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Skill Formation Regimes in South Asia
A Comparative Study on the Path-Dependent Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training for the Garment Industry©2011 Thesis -
Thinking and the Sense of Life
A Comparative Study of Young People in Germany and Japan- Educational Consequences©2015 Monographs -
History Education as Content, Methods or Orientation?
A Study of Curriculum Prescriptions, Teacher-made Tasks and Student Strategies©2016 Thesis -
Diaspora Studies in Education
Toward a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Transnational Communities©2015 Textbook -
Studies in Bilingual Education
©2011 Edited Collection -
Transforming Language Teaching and Learning
Three International Teacher Education Studies©2018 Monographs -
Essays and Studies in Middle English
9th International Conference on Middle English, Philological School of Higher Education in Wrocław, 2015©2017 Edited Collection -
Higher Education Privatization in Kuwait
A Study in the Processes of Policy Production©2019 Monographs -
Two-Way Immersion in Biel/Bienne, Switzerland: Multilingual Education in the Public Primary School Filière Bilingue (FiBi)
A Longitudinal Study of Oral Proficiency Development of K-4 Learners in Their Languages of Schooling (French and (Swiss) German)©2020 Monographs -
Happening in Education – An Empirical Study
©2021 Monographs -
Effects of Education on Job Levels, Earnings, Vocational Aspirations, and Job Satisfaction of Industrial Workers
An Analytical-Empirical Study on Economic Benefits of Education©1990 Thesis