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Open Access
‘A Course of Severe and Arduous Trials’
Bacon, Beckett and Spurious Freemasonry in Early Twentieth-Century Ireland©2009 Monographs -
Die orthodoxen Kirchen in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Zweite, überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage©2010 Monographs -
The Puberty Ritual in Sri Lanka
A Comparative Exploration of Perceptions and Attitudes between Buddhists and Christians©2011 Monographs -
La genèse de la représentation ressemblante de l’homme
Reconsidérations du portrait à partir du XIII e siècle©2014 Thesis -
Rites aux portes
©2017 Edited Collection -
Rituels en image - lmages de rituel
Iconographie – Histoire des religions – Archéologie©2021 Edited Collection -
The Inculturation of Christianity in Africa
Antecedents and Guidelines from the New Testament and the Early Church©2006 Monographs -
An Ecofeminist Perspective on Ash Wednesday and Lent
©2010 Monographs -
Tradition und Entwicklungsprozesse in Benin
©2012 Thesis -
Solemn Communion
A Critical Examination of the Current Practices Surrounding the Completion of Christian Initiation in Masaka Diocese (Uganda, East Africa)©2019 Thesis -
Littérature et ritualité
Enjeux du rite dans la littérature française contemporaine©2010 Monographs -
Dancing to the Post-Modern Tune
The Future of the Sacrament of Reconciliation among the Igbo People©2010 Monographs -
Celebrar ritos a través de las palabras
Análisis contrastivo de los ritualismos lingüísticos en español y en polaco©2021 Monographs