192 results
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  • Title: Demons, Hamlets and Femmes Fatales

    Demons, Hamlets and Femmes Fatales

    Representations of Irish Republicanism in Popular Fiction
    by Jayne Steel (Author) 2015
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: The Anglo-Arab Encounter

    The Anglo-Arab Encounter

    Fiction and Autobiography by Arab Writers in English
    by Geoffrey Nash (Author) 2012
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Surrealism, History and Revolution

    Surrealism, History and Revolution

    by Simon Baker (Author) 2012
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Codifying the National Self

    Codifying the National Self

    Spectators, Actors and the American Dramatic Text
    by Barbara Ozieblo (Volume editor) María Dolores Narbona-Carrión (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Irish Women Playwrights 1900-1939

    Irish Women Playwrights 1900-1939

    Gender and Violence on Stage
    by Cathy Leeney (Author) 2012
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Real and Imagined Women in British Romanticism

    Real and Imagined Women in British Romanticism

    by Gaura Shankar Narayan (Author) 2009
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Buffoonery in Irish Drama

    Buffoonery in Irish Drama

    Staging Twentieth-Century Post-Colonial Stereotypes
    by Kathleen Heininge (Author) 2009
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: Das Verborgene sichtbar machen

    Das Verborgene sichtbar machen

    Ethnische Minderheiten in der österreichischen Literatur der neunziger Jahre
    by Roxane Riegler (Author) 2010
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Imperial Affliction

    Imperial Affliction

    Eighteenth-Century British Poets and Their Twentieth-Century Lives
    by Thomas Simmons (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: The Fragmented Female Body and Identity

    The Fragmented Female Body and Identity

    The Postmodern, Feminist, and Multiethnic Writings of Toni Morrison, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Phyllis Alesia Perry, Gayl Jones, Emma Pérez, Paula Gunn Allen, and Kathy Acker
    by Pamela B. June (Author) 2010
    ©2011 Monographs
  • Title: Ekstase im Kontext

    Ekstase im Kontext

    Mittelalterliche und neuere Diskurse einer Entgrenzungserfahrung
    by Christa Tuczay (Author) 2011
    ©2009 Others
  • Title: Kriegs- und Nachkriegskindheiten

    Kriegs- und Nachkriegskindheiten

    Studien zur literarischen Erinnerungskultur für junge Leser
    by Gabriele von Glasenapp (Volume editor) Hans-Heino Ewers-Uhlmann (Volume editor) 2011
    ©2008 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Geschichte und Gedächtnis in der Literatur vom 18. bis 21. Jahrhundert

    Geschichte und Gedächtnis in der Literatur vom 18. bis 21. Jahrhundert

    by Janusz Golec (Volume editor) Irmela von der Lühe (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Die Suche nach «Heimat»

    Die Suche nach «Heimat»

    Heimatkonzeptionsversuche in Prosatexten zwischen 1989 und 2001
    by Andrea Lobensommer (Author) 2011
    ©2010 Thesis
  • Title: Folklore in British Literature

    Folklore in British Literature

    Naming and Narrating in Women’s Fiction, 1750-1880
    by Sarah R. Wakefield (Author) 2012
    ©2006 Monographs
  • Title: Homoplot


    The Coming-Out Story and Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Identity
    by Esther Saxey (Author)
    ©2008 Textbook
  • Title: Space


    New Dimensions in French Studies
    by Emma Gilby (Volume editor) Katja Haustein (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Lies Before Our Eyes

    Lies Before Our Eyes

    The Denial of Gender from the Bible to Shakespeare and Beyond
    by Karen Love (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: Love and Sexuality

    Love and Sexuality

    New Approaches in French Studies
    by Sarah Donachie (Volume editor) Kim Harrison (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Violence, Culture and Identity

    Violence, Culture and Identity

    Essays on German and Austrian Literature, Politics and Society
    by Helen Chambers (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Authentic Fictions

    Authentic Fictions

    Cosmopolitan Writing of the Troisième République, 1908–1940
    by Tom Genrich (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Mediating the Past

    Mediating the Past

    Gustav Freytag, Progress, and German Historical Identity, 1848-1871
    by Alyssa Lonner (Author)
    ©2005 Monographs
  • Title: Depicting Desire

    Depicting Desire

    Gender, Sexuality and the Family in Nineteenth Century Europe: Literary and Artistic Perspectives
    by Rachael Langford (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Die Weisheit des Fremden

    Die Weisheit des Fremden

    Studien zur mittelalterlichen Alexandertradition- Mit einem allgemeinen Teil zur Fremdheitswahrnehmung
    by Florian Kragl (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: La conversion. Expérience spirituelle, expression littéraire

    La conversion. Expérience spirituelle, expression littéraire

    Actes du colloque de Metz (5-7 juin 2003)
    by Nicolas Brucker (Volume editor)
    ©2005 Conference proceedings
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