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  • Studien zur pädagogischen und psychologischen Intervention

    ISSN: 0721-4170

    Die "Studien zur pädagogischen und psychologischen Intervention" widmen sich Fragen aus dem Bereich der Psychologie und Pädagogik. Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe steht die Auseinandersetzung mit der Entwicklungspsychologie und mit psychotherapeutischen Methoden. Der Herausgeber Professor Wolf-Rüdiger Minsel ist Experte für Lern- und Entwicklungsstörungen. Der Herausgeber Dr. Jürgen Lohmann forscht auf dem Gebiet der Psychologie und Waldorfpädagogik.

    10 publications

  • Medieval Interventions

    New Light on Traditional Thinking

    ISSN: 2376-2683

    Medieval Interventions publishes innovative studies on medieval culture broadly conceived. By «innovative», we envisage works espousing, for example, new research protocols especially those involving digitized resources, revisionist approaches to codicology and paleography, reflections on medieval ideologies, fresh pedagogical practices, digital humanities, advances in gender studies, as well as fresh thinking on animal, environmental, geospatial, and nature studies. In short, the series will seek to set rather than follow agendas in the study of medieval culture. Since medieval intellectual and artistic practices were naturally interdisciplinary, the series welcomes studies from across the humanities and social sciences. Recognizing also the vigor that marks the field worldwide, the series endeavors to publish work in translation from non-Anglophone medievalists.

    12 publications

  • Sprachentwicklung

    Verlauf, Störung, Diagnostik, Intervention

    ISSN: 1439-0159

    Im Mittelpunkt der Reihe Sprachentwicklung - Verlauf, Störung, Diagnostik, Intervention steht Sprache in ihrer Entwicklung und Ausdifferenzierung. Sprachentwicklung beginnt nicht erst mit dem ersten intentional und sinnvoll gebrauchten Wort. Schon vor dem Geburtsschrei, der stimmlichen Initialzündung, werden pränatal die ersten Grundlagen zur Ausbildung oraler Sprache gelegt, auf denen das präverbale Stadium im 1. Lebensjahr aufbaut. Strukturell geht es in der Reihe um Stadien und Besonderheiten der primären und sekundären Sprachentwicklung sowie um Varianten und Abweichungen mit Krankheitswert. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden Sprachstörungen im Kindesalter, ihre Prävention, Diagnostik und Therapie. Erklärungsansätze zu Facetten des Spracherwerbs sowie empirische Ergebnisse relevanter Studien sind weitere Schwerpunkte.

    9 publications

  • Art – Knowledge – Theory

    ISSN: 2235-2759

    Art Knowledge Theory is a book series that explores artistic modes of expression as forms of knowledge production. It focuses on transdisciplinary, epistemological and methodological approaches to contemporary art. Linking artistic and scientific practices, tools, techniques and theories, the volumes investigate the cultures of aesthetics and science studies as they relate to works of art. Art Knowledge Theory analyzes the role of art in contemporary culture by probing the philosophical, historical and social parameters by which images are accessed and assessed. As an amplification - as well as intervention or even a correction to historical research, this series questions the state of the art and knowledge within a culture, characterized by technology and science.

    8 publications

  • Profession und Fallverstehen

    ISSN: 1661-6251

    In Professionen lässt sich die Berufsausübung nur sehr begrenzt standardisieren. Es muss eine den Fall in seiner Gesamtheit würdigende Behandlung eingerichtet werden. Dies setzt ein Verstehen der Fallprob-lematik voraus. Dafür sind diagnostische bzw. fallverstehende Kompetenzen nötig, die durch die Einübung in rekonstruktive Methoden des Fallverstehens vermittelt werden können. Neben dieser Vermittlung in der Ausbildung ist die professionelle Praxis auf eine die Fallintervention rekonstruierende Evaluation ange-wiesen, um eine bestimmte Intervention zu überprüfen und wenn nötig auch andere Möglichkeiten zu finden. Darüber hinaus bieten sich fallrekonstruktive Vorgehensweisen in der Forschung zur Untersu-chung von verschiedenen, insbesondere professionalisierungstheoretischen, Fragestellungen an. Weil diese Verfahren in den Professionen trotz ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit noch relativ wenig bekannt sind, soll mit der Reihe zur Verbreitung solcher Ansätze beigetragen werden. Besonders wichtig sind sie in Medizin, Jurisprudenz, Theologie, Pädagogik, Psychologie, Polizei, Kriminologie, Sozialarbeit, Sozialpädagogik, Supervision, Organisationsberatung, Soziologie, Politologie, Ethnologie sowie bei gestaltenden und künst-lerischen Berufen. Die Reihe umfasst Forschungsberichte, Sammelbände, Tagungsdokumentationen, Dissertationen, Habili-tationen und Lehrbücher in deutscher und englischer Sprache.

    2 publications

  • Georges Pompidou - Études

    ISSN: 1782-4931

    The «Georges Pompidou Studies» Series presents monographs and collective works accounting of the scientific symposiums organised by the Georges Pompidou Association and focusing on different domains of action of the former French President. These high quality works use scholar contributions and precious interventions of major direct witnesses. Also have a look at the series «Georges Pompidou – Archives». La série « Études » de la collection « Georges Pompidou » propose des monographies ainsi que des ouvrages collectifs issus de colloques scientifiques organisés par l’’Association Georges Pompidou consacrés à un domaine de l’’action de ce dernier. Ces travaux de grande qualité rassemblent contributions scientifiques et interventions de témoins majeurs ayant été associés à l’’action de l’’ancien président de la République française. Voir aussi la collection « Georges Pompidou – Archives ». The «Georges Pompidou Studies» Series presents monographs and collective works accounting of the scientific symposiums organised by the Georges Pompidou Association and focusing on different domains of action of the former French President. These high quality works use scholar contributions and precious interventions of major direct witnesses. Also have a look at the series «Georges Pompidou – Archives».

    15 publications

  • Reimagining Ireland

    ISSN: 1662-9094

    The concepts of Ireland and ‘Irishness’ are in constant flux in the wake of an ever-increasing reappraisal of the notion of cultural and national specificity in a world assailed from all angles by the forces of globalisation and uniformity. Reimagining Ireland interrogates Ireland'’s past and present and suggests possibilities for the future by looking at Ireland’'s literature, culture and history and subjecting them to the most up-to-date critical appraisals associated with sociology, literary theory, historiography, political science and theology. Some of the pertinent issues include, but are not confined to, Irish writing in English and Irish, Nationalism, Unionism, the Northern ‘Troubles’, the Peace Process, economic development in Ireland, the impact and decline of the Celtic Tiger, Irish spirituality, the rise and fall of organised religion, the visual arts, popular cultures, sport, Irish music and dance, emigration and the Irish diaspora, immigration and multiculturalism, marginalisation, globalisation, modernity/postmodernity and postcolonialism. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. “A major intervention in Irish Studies. Irish Studies have come back to Ireland itself. The ‘Reimagining Ireland’ series is at the cutting edge of what it means to be Ireland.” (Prof. Luke Gibbons)

    160 publications

  • Complicated Conversation

    A Book Series of Curriculum Studies

    ISSN: 1534-2816

    Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice.

    91 publications

  • Australian Studies: Interdisciplinary Perspectives

    This interdisciplinary book series showcases dynamic, innovative research on contemporary and historical Australian culture. It aims to foster interventions in established debates on Australia as well as opening up new areas of enquiry that reflect the diversity of interests in the scholarly community. The series includes research in a range of fields across the humanities and social sciences, such as history, literature, media, philosophy, cultural studies, gender studies and politics. Proposals are encouraged in areas such as Indigenous studies, critical race and whiteness studies, women'Â’s studies, studies in colonialism and coloniality, multiculturalism, the experimental humanities and ecocriticism. Of particular interest is research that promotes the study of Australia in cross-cultural, transnational and comparative contexts. Cross-disciplinarity and new methodologies are welcomed. The series will feature the work of leading authors but also invites proposals from emerging scholars. Proposals for monographs, biographies and high-quality edited volumes are welcomed. Proposals and manuscripts considered for the series will be subject to rigorous peer review and editorial attention. The series is affiliated with the International Australian Studies Association (www.inasa.org). Please see their website for information about applying to the ECR Publication Subsidy Scheme. Editorial Board: Dr Victoria Herche (University of Cologne), Dr Sukhmani Khorana (Western Sydney University), Associate Professor Shino Konishi (Australian Catholic University), Associate Professor Jeanine Leane (University of Melbourne), Associate Professor Alana Lentin (Western Sydney University), Professor Martin Nakata (James Cook University), Dr BJ Newton (University of New South Wales, Australia), Associate Professor Marguerite Nolan (Australian Catholic University), Dr Andonis Piperoglou (Griffith University), Associate Professor Emily Potter (Deakin University), Professor Noah Riseman (Australian Catholic University), Dr Jessa Rogers (Queensland University of Technology), Dr Liza-Mare Syron (University of New South Wales), Dr Anthea Taylor (University of Sydney), Dr Daniella Trimboli (Deakin University), Dr Daozhi Xu (Macquarie University).

    8 publications

  • Georges Pompidou – Archives

    The «Georges Pompidou Archives» Series publishes thematic volumes aiming at retracing George Pompidou’’s most telling actions. The documents presented are mostly extracted from the archives of the French Presidency of the Republic. They consist of accounts of interviews, collaborators’’ notes, letters, newspaper articles… These publications first run from 1962 to 1968, years during which Pompidou was Général de Gaulle’’s Prime Minister, and then focus on the 1969–1974 period, when George Pompidou himself became President. Each volume of this series, which offers original analysis of each document used, is achieved by a scholar and research associate of the Georges Pompidou Association. The National archives and the Georges Pompidou Association, through its scientific board, are in charge of this series. Also have a look at the series «Georges Pompidou – Études». La série « Archives » de la collection « Georges Pompidou » est consacrée à la publication de volumes thématiques représentatifs de l’’action de Georges Pompidou. Les documents sont essentiellement issus des archives de la présidence de la République. Ils se composent de comptes rendus d’entretiens, de notes de collaborateurs, de correspondances, d’interventions dans la presse, etc. Pour l’essentiel, ces publications couvrent la période 1962–1968, où Georges Pompidou fut le Premier ministre du général de Gaulle, et la période 1969–1974, durant laquelle Georges Pompidou fut président de la République française. Chaque volume est mis en œuvre par un universitaire et un chargé de recherches de l’association Georges Pompidou, qui proposent des analyses inédites de chacun de ces documents. La série est placée sous le patronage conjoint de l’association Georges Pompidou, par l’intermédiaire de son conseil scientifique, et des Archives nationales. Voir aussi la collection « Georges Pompidou Études ». The «Georges Pompidou Archives» Series publishes thematic volumes aiming at retracing George Pompidou’’s most telling actions. The documents presented are mostly extracted from the archives of the French Presidency of the Republic. They consist of accounts of interviews, collaborators’’ notes, letters, newspaper articles… These publications first run from 1962 to 1968, years during which Pompidou was Général de Gaulle’’s Prime Minister, and then focus on the 1969–1974 period, when George Pompidou himself became President. Each volume of this series, which offers original analysis of each document used, is achieved by a scholar and research associate of the Georges Pompidou Association. The National archives and the Georges Pompidou Association, through its scientific board, are in charge of this series. Also have a look at the series «Georges Pompidou – Études».

    7 publications

  • Destini incrociati / Destins croisés

    ISSN: 2031-1311

    The series « Destini incrociati / Criss-crossed fates » was born out of the encounter of italianist teachers and researchers working in the various francophone universities in Belgium. Multilingual, it offers both studies of a general nature and more specific contributions within the areas of Italian language, culture and literature. With no predetermined methodology, and open to the plurality of voices and skills, the series « Destini incrociati / Criss-crossed fates » sets out to combine academic rigour with the pleasure of reading, in publishing alternatively works with multiple authors, monographs, critical and linguistic essays, and academic books. The series has thus been conceived of as a cultural library, an ideal point of convergence for a variety of themes, projects, perspectives and new approaches. All volumes in this series passed a selection process that included double blind peer-review. Nata dallincontro di docenti e ricercatori di italianistica attivi nelle università francofone del Belgio, la collana « Destini incrociati / Destins croisés » raccoglie, in più lingue, studi d’insieme e interventi specifici su argomenti che pertengono alla lingua, alla cultura e alla letteratura italiana. Senza preclusioni metodologiche, aperta a voci e competenze diverse, « Destini incrociati / Destins croisés » si propone di coniugare rigore scientifico e piacere della lettura, alternando la pubblicazione di volumi miscellanei a monografie, di saggi critici e linguistici a edizioni di testi. La collana si presenta dunque come una biblioteca di cultura, in cui varietà di temi e progetti, novità di prospettive e approcci trovino un punto ideale di convergenza. Ogni volume della collana è stato sottoposto a una doppia revisione paritaria anonima.

    19 publications

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