812 results
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  • Title: Dangers of Narrative and Fictionality

    Dangers of Narrative and Fictionality

    A Rhetorical Approach to Storytelling in Contemporary Western Culture
    by Samuli Björninen (Volume editor) Pernille Meyer (Volume editor) Maria Mäkelä (Volume editor) Henrik Zetterberg-Nielsen (Volume editor)
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TENDEV 2023

    Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TENDEV 2023

    Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Development facing the Climate Change
    by Jean Vasile Andrei (Volume editor) Nicoleta MATEOC-SÎRB (Volume editor) Andrea Feher (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: A Sense of Europe from Within

    A Sense of Europe from Within

    An interdisciplinary anthology
    by Léonce Bekemans (Author)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Espaces à saisir

    Espaces à saisir

    Interstices et communs urbains
    by Didier Boisseuil (Volume editor) Ulrike Krampl (Volume editor) Marie-Pierre Lefeuvre (Volume editor) José Serrano (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Reproduction of Armenianness in Diasporic Spaces

    Reproduction of Armenianness in Diasporic Spaces

    A Comparative Analysis of Armenianness in Turkish, Lebanese and British Cases
    by Mustafa Tayfun Üstün (Author)
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Brian Friel's Dramatic Artistry

    Brian Friel's Dramatic Artistry

    'The Work has Value'
    by Donald E. Morse (Volume editor) Csilla Bertha (Volume editor) Maria Kurdi (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Edited Collection
  • Title: 100 Jahre «Das Heilige»

    100 Jahre «Das Heilige»

    Beiträge zu Rudolf Ottos Grundlagenwerk
    by Wolfgang Gantke (Volume editor) Vladislav Serikov (Volume editor)
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Narrating the Passions

    Narrating the Passions

    New Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Literature
    by Simona Corso (Volume editor) Beth Guilding (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern

    Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in pädagogischen Handlungsfeldern

    Grundlagen, Verankerung und Methodik in ausgewählten Lehr-Lern-Kontexten
    by Martin K. W. Schweer (Author)
    ©2016 Edited Collection
  • Title: Social Spaces and Social Relations

    Social Spaces and Social Relations

    Introduction by Anthony Giddens
    by Małgorzata Bogunia-Borowska (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
  • Title: Zwischen Ideal und Ambivalenz

    Zwischen Ideal und Ambivalenz

    Geschwisterbeziehungen in ihren soziokulturellen Kontexten
    by Ulrike Schneider (Volume editor) Helga Völkening (Volume editor) Daniel Vorpahl (Volume editor) 2015
    ©2015 Edited Collection
  • Title: D.A.


    A Transdisciplinary Handbook of Design Anthropology
    by Yana Milev (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: «Ocak» und «Dedelik»

    «Ocak» und «Dedelik»

    Institutionen religiösen Spezialistentums bei den Aleviten- Redaktion: İrem Wedekind
    by Robert Langer (Volume editor) Hüseyin Aguicenoglu (Volume editor) Janina Karolewski (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Politics of Passion

    The Politics of Passion

    Reframing Affect and Emotion in Global Modernity
    by Dirk Wiemann (Volume editor) Lars Eckstein (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Ossian and National Epic

    Ossian and National Epic

    by Gerald Bär (Volume editor) Howard Gaskill (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Tumour Hypoxia

    Tumour Hypoxia

    Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Implications
    by Silvia Pastorekova (Volume editor) Juraj Kopacek (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Europe et sciences modernes

    Europe et sciences modernes

    Histoire d’un engendrement mutuel
    by Vincent Jullien (Volume editor) Efthymios Nicolaidis (Volume editor) Michel Blay (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Développement durable, communautés et sociétés

    Développement durable, communautés et sociétés

    Dynamiques socio-anthropologiques
    by Josiane Stössel-Ritz (Volume editor) Maurice Blanc (Volume editor) Nicole Mathieu (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Sportives dans leur genre ?

    Sportives dans leur genre ?

    Permanences et variations des constructions genrées dans les engagements corporels et sportifs
    by Monica Aceti (Volume editor) Christophe Jaccoud (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Collective Identity and Democracy in the Enlarging Europe

    Collective Identity and Democracy in the Enlarging Europe

    by Magdalena Góra (Volume editor) Zdzislaw Mach (Volume editor) Katarzyna Zielinska (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Vom «Krieg aller gegen alle» zum staatlichen Gewaltmonopol und zurück?

    Vom «Krieg aller gegen alle» zum staatlichen Gewaltmonopol und zurück?

    Herrschaftliche und private Gewalt in europäischer, internationaler und ideengeschichtlicher Perspektive
    by Paul Ertl (Volume editor) Jodok Troy (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: «Ich kann ja nicht androgyn werden.»

    «Ich kann ja nicht androgyn werden.»

    Geschlechtsspezifische Aspekte in der Mediation
    by Stefanie Granzner-Stuhr (Volume editor) Ilse M. Pogatschnigg (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Das Dritte in Kunst und Therapie

    Das Dritte in Kunst und Therapie

    by Peter Sinapius (Volume editor) Annika Niemann (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Public Private Partnership

    Public Private Partnership

    Finanzierungsformen und Risikoallokation als Herausforderung für mittelständische Bauunternehmen
    by Gotthold A. Balensiefen (Volume editor) Carsten Merten (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Sport and Doping

    Sport and Doping

    The Analysis of an Antagonistic Symbiosis
    by Eike Emrich (Volume editor) Werner Pitsch (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
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