62 results
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  • Title: Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Teil 1- Die Lehre vom Sein – Der Produktionsprozeß des Kapitals
    by Abbas Alidoust Azarbaijani (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Teil 2- Die Lehre vom Wesen – Der Zirkulationsprozeß des Kapitals
    by Abbas Alidoust Azarbaijani (Author)
    ©2010 Monographs
  • Title: Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Aufhebung Hegels «Wissenschaft der Logik» in Marx’ «Das Kapital»

    Teil 3- Wissenschaft der subjektiven Logik oder die Lehre vom Begriff – - Der Gesamtprozess der kapitalistischen Produktion sowohl in seinem objektiven wert- als kapitalbegrifflichen Fortgang als auch in seiner wert- und kapitalbegrifflichen Widersp
    by Abbas Alidoust Azarbaijani (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Postdoctoral Thesis
  • Title: Das Menschen- und Weltbild bei Feuerbach und Marx

    Das Menschen- und Weltbild bei Feuerbach und Marx

    Zur Begründung der Solidarität
    by Zangyhon Bak (Author)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Title: Gesellschaftsanalyse, Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie bei Karl Marx und Max Weber

    Gesellschaftsanalyse, Erkenntnis- und Wissenschaftstheorie bei Karl Marx und Max Weber

    Überlegungen zu einer theoretischen Neuorientierung
    by Irene Zodel (Author)
    ©1990 Thesis
  • Title: Hegel in der Kritik zwischen Schelling und Marx

    Hegel in der Kritik zwischen Schelling und Marx

    by Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Freund von Heine, Marx/Engels und Lincoln

    Freund von Heine, Marx/Engels und Lincoln

    Eine Karl Ludwig Bernays-Biographie- Mit einer Genealogie der Familie Bernays von Marianne Hirsch und René Loeb sowie einem Nachwort von Lars Lambrecht
    by Marianne Hirsch (Author)
    ©2002 Monographs
  • Title: Vom Hegelianismus zum philosophischen Materialismus

    Vom Hegelianismus zum philosophischen Materialismus

    Eine Studie über die Entwicklung des politischen und philosophischen Denkens des jungen Marx
    by Hang-Gu Cho (Author)
    ©1999 Thesis
  • Title: Vernunft und Katastrophen

    Vernunft und Katastrophen

    Das Problem der Geschichtsentwicklung bei Kant, Hegel und Marx
    by Alberto Burgio (Author)
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: Anthropologie und Ökonomie

    Anthropologie und Ökonomie

    Das Menschenbild bei Marx und dessen Bedeutung für seine Kritik an der politischen Ökonomie
    by Thiess Petersen (Author)
    ©1997 Thesis
  • Title: Religion: Eine Projektion menschlicher Sehnsüchte, ein Produkt menschlichen Denkens, eine Illusion?

    Religion: Eine Projektion menschlicher Sehnsüchte, ein Produkt menschlichen Denkens, eine Illusion?

    Die Religionskritik von Feuerbach, Marx und Freud als Herausforderung und Chance für den heutigen christlichen Glauben
    by Balthasar Rengga Ado (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Thesis
  • Title: Jenseits der Arbeit

    Jenseits der Arbeit

    Der vergessene sozialistische Traum von Marx, Fromm und Marcuse
    by Uri Zilbersheid (Author)
    ©1999 Monographs
  • Institutionelle und Sozial-Ökonomie / Institutional and Socio-Economics

    "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. May 2012 The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) "

    11 publications

  • Studien zur Medien- und Kulturlinguistik

    ISSN: 2626-6555

    Die Reihe „Studien zur Medien- und Kulturlinguistik“ widmet sich dem Sprachgebrauch in Medien, der Konstituierung und Verknüpfung von Online- und Offline-Diskursen sowie den multimodalen Textsorten und kommunikativen Praktiken. Wichtige Forschungsaspekte sind dabei die Intermedialität, die Wissensetablierung und -vermittlung sowie Funktionalität und Einflüsse von Text- und Diskurshandlungen auf die Öffentlichkeit. Darüber hinaus werden in die Reihe auch kulturlinguistische Arbeiten aufgenommen, die aus intra- und interkultureller Sicht ein bestimmtes Spektrum von Sprachhandlungen innerhalb von Kulturgemeinschaft(en) thematisieren.

    3 publications

  • Title: Austria Mundi

    Austria Mundi

    Interkulturelles Wien
    by Günther Berger (Volume editor)
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: «Sensualistischer Pantheismus»

    «Sensualistischer Pantheismus»

    Seine heuristische Bedeutung im Werk Ludwig Feuerbachs
    by Michael Jeske (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Thesis
  • Title: Geschichtsbegriff und historische Forschung bei Walter Benjamin

    Geschichtsbegriff und historische Forschung bei Walter Benjamin

    Ein Forschungsprogramm zu Benjamins Kategorien Geschichte, Moderne und Kritik
    by Ji-Hyun Ko (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: L’idée d’époque historique- Die Idee der historischen Epoche

    L’idée d’époque historique- Die Idee der historischen Epoche

    by Domenico Losurdo (Volume editor) André Tosel (Volume editor)
    ©2004 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Kritik und Geschichte

    Kritik und Geschichte

    Zum Verhältnis von ökonomischem Historismus und historischem Materialismus
    by Thanasis Giouras (Author)
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: «Philosophie de la Misère» oder «Misère de la Philosophie»?

    «Philosophie de la Misère» oder «Misère de la Philosophie»?

    Die Marxsche Polemik im Kampf um die Führung der internationalen Arbeiterbewegung als Beginn der weltpolitischen Durchsetzung des etatistischen Sozialismus
    by Johannes Hilmer (Author)
    ©1998 Thesis
  • Title: Ethik der Dissidenz

    Ethik der Dissidenz

    Kritische Theorie und öffentliche Kritik
    by Stefan Marx (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: Einheit und Vielfalt der Gegenwartsphilosophie

    Einheit und Vielfalt der Gegenwartsphilosophie

    by Philipp Schmidt (Volume editor) Anja Weiberg (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Befreiung aus gesellschaftlicher Unmündigkeit

    Befreiung aus gesellschaftlicher Unmündigkeit

    Beiträge zur Geschichte und Theorie der Arbeiterbewegung
    by Joachim Perels (Author) 2012
    ©2011 Edited Collection
  • Title: Akademie und/oder Autonomie

    Akademie und/oder Autonomie

    Akademische Diskurse vom 16. bis 18. Jahrhundert
    by Barbara Marx (Volume editor) Christoph Mayer (Volume editor)
    Edited Collection
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