forum for research reports as well as supporting interpretative work including cross-disciplinary research. It takes its inspiration from the work of the University of Buckingham’s excavations at Blick Mead in the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. Studies in the British Mesolithic and Neolithic is based at the Humanities Research Institute, University of Buckingham.

    3 publications

  • Archipelagic Studies

    ISSN: 2732-5253

    This series focuses on the islands of the North Atlantic archipelago and on the water that surrounds those islands from pre-history through to the eighteenth century. Moving beyond traditional national histories, the series will highlight research that examines localities or regions bounded by geography and transnational studies of the insular world, and connections between peoples and societies within the archipelago and their neighbours to the south (Brittany) and the north (Norway and beyond). Archipelagic studies will explore a range of themes (landscape, society, culture, language, religion, trade networks) and incorporate a number of disciplines and approaches (archaeology, heritage, history, literature, historical ecology, environmental, marine, political, social).

    1 publications

  • Pilgrimage Studies

    From the Islamic Hajj to journeys to an ancestral homeland, pilgrimages are growing global phenomena with far-reaching national, political, societal, economical, religious, and cultural impact. Globalization, which has led to increased possibilities of travel and interconnectivity, underpins the growth of pilgrimages, as does the contemporary notion that pilgrimages are framed as journeys of meaning constructed by pilgrims. Despite universal exemplars of pilgrimage, there is a dearth of multidisciplinary, and multilingual, literature on the topic. This series aims to fuse multiple streams of pilgrimage discourse and provide a forum for formerly disparate conversations on the pilgrimage phenomenon. Proposals are welcome for monographs and edited collections that explore the intersection of pilgrimage with topics such as identity, heritage, ethnicity and genealogy, political power, nationalism, gender and sexuality, architecture, law, technology, climate and geography, and health and wellbeing. Additionally, manuscripts that represent new perspectives on existing pilgrimage sites and historical narratives are welcome and contributions from non-Anglo authors will be considered. All inquiries should be directed to Heather A. Warfield, Series Editor: heather@heatherawarfield.com.

    6 publications

  • Caribbean Studies

    Caribbean Studies treats all aspects of Caribbean culture and society, including, but not necessarily limited to, literatures, history, film, music, art, geography, politics, languages, and social sciences. Studies may focus on European, Amerindian, African, or Asian heritages or on a combination of any/all of the above. Linear and chronological approaches, as well as comparative studies are welcome. Places and/or cultures under study may include English-, Spanish-, French-, or Dutch-speaking areas in any time frame or discipline. Manuscripts may be written in English, Spanish, or French, preferably in the language in which the author feels most comfortable. Studies may be on contemporary or previous periods and, if appropriate, can draw comparisons with other global regions.

    27 publications

  • Relations financières internationales / International Financial Relations

    The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.). La « Fondation internationale Triffin », établie près l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), s’est fixé pour objectif de constituer un centre dédié à la poursuite du travail scientifique et à la valorisation de l’héritage intellectuel de Robert Triffin (1911-1993) sur le système monétaire international, et plus généralement dans les domaines de l’économie, de la finance et des sciences sociales. Les publications de la collection « Relations financières internationales » assurent la promotion de travaux individuels et collectifs dont les thèmes centraux sont ceux auxquels Robert Triffin était particulièrement attaché – l’Union européenne des paiements, la création de Droits de Tirage Spéciaux, le Système monétaire européen. La collection accueille également des ouvrages qui abordent les futures difficultés auxquelles sera confronté le système monétaire international à l’aube du XXIe siècle, tels que les effets extérieurs de l’Union économique et monétaire européenne, les nouvelles tâches du Fonds monétaire international ou la prévention des crises financières. The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.).

    5 publications

  • Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature

    The series is designed to advance the publication of research pertaining to themes and motifs in literature. The studies cover cross-cultural patterns as well as the entire range of national literatures. They trace the development and use of themes and motifs over extended periods, elucidate the significance of specific themes or motifs for the formation of period styles, and analyze the unique structural function of themes and motifs. By examining themes or motifs in the work of an author or period, the studies point to the impulses authors received from literary tradition, the choices made, and the creative transformation of the cultural heritage. The series will include publications of colloquia and theoretical studies that contribute to a greater understanding of literature.

    130 publications

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