17 results
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  • Title: «Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas

    «Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas

    Idées, langue, déterminants. Tome 1 / Ideas, language, politics. Volume 1
    by Anna Kukułka-Wojtasik (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: «Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas

    «Translatio» et Histoire des idées / «Translatio» and the History of Ideas

    Idées, langue, déterminants. Tome 2 / Ideas, language, politics. Volume 2
    by Anna Kukułka-Wojtasik (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: L’idée séparatiste dans la presse anglo-musulmane du Bengale

    L’idée séparatiste dans la presse anglo-musulmane du Bengale

    Le cas du «Star of India», 1937-1947
    by Thierry Di Costanzo (Author)
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Bible in History / La Bible dans l'histoire

    ISSN: 2235-5723

    Bible in History focuses on biblical interpretation in different ages and countries and is a series dedicated to studies of biblical exegesis as well as to research about principles of interpretation relevant to interpreters of the Bible. The series is open to studies focusing on philological and theological aspects of particular Bible passages but it also welcomes publications in the field of history of biblical interpretation that study the development of new ideas and their impact on the interpretation of the text. Editions of textual variants as well as of influential old and modern commentaries are also within the scope of this series. Ayant pour but l'étude de l'interprétation biblique à travers les époques et dans des pays différents, la Bible dans l'Histoire est une collection consacrée à la recherche exégétique ainsi qu'à l'étude des principes qui déterminent la compréhension des commentateurs. Etant ouverte à l'exégèse biblique dans son aspect philologique et théologique, cette collection cherche par ailleurs à promouvoir les publications dans le domaine de l'histoire d'interprétation, ainsi que celles étudiant comment l'introduction des nouveaux principes a permis l'ajustement de l'ancien sens à la réalité d'aujourd'hui. L'édition des variantes textuelles ainsi que des commentaires anciens et modernes correspondent aussi au but fixé à cette collection. Bible in History focuses on biblical interpretation in different ages and countries and is a series dedicated to studies of biblical exegesis as well as to research about principles of interpretation relevant to interpreters of the Bible. The series is open to studies focusing on philological and theological aspects of particular Bible passages but it also welcomes publications in the field of history of biblical interpretation that study the development of new ideas and their impact on the interpretation of the text. Editions of textual variants as well as of influential old and modern commentaries are also within the scope of this series.

    10 publications

  • Title: Jacques-René Rabier

    Jacques-René Rabier

    Fonctionnaire-militant au service d’une certaine idée de l’Europe
    by Michel Theys (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Monographs
  • Comparatisme et Société / Comparatism and Society

    ISSN: 1780-4515

    «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience.

    49 publications

  • Title: Pour la paix en Europe / For Peace in Europe

    Pour la paix en Europe / For Peace in Europe

    Institutions et société civile dans l’entre-deux-guerres / Institutions and Civil Society between the World Wars
    by Marta Petricioli (Volume editor) Donatella Cherubini (Volume editor)
    ©2007 Edited Collection
  • Title: L’électricité et les pouvoirs locaux en France (1880–1980)

    L’électricité et les pouvoirs locaux en France (1880–1980)

    Une autre histoire du service public
    by François-Mathieu Poupeau (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Monographs
  • Title: Brève histoire de la Poste en France

    Brève histoire de la Poste en France

    Depuis 1945
    by Muriel Le Roux (Volume editor) Sébastien Richez (Volume editor) 2016
    ©2016 Edited Collection
  • Europe plurielle/Multiple Europes

    The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations. La collection « Europe plurielle » tente d’’analyser à la fois la richesse du passé dont l’’Europe est issue et la complexité de son présent à travers une lecture transdisciplinaire, historique et globale – en un mot : plurielle. L’’histoire de l’’Europe et l’’histoire de l’’intégration européenne se sont influencées mutuellement dans le passé et continuent à le faire. Il existe, en effet, une tension inhérente entre elles. Mais le terme « Europe » renvoie à un espace et à un signifié bien plus amples et complexes que celui d’’« Union Européenne ». Par ailleurs, l’’histoire européenne s’’est trop longtemps penchée sur elle-même et doit à présent s’’articuler aux relations internationales en général. Les relations entre l’’idée de l’’Europe, l’’histoire européenne, l’’histoire mondiale et l’’intégration européenne doivent donc être abordées de façon plus large dans un dialogue interdisciplinaire qui intègre également une réflexion critique à l’’intérieur de chaque discipline. Tels sont les objectifs de la collection. The series «Multiple Europes» is multiple in two ways: it understands Europe in an interdisciplinary manner with a strong historical perspective, and it understands Europe as being inserted in transnational and global contexts. On both levels, the perspectives on Europe and the very role and understanding of Europe is multiple. The special emphasis of the series thus lies in understanding the pasts of Europe as well as its complex present. The history of Europe and the history of European integration have influenced each other in the past and will continue to do so in the future. There is an inbuilt tension in the relation between European history and the history of European integration. Europe signifies a space and semantics much broader and more complex than the EU. The relations between ideas of Europe, European history, global history and European integration need to be faced more openly. In order to do this, an open dialogue between academic disciplines is just as necessary as critical self-reflection within each discipline. Furthermore, European history was preoccupied with looking at itself and needs to be connected to global relations.

    51 publications

  • Euroclio

    Etudes et Documents / Studies and Documents

    ISSN: 0944-2294

    «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. The «Études et Documents» series consists of monographs, collections of articles, conference proceedings, and collections of texts with notes for teaching purposes. The «Références» series consists of bibliographies, guides and other tools. It thus contributes to the creation of a database making up a «Permanent catalogue of sources and bibliographies on European construction». « Euroclio » est un projet scientifique et éditorial, un réseau d’institutions de recherche et de chercheurs, un forum d’idées. « Euroclio », en tant que projet éditorial, comprend deux versants : le premier versant concerne les études et documents, le second versant les instruments de travail. L’un et l’autre visent à rendre accessibles les résultats de la recherche, mais également à ouvrir des pistes en matière d’histoire de la construction/intégration/unification européenne. La collection « Euroclio » répond à un double objectif : offrir des instruments de travail, de référence, à la recherche ; offrir une tribune à celle-ci en termes de publication des résultats. La collection comprend donc deux séries répondant à ces exigences : la série « Études et Documents » et la série « Références ». Ces deux séries s’adressent aux bibliothèques générales et/ou départements d’histoire des universités, aux enseignants et chercheurs, et dans certains cas, à des milieux professionnels bien spécifiques. La série « Études et Document s» comprend des monographies, des recueils d’articles, des actes de colloque et des recueils de textes commentés à destination de l’enseignement. La série « Références » comprend des bibliographies, guides et autres instruments de travail, participant ainsi à la création d'une base de données constituant un « Répertoire permanent des sources et de la bibliographie relatives à la construction européenne ». «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. The «Études et Documents» series consists of monographs, collections of articles, conference proceedings, and collections of texts with notes for teaching purposes. The «Références» series consists of bibliographies, guides and other tools. It thus contributes to the creation of a database making up a «Permanent catalogue of sources and bibliographies on European construction».

    110 publications

  • Euroclio

    ISSN: 0946-9737

    «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. The «Études et Documents» series consists of monographs, collections of articles, conference proceedings, and collections of texts with notes for teaching purposes. The «Références» series consists of bibliographies, guides and other tools. It thus contributes to the creation of a database making up a «Permanent catalogue of sources and bibliographies on European construction».

    1 publications

  • Outre-Mers

    ISSN: 2034-8428

    Contrary to certain preconceptions concerning globalisation, the phenomenon is not a recent one. In the past, many regions around the world have been incorporated into a dominant social and economic system at varying rates and to varying degrees. Their history has also become the history of Europe for which these regions have become so many “Overseas”. This collection is open in part to works dedicated to these Overseas regions and in part to works on their relationships with Europe. The aim of the collection is to bring together works concentrating rather on cross-perspectives than readings based on radical, generally univocal confrontations. Alongside these monographs and collective research works, the collection also makes room for the publication of documents and work tools designed not only to contribute to changing these problems but also to make it easier to exploit as yet unknown or little known sources. Michel Dumoulin (Université Catholique de Louvain) and Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Royal Museum for Central Africa and Université Catholique de Louvain) are managing the collection with the help of an editorial committee. Malgré certaines idées reçues au sujet de la globalisation, celle-ci ne constitue pas un phénomène récent. Au fil du temps, les différentes parties du monde ont été intégrées, selon des rythmes et une amplitude variant de l’une à l’autre, à un système économique et social dominant. L’histoire de ces régions est aussi devenue celle de l’Europe pour laquelle elles sont devenues autant d’Outre-Mers. C’est aux travaux consacrés à ces Outre-Mers, d’une part ; aux rapports qu’ils ont entretenus avec l’Europe, d’autre part, que cette collection est ouverte dans le souci d’accueillir des approches privilégiant les regards croisés plutôt que les lectures fondées sur des confrontations radicales le plus souvent univoques. Au côté de monographies et résultats de recherches collectives, la collection ménage une place aux éditions de documents et aux instruments de travail destinés à contribuer au renouvellement des problématiques mais aussi à faciliter l’exploitation de sources peu ou pas encore connues. La collection est placée sous la direction de Michel Dumoulin (Université catholique de Louvain) et Patricia Van Schuylenbergh (Musée royal de l’Afrique centrale et Université catholique de Louvain) secondés par un comité éditorial.

    10 publications

  • Title: Les droits de l’homme en Europe depuis 1945 / Human Rights in Europe since 1945

    Les droits de l’homme en Europe depuis 1945 / Human Rights in Europe since 1945

    by Antoine Fleury (Volume editor) Lubor Jilek (Volume editor) Carole Fink (Volume editor)
    ©2003 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Food Cultures in Medieval Europe

    Food Cultures in Medieval Europe

    by Antonella Campanini (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Monographs
  • Studies in Early Modern European Culture / Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna

    The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES. The scholarly series Studies in Early Modern European Culture aims at publishing scholarly works in the areas of Venetian studies, early modern and modern history, and cultural studies. The publications in the series originate from research work conducted at the CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies), the Boston University research centre located in Padova, Italy. The series includes monographs in English and Italian which reflect the interdisciplinary activities of the CIES. In exceptional cases, the series will accept also works produced by scholars not working at, or affiliated with, CIES. La collana Studi sulla cultura europea della prima età moderna comprende monografie, raccolte di saggi ed edizioni di testi nell’area degli studi veneziani e veneti, di storia delle idee della prima età moderna, e nell’area, sempre relativa alla prima età moderna, degli studi culturali. Le pubblicazioni della collana nascono dalle attività di ricerca condotte al CIES (Center for Italian and European Studies) della Boston University, sede di Padova. La collana pubblica testi in italiano e inglese, che riflettono le ricerche interdisciplinari condotte al CIES. In casi eccezionali la collana accoglierà anche testi di studiosi non affiliati con il CIES.

    8 publications

  • Yourcenar

    ISSN: 2030-7314

    Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). L’actualité de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar ne fait aucun doute. Passé un moment de réception enthousiaste et plutôt déférente de ses écrits, auréolés et très médiatisés par son admission comme première femme à l’Académie française en 1981, il semble que la recherche ait pris un virage vers la critique attentive de l’enracinement de l’écrivaine dans son siècle. À l’examen des grands thèmes comme la mort, le sacré, la nature, l’histoire, etc., ont succédé des questions plus comparatistes, plus théoriques telles le rapport texte/image ou plus incisives telles l’écologie, la dimension de genre, l’engagement politique, etc. Et l’œuvre répond présente : la matière semble inépuisable, non seulement les romans mais les nouvelles, les nombreux essais, le théâtre, la correspondance, etc. La collection « Yourcenar » a pour ambition de présenter à un public universitaire académique ou non, ainsi qu’aux nombreux passionnés de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar, un état des lieux régulier de la recherche, par la publication de monographies, de volumes collectifs, d’actes de colloques et d’essais issus de thèses de doctorat. Elle encourage les points de vue transdisciplinaires. L’objectif de publication est de deux volumes par an, en français ou en anglais. La collection est dirigée par Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) et Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain).

    2 publications

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