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  • Yearbook of the Artificial

    Nature, Culture & Technology

    ISSN: 1660-1084

    In the different areas of the artificial - defined as the attempt to reproduce natural objects or processes by means of the available technology - researchers and designers often work within their disciplines with little or no information about research being carried out in other areas. Bioengineers, for instance, know little about the problems of Artificial Intelligence researchers, while roboticians often neglect the efforts of medical engineering, etc. The Yearbook of the Artificial discusses current theories, projects and models from a wide range of areas without going into too many technical details. The main assumption is that there are common logical and methodological problems for all disciplines that are concerned with the reproduction of natural objects and processes. The Yearbook provides a forum for all of them, and covers areas such as bioengineering, robotics, A.I., artificial neural networks, artificial life, multimedia, the history of technology, communications, art and music. In the different areas of the artificial - defined as the attempt to reproduce natural objects or processes by means of the available technology - researchers and designers often work within their disciplines with little or no information about research being carried out in other areas. Bioengineers, for instance, know little about the problems of Artificial Intelligence researchers, while roboticians often neglect the efforts of medical engineering, etc. The Yearbook of the Artificial discusses current theories, projects and models from a wide range of areas without going into too many technical details. The main assumption is that there are common logical and methodological problems for all disciplines that are concerned with the reproduction of natural objects and processes. The Yearbook provides a forum for all of them, and covers areas such as bioengineering, robotics, A.I., artificial neural networks, artificial life, multimedia, the history of technology, communications, art and music. In the different areas of the artificial - defined as the attempt to reproduce natural objects or processes by means of the available technology - researchers and designers often work within their disciplines with little or no information about research being carried out in other areas. Bioengineers, for instance, know little about the problems of Artificial Intelligence researchers, while roboticians often neglect the efforts of medical engineering, etc. The Yearbook of the Artificial discusses current theories, projects and models from a wide range of areas without going into too many technical details. The main assumption is that there are common logical and methodological problems for all disciplines that are concerned with the reproduction of natural objects and processes. The Yearbook provides a forum for all of them, and covers areas such as bioengineering, robotics, A.I., artificial neural networks, artificial life, multimedia, the history of technology, communications, art and music.

    5 publications

  • Cahiers du Collège d’Europe / College of Europe Studies

    L'Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'’’Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d'’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’'Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d'’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L’’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’’’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L’’’Union européenne s’’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’’’intérieur et de l’’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d’’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d’’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l’’’Union européenne et le processus d’’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’’’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l’’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d’’édition - L’’excellent développement d’’un sujet relevant d’’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d’’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L'’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'’’Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'’excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’'acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. The European Union’s politics, economics, law and external action are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The College of Europe Studies series seeks to publish new research on these issues carried out by members of its academic community. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law, economics or international relations, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote the understanding and explanation of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review.

    21 publications

  • Spectrum Slovakia

    This edition of Spectrum Slovakia features scientific studies, expert monographs, popular scientific publications and a review of scientific conferences on a wide range of topics. The mission and objective of this edition of Spectrum Slovakia is the promotion and popularization of the most current results of scientific research by Slovak scientists and long-time specialized experts in the individual disciplines (mathematics, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, law, education, health, sociology, philosophy, etc.). The results of their work also contribute to the enrichment of knowledge in both the European and wider socio-scientific contexts. This edition of Spectrum Slovakia features scientific studies, expert monographs, popular scientific publications and a review of scientific conferences on a wide range of topics. The mission and objective of this edition of Spectrum Slovakia is the promotion and popularization of the most current results of scientific research by Slovak scientists and long-time specialized experts in the individual disciplines (mathematics, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, law, education, health, sociology, philosophy, etc.). The results of their work also contribute to the enrichment of knowledge in both the European and wider socio-scientific contexts. This edition of Spectrum Slovakia features scientific studies, expert monographs, popular scientific publications and a review of scientific conferences on a wide range of topics. The mission and objective of this edition of Spectrum Slovakia is the promotion and popularization of the most current results of scientific research by Slovak scientists and long-time specialized experts in the individual disciplines (mathematics, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, law, education, health, sociology, philosophy, etc.). The results of their work also contribute to the enrichment of knowledge in both the European and wider socio-scientific contexts.

    56 publications

  • Catholic Thought from Lublin

    ISSN: 1051-693X

    "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy." "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy." "Catholic Thought from Lublin is a monograph series devoted to Lublin philosophy and its applications. Books in the series represent the major voices in this school and address a broad range of philosophical subjects. Essentially, Lublin philosophy is the latest systematic presentation and interpretation of Thomistic thought. It was introduced in Poland after World War II. Lublinism, or Polish Existential Thomism, embodies a new and revolutionary ideal in the history of Catholic philosophical and theological teaching under the aegis of John Paul II. Lublinism represents a genuine quest into the classical philosophy of Aristotle and Aquinas based on both an objective rigorous study of reality understood as being in concreto and a subjective pursuit in evaluating human existence (in its internal experience) as personal being. In its “catholicity,” the Polish version of Thomistic thought from Lublin is an intricately nuanced melding of the best insight of contemporary existentialism, chiefly from Marcel and Heidegger; of methodology drawn from Scheler and Ingarden; and of realist metaphysics from Aquinas, together with some of the methodological results of the Lwow/Warsaw school of logic. As such it combines the best of the old and the new of perennial philosophy."

    4 publications

  • Comparatisme et Société / Comparatism and Society

    ISSN: 1780-4515

    «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience.

    51 publications

  • New International Insights/Nouveaux Regards sur l’International

    ISSN: 1780-5414

    In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs. En hommage au fondateur de l’ancienne collection Regards sur l’international, Eric REMACLE, les éditeurs ont proposé de le renommer New International Insights. Leur objectif consiste à inviter les auteurs potentiels à considérer les situations, les études de cas et les dynamiques qu'ils souhaitent analyser et conceptualiser comme innovantes dans un ordre mondial de plus en plus multipolaire, plus que comme une simple continuation des évolutions et des théories passées. C'est l'approche qui caractérise les propres recherches des éditeurs. Plus d'un quart de siècle après la fin de la guerre froide, les innovations constantes eurasiennes, transatlantiques, africaines, asiatiques-pacifiques et panaméricaines remettent en question les conclusions les plus analytiques presque aussitôt qu'elles ont été formulées. Pourtant, il y a un besoin de théorie. Les exemples dépasseraient le cadre de cette brève présentation, mais une illustration valable peut être suggérée: le tournant par lequel une Asie sino-post-soviétique déjà innovante s'est révélée capable, tout en étant au stade de sa première affirmation, d’engager l'Asie du Sud et de construire une relation triangulaire Chine-Russie-India qui bouscule, voire remet en question la plupart des visions existantes de l’Asie, notamment les visions néoréalistes. Les visions traditionnelles cèdent ainsi aux incertitudes contemporaines. Alors que les acteurs non-étatiques provoquent toujours le recul, le retrait ou le trébuchement des États, de nouvelles constructions trans-nationales et même trans-continentales, font « revenir » les États, même si c’est autour d’objectifs différents: logistiques et commerciaux, tandis que la coopération militaire apparaît comme une forme datée et remise en question de mise en œuvre de la sécurité . New International Insights vise à équilibrer les publications de livres d'auteurs de toutes origines intellectuelles, occidentales et orientales, d’auteurs du Nord et du Sud. Ce n’est qu’ainsi que l’on pourra espérer faire avancer la vision de ses premiers fondateurs. Un monde post-moderne a besoin d’une épistémologie post-occidentale pour dévoiler sa nouvelle signification. Les manuscrits en science politique et en sciences sociales sont invités à être soumis, de préférence en anglais, n'excédant pas 650 000 signes, notes et annexes comprises. In tribute to the late founder of the collection, Eric Remacle, the editors have proposed to call this book series New International Insights. The novelty thus pursued consists of inviting prospective authors also to view the situations, case-studies and dynamics they analyse and conceptualise as innovative in an increasingly multipolar world order, more than as a mere continuation of past evolutions and theories. This is the approach characterising the editors' own research. Over a quarter of a century after the end of the cold war, Eurasian as well as Transatlantic, African, Asian-Pacific and pan-American constant innovations question most analytical conclusions almost as soon as they are reached. Yet, there is a need for theory. Examples would exceed the scope of this short presentation but a worthwhile illustration can be suggested: the turning point whereby an already innovative, sino-postsoviet Asia has proven capable, while still in its affirmative stage, to engage South Asia and construct a China-Russia-India triangle that offsets or even jeopardises most existing visions of Asia, notably neo-realist ones. Traditional visions thus yield to contemporary uncertainties. While non-State actors are still causing States to wither, withdraw or falter, new transnational and even transcontinental constructions are bringing States back in, however much around different objectives: logistical and commercial, while military cooperation appears a dated and questionable form of security enforcement. New International Insights aims at balancing book publications among authors of all intellectual origins, western as well as eastern, northern as well as southern. Only in this manner can it hope to take the vision of its early founders one step further. A post-modern world needs post-western epistemology in order to wield its new meaning. Manuscripts in political science and social sciences are encouraged for submission, preferably in English, not exceeding 650 000 signs.

    19 publications

  • Relations financières internationales / International Financial Relations

    The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.). La « Fondation internationale Triffin », établie près l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), s’est fixé pour objectif de constituer un centre dédié à la poursuite du travail scientifique et à la valorisation de l’héritage intellectuel de Robert Triffin (1911-1993) sur le système monétaire international, et plus généralement dans les domaines de l’économie, de la finance et des sciences sociales. Les publications de la collection « Relations financières internationales » assurent la promotion de travaux individuels et collectifs dont les thèmes centraux sont ceux auxquels Robert Triffin était particulièrement attaché – l’Union européenne des paiements, la création de Droits de Tirage Spéciaux, le Système monétaire européen. La collection accueille également des ouvrages qui abordent les futures difficultés auxquelles sera confronté le système monétaire international à l’aube du XXIe siècle, tels que les effets extérieurs de l’Union économique et monétaire européenne, les nouvelles tâches du Fonds monétaire international ou la prévention des crises financières. The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.).

    5 publications

  • Yourcenar

    ISSN: 2030-7314

    Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). L’actualité de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar ne fait aucun doute. Passé un moment de réception enthousiaste et plutôt déférente de ses écrits, auréolés et très médiatisés par son admission comme première femme à l’Académie française en 1981, il semble que la recherche ait pris un virage vers la critique attentive de l’enracinement de l’écrivaine dans son siècle. À l’examen des grands thèmes comme la mort, le sacré, la nature, l’histoire, etc., ont succédé des questions plus comparatistes, plus théoriques telles le rapport texte/image ou plus incisives telles l’écologie, la dimension de genre, l’engagement politique, etc. Et l’œuvre répond présente : la matière semble inépuisable, non seulement les romans mais les nouvelles, les nombreux essais, le théâtre, la correspondance, etc. La collection « Yourcenar » a pour ambition de présenter à un public universitaire académique ou non, ainsi qu’aux nombreux passionnés de l’œuvre de Marguerite Yourcenar, un état des lieux régulier de la recherche, par la publication de monographies, de volumes collectifs, d’actes de colloques et d’essais issus de thèses de doctorat. Elle encourage les points de vue transdisciplinaires. L’objectif de publication est de deux volumes par an, en français ou en anglais. La collection est dirigée par Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) et Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain). Nobody disputes the modern relevance of Marguerite Yourcenar’s work. Back in 1981, when she was the first woman to be elected to the Académie Française, her work was received enthusiastically, rather deferentially even; there was something of an aura surrounding it with the media attention her election attracted. But this time is now past and more recent research activity has taken a new turn, with critical attention focusing on Yourcenar’s roots in her own century. The study of traditional major themes – death, the sacred, nature, history etc. – has given way to the study of more comparative, theoretical issues such as the relationship between text and images, and more incisive issues such as ecology, gender, political activism etc. And her work seems to expand accordingly, offering up a seemingly inexhaustible supply of subject matter, not only through her novels but also through her novellas, her many essays, plays, letters and so on. The primary objective of the «Yourcenar» series is to publish monographs, collected volumes, conference proceedings and volumes resulting from doctoral research which will give our intended public of academics and Yourcenar devotees a regularly updated idea of the state of the art in the field. Cross-disciplinary approaches are encouraged. The intention is to publish two volumes per year, in either English or French. The collection is directed by Francesca Counihan (Maynooth University) and Bérengère Deprez (Université catholique de Louvain).

    2 publications

  • New Trends in Translation Studies

    ISSN: 1664-249X

    In today’'s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community. This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical. New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed. This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.

    46 publications

  • Euroclio

    Etudes et Documents / Studies and Documents

    ISSN: 0944-2294

    «Euroclio» is a scientific and editorial project, a network of research institutions and researchers, and an ideas forum. «Euroclio» as an editorial project consists of two aspects: the first concerns studies and documents, the second concerns tools. Both are aimed at making the results of research more accessible, and also at opening up paths through the history of European construction/integration/unification. The «Euroclio» series meets a dual objective: – to provide reference tools for research, – to provide a platform for this research in terms of the publication of results. The series thus consists of two sub-series that satisfy these requirements: the «Études et Documents» (Studies and Documents) series and the «Références» (References) series. These two series are aimed at general libraries and/or university history departments, teachers and researchers, and in certain cases, specific professional circles. « Euroclio » est un projet scientifique et éditorial, un réseau d’institutions de recherche et de chercheurs, un forum d’idées. « Euroclio », en tant que projet éditorial, comprend deux versants : le premier versant concerne les études et documents, le second versant les instruments de travail. L’un et l’autre visent à rendre accessibles les résultats de la recherche, mais également à ouvrir des pistes en matière d’histoire de la construction/intégration/unification européenne. La collection « Euroclio » répond à un double objectif : offrir des instruments de travail, de référence, à la recherche ; offrir une tribune à celle-ci en termes de publication des résultats. La collection comprend donc deux séries répondant à ces exigences : la série « Études et Documents » et la série « Références ». Ces deux séries s’adressent aux bibliothèques générales et/ou départements d’histoire des universités, aux enseignants et chercheurs, et dans certains cas, à des milieux professionnels bien spécifiques. La série « Études et Document s» comprend des monographies, des recueils d’articles, des actes de colloque et des recueils de textes commentés à destination de l’enseignement. La série « Références » comprend des bibliographies, guides et autres instruments de travail, participant ainsi à la création d'une base de données constituant un « Répertoire permanent des sources et de la bibliographie relatives à la construction européenne ».

    110 publications

  • EcoPolis

    ISSN: 1377-7238

    Series founded by Marc Mormont The EcoPolis series is dedicated to the analysis of changes that occur simultaneously in society and the environment when the latter becomes a fundamental concern. For a long time the environment was defined as being external to society, like the world of nature and ecosystems which serves as a material foundation for social life. Thus the aim of environmental policies has been to "preserve", to "protect" or even to "manage" that which was seen as a sort of infrastructure of our societies. After several decades of environmental policy, nature and the environment have become objects of government and it is seemingly within the same movement that each society models its environment and shapes itself. This dialectic will be central to the series. Collection fondée par Marc Mormont Depuis sa création en 2002, la collection EcoPolis analyse les changements qui se produisent simultanément dans la société et dans l’environnement, quand celui-ci fait l'objet d'une préoccupation majeure. Au fil des volumes, la collection suit l’évolution des problématiques environnementales, en interrogeant la manière dont ces dernières sont devenues consubstantielles des questions économiques, sociales et politiques. L’environnement a longtemps été défini comme extérieur à la société, comme un monde où la nature et les écosystèmes constituent le soubassement matériel de la vie sociale. Les politiques d’environnement avaient alors pour but de « préserver », « protéger », voire « gérer » ce qui était pensé comme une sorte d’infrastructure de nos sociétés. Après quelques décennies de politiques d’environnement, la nature et l’environnement sont devenus des objets de l’action publique et il apparaît que c’est dans un même mouvement que chaque société modèle son environnement et se construit elle-même. Cette dialectique prend une importance accrue quand les sociétés se trouvent confrontées, du fait de la montée en puissance des changements globaux, aux transformations irréversibles de l’environnement (changement climatique, perte de biodiversité, etc.). C’est le rapport entre la dialectique sociétés / environnement et ces transformations que la collection entend explorer.

    47 publications

  • Études canadiennes – Canadian Studies

    ISSN: 1781-3867

    This series examines the many facets of Canadian reality from a multidisciplinary perspective. Contributions from both the humanities and the social sciences are invited. The editor welcomes manuscripts whose primary object is «Canada» in the widest possible sense of the term. The series therefore covers a variety of fields such as literature, history, sociology, politics, economics, geography, law, media, museology, etc. as well as comparative studies. One of the most innovative features of this series is its focus on the latest research conducted outside Canada. It therefore illuminates various aspects of the country in a new and significant manner and encourages a constant and innovative dialogue between Canadian scholars and the community of Canadian studies specialists worldwide. La collection « Études canadiennes » analyse les multiples facettes de la réalité canadienne dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Elle accueille des travaux sur tous les thèmes de recherche en sciences humaines et sociales qui ont pour objet principal le Canada dans son acception la plus large – études littéraires, historiques, sociologiques, politiques, économiques, géographiques, juridiques, médiatiques, muséologiques, etc. – mais elle met également l’accent sur les travaux comparatistes incluant le Canada. L’une des principales originalités de la collection est d’accueillir le fruit des recherches les plus récentes menées à l’extérieur du Canada. Elle jette ainsi un éclairage significatif et inédit sur les différentes composantes de ce pays, privilégiant le développement d’un dialogue constant et original entre les scientifiques canadiens et la communauté internationale des canadianistes répartis à travers le monde.

    37 publications

  • Literary and Cultural Theory

    The objective of the Literary and Cultural Theory series is to publish works, collections of articles, and conference proceedings which aim at transgressing boundaries of single disciplines and at creating common space within which themes and methodologies of those single disciplines merge and contribute to the production of a novel approach to culture, literature, and philosophy. Within thus conceived area of the humanities we place particular emphasis on: first, interdisciplinarity (both in terms of topics and methodology) and, secondly, on theoretical (or theorizing) approach, i.e., an approach which not only aims at describing cultural and literary phenomena, but also at revealing their mechanisms and multiple interrelationships, visible sometimes only when boundaries of disciplines are transgressed, and when areas of overlap are identified. Those priorities do not exclude publication of volumes within what has traditionally been considered the realm of literary studies, as long as the critical and theorizing attitude is maintained. Editors Homepage : Prof. Dr. Wojciech Kalaga

    62 publications

  • Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel / Societies and States in Transformation

    The series “Societies and States in Transformation” offers an interdisciplinary forum for investigations of radical changes in world history with their concomitant social, political, cultural, and economic upheavals. Focus is thus laid on people and societies, both as actors and agencies in processes of transformation and as objects of such changes. These issues are addressed not only in the context of the intense ideological, institutional, and sociological shifts of the 20th Century, but also from deeper historical perspectives, and with a concern for processes currently emerging on the global horizon. The series thus deals with the various forms of expression in time and space that reflect the reactions to the challenges posed by epochal change brought about by the affected societies and nations. It includes works from historical and political science, sociology, socio-cultural anthropology, and cultural studies with the aim of facilitating interdisciplinary communication and interaction. Volume 25 concludes the series. Die Publikationsreihe "Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel" bietet ein interdisziplinäres Forum für Beiträge, die auf die großen Umbrüche in der Weltgeschichte mit ihren sozialen, politischen, kulturellen und wirtschaftlichen Verwerfungen fokussieren. Mensch und Gesellschaften stehen hierbei sowohl als Handelnde als auch als Objekt von Transformationsprozessen im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung, die über den Paradigmenwechsel in der jüngeren Vergangenheit Europas hinaus auch aktuelle Prozesse einer zunehmend global vernetzten Welt ins Blickfeld nimmt. Thema der Reihe sind damit die unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen in Raum und Zeit, in denen sich die Reaktionen der betroffenen Gesellschaften und Staaten auf die Herausforderungen epochalen Wandels zeigen. In diesem interdisziplinären Feld korrespondieren und interagieren Analysen der Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaft, von Soziologie, Ethnologie und Kulturwissenschaft. Band 25 schließt die Reihe ab.

    23 publications

  • Speech Production and Perception

    ISSN: 2191-8651

    Speech production is a complex sensorimotor task that requires the coordination of numerous physically complex and very different biological systems. Furthermore, it is a sophisticated cognitive task that transmits information between speakers and listeners. Speech perception uses multi-modal information combining visible articulatory movements and audible acoustic properties in an adaptive way. Understanding the cognitive, motor and sensory mechanisms that underlie speech production and perception is a fascinating objective that requires interdisciplinary competences in various research areas such as linguistics, perception, psychology, cognition, neuroscience, motor control, biology, aerodynamics, acoustics, and biomechanics. The aim of this book series is to investigate the various mechanisms underlying speech production and perception. Each issue of this series will be devoted to a specific topic. This topic will be addressed from different, sometimes even controversial perspectives. Tutorials, up-to-date scientific papers, methodological reports and outstanding dissertations will be at the core of the series. The intended readers are graduate students and scientists from various research disciplines interested in speech production and perception. Scholars are welcome to submit suitable works to the editors. All articles in edited volumes undergo a double-blind peer review. All dissertations undergo a close reading by the series editors and authors will be invited to revise where required.

    8 publications

  • Eastern European Culture, Politics and Societies

    The series Eastern European Cultures, Politics and Societies is devoted to the social issues that have been shaping the life of the post-communist European sphere. The specificity of the region and its continuous exposure to radical changes makes it a fascinating object of study. This is one of the reasons it attracts excellent researchers and writers. We published books by historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and literary, feminist and cultural scholars. We are planning to continue this interdisciplinary, cutting-edge work.

    26 publications

  • Germanica Pacifica

    Germanica Pacifica is the academic series of the Research Centre for Germanic Connections with New Zealand and the Pacific of the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The Centre's primary objective is to encourage research on the historical and cultural links between New Zealand and the Pacific region on the one hand and the German-speaking countries on the other. Germanica Pacifica publishes monographs and collections of essays which highlight these cultural links. Prior to publication, the quality of works published in this series is checked by the Series Editors and members of the Editorial Board. Editorial board: James Braund (University of Auckland) Rodney Fisher (University of Canterbury) Richard Millington (Victoria University of Wellington) Margaret Sutherland (Victoria University of Wellington) Friedrich Voit (University of Auckland)

    18 publications

  • Philosophy and Cultural Studies Revisited / Historisch-genetische Studien zur Philosophie und Kulturgeschichte

    The main purposes of this series are philological and philosophical analytical reconstructions, and reinterpretations of philosophical writings. Under the terms "reconstruction" and "reinterpretation" is understood that such approach foregrounds the primary, alive philosophical idea. We assume that a precise philological analysis of source texts with the new analysis of philosophical concepts they are based on, can reveal meanings that have been obscured and distorted by the subsequent translations and interpretations. Without undermining the importance of the philosophical tradition, we ask what the authors have told us in their own language. We start with the strictly hermeneutic methodology: source texts are placed in the historical background, as they are not rigid constructs, but lively voices in a broader dialogue. Our object is to bring out the original meaning of texts. The language of the publication of the series is both English and German.

    13 publications

  • Nordeuropäische Arbeiten zur Literatur, Sprache und Kultur / Northern European Studies in Literature, Language and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9760

    The object of these interdisciplinary series is above all studies from the Nordic countries which deal with questions in the field of literary, linguistic and cultural studies. Special emphasis is placed on phenomena of interculturality and transculturality respectively as well as on aspects of the teaching and learning of other languages. Against this background these series at the same time aim to close a gap between theory and practical use. Gegenstand der interdisziplinär angelegten Reihe sind Arbeiten vor allem aus den nordischen Ländern, die sich mit literatur-, sprach- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen beschäftigen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf Phänomenen der Inter- bzw. Transkulturalität sowie auf Aspekten des Lehrens und Lernens anderer Sprachen. Vor diesem Hintergrund versteht die Reihe sich zugleich als Brückenschlag zwischen Theorie und Praxis.

    22 publications

  • Studia philosophica et historica

    The series provides a forum for philosophical and historical works. It is especially appropriate for projects on the history of philosophy. A key objective is to make room for philosophical topics and issues, and especially focusing on their historical and historiographical assumptions. In addition to monographs the series also contains a number of commented text editions, translations and collections of essays. Die Schriftenreihe bietet ein Forum für philosophische, philosophiegeschichtliche und historiographische Arbeiten. Ein zentrales Motiv besteht darin, philosophische Themen und Fragestellungen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer historischen bzw. historiographischen Prämissen zur Geltung zu bringen. Neben Monographien enthält die Reihe auch kommentierte Texteditionen, Übersetzungen und Aufsatzsammlungen.

    33 publications

  • Society and Politics in Africa

    Society and Politics in Africa is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary series dedicated to producing new and innovative approaches to the study, analysis and appreciation of contemporary Africa. While the focus is mainly on the social sciences, the series welcomes manuscripts in all other disciplines which treat context as a significant aspect of discourse. Ultimately, our objective is to publish studies that are analytically outstanding and provide new insights for the formulation and implementation of ideas and policies dedicated to the positive development of the continent.

    21 publications

  • Studies in Life Writing

    Biography, Autobiography, Memoir

    Studies in Life Writing: Biography, Autobiography, Memoir welcomes full-length studies of life writing in all its forms: biography, autobiography, memoir, journals, diaries, blogs, and so forth. Dovetailing nicely with the critical theories of the later twentieth century, life writing questions the divide between fact and fiction, challenges the possibility of presenting a life objectively, and examines how the shaping forces of language and memory prohibits any simple attempts at truth and reference. Provocatively, interest in life writing has increased as both autobiographical and biographical narratives have become a major presence on the Internet, and the growth of literary nonfiction has prompted a resurgence of life narratives and memoirs. The series invites both single-authored book-length studies and multi-authored essay collections on the theory and/or pedagogy of life writing.

    1 publications

  • Bible and Theology in Africa

    The 20th century made sub-Saharan Africa a Christian continent. This formidable church growth is reflected in a wide range of attempts at contextualizing Christian theology and biblical interpretation in Africa. At a grassroots level ordinary Christians express their faith and read the Bible in ways reflecting their daily situation; at an academic level, theologians and biblical scholars relate the historical traditions and sources of Christianity to the socio- and religio-cultural context of Africa. In response to this, the series Bible and Theology in Africa aims at making African theology and biblical interpretation its subject as well as object, as the concerns of African theologians and biblical interpreters will be voiced and critically analyzed. Both Africans and Western authors are encourgared to consider this series.

    32 publications

  • Higher Ed

    Questions about the Purpose(s) of Colleges and Universities

    What are the purposes of higher education? When undergraduates 'declare their majors,' they agree to enter into a world defined by the parameters of a particular academic discourse, a discipline. But who decides those parameters? How do they come about? What are the discussions and proposed outcomes of disciplined inquiry? What should an undergraduate know to be considered educated in a discipline? How does the disciplinary knowledge base inform its pedagogy? Why are there different disciplines? When has a discipline 'run its course'? Where do new disciplines come from? Where do old ones go? How does a discipline produce its knowledge? What are the meanings and purposes of disciplinary research and teaching? What are the key questions of disciplined inquiry? What questions are taboo within a discipline? What can the disciplines learn from one another? What might they not want to learn and why? Once we begin asking these kinds of questions, positionality becomes a key issue. One reason why there aren't many books on the meaning and purpose of higher education is that once such questions are opened for discussion, one's subjectivity becomes an issue with respect to the presumed objective stances of Western higher education. Academics don't have positions because positions are 'biased,' 'subjective,' 'slanted,' and therefore somehow invalid. So the first thing to do is to provide a sense, however broad and general, of what dinds of positionalities will inform the books and chapters on the above questions. Certainly the questions themselves, and any others we might ask, are already suggesting a particular 'bent,' but as the series takes shape, the authors we engage will no doubt have positions on these questions. From the stance of interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, or transdisciplinary practitioners, will the chapters and books we solicit solidify disciplinary discourses, or liquefy them? Depending on who is asked, interdisciplinary inquiry is either a polite collaboration among scholars firmly situated in their own particular discourses, or it is a blurring of the restrictive parameters that define the very notion of disciplinary discourse. So will the series have a stance on the meaning and purpose of interdisciplinary inquiry and teaching? This can possibly be finessed by attracted thinkers from disciplines that are already multicisciplinary, e.g., the various knids of 'studies' programs (Women's, Islamic, American, Cultural, etc.), or the hybrid disciplines like Ethnomusicology (Musicology, Folklore, Anthropology). But by including people from these fields (areas? disciplines?) in our series, we are already taking a stand on disciplined inquiry. A question on the comprehensive exam for the Columbia University Ethnomusicology Program was to defend Ethnomusicology as a 'field' or a 'discipline.' One's answer determined one's future, at least to the extent that the gatekeepers had a say in such matters. So, in the end, what we are proposing will no doubt involve political struggles.

    31 publications

  • Transnational Cultures

    ISSN: 2297-2854

    Transnational Cultures promotes enquiry into the literary and cultural productions of transnational experiences characterized by the vertical and lateral exchanges of ideas, objects and linguistic practices across the globe. With the growth of diasporic communities, migratory crossings and virtual exchange, literary and cultural productions beyond, across and traversing borders have become a growing focus of scholarship within historical, contemporary and comparative contexts. Concepts of nationhood are increasingly understood as a limiting and limited way of understanding culture. While we question the binary relations of center versus periphery, global versus local, we also recognize the importance of scholarship examining relationships that escape these binaries, such as those focusing on South–South exchanges, minor transnational relations and Indigenous experiences. The series encourages new work that investigates how a transnational lens might transform existing understandings of cultural exchange and identity formation in any period or location. We are particularly interested in research that shines a light on transnational cultural experiences that are underrepresented and explores how writers and artists from underrepresented groups position themselves vis-à-vis national and global forces. What broader flows of knowledge, capital and power mark pre-modern, modern and contemporary cultural productions and identity formations? How do marginal experiences trouble existing narratives of the nation-state and global–local paradigms? What kinds of creolization of cultures and experiences evolve in the processes of transnationalism? How do transnational flows in the Global South, and among marginal or minority communities, facilitate sites of articulation outside normative discourses? The series strives to offer a renewed understanding of minor and minority expressions and articulations of transnational experiences that often escape national and global discourses. Proposals for monographs and edited collections from international scholars are welcome. The series is interdisciplinary in scope and welcomes research on literature, film, new media, visual culture and beyond. All proposals and manuscripts will be subjected to rigorous peer review. The main language of publication is English. Editorial Board: Rhian Atkin (Lisbon), Shakuntala Banaji (London School of Economics), Simone Brioni (Stony Brook), Helena Buescu (Lisbon), Deborah Cherry (London), Anne Garland Mahler (Virginia), Weihsin Gui (Riverside), Maria Koundoura (Emerson), Su Lin Lewis (Bristol), Churnjeet Mahn (Strathclyde), Jacqueline Maingard (Bristol), Stephen Morton (Southampton), Nasser Mufti (Chicago), Christopher Ouma (Cape Town), Dorothy Price (Courtauld Institute of Art), Oana Popescu-Sandu (Southern Indiana), James Procter (Newcastle), Sara Pugach (Los Angeles), Giulia Riccò (Michigan), Mark Sabine (Nottingham), Shuang Shen (Penn State), Lisa Shaw (Liverpool), Siobhán Shilton (Bristol), Catherine Speck (Adelaide), Emily Celeste Vázquez Enríquez (UC Davis), Toshio Watanabe (East Anglia), Adam Watt (Exeter)

    5 publications

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