
Transitivity in Translating

The Interdependence of Texture and Context

by Maria Calzada Pérez (Author)
©2007 Monographs XXII, 324 Pages


This book proposes an overall framework of communication (including translation) that follows CDA (Critical Discourse Analysis)/CL (Critical Linguistics) principles; it devises an analytic tool for the study of transitivity in translation along Hallidayian-functionalist lines; and it incorporates a contrastive corpus of 52 speeches made before the European Parliament in English and Spanish on 9th March 1993 together with their corresponding translations. Both sentence and textual levels become units of analysis. Also, quantitative and qualitative methods are applied.
The author analyses the various types of transitivity shifts at sentence level. She also shows that these shifts have contextual effects. Another focus of this study is to present how certain transitivity shifts group together.


XXII, 324
ISBN (Softcover)
Transitivität Übersetzung Diskursanalyse Kontrastive Grammatik Translating Textual Linguistic Discourse Analysis Pragmatic Semiotic Interpreting
Bern, Berlin, Bruxelles, Frankfurt am Main, New York, Oxford, Wien, 2007. XXII, 324 pp.

Biographical notes

Maria Calzada Pérez (Author)

The Author: María Calzada Pérez is a lecturer in translation and English at Jaume I University (Castellón, Spain). She studied at the University of Granada and the University of Essex and completed her Ph.D. at Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh, UK). She is author of La aventura de la traducción: Dos monólogos de Alan Bennett (2001), a book on translating Alan Bennett’s Talking Heads; she is editor of Apropos of Ideology: Translation Studies on Ideology / Ideologies in Translation Studies (2003).


Title: Transitivity in Translating