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Open Access
  • Title: Variazioni sull'apocalisse

    Variazioni sull'apocalisse

    Un percorso nella cultura occidentale dal Novecento ai giorni nostri
    by Alessandro Baldacci (Volume editor) Anna Małgorzata Brysiak (Volume editor) Tomasz Skocki (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Diálogos de serie

    Diálogos de serie

    Una aproximación a la construcción discursiva de personajes basada en corpus
    by Luisa Chierichetti (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: El detective mutante

    El detective mutante

    Las adaptaciones cinematográficas y televisivas de Pepe Carvalho
    by Rubén Romero Santos (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: TV Transformations & Transgressive Women

    TV Transformations & Transgressive Women

    From Prisoner: Cell Block H to Wentworth
    by Radha O’Meara (Volume editor) Tessa Dwyer (Volume editor) Stayci Taylor (Volume editor) Craig Batty (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: La Ficción Criminal de Dolores Redondo

    La Ficción Criminal de Dolores Redondo

    La Criminología Forense y lo Sobrenatural
    by Emilio Ramón García (Author) 2022
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: Diálogos entre la literatura española áurea, el cine y la ficción televisiva

    Diálogos entre la literatura española áurea, el cine y la ficción televisiva

    Nuevas perspectivas de estudio en la era digital
    by Rafael Malpartida (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Title: Documentary in Finland

    Documentary in Finland

    History, Practice and Policy
    by Jouko Aaltonen (Author) Pietari Kääpä (Author) Dafydd Sills-Jones (Author) 2023
    ©2023 Monographs
  • Title: The Scandinavian Invasion

    The Scandinavian Invasion

    Nordic Noir and Beyond
    by Richard McCulloch (Volume editor) William Proctor (Volume editor) 2022
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry

    Streaming the Formula 1 Rivalry

    Sport and the Media in the Platform Age
    by Raymond Boyle (Author) Richard Haynes (Author) 2024
    ©2024 Textbook
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