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  • Hip-Hop Education

    Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation

    ISSN: 2643-5551

    Hip-Hop Education is a sociopolitical movement that utilizes both online and offline platforms to advance the utility of hip-hop as a theoretical framework and practical approach to teaching and learning. The movement is aimed at disrupting the oppressive structures of schools and schooling for marginalized youth through a reframing of hip-hop in the public sphere, and the advancement of the educative dimensions of the hip-hop culture. Hip-Hop Education’s academic roots include, but are not limited to the fields of education, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies and it draws its most distinct connections to the field of hip-hop studies; which is in many ways, is the stem from which this branch of study has grown and established itself. Authors and academics who brought hip-hop into fields like African American studies, philosophy, and the general public writ large, provided in depth studies of a wide range of topics that range from feminism to race and racism. Hip-Hop Education: Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation will be the first of its kind in educational praxis. The series will be composed of books by artists, scholars, teachers, and community participants. The series will publish global authors who are experts in the fields of Hip-Hop, Education, Black Studies, Black Popular Culture, Community Studies, Activism, Music, and Curriculum. Hip-Hop Education is explicit about its focus on the science and art of teaching and learning. This series argues that Hip-hop embodies the awareness, creativity and innovation that are at the core of any true education. Furthermore, its work brings visibility to the powerful yet silenced narratives of achievement and academic ability among the hip-hop generation; reflecting the brilliance, resilience, ingenuity and intellectual ability of those who are embedded in hip-hop culture but also not necessarily academics in the conventional sense.

    9 publications

  • Rethinking Education

    Rethinking education has never been more important. While there are many examples of good, innovative practice in teaching and learning at all levels, the conventional education mindset has proved largely resistant to pedagogic or systemic change, remaining preoccupied with the delivery of standardised packages in a standardised fashion, relatively unresponsive to the diversity of learners’ experiences and inclinations as well as to the personal perspectives of individual teachers. The challenge of our times in relation to education is to help transform that mindset. This series takes up this challenge. It re-examines perennial major issues in education and opens up new ones. It includes, but is not confined to, pedagogies for transforming the learning experience, any-time-any-place learning, new collaborative technologies, fresh understandings of the roles of teachers, schools and other educational institutions, providing for different learning styles and for students with special needs, and adapting to changing needs in a changing environment.

    12 publications

  • Telecollaboration in Education

    ISSN: 1662-3037

    The series' focus is on the pedagogical processes and outcomes of engaging learners in different geographical locations in virtual contact and collaboration together. This contact can take place through the application of online communication tools such as e-mail, synchronous chat and threaded discussion as well as the tools of Web 2.0: like wikis, blogs, and online publishing. The series is also particularly interested in innovative teaching practices involving telecollaboration that integrate the use of newly emerging forms of Internet tools such as social networking or 3D virtual worlds. A major aim is to reflect the diversity of research and practice in this area of knowledge, providing a space for transversal dialogue among teachers and teacher trainers, administrators, researchers, and educators working in different subject areas as well as various areas of education. Telecollaboration in Education deals with the application of such activity in different subject areas (e.g. Foreign Languages, History, Science) and in different educational contexts, including but not limited to primary, secondary, university and adult education. Publications within the series include scholarly monographs and collected papers editions as well as cutting-edge projects that exemplify good practice in the application of distanced collaborative efforts. Training manuals for educators in the organisation and application of telecollaboration are also a possible type of publication within the series. Language of publication is English.

    6 publications

  • Higher Education and Civic Democratic Engagement

    Exploring Impact

    How might we interrogate and reimagine the impact of civic, democratic engagement across higher education? This series invites narratives and new studies that critically and creatively explore the possibilities and limitations of civic, democratic engagement within higher education. The editors seek to gather inclusive, imaginary, transdisciplinary scholarship exploring the impact of next generation civic, democratic engagement from a diverse range of voices. Among others, we hope these voices will include international and indigenous perspectives, members from a diverse array of communities, researchers from across disciplines, teacher-scholars, practitioners and activists, undergraduate and graduate students, politicians, businesses, and different forms of administration. The editors invite proposals that critically examine historical, cultural, and structural dimensions of impact while exploring innovative strategies for disrupting and recreating more inclusive, liberatory, and plural forms of civic democratic engagement. The editors welcome and encourage a wide-range of formats including, but not limited to, narrative studies, ethnographies, mixed method studies, case studies, socio-cultural and/or historical analyses, theoretical treatises from multiple theoretical lens as well as reports and toolkits that support efforts to examine the impact of civic democratic engagement. For inquiries on submitting a proposal should contact the Series Editors Barry Kanpol (Kanpolb@gvsu.edu) & Danielle Lake (lakeda@gvsu.edu) with a brief overview of their project, and explanation of how it fits the series, and a current CV.

    1 publications

  • Counterpoints

    Studies in Criticality

    ISSN: 1058-1634

    Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before. Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before. Counterpoints publishes the most compelling and imaginative books being written in education today. Grounded on the theoretical advances in criticalism, feminism and postmodernism in the last two decades of the twentieth century, Counterpoints engages the meaning of these innovations in various forms of educational expression. Committed to the proposition that theoretical literature should be accessible to a variety of audiences, the series insists that its authors avoid esoteric and jargonistic languages that transform educational scholarship into an elite discourse for the initiated. Scholarly work matters only to the degree it affects consciousness and practice at multiple sites. Counterpoints’ editorial policy is based on these principles and the ability of scholars to break new ground, to open new conversations, to go where educators have never gone before.

    624 publications

  • Studia Educationis Historica

    Bildungsgeschichtliche Studien / Studies in the History of Education / Estudios de Historia de la Educación

    ISSN: 2195-5158

    Social and cultural processes are eminently historical. Historical research and historical studies, themselves embedded in historical contexts, meet this fact by reconstructing historical processes and by making offers for their analysis and interpretation. A series of new phenomena and transformations are currently challenging the exploration of education and formation and their different institutionalized forms. Among them, the process of dense globalization, increasing cultural transfers and entanglements, the scarcity of natural resources, the accelerated pace of the transformation of media environments and novel forms of individualization are some of the most pressing. These phenomena and transformations pose new questions for historical research in education. The book series "Studia Educationis Historica" offers historical studies that address these challenges with traditional and innovative historical research methods. The series offers analyses on the history of education in different countries as well as comparative and international studies. German, English, and Spanish are the languages of the book series. Historicidad es una dimensión fundamental de los procesos sociales y culturales. La historiografía, una práctica integrada en tramas históricas determinadas, responde a este fenómeno en tanto reconstruye procesos históricos y genera ofertas de análisis e interpretación de los mismos. La investigación sobre educación, formación y sus diversas formas de institucionalización está siendo desafiada actualmente por fenómenos y procesos vinculados a la globalización densa, a las crecientes transferencias y conexiones culturales, a la escasez de recursos naturales, al cambio vertiginoso de los medios de comunicación y a nuevos procesos de individualización. Estos fenómenos y procesos plantean nuevas preguntas para la investigación en historia de la educación. La serie "Studia Educationis Historica" presenta indagaciones que lidian con estos desafíos tanto con herramientas historiográficas tradicionales como innovadoras. La serie incluye estudios sobre la historia de la educación de diversos países y trabajos comparados que pueden ser publicados en alemán, inglés o español. Historizität ist eine grundlegende Dimension sozialer und kultureller Prozesse. Historiographie trägt dieser Tatsache Rechnung, indem sie selbst in bestimmte historische Kontexte eingebettet historische Prozesse rekonstruiert und verschiedene Analyse- und Deutungsangebote macht. Die Erforschung von Erziehung und Bildung und der verschiedenen Formen ihrer Institutionalisierung ist heute zugleich von Phänomenen und Prozessen einer dichten Globalisierung, verstärkter kultureller Verschränkungen und Transfers, von Ressourcenknappheit, einem beschleunigten Medienwandel und neuartigen Prozessen der Individualisierung geprägt. Sie werfen immer wieder auch neue Fragen für die bildungshistorische Forschung auf. Die Reihe "Studia Educationis Historica" präsentiert Untersuchungen, die den genannten Herausforderungen sowohl mit herkömmlichen als auch mit neueren historiographischen Mitteln begegnen. Sie umfasst Studien zur Bildungsgeschichte verschiedener Länder und auch international vergleichende Arbeiten, die jeweils in deutscher, englischer oder spanischer Sprache veröffentlicht werden.

    10 publications

  • Popular Culture and Everyday Life

    "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class." "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class." "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class."

    37 publications

  • Foreign Language Teaching in Europe

    Foreign Language Teaching in Europe is a series focusing on dissemination of ideas, experiences, and research on modern language pedagogy and language teacher education from sources throughout Europe and beyond. This series aspires to represent the field in its diversity and forms a forum for the expansion of contributions on modern language learning. Thus, this series’ ambition is to be of a high quality, and innovative, and to stimulate further research in the field. The editors of this series welcome submissions of monographs and edited volumes in the field of modern language pedagogy. Book proposals may be submitted to the series editor, Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya (mjraya@ugr.es). Foreign Language Teaching in Europe ist eine Buchreihe, die fokussiert ist auf die Verbreitung von Ideen und Erfahrungen sowie auf Forschungsarbeiten zur Pädagogik im Bereich der Fremdsprachenvermittlung durch europäische und außereuropäische Beiträge. Diese Reihe bemüht sich, die Fremdsprachendidaktik in seiner Vielgestaltigkeit darzustellen und bildet ein Forum für die Verbreitung von Beiträgen zum Fremdsprachenlernen. Diese Reihe beansprucht, von hoher Qualität und innovativ zu sein und zu weiterer Forschung auf diesem Gebiet anzuregen. Die Herausgeber dieser Reihe begrüßen das Einreichen von Monographien und Sammelbänden auf dem Gebiet der Fremdsprachendidaktik. Vorschläge für Buchpublikationen sind zu richten an den Herausgeber Dr. Manuel Jiménez Raya (mjraya@ugr.es).

    23 publications

  • (Post-)Critical Global Childhood & Youth Studies

    This book series focuses on critical and post-critical research in global childhood and youth studies. It aims to trace the stimulating exchange of ideas on contemporary issues affecting children and young people around the world while exploring possibilities for local and global social change. That is, the intent is to situate and possibly deconstruct the systems of reasoning that govern human development and education, including deconstructing Euro-American critical paradigms. The series encourages innovative writing formats as well as novel theoretical and methodological approaches to co-producing knowledge in fields such as: urban, rural and indigenous childhood & youth; children's rights; alternative sexual identities; social policy, ecology and youth activism; diverse faith communities; immigration and intersectionality; mobile Internet, digital futures, and global education. It will discuss the geopolitics of knowledge, feminisms in the majority world, and decolonial and anthropological perspectives, among others. It is addressed to relevant scholars from all over the world as well as to global policy makers and employees at international organizations and NGOs interested in theoretical and methodological innovation in childhood and youth studies.

    7 publications

  • Mousikae Paideia

    Music and Education/Musik und Bildung/Musique et Pédagogie

    ISSN: 1664-3550

    This collection brings together a range of academic texts looking at the development of music education in all its different modes and practices as well as considering the place of music in learning and teaching approaches. By targeting a clear exposition of innovative ideas and methods, it aims to enrich and develop reciprocal relationships amongst leaders, researchers and practitioners in the field. Cette collection rassemble des textes scientifiques qui visent au développement de l’'éducation musicale –dans ses différentes formes et modalités –ainsi qu’'à l'’intégration de la musique dans les démarches d'’enseignement-apprentissage en général. En privilégiant une présentation claire et bien fondée d'’idées et d'’approches novatrices, la collection se veut un facteur de rapprochement et d'’enrichissement réciproque entre toutes les personnes qui sont concernées par les questions éducatives, que ce soit au niveau de la gestion scolaire, de la recherche ou de la pratique de terrain. Diese Reihe umfasst wissenschaftliche Texte, die sowohl zur Entwicklung der musikalischen Bildung in ihren unterschiedlichen Formen und Modalitäten wie auch zur Integration der Musik in die Auseinandersetzung um Lehren und Lernen im Allgemeinen beitragen. Bevorzugt werden gut fundierte und klare Darstellungen von innovativen Ideen und Zugängen, welche die Beziehungen und den Diskurs zwischen Bildungsverantwortlichen, Forschenden und Personen aus der Praxis bereichern und entwickeln.

    1 publications

  • Medical Humanities: Criticism and Creativity

    ISSN: 2504-5229

    This series showcases innovative research, creativity and pedagogy in the interdisciplinary field of medical humanities. Books in the series explore the complexities of human bodies, minds, illness and wellbeing through analytical frameworks derived from humanistic disciplines and clinical practice. The series publishes a range of materials, including monographs and edited collections on scholarly approaches to medical issues in culture; creative works (accompanied by analytical and educational materials) that engage with medical humanities themes; and critical, engaged or radical pedagogies on focused topics for learners in the medical and health humanities.  Medical Humanities: Criticism and Creativity is intended to provide an informative exchange across disciplines, encouraging theoretical and personal reflections on the condition of the human mind/body and contributing to debates on health-related issues from a broad range of perspectives. The series also invites research that opens up critical conversations on being human at the intersection of other forms of humanistic knowledge, such as environmental and digital humanities. We are especially interested in collaborations between academics in the humanities and healthcare professionals. All book proposals and manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review prior to acceptance and publication. Editorial Board: Havi Carel (University of Bristol), Gretchen Case (University of Utah School of Medicine), Siobhan Conaty (La Salle University), Cheryl Dellasega (Penn State College of Medicine), Daniel George (Penn State College of Medicine), Michael Green (Penn State College of Medicine), Jennifer Henneman (Denver Art Museum), Brian Hurwitz (King’s College London), Brian Johnsrud (Adobe Education), Tess Jones (University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus), Lois Leveen (novelist and independent scholar), Ulrika Maude (University of Bristol), Jules Odendahl-James (Duke University), Molly Osborne (Oregon Health and Science University), Barry Saunders (University of North Carolina School of Medicine), Johanna Shapiro (University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine), Marina Tsaplina (The Betes Organization), Craigan Usher (Oregon Health and Science University), Neil Vickers (King’s College London), Martin Willis (Cardiff University), Charlotte Wu (Boston University School of Medicine)

    9 publications

  • Studies in Language, Culture and Society

    ISSN: 2195-7479

    Until the publication of volume 16, the series was coedited by prof. Piotr Ruszkiewicz. The series will publish books addressing the nexus between language, culture and society. Contrastive studies are welcome in particular, whether of a synchronic or diachronic orientation. Various perspectives on language/communication are of interest: grammatical, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, discoursal and semiotic. A wide range of theoretical and methodological positions is accepted: cognitive /anthropological / corpus linguistics, as well as pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, (specialized) genre analysis, or critical discourse studies. The cutting edge of the series is to publish innovative research elucidating the processes of inter- and intra-language variation and change, and – at the same time – relating them to flows in and across cognate categories of culture, community and society. The series will publish monographs and edited volumes reporting on data-driven research that carries a potential for application in translation studies, language teaching, multilingual (multicultural) education, and interdisciplinary critical discourse studies. The languages of publication will be English and German, yet book proposals in other major languages will also be considered, if centrally contributive to the main aim of the series.

    20 publications

  • Black Studies and Critical Thinking

    ISSN: 1947-5985

    Black Studies and Critical Thinking is an interdisciplinary series which examines the intellectual traditions of and cultural contributions made by people of African descent throughout the world. Whether it is in literature, art, music, science, or academics, these contributions are vast and far-reaching. As we work to stretch the boundaries of knowledge and understanding of issues critical to the Black experience, this series offers a unique opportunity to study the social, economic, and political forces that have shaped the historic experience of Black America, and that continue to determine our future. Black Studies and Critical Thinking is positioned at the forefront of research on the Black experience, and is the source for dynamic, innovative, and creative exploration of the most vital issues facing African Americans. The series invites contributions from all disciplines but is specially suited for cultural studies, anthropology, history, sociology, literature, art, and music. Subjects of interest include (but are not limited to): Education, Sociology, History, Media/Communication, Spirituality and Indigenous Thought, Women’s Studies, Policy Studies, Advertising, African American Studies, Black Political Thought.

    164 publications

  • Understanding Media Ecology

    ISSN: 2374-7676

    Media Ecology is a field of inquiry defined as ‘the study of media as environments’. Within this field, the term «medium» can be defined broadly to refer to any human technology or technique, code or symbol system, invention or innovation, system or environment. Media ecology scholarship typically focuses on how technology, symbolic form, and media relate to communication, consciousness, and culture – past, present and future. This series publishes research that furthers the formal development of media ecology as a field of study. Works in this series bring a media ecology approach to bear on specific topics of interest, including theoretical or philosophical investigations concerning the nature and effects of media or a specific medium. Further, this series also publishes books that examine new and emerging technologies and the contemporary media environment, as well as historical studies of media, technology, modes, and codes of communication. Scholarship regarding technique and the technological society is particularly welcome, as is scholarship on specific types of media and culture (e.g., oral and literate cultures, image, etc.). Publications may also consider specific aspects of culture (such as religion, politics, education, journalism, etc.); critical analyses of art and popular culture; and studies of how physical and symbolic environments function as media.

    21 publications

  • Critical Indigenous and American Indian Studies

    ISSN: 2376-547X

    The Critical Indigenous and American Indian Studies series welcomes highly-innovative, interdisciplinary manuscripts that explore the historic and contemporary experiences of American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Indigenous Peoples throughout Oceania and the Pacific. We seek submissions from scholars working on the following topics: literary studies, community/public health, languages and cultural preservation, cultural studies, gender and sexuality, politics and sovereignty, religion and philosophy, education, and media studies. This series seeks to increase the international presence of scholarly monographs written and published by American Indian and Indigenous Peoples that address indigenous people’s rights as a matter of social justice and human rights.

    13 publications

  • Queering Paradigms

    ISSN: 2235-5367

    Queering Paradigms is a series of peer-reviewed edited volumes and monographs presenting challenging and innovative developments in Queer Theory and Queer Studies from across a variety of academic disciplines and political spheres. Queer in this context is understood as a critical disposition towards the predominantly binarist and essentialising social, intellectual, political, and cultural paradigms through which we understand gender, sexuality, and identity. Queering denotes challenging and transforming not just heteronormativity, but homonormativity as well, and pushing past the binary axes of homo- and hetero-sexuality. In line with the broad inter- and trans-disciplinary ethos of queer projects generally, the series welcomes contributions from both established and aspiring researchers in diverse fields of studies including political and social science, philosophy, history, religious studies, literary criticism, media studies, education, psychology, health studies, criminology, and legal studies. The series is committed to advancing perspectives from outside of the ‘Global North’. Further, it will publish research that explicitly links queer insights to specific and local political struggles, which might serve to encourage the uptake of queer insights in similar contexts. By cutting across disciplinary, geographic, and cultural boundaries in this way, the series provides a unique contribution to queer theory. The Series Editor: Professor B. Scherer is Chair of Comparative Religion, Gender and Sexuality at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK, and an executive editor of the journal Religion and Gender. Read more about Queering Paradigms at the Canterbury Christ Church University's Queering Paradigms website.

    11 publications

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