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  • Institutionelle und Sozial-Ökonomie / Institutional and Socio-Economics

    "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. May 2012 The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) "

    11 publications

  • Studies in Sociology: Symbols, Theory and Society

    "The series has been created by Elzbieta Halas and Risto Heiskala in order to stimulate and develop cooperation in research on the meaning, forms and functions of symbolism in society. The series is open to various theoretical and methodological orientations in the studies of social symbolism. The aim of the series is to show the central place of the problems of symbolization and symbolism in sociology - processes of symbolization in everyday life, in collective actions, social movements, organizations, in the public sphere of institutions, as well as in the construction of collective memories and identities, in the construction of the state and the nation, and in international relations and in globalization processes. The series presents theoretical and empirical questions of symbolic power, symbolic hegemony, symbolic control and symbolic politics; integrating as well as transforming and liberating functions of social symbolism in the processes of interactions and communication which shape knowledge, values and social sentiments."

    15 publications

  • Studien zur Pädagogik der Schule

    Homepage der Herausgeberin: Prof. Dr. Stephanie Hellekamps Die Reihe “Studien zur Pädagogik der Schule” ist ein anspruchsvolles Forum für die pädagogische Diskussion über Erziehung und Bildung, Lehren und Lernen in unserer Gesellschaft: Mit der Reihe wird für die Schulpädagogik als erziehungswissenschaftliche Disziplin plädiert, die auf die Erfassung, Analyse und Kritik von Prozessen des Erziehens und Unterrichtens in der Institution Schule ausgerichtet ist. Die Reihe berücksichtigt die enge Verflechtung der Theorie der Schule, des Lehrplans und Unterrichts mit der pädagogischen Praxis in der Schule und achtet auf methodologische Offenheit. Damit soll der Vielfalt der Forschungen und Reflexionen zu den schulpädagogischen Zentralbereichen entsprochen und der Anspruch des jungen Menschen auf gelingendes, bildendes Lernen eingelöst werden.

    37 publications

  • Politik und Demokratie

    Reihe des Wiener Instituts für Politikwissenschaft

    Die Publikationsreihe Politik und Demokratie des Wiener Instituts für Politikwissenschaft widmet sich Studien aus dem Bereich der Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich mit sowohl zeitgenössischen als auch historischen Betrachtungen zu Politischer Theorie und Ideengeschichte, Staats- und Institutionentheorie und der Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse sowie mit Detailanalysen zu einzelnen Figuren des politischen Lebens. Die Publikationsreihe Politik und Demokratie des Wiener Instituts für Politikwissenschaft widmet sich Studien aus dem Bereich der Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich mit sowohl zeitgenössischen als auch historischen Betrachtungen zu Politischer Theorie und Ideengeschichte, Staats- und Institutionentheorie und der Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse sowie mit Detailanalysen zu einzelnen Figuren des politischen Lebens. Die Publikationsreihe Politik und Demokratie des Wiener Instituts für Politikwissenschaft widmet sich Studien aus dem Bereich der Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich mit sowohl zeitgenössischen als auch historischen Betrachtungen zu Politischer Theorie und Ideengeschichte, Staats- und Institutionentheorie und der Politik der Geschlechterverhältnisse sowie mit Detailanalysen zu einzelnen Figuren des politischen Lebens.

    29 publications

  • Innovatives Wissensmanagement

    ISSN: 2699-6324

    Die Reihe Innovatives Wissensmanagement führt Theorie und Praxis zusammen, indem sie dem interessierten Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft nicht nur fachtheoretische Arbeiten, sondern auch innovative Konzepte, neuartige Lösungsansätze für aktuelle Herausforderungen sowie anwendungsbezogene Fallstudien aus den verschiedensten Branchen zur Verfügung stellt. Der multidisziplinäre Ansatz der Schriftenreihe erlaubt es überdies, die Themenbereiche Innovationsmanagement und Wissensmanagement zu verknüpfen und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Herausgeber Bernhard F. Seyr, Jahrgang 1976, ist Professor an der Alexandre Lamfalussy Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Sopron. Er promovierte in Bildungswissenschaften an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg sowie in Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Danach habilitierte er sich in den Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften an der Universität Sopron. Außerdem ist Seyr allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger beim Landesgericht Salzburg in den Fachgebieten Pädagogik und Wirtschaft. Darüber hinaus hat er die Funktion des Geschäftsführers des Instituts für Personalwirtschaft und Berufspädagogik in Salzburg inne. Weitere Informationen zum Herausgeber unter www.seyr.at. Die Reihe Innovatives Wissensmanagement führt Theorie und Praxis zusammen, indem sie dem interessierten Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft nicht nur fachtheoretische Arbeiten, sondern auch innovative Konzepte, neuartige Lösungsansätze für aktuelle Herausforderungen sowie anwendungsbezogene Fallstudien aus den verschiedensten Branchen zur Verfügung stellt. Der multidisziplinäre Ansatz der Schriftenreihe erlaubt es überdies, die Themenbereiche Innovationsmanagement und Wissensmanagement zu verknüpfen und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Herausgeber Bernhard F. Seyr, Jahrgang 1976, ist Professor an der Alexandre Lamfalussy Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Sopron. Er promovierte in Bildungswissenschaften an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg sowie in Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Danach habilitierte er sich in den Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften an der Universität Sopron. Außerdem ist Seyr allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger beim Landesgericht Salzburg in den Fachgebieten Pädagogik und Wirtschaft. Darüber hinaus hat er die Funktion des Geschäftsführers des Instituts für Personalwirtschaft und Berufspädagogik in Salzburg inne. Weitere Informationen zum Herausgeber unter www.seyr.at. Die Reihe Innovatives Wissensmanagement führt Theorie und Praxis zusammen, indem sie dem interessierten Publikum aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft nicht nur fachtheoretische Arbeiten, sondern auch innovative Konzepte, neuartige Lösungsansätze für aktuelle Herausforderungen sowie anwendungsbezogene Fallstudien aus den verschiedensten Branchen zur Verfügung stellt. Der multidisziplinäre Ansatz der Schriftenreihe erlaubt es überdies, die Themenbereiche Innovationsmanagement und Wissensmanagement zu verknüpfen und aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven zu beleuchten. Herausgeber Bernhard F. Seyr, Jahrgang 1976, ist Professor an der Alexandre Lamfalussy Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften der Universität Sopron. Er promovierte in Bildungswissenschaften an der Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg sowie in Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Danach habilitierte er sich in den Wirtschafts- und Organisationswissenschaften an der Universität Sopron. Außerdem ist Seyr allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger beim Landesgericht Salzburg in den Fachgebieten Pädagogik und Wirtschaft. Darüber hinaus hat er die Funktion des Geschäftsführers des Instituts für Personalwirtschaft und Berufspädagogik in Salzburg inne. Weitere Informationen zum Herausgeber unter www.seyr.at.

    8 publications

  • Global Studies in Education

    "Global Studies in Education is a book series that address the implications of the powerful dynamics associated with globalization for re-conceptualizing educational theory, policy and practice. The general orientation of the series is inter-disciplinary. It welcomes conceptual, empirical and critical studies that explore the dynamics of the rapidly changing global processes, connectivities and imagination, and how these are reshaping issues of knowledge creation and management and economic and political institutions, leading to new social identities and cultural formations associated with education. Scholars have sought to use the term “globalization” to summarize dynamic processes now being expressed in the intensification and movement of cultural and economic capital across national borders, the acceleration of mass migration, and the amplification and proliferation of images generated in the Internet and in electronic mediation generally. These processes are now fully articulated to the organization of knowledge in educational institutions and the social and cultural environments in which both school youth and educators now operate. However, there is no settlement or general agreement, nor is there a developed literature, about how globalization processes function in the institutional terrain of education and how they impact the integration of social subjects into contemporary institutions such as the school. This new series therefore aims to provide a venue for rigorous interdisciplinary research that seeks to describe, document, theorize, and intervene in the brave new educational world defined by globalization processes. We are particularly interested in manuscripts that offer: a) new theoretical, and methodological, approaches to the study of globalization and its impact on education; b) ethnographic case studies or textual/discourse based analyses that examine the cultural identity experiences of youth and educators inside and outside of educational institutions; c) studies of education policy processes that address the impact and operation of global agencies and networks; d) analyses of the nature and scope of transnational flows of capital, people and ideas and how these are affecting educational processes; e) studies of shifts in knowledge and media formations, and how these point to new conceptions of educational processes; f) exploration of global economic, social and educational inequalities and social movements promoting ethical renewal. "

    63 publications

  • Educational Equity in Community Colleges

    ISSN: 2690-4438

    This series centers theory and practice in enacting educational equity, and, ultimately, educational justice at the administrative, institutional/programmatic, governance, and pedagogical levels of community colleges and other institutions of higher learning (Woods & Harris, 2016; Nevarez & Wood, 2010). There is a corpus of literature on the pernicious effects of oppressive pedagogy at the K-12 level, especially for traditionally marginalized, minoritized students (Nasir, 2011; Delpit, 2012; Leonardo, 2010). However, this is not the case at the community college level even though these same traditionally marginalized, minoritized students overwhelming start their college careers in two-year community colleges. Frankly, though there are many valuable contributions to community college education, overall there is a dearth of literature on critical, justice-centered pedagogy, theory and practice (i.e., praxis) within community college administration, governance, programming, and pedagogy. Community college practitioners are interested in enacting educational equity. However, there is little community college-specific literature for them to use to reimagine and, ultimately, reconstruct their administrative, programmatic, and pedagogical practices so that these institutionalized practices become commensurate with educational equity and justice (Tuck & Yang, 2018). Therefore, the goal of this series is to blend the work of university researchers and community college practitioners to illuminate best practices in achieving educational equity and justice via a critical-reality pedagogical framework (Giroux, 2004; Emdin, 2017; Sims, 2018). This series aims to highlight work that illuminates both the successes and struggles in developing institutionalized practices that positively impact poor ethno-racially minoritized students of color. Therefore, we will be looking at pedagogies, policies, and practices that are intentionally developed, curated and sustained by committed educators, administrators, and staff at their respective college campuses that work to ensure just learning conditions for all students.

    4 publications

  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Languages in Interdisciplinary Fields

    ISSN: 2235-641X

    Lisbon Philosophical Studies – Uses of Language in Interdisciplinary Fields is the book series of the Institute of Philosophy of Language at the New University of Lisbon. Its aim is the publication of high-quality monographs, edited collections and conference proceedings in areas related to the philosophy of language, such as aesthetics, argumentation theory, epistemology, ethics, logic, philosophy of mind and political philosophy. The purpose of the series is to reflect the activities of the Institute as well as contemporary research in these areas, encouraging the interchange of arguments and ideas between philosophy and other disciplines.

    8 publications

  • German Visual Culture

    German Visual Culture invites research on German art across different periods, geographical locations, and political contexts. Books in the series engage with aesthetic and ideological continuities as well as ruptures and divergences between individual artists, movements, systems of art education, art institutions, and cultures of display. Challenging scholarship that interrogates and updates existing orthodoxies in the field is desirable. A guiding question of the series is the impact of German art on critical and public spheres, both inside and outside the German-speaking world. Reception is thus conceived in the broadest possible terms, including both the ways in which art has been perceived and defined as well as the ways in which modern and contemporary German artists have undertaken visual dialogues with their predecessors or contemporaries. Issues of cultural transfer, critical race theory and related postcolonial analysis, feminism, queer theory, and other interdisciplinary approaches are encouraged, as are studies on production and consumption, especially the art market, pioneering publishing houses, and the ‘little magazines’ of the avant-garde. All proposals for monographs and edited collections in the history of German visual culture will be considered, although English will be the language of all contributions. Submissions are subject to rigorous peer review. The series will be promoted through the series editor’s Research Forum for German Visual Culture (https://www.eca.ed.ac.uk/research/research-forum-german-visual-culture), which he founded at the University of Edinburgh in 2011, and which has involved various symposia and related publications, all connected to an international network of Germanist scholars.

    20 publications

  • Ralahine Utopian Studies

    Ralahine Utopian Studies is the publishing project of the Ralahine Centre for Utopian Studies at the University of Limerick in association with the University of Bologna, the University of Cyprus, the University of Florida and the University of Maine. The series publishes high-quality scholarship that addresses the theory and practice of utopianism (including Anglophone, continental European and indigenous and postcolonial traditions, and contemporary and historical periods). Publications (in English and other European languages) include original monographs and essay collections (including theoretical, textual and ethnographic/institutional research), English-language translations of utopian scholarship in other national languages, reissues of classic scholarly works that are out of print and annotated editions of original utopian literary and other texts (including translations). While the series editors seek work that engages with the current scholarship and debates in the field of utopian studies, they will not privilege any particular critical or theoretical orientation. They welcome submissions by established or emerging scholars working within or outside the academy. Given the multilingual and interdisciplinary remit of the series, the editors especially welcome comparative studies in any disciplinary or transdisciplinary framework.

    39 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    22 publications

  • Aachen British and American Studies / Aachener Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik

    This series has been terminated after vol. 20. This series includes in-depth studies, dissertations, and edited volumes on a broad range of topics in the fields of language theory, applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, British and American literary and cultural studies and foreign language teaching. Each volume is embedded in the specialized research areas of the Department of English, American and Romance Studies at RWTH Aachen University. Band 20 schließt diese Reihe ab. Die vorliegende Reihe umfasst Einzeluntersuchungen, Dissertationen und Aufsatzsammlungen zu einem breiten Spektrum von Forschungsthemen in den Bereichen Sprachtheorie, Angewandte Linguistik, Korpuslinguistik, Britische und Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik. Die einzelnen Bände der Reihe stehen im Kontext der Forschungsschwerpunkte des Instituts für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik an der RWTH Aachen.

    15 publications

  • Language as Social Action

    This Series explores new and exciting advances in the ways in which language both reflects and fashions social reality--and thereby constitutes critical means of social action. As well as these being central foci in face-to-face interactions across different cultures, they also assume significance in the ways that language functions in the mass medias, new technologies, organizations, and social institutions. Language As Social Action does not uphold apartheid against any particular methodological and/or ideological position, but, rather, promotes (wherever possible) cross-fertilization of ideas and empirical data across the many, all-too-contrastive, social scientific approaches to language and communication. Contributors to the Series will also accord due attention to the historical, political, and economic forces that contextually bound the ways in which language patterns are analyzed, produced, and received. The Series will also provide an important platform for theory-driven works that have profound, and oftentimes provocative, implications for social policy.

    34 publications

  • Intersections in Communications and Culture

    Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 1528-610X

    This series publishes a wide range of new critical scholarship, particularly works that seek to engage with and transcend the disciplinary isolationism and genre confinement that characterizes so much of contemporary research in communication studies and related fields. The Editors are particularly interested in manuscripts that address the broad intersections, movement, and hybrid trajectories that currently define the encounters between human groups in modern institutions and societies. The way these dynamic intersections are coded and represented in contemporary popular cultural forms and in the organization of knowledge is also explored in this series. Works that emphasize methodological nuance, texture, and dialogue across traditions and disciplines (communications, feminist studies, area and ethnic studies, arts, humanities, sciences, education, philosophy, etc.) are particularly welcome, as are projects that explore the dynamics of variation, diversity, and discontinuity in local and international settings. Topics covered by this series include (but are not limited to): multidisciplinary media studies; cultural studies; gender, race, and class; postcolonialism; globalization; diaspora studies; border studies; popular culture; art and representation; body politics; governing practices; histories of the present; health (policy) studies; space and identity; (im)migration; global ethnographies; public intellectuals; world music; virtual identity studies; queer theory; critical multiculturalism.

    50 publications

  • Critical Qualitative Research

    Critical research serves to address societal structures and institutions that oppress and exclude so that transformative actions can be generated that reduce inequitable power conditions. We invite proposals for authored and edited volumes that describe critical social science research (re)conceptualizations, practices, and methodologies that can be used by other scholars who wish to design and implement critical qualitative inquiry. Critical Qualitative Research challenges modernist orientations toward research by using social theory, designs, and research practices that emerge from critical questions like: Who/what is heard? Who/what is silenced? Who is privileged? Who is disqualified? How are forms of inclusion/exclusion being created? How are relations of power constructed and managed? How do various forms of privilege and oppression intersect to impact life possibilities for various individuals and groups? How do the arts inform research? How can multiple knowledges be engaged in research? How can research be socially just?

    43 publications

  • Social Strategies

    Monographien zur Soziologie und Gesellschaftspolitik / Monographs on Sociology and Social Policy

    ISSN: 2235-7491

    Die Zielsetzung der Reihe Social Strategies ist es, Theorie und Praxis in soziologischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Problemstellungen zu verbinden. Dabei interessieren fundierte Analysen sowie konkrete Lösungsansätze und Handlungsvorschläge. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte bilden die Bereiche soziale Ungleichheit sowie Konflikt und Kooperation im Kontext globaler Prozesse. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit besteht mit der Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), dem Basler Institut für Soziologie (Universität Basel) und dem dort angesiedelten Zentrum für Konfliktforschung. Daneben nimmt die Reihe aber auch Manuskripte von anderen Forscherinnen und Forschern auf. Die sozialwissenschaftlich orientierten Arbeiten sollen neben dem wissenschaftlichen auch ein breiteres, an soziologischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen interessiertes Publikum ansprechen. Publiziert werden Kongressberichte, Festschriften, Dissertationen und weitere Arbeiten, die sich interdisziplinär mit sozialen Fragen und Strategien auseinander setzen. Die Publikationssprachen sind deutsch, englisch und französisch.

    27 publications

  • World Science Fiction Studies

    ISSN: 2296-8814

    World Science Fiction Studies understands science fiction to be an inherently global phenomenon. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited collections that celebrate the tremendous reach of a genre that continues to be interpreted and transformed by a variety of cultures and linguistic communities around the world. The series embraces this global vision of the genre but also supports the articulation of each community’s unique approach to the challenges of science, technology and society. The series encourages the use of contemporary theoretical approaches (e.g. postcolonialism, posthumanism, feminisms, ecocriticism) as well as engagement with positionalities understood through critical race and ethnicity studies, gender studies, queer theory, disability studies, class analysis, and beyond. Interdisciplinary work and research on any media (e.g. print, film, television, visual arts, video games, new media) is welcome. The language of the series is English. Advisory Board: Jinyi Chu (Yale University), Antonio Cordoba (Manhattan College), Elizabeth Ginway (University of Florida), Hugh O’Connell (University of Massachusetts, Boston), Iva Polak (University of Zagreb), Umberto Rossi (Sapienza University of Rome), Alfredo Luiz Suppia (University of Campinas), Ida Yoshinaga (Georgia Institute of Technology).

    4 publications

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