18 results
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  • Title: Musical Romania and the Neighbouring Cultures

    Musical Romania and the Neighbouring Cultures

    Traditions – Influences – Identities- Proceedings of the International Musicological Conference- July 4–7 2013, Iaşi (Romania)
    by Laura Vasiliu (Volume editor) Florin Luchian (Volume editor) Loredana Iatesen (Volume editor) 2014
    ©2014 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Power of Theater

    The Power of Theater

    Actors and Spectators in Ancient Rome
    by Miroslaw Kocur (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Peace and Peacemaking in Paul and the Greco-Roman World

    Peace and Peacemaking in Paul and the Greco-Roman World

    by Edward M. Keazirian (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Ethics of Ancient Greece and Rome

    Ethics of Ancient Greece and Rome

    by Dorota Probucka (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Title: Et in Arcadia ego. Roma come luogo della memoria nelle culture europee • Et in Arcadia ego. Rome as a memorial place in European cultures

    Et in Arcadia ego. Roma come luogo della memoria nelle culture europee • Et in Arcadia ego. Rome as a memorial place in European cultures

    Le strade che portano alla Città eterna • The roads leading to the Eternal City
    by Artur Gałkowski (Volume editor) Stefano Cavallo (Volume editor) Katarzyna Kowalik (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Myth and Ideology

    Myth and Ideology

    by Cyril Levitt (Volume editor) Sabine Sander (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Textualization of Experience

    Textualization of Experience

    Studies on Ancient Greek Literature
    by Paweł Majewski (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece

    Cyprian Norwid and the History of Greece

    by Maciej Junkiert (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Monographs
  • Title: Muse on Madison Avenue

    Muse on Madison Avenue

    Classical Mythology in Contemporary Advertising
    by Karelisa Hartigan (Author)
    ©2002 Monographs
  • Title: The Classical Tradition in Czech Medieval Art

    The Classical Tradition in Czech Medieval Art

    Translated from the Czech by Gerard Turner and Torquil Carlisle
    by Jan Bazant (Author)
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: God and the Poetic Ego

    God and the Poetic Ego

    The Appropriation of Biblical and Liturgical Language in the Poetry of Palamas, Sikelianos and Elytis
    by Anthony Hirst (Author)
    ©2004 Monographs
  • Title: The New History of Political Theory

    The New History of Political Theory

    Ancient Greece to the Modern World
    by Garrett Ward Sheldon (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Textbook
  • Title: «Phädon», or «On the Immortality of the Soul»

    «Phädon», or «On the Immortality of the Soul»

    Translated by Patricia Noble- With an Introduction by David Shavin
    by Patricia Noble (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Antike – Recht – Geschichte

    Antike – Recht – Geschichte

    Symposion zu Ehren von Peter E. Pieler- unter Mitwirkung von Birgit Forgó-Feldner, Elisabeth Kossarz, Lucian M. Röthlisberger und Philipp Scheibelreiter
    by Nikolaus Benke (Volume editor) Franz-Stefan Meissel (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Others
  • Title: Deisidaimonía. Religiosidad y superstición en la Grecia Antigua. Homenaje al profesor Emilio Suárez de la Torre

    Deisidaimonía. Religiosidad y superstición en la Grecia Antigua. Homenaje al profesor Emilio Suárez de la Torre

    by Jesús-M. Nieto Ibañez (Volume editor) Angel Ruiz Pérez (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Others
  • Title: Sparta: History, State and Society

    Sparta: History, State and Society

    by Ryszard Kulesza (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: A Heritage of Her Own?

    A Heritage of Her Own?

    Allusion and Tradition in Female-Authored Poetry of the Hellenistic Age
    by Amy Martin (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Hybris: Literatura y Cultura Latinoamericanas

    ISSN: 2736-5298

    Since Ancient Greece and the classical era, philosophers, artists and critics have delved into the relationships between literature and other arts. First it was painting and plastic arts –ut pictura poesis, by Simónides de Ceos and Horacio–, later on music, architecture, theatrical representation, sculpture and already, in modern and contemporary times, photography, cinema, television, the mass media. At present this vast and stimulating field of cultural and artistic hybridizations has been completed with new technologies and all "transmedia narratives", generating concepts and transversal actions attached to digital creation and new communicative realities: touch-media, cross-media, intermediality, transmediality, hypertextuality, multimodality, etc. This collection, Hybris: Latin American Literature and Culture, intends, on the one hand, to investigate in the diachronic sense that these relationships have been emerging in the literary and cultural field, understood as aesthetic, practical, leveling and technical borrowing parameters between arts and, therefore the other, is to reflect from a philosophical, social, cultural and theoretical perspective on the possibilities offered by such hybridizations, always within a Latin American context. In classical mythology, Hybris was the goddess of excess, insolence, the absolute absence of moderation, and evoked the need to go beyond limits. This new concept of Hybris intends to insist on the mythological marks of transgression, erasing borders between the arts, shaking the tendency to subdivision and containment and, at the same time, it also demandings identification with the Latin term hybrida, which alludes to the racial or cultural mixing. Hybridization and symbiosis between arts will therefore be the outlines and contexts in which these studies will be invested. Desde la Antigua Grecia y la época clásica, filósofos, artistas y críticos han profundizado en las relaciones entre la literatura y otras artes. Primero fue la pintura y artes plásticas –ut pictura poesis, de Simónides de Ceos y Horacio–, más adelante la música, la arquitectura, la representación teatral, la escultura y ya, en la época moderna y contemporánea, la fotografía, el cine, la televisión, los mass media. En la actualidad este vasto y estimulante campo de hibridaciones culturales y artísticas se ha completado con las nuevas tecnologías y todas las "narrativas transmedia", generando conceptos y actuaciones transversales anejas a la creación digital y a las nuevas realidades comunicativas: touch-media, cross-media, intermedialidad, transmedialidad, hipertextualidad, multimodalidad, etc. Esta colección, Hybris: Literatura y Cultura Latinoamericanas, pretende, por un lado, indagar en el sentido diacrónico que estas relaciones han ido perfilando en el campo literario y cultural entendidos como parámetros estéticos, prácticos, de nivelación y préstamos técnicos entre artes y, por otro, reflexionar desde una perspectiva filosófica, social, cultural y teórica sobre las posibilidades que ofrecen tales hibridaciones, siempre dentro de un contexto latinoamericano. En la mitología clásica, Hybris era la diosa de la desmesura, la insolencia, la ausencia absoluta de moderación, y evocaba la necesidad de traspasar límites. Este nuevo concepto de Hybris pretende insistir en las marcas mitológicas de la transgresión, borrando fronteras entre las artes, sacudiendo la tendencia a la parcelación y a la contención y, a la vez, reclama también la identificación con el término latino hybrida, que alude a la mezcla de sangre. Hibridación y simbiosis entre artes serán, por tanto, los contornos y contextos en los que se imbricarán estos estudios.

    16 publications

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