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Open Access
  • New Trends in Translation Studies

    ISSN: 1664-249X

    In today’'s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community. This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical. New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed. This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.

    44 publications

  • Italian Modernities

    ISSN: 1662-9108

    The series aims to publish innovative research on the written, material and visual cultures and intellectual history of modern Italy, from the 19th century to the present day. It is open to a wide variety of different approaches and methodologies, disciplines and interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to archival history, from cultural studies to material culture, from film and media studies to art history. It is especially interested in work which articulates aspects of Italy's particular, and in many respects, peculiar, interactions with notions of modernity and postmodernity, broadly understood. It also aims to encourage critical dialogue between new developments in scholarship in Italy and in the English-speaking world. The Italian Modernities series also includes the Panoramas sub-series. These volumes provide accessible, wide-ranging, research-led accounts of significant new trends, emerging fields of study and new methodologies within work on modern Italian culture, history and related disciplines.

    46 publications

  • L’Europe alimentaire / European Food Issues / Europa alimentaria / L’Europa alimentare

    ISSN: 2033-7892

    For several decades now, our attention has been drawn to expanding agricultural output and the proliferation of powerful food companies. At the same time, in the process of European integration, the adoption of the Codex Alimentarius (1963), the Food Law (2002), and the recognition of PGIs for many products have contributed to the creation of a common European "food space". Today, these systems of supply and distribution have between them given Europeans quite varied dietary possibilities. This situation stems from various developments, linking the economic to the technical and amounting to a long-term trend. Cultural issues bear upon this, whether culinary transmission from generation to generation or the increasingly diverse catering sector, and political decisions also contribute through the establishment of standards and regulations. Hence, traditions and ruptures, innovations and continuities are permanently unsettling the European diet. Using original sources, doctoral theses, conference papers, monographs and testimonies, this series examines historical developments at the national scale and also, more generally, in a transnational perspective. The series hopes to make a significant contribution to understanding the processes of food innovation, which are powerful factors of difference and identity in contemporary Europe. All volumes in this series passed a selection process that included double blind peer-review. Le développement des rendements agricoles et la croissance de puissantes industries agroalimentaires ont focalisé l’attention depuis plusieurs décennies. Dans le processus de construction européenne, l’adoption du Codex alimentarius (1963), la Food law (2002) et la reconnaissance des IGP sur de nombreux produits contribuent désormais à unifier un espace alimentaire communautaire. Les Européens disposent de moyens d’approvisionnement et de distribution variés pour constituer leur alimentation. Cette situation procède d’évolutions plurielles, liant l’économique et le technique, et s’inscrit en fait dans la longue durée. Des enjeux culturels y sont associés, qu’il s’agisse de transmissions culinaires générationnelles ou de l’offre de restauration très diversifiée. Des choix politiques y contribuent également, par la mise en place de normalisations et de règlements. Traditions et ruptures, nouveautés et continuités bouleversent en permanence l’alimentation des Européens. Par des recueils de sources, des thèses, des actes de colloques, des monographies érudites et des témoignages, cette collection interroge les évolutions historiques et sociétales, par pays ou plus globalement dans une perspective transnationale. Elle souhaite apporter une connaissance sur des processus d’innovations alimentaires qui constituent de puissants facteurs de différences et d’identités mêlées de l’Europe contemporaine. Tous les volumes de cette collection sont publiés après double révision à l'aveugle par des pairs.

    18 publications

  • Lodz Studies in Language

    The prolific series Lodz Studies in Language aims at providing a forum for contributions to the study of Linguistics, especially in English Language and Literature. The monographs and collected volumes of the series focus on Corpus Linguistics, Pragmatics and Language Pedagogy, with such various topics as the cognitive aspects of Linguistics, identity via language, trends in Linguistics and Translational Studies and language and media. The prolific series Lodz Studies in Language aims at providing a forum for contributions to the study of Linguistics, especially in English Language and Literature. The monographs and collected volumes of the series focus on Corpus Linguistics, Pragmatics and Language Pedagogy, with such various topics as the cognitive aspects of Linguistics, identity via language, trends in Linguistics and Translational Studies and language and media. The prolific series Lodz Studies in Language aims at providing a forum for contributions to the study of Linguistics, especially in English Language and Literature. The monographs and collected volumes of the series focus on Corpus Linguistics, Pragmatics and Language Pedagogy, with such various topics as the cognitive aspects of Linguistics, identity via language, trends in Linguistics and Translational Studies and language and media.

    78 publications


    Studien zur Sprache und Literatur / Studies in Language and Literature

    Im Rahmen der Reihe „Littera" erscheinen seit 2005 Studien zur Sprache und Literatur. Sie deckt ein breites Spektrum aktueller Trends in der germanistischen und anglistischen Linguistik ab und ist auch offen für weitere Philologien sowie für interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Die Bandbreite der Themen reicht von interkultureller Kommunikation und kontrastiver Linguistik bis hin zur Literaturtheorie des Strukturalismus. Schwerpunktmäßig bietet die Reihe einen Ort für Brückenschläge zwischen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft, wie sie seit langem, verstärkt in jüngerer Zeit, unter den Schlagwörtern „Literaturlinguistik", „Linguistische Poetik" bzw. „Linguistische Literaturwissenschaft" immer wieder vorgenommen werden.

    8 publications

  • Methodology of Music Research

    Die Buchreihe “Methodology of Music Research“ präsentiert aktuelle und grundlegende Studien aus der Musikwissenschaft. Die Sammelbände und Monographien decken dabei ein breites Themenspektrum ab, von der Musiktheorie, interdisziplinären und pädagogischen Aspekten der Musikwissenschaft, musikwissenschaftlicher Methodik bis zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Trends und Perspektiven der Musikwissenschaft. Die Buchreihe “Methodology of Music Research“ präsentiert aktuelle und grundlegende Studien aus der Musikwissenschaft. Die Sammelbände und Monographien decken dabei ein breites Themenspektrum ab, von der Musiktheorie, interdisziplinären und pädagogischen Aspekten der Musikwissenschaft, musikwissenschaftlicher Methodik bis zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Trends und Perspektiven der Musikwissenschaft. Die Buchreihe “Methodology of Music Research“ präsentiert aktuelle und grundlegende Studien aus der Musikwissenschaft. Die Sammelbände und Monographien decken dabei ein breites Themenspektrum ab, von der Musiktheorie, interdisziplinären und pädagogischen Aspekten der Musikwissenschaft, musikwissenschaftlicher Methodik bis zur kritischen Auseinandersetzung mit Trends und Perspektiven der Musikwissenschaft.

    12 publications


    Schriften zu Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften / Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences

    Dia-Logos. Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences is a peer-reviewed book series publishing valuable monographs and edited volumes on various aspects of philosophy and social sciences. The series is intended to be an interdisciplinary forum of deliberation according to our firm belief that challenges of the contemporary world require common and multilevel research. The Dia-Logos series does not represent a single ideology or school of thought, but it is open to different trends and various styles of reflection, trying to understand better the contemporary world. We invite the submission of manuscripts of monographs and edited volumes from academic philosophers and social scientists.

    33 publications

  • Maritime Logistik / Maritime Logistics

    Editors Homepage: http://www.isl.org/ Page d'accueil des éditeurs : http://www.isl.org/ Ziel dieser Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Seeverkehrswirtschaft und Logistik (ISL) ist es, Aspekte und Entwicklungen aus den verschiedenen Bereichen der maritimen Logistikbranchen aufzugreifen und aktuelle Trends und Perspektiven zu diskutieren. Dabei meint Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics nicht nur die klassischen Bereiche wie Schifffahrt, Häfen, Schiffbau oder Verkehrspolitik, sondern schließt auch die Betrachtung der vielen weiteren Akteure in den globalen Transportketten ein, die direkt oder indirekt an den Logistikprozessen der maritimen Wirtschaft beteiligt sind. Aufgegriffen werden logistische Fragestellungen zu Themen wie z.B. Hinterlandverkehr und intermodale Verkehre, Mesologistik und regionale Netzwerke wie GVZ und Logistikzentren, nachhaltige Geschäftsmodelle und Ressourceneffizienz oder Supply Chain Controlling. Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe Maritime Logistik – Maritime Logistics stehen aber auch informationslogistische Themen wie die Planung und Überwachung intermodaler Transportketten durch ein aktives Supply Chain Event Management, die Sicherheit und Transparenz im internationalen Containerverkehr oder die Planungsunterstützung und Optimierung logistischer Prozesse in Häfen und Terminals mit Hilfe quantitativer Methoden. Homepage der Herausgeber: http://www.isl.org/

    9 publications

  • Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie. Studies in Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology

    ISSN: 1865-083X

    The book series Contributions to Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology has been published since 2010 with the aim of documenting new scientific approaches and topical trends from the highly differentiated fields of educational and rehabilitative psychology. The previous main topics were related to basic phenomena of memory and learning, new learning methods which can be used in school lessons and rehabilitative training, learning and adjustment disorders as well as coping with traumatic experiences e.g., after severe natural disasters, such as the 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia. The monographs and anthologies are edited by certified psychologist, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in German and English. Die Reihe Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie erscheint seit 2010 mit dem Ziel, neue wissenschaftliche Zugänge und aktuelle Trends aus den weit verzweigten Gebieten der Pädagogischen Psychologie und der Rehabilitationspsychologie zu dokumentieren. Schwerpunkte liegen auf Basisphänomenen von Gedächtnis und Lernen, neuen Lernmethoden, die in Unterricht und Rehabilitation Anwendung finden können, Lern- und Anpassungsstörungen sowie der Verarbeitung traumatischer Erlebnisse, z. B. nach schweren Naturkatastrophen wie dem Tsunami 2004 in Südostasien. Die Monographien und Sammelbände werden von Frau Diplompsychologin, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in deutscher und englischer Sprache herausgegeben.

    10 publications

  • Education beyond Borders

    Studies in Educational and Academic Mobility and Migration

    The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued.

    2 publications

  • Forum Junge Romanistik

    Die Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ bildet die editorische Plattform für die gleichnamigen romanistischen Nachwuchskolloquien, die seit mehr als 25 Jahren mit jährlich wechselnden Veranstaltern zu jeweils unterschiedlichen Rahmenthemen stattfinden. Die Besonderheit des „Forums Junge Romanistik“ liegt in seiner gesamtromanistischen Konzeption, die sich auch in der fachlichen Vielfältigkeit der Beiträge widerspiegelt. Die Einzelpublikationen der Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ geben damit einen Einblick in die aktuelle Forschungslandschaft sämtlicher Teilbereiche des Fachs und zeigen methodisch-theoretische wie thematische Trends und Tendenzen der romanistischen Forschungsdiskussion auf. Die Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ bildet die editorische Plattform für die gleichnamigen romanistischen Nachwuchskolloquien, die seit mehr als 25 Jahren mit jährlich wechselnden Veranstaltern zu jeweils unterschiedlichen Rahmenthemen stattfinden. Die Besonderheit des „Forums Junge Romanistik“ liegt in seiner gesamtromanistischen Konzeption, die sich auch in der fachlichen Vielfältigkeit der Beiträge widerspiegelt. Die Einzelpublikationen der Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ geben damit einen Einblick in die aktuelle Forschungslandschaft sämtlicher Teilbereiche des Fachs und zeigen methodisch-theoretische wie thematische Trends und Tendenzen der romanistischen Forschungsdiskussion auf. Die Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ bildet die editorische Plattform für die gleichnamigen romanistischen Nachwuchskolloquien, die seit mehr als 25 Jahren mit jährlich wechselnden Veranstaltern zu jeweils unterschiedlichen Rahmenthemen stattfinden. Die Besonderheit des „Forums Junge Romanistik“ liegt in seiner gesamtromanistischen Konzeption, die sich auch in der fachlichen Vielfältigkeit der Beiträge widerspiegelt. Die Einzelpublikationen der Reihe „Forum Junge Romanistik“ geben damit einen Einblick in die aktuelle Forschungslandschaft sämtlicher Teilbereiche des Fachs und zeigen methodisch-theoretische wie thematische Trends und Tendenzen der romanistischen Forschungsdiskussion auf.

    6 publications

  • Poznań Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik

    ISSN: 2191-3536

    The series Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik was established in 2011 by Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer and, until 2018, has been co-edited by Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer and Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik. From 2019 on, Prof. Maciej Karpiński is co-editing the series under the new title Poznan Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik. The series has been established in order to disseminate research by publishing monographs and edited collections of texts from the broad field of Applied Linguistics. The thematic range of books includes foreign language teaching, multilingualism, translation studies, linguistic aspects of culture, intercultural communication and mediation, multimodal communication, applications of spoken and written language resources and technology, application-oriented studies in psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmalinguistics. The series is intended to reflect and promote new trends in the applications of linguistic knowledge. We encourage contributions from young researchers and interdisciplinary studies, texts presenting new empirical research as well as new theoretical approaches. Die Reihe Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik wurde 2011 von Prof. Waldemar Pfeiffer begründet und bis 2018 von ihm in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik herausgegeben. Seit 2019 ist Prof. Maciej Karpiński als Mitherausgeber tätig, der Titel wurde erweitert in Poznań Studies in Applied Linguistics / Posener Beiträge zur Angewandten Linguistik. Die Reihe setzt sich das Ziel, Monographien, thematische Sammel- und Konferenzbände aus dem weit verstandenen Gebiet der Angewandten Linguistik einer internationalen wissenschaftlichen Diskussion zugänglich zu machen. Die thematische Spannweite umfasst innovative Arbeiten aus den Bereichen Fremdsprachendidaktik, Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung und Translationswissenschaften sowie Forschungen zu linguistischen Aspekten von Literatur-, Medien- und Kulturwissenschaften, Interkulturalität und Mediation, multimodaler Kommunikation, schriftlicher wie mündlicher Sprachlichkeit und Sprachtechnologie. Eingeschlossen sind anwendungsorientierte Forschungen in den Bereichen der Psycho-, Sozio- und Pragmalinguistik. Bevorzugt publiziert werden sowohl empirisch gestützte wie auch theorieorientierte Arbeiten jüngerer Autorinnen und Autoren, die inter- und transdisziplinäre Ansätze verfolgen und innovative Forschungsimpulse setzen. Academic Advisory Board / Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Prof. Dr. Dorothee Beermann Hellan, NTNU Trondheim (Norway) Prof. Dr. Silvia Bonacchi, Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brehmer, Universität Greifswald (Germany) Prof. Dr. Ulrike Gut, Universität Münster (Germany) Prof. Dr. Marianne Hepp, Università di Pisa (Italy) emer. o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Krumm, Universität Wien (Austria) Prof. Dr. Jiří Nekvapil, Univerzita Karlova Praga (Czech Republic) Prof. Dr. Izabela Prokop, Uniwersytet Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu (Poland) Prof. Dr. Dietmar Rösler, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen (Germany) Series Editors / Kontakt zu den Herausgebern der Reihe: Prof. Dr. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik cbkizik@amu.edu.pl Prof. Dr. Maciej Karpiński maciej.karpinski@amu.edu.pl Sitz der Redaktion: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej al. Niedpodległości 4 Collegium Novum 61-874 Poznań

    14 publications

  • Changing Democracy and Systems of Differences and Adjustments

    "The series is intended as a collection of original and critical political-philosophicalworks as well as interdisciplinary studies on contemporary trends within democracy, its counter-actors, and transparent–global market players. Authors representing various backgrounds and standpoints are encouraged in order to engage in the political philosophy; theoretical and mathematical analyses on politics; cyber society; environments; economics; civil, constitutional, and international law (e.g. legal transplants); human rights; social psychology; and sociology. The series used to collect the best global achievements and standards. Accordingly, the series has been provided in Spanish, Japanese, [Modern] Greek, German, French, and English but all double-peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts should contain an English translation of its detailed contents and a résumé written in English. The world of the social has been rich enough to suggest no leading theoretical standpoint and no approaches of investigations are expected as imposed to the subject but normative studies on changing democracy and systems of differences and adjustments are not preferred because every non-changeable thing/idea disappears."

    1 publications

  • Studies in Classical Literature and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9779

    The series explores a wide range of topics within classical studies concentrating on Greek and Latin language, ancient literature and culture as well as its reception. It includes monographs, collections of articles and critical editions presented by scholars from around the world and aims to bring together modern approaches like literary theory and cultural studies with traditional philology represented by textual criticism. Encouraging an interdisciplinary point of view it aims at giving a comprehensive picture of new trends and recent achievements in classics. The series explores a wide range of topics within classical studies concentrating on Greek and Latin language, ancient literature and culture as well as its reception. It includes monographs, collections of articles and critical editions presented by scholars from around the world and aims to bring together modern approaches like literary theory and cultural studies with traditional philology represented by textual criticism. Encouraging an interdisciplinary point of view it aims at giving a comprehensive picture of new trends and recent achievements in classics. The series explores a wide range of topics within classical studies concentrating on Greek and Latin language, ancient literature and culture as well as its reception. It includes monographs, collections of articles and critical editions presented by scholars from around the world and aims to bring together modern approaches like literary theory and cultural studies with traditional philology represented by textual criticism. Encouraging an interdisciplinary point of view it aims at giving a comprehensive picture of new trends and recent achievements in classics.

    21 publications

  • Jahrbuch des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau

    Das "Jahrbuch des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau" bietet ein Forum zur Diskussion aktueller Fragen aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Themen sind unter anderem gegenwärtige Trends in der Betriebswirtschaft und unternehmerische Risiken Das Herausgebergremium setzt sich aus Professoren der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten Rechnungswesen, Finanzmanagement und Marktforschung zusammen. Das "Jahrbuch des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau" bietet ein Forum zur Diskussion aktueller Fragen aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Themen sind unter anderem gegenwärtige Trends in der Betriebswirtschaft und unternehmerische Risiken Das Herausgebergremium setzt sich aus Professoren der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten Rechnungswesen, Finanzmanagement und Marktforschung zusammen. Das "Jahrbuch des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft der Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau" bietet ein Forum zur Diskussion aktueller Fragen aus dem Gebiet der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Themen sind unter anderem gegenwärtige Trends in der Betriebswirtschaft und unternehmerische Risiken Das Herausgebergremium setzt sich aus Professoren der Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten Rechnungswesen, Finanzmanagement und Marktforschung zusammen.

    3 publications

  • Masculinity Studies

    Literary and Cultural Representations

    ISSN: 2161-2692

    In line with the latest trends within masculinity scholarship, the books in this series deal with representations of masculinities in culture, in general, and literature, in particular. The aim of this series is twofold. On the one hand, it focuses on studies that question traditionally normative representations of masculinities. On the other, it seeks to highlight new alternative representations of manhood, looking for more egalitarian models of manhood in and through literature and culture. Besides literary representations, the series is open to studies of masculinity in cinema, theatre, music, as well as all kinds of artistic and visual representations.

    11 publications

  • Education Management

    ISSN: 1947-6256

    The Education Management: Contexts, Constituents, and Communities (EM:c3) series includes the best scholarship on the varied dynamics of educational leadership, management, and ad-ministration across the educational continuum. In order to disseminate ideas and strate-gies useful for schools, colleges, and the education community, each book investigates critical topics missing from the extant literature and engages one or more theoretical perspectives. This series bridges the gaps between the traditional management research, practical approaches to academic administration, and the fluid nature of organizational realities. Additionally, the EM:c3 series endeavors to provide meaningful guidance on con-tinuing challenges to the effective and efficient management of educational contexts. Volumes in the series foreground important policy/praxis issues, developing professional trends, and the concerns of educational constituencies. The aim is to generate a corpus of scholarship that discusses the unique nature of education in the academic and social spaces of all school types (e.g., public, private, charter, parochial) and university types (e.g., public, private, historically black, tribal institutions, community colleges). The EM:c3 series offers thoughtful research presentations from leading experts in the fields of educational administration, higher education, organizational behavior, pub-lic administration, and related academic concentrations. Contributions represent re-search on the United States as well as other countries by comparison, address issues related to leadership at all levels of the educational system, and are written in a style ac-cessible to scholars, educational practitioners and policymakers throughout the world.

    17 publications

  • Studies in Literary Criticism and Theory

    The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature. The focus of this series is on studies of all literary genres that elucidate and interpret works of art in the context of criticism and theory. Theory and criticism are held to provide the hermeneutically most rewarding access to specific authors, works, and issues under consideration. Studies of a comparative nature with special reference to issues of literary history, criticism, and postmodern theory are the distinctive features of this monograph series. Emphasis is on subjects that may set trends, generate discussion, expand horizons beyond present perspectives, and/or redefine previously held notions about "major" and "minor" authors and their achievements within or outside the canon. Approaches may center on works, authors, or abstract notions of criticism and/or theory, including issues of a comparative nature concerning world literature.

    21 publications

  • Eurosinica

    ISSN: 2235-6258

    "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. For Authors EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Editors • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Board Members • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Pour les auteurs EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Éditeurs • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Les membres du conseil d'administration • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Für Autoren EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Herausgeber • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Vorstandsmitglieder • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) "

    12 publications

  • German Linguistic and Cultural Studies

    At a time when German Studies faces a serious challenge to its identity and position in the European and international context, this new series aims to reflect the increasing importance of both culture (in the widest sense) and linguistics to the study of German in Britain and Ireland. GLCS will publish monographs and collections of essays of a high scholarly standard which deal with German in its socio-cultural context, in multilingual and multicultural settings, in its European and international context and with its use in the media. The series will also explore the impact on German society of particular ideas, movements and economic trends and will discuss curriculum provision and development in universities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Contributions in English or German will be welcome. At a time when German Studies faces a serious challenge to its identity and position in the European and international context, this new series aims to reflect the increasing importance of both culture (in the widest sense) and linguistics to the study of German in Britain and Ireland. GLCS will publish monographs and collections of essays of a high scholarly standard which deal with German in its socio-cultural context, in multilingual and multicultural settings, in its European and international context and with its use in the media. The series will also explore the impact on German society of particular ideas, movements and economic trends and will discuss curriculum provision and development in universities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Contributions in English or German will be welcome. At a time when German Studies faces a serious challenge to its identity and position in the European and international context, this new series aims to reflect the increasing importance of both culture (in the widest sense) and linguistics to the study of German in Britain and Ireland. GLCS will publish monographs and collections of essays of a high scholarly standard which deal with German in its socio-cultural context, in multilingual and multicultural settings, in its European and international context and with its use in the media. The series will also explore the impact on German society of particular ideas, movements and economic trends and will discuss curriculum provision and development in universities in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Contributions in English or German will be welcome.

    27 publications

  • German Life and Civilization

    ISSN: 0899-9899

    German Life and Civilization contributes to a critical understanding of Central European cultural history from medieval times to the present. Culture is here defined in the broadest sense, comprising expressions and representations in literature, music, performative and pictorial arts, and media, as well as political and sociohistorical developments in the texture of everyday life. Building on its strengths in GDR scholarship and political literature, the series also seeks to explore newer thematic trends such as human entanglements with the environment and natural world, and transnational and minority communities. The series aims to foster progressive and inclusive scholarship that aspires to a synthetic view of culture by crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries. Manuscripts in both English and German are subject to a robust external peer review process. Series Editor: Kristopher Imbrigotta (University of Puget Sound) Series founder: Jost Hermand (University of Wisconsin) Advisory Board: Stephen Brockmann (Carnegie Mellon), Jason Groves (University of Washington), Brigitte Jirku (University of Valencia), Teresa Kovacs (Indiana University), Anke Pinkert (University of Illinois), Caroline Rupprecht (City University of New York), Marc Silberman (University of Wisconsin), Didem Uca (Emory University)

    74 publications

  • Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism

    ISSN: 1661-1985

    This series addresses a new need. The constitution of many contemporary communities is radically diverse, and the need is to think anew about them. Through a mixture of edited collections and single-authored volumes, the series aims both to examine how radical diversity has arisen in the religious and political constitution of society and to analyse the implications for the future so as to help ensure the harmonious relations between communities and the best practice of government. Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism will evaluate new trends and theories and make available the findings of empirical research which demonstrates the nature of the pluralistic world in which we live.

    11 publications

  • Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing

    ISSN: 2235-4123

    A series founded by Gill Rye This book series supports the work of the Centre for the Study of Contemporary Women’s Writing at the Institute of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of London, by publishing high-quality critical studies in the field. Studies in Contemporary Women’s Writing provides a forum for innovative research exploring new trends and issues in the work of new, hitherto neglected or established authors who write primarily, but not exclusively, in the languages covered by the Centre: French, German, Italian, Portuguese and the Hispanic languages. The series has redefined its remit in light of current scholarship. ‘Contemporary’ is still defined as ‘after 1968’, with a preference for studies of post-1990 texts in any genre. While the series initially focused on writing, it now welcomes research that crosses disciplinary boundaries and defines creativity in the broadest sense, including intersections between literature and the arts, cinema and music. Scholarship that embraces gender and sexuality more broadly, including the work of non-binary and queer authors, is also welcome. We encourage studies that connect texts with the social, cultural, linguistic and political contexts in which they are created, taking into account the transnational and postcolonial configuration of the contemporary world and its impact on lives and experiences. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited collections. The series welcomes single-author studies, thematic analyses across languages and cross-cultural discussions that rely on a variety of approaches and theoretical frameworks, as well as studies that showcase the application of new methodologies to primary texts. Manuscripts should be written in English. Editorial Board: Claudia Bernardi (Victoria University of Wellington), Francesca Calamita (University of Virginia), Emily Jeremiah (Royal Holloway, University of London), Shirley Jordan (Newcastle University), Catriona MacLeod (University of London Institute in Paris), Lorraine Ryan (University of Birmingham), Godela Weiss-Sussex (School of Advanced Study, University of London), Caragh Wells (University of Bristol), Claire Williams (St Peter’s College, University of Oxford)

    15 publications

  • ICCA – Industries culturelles, création, numérique

    ICCA – Cultural industries, artistic creation, digital technology

    ISSN: 2506-8741

    Under the aegis of the LABEX ICCA (LABoratoire d’EXcellence ICCA) research centre, this collection contains the results of research into various cultural industries, in both traditional fields – such as the film industry, television, music or print publishing – and more recent fields such as video or video games. It focuses on an interdisciplinary perspective for studying the means of mediation and promotion, the consumption practices and the transformations induced by underlying trends such as globalisation and digitisation, which radically change both the processes for creating content and the ways of funding and distributing the content produced. Sous l’égide du LABoratoire d’EXcellence ICCA (Industries Culturelles et Création Artistique), cette collection réunit les résultats de recherches consacrées aux différentes industries culturelles, traditionnelles comme le cinéma, la télévision, la musique ou l’édition, ou plus récentes comme la vidéo ou le jeu vidéo. Elle privilégie une perspective interdisciplinaire pour étudier les dispositifs de médiation et de promotion, les pratiques de consommation et les mutations induites par des mouvements de fond comme la mondialisation ou la numérisation, qui bouleversent aussi bien les processus de création des contenus que les modes de financement et de distribution de la production.

    15 publications

  • Wor(l)ds of Change: Latin American and Iberian Literature

    "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects." "This series deals with the relationship between literary creation and the social, political, and historical contexts in which it is produced. The types of volumes may include critical analyses of one or more works by one or several authors; critical editions of important works that may have been out of print for a long time, but which represent a major contribution to literature of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America, English translations of important works, with critical introduction. Topics for Latin America include: studies of representative works of nineteenth- and twentieth-century thought, poetic portrayals of history, subgenres (fictionalization of the rural and urban social structures); historical novels; literature of exile; re-readings of colonial texts; new approaches to the figure of the Indian and other representatives of transculturation; women writers and other less studied authors. Topics for Spain and Portugal include: writing and nationalism in the Spanish State; bilingualism and the literary texts; censorship and exile; new and renewed genres such as autobiography and testimony; the formation of the avant-garde. Formal studies are expected to bear out the general contextual focus of the series. The use of recent developments in literary criticism is especially appropriate. The series also seeks to contribute to the understanding and accuracy of interpretation of the writing which has combined European elements with indigenous and African ones as well as to the understanding of the dynamics behind such major cultural issues as the formation of literary trends or subgenres, national identities, the effects of postcolonial status on literary imagination, the appearance and experience of women writers, and the relationships between post-modernism and Ibero-American writing. The series title is inclusive of literatures which are geographically, historically, or politically related and whose comparison is relevant to Spanish and Spanish American writing. This means those written in the other three languages of Spain, in Portugal, and Brazil. Comparative studies in which colonial or post colonial themes are prevalent may also be appropriate, if one of the literatures is in either Spanish or Portuguese. The breadth of the geographical area is intended to provide a forum for revealing and interpreting its multicultural aspects."

    50 publications

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