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Journalism in a Fractured World
©2025 Monographs -
The Margins of Journalism
©2025 Monographs -
Die interaktive Hervorbringung von Kreativität
Eine interaktionslinguistische Perspektive auf Kreativität in Werbeagenturen©2024 Monographs -
Twentieth Century Frontierswoman
A Rhetorical Biography of Almena Davis Lomax, Journalist©2023 Monographs -
New Media Theories
©2023 Monographs -
Investigative Journalism in the United States
A History, with Profiles of Journalists and Writers Who Practiced the Form©2023 Monographs -
Spatialities, Materialities and Communication in South India
©2023 Monographs -
Black Lives Matter and the Press
How Major U.S. Newspapers Covered Police Brutality Against African Americans, from Rodney King to George Floyd©2023 Monographs -
Ceguera contextual
La tecnología digital y la siguiente etapa de la evolución humana©2023 Monographs -
Women Studies
©2022 Monographs -
Gandhi, Advocacy Journalism, and the Media
©2022 Monographs -
Les chaînes de télévisions celtiques face à la globalisation
Résistance, convergence et déterritorialisations©2022 Monographs -
Marvelous Rise of Superheroes in Cinema
Evolution of the Genre from Sequels to Universes©2022 Monographs -
Media – Migration – Politics
Discursive Strategies in the Current Czech and Slovak Context©2022 Monographs -
The Presidential Campaign in the Republic of Korea in 2017
The Role of Social Media©2022 Monographs -
Pirate Waves
Polish Private Radio Broadcasting in the Period of Transformation 1989–1995©2022 Monographs -
Alkoholismus im DDR-Dokumentarfilm – Regie Eduard Schreiber
Eine filmhistorische Mikrostudie zur (ost-)deutschen Mediengeschichte©2021 Monographs -
Verbale Aspekte Deutsch-Kirgisischer interkultureller Kommunikation
©2021 Monographs