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Open Access
  • Theaomai – Studien zu den performativen Künsten

    ISSN: 1436-1981

    The Old Greek verb theaomai – looking both with the mind’s eye and the actual eye – since the very beginning of European theatre suggests a close relation between theatre and theory. Within the act of perception the spectators, theates, relate the things they hear and see to the site of their memory and psyche. Of all the arts those who reflect the process of perception in the aesthetic form itself are performative arts. This series publishes interdisciplinary studies between theatre- and media studies as well as studies on the visual arts that analyse the social and subjective potential of the aesthetic process of looking, hearing, and reading. Das altgriechische Verb theaomai – «mit dem geistigen wie konkreten Auge schauen» – legt seit den Anfängen des europäischen Theaters eine enge Beziehung von Theater und Theorie nahe. Diese wird vom Zuschauer theates über den Akt seiner Wahrnehmung geknüpft: er verbindet konkretes Hören und Sehen mit dem Schauplatz seines Gedächtnisses und seiner Psyche. Künste, die diesen Prozess des Wahrnehmens in der ästhetischen Form selbst reflektieren, somit Denken und sinnliche Teilnahme des Rezipienten fordern, um die Sinnpotentialitäten des ästhetischen Gegenstands zu realisieren, sind performative Künste. Die Reihe veröffentlicht interdisziplinäre Studien im Übergang von Theater-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaft, die das gesellschafts- und subjektkritische Potential des Prozesses ästhetischer Zuschauer-, Hörer- oder Leserwahrnehmung untersuchen.

    12 publications

  • Etudes de linguistique, littérature et arts / Studi di Lingua, Letteratura e Arte

    La collection Études de linguistique, littérature et arts accueille les travaux rédigés en français, en espagnol ou en italien relevant des domaines de la linguistique, de la littérature et des arts du spectacle, ainsi que les études qui conjuguent de manière créative ces trois disciplines de recherche. Elle est ouverte à tout type de projet de publication (monographies, ouvrages issus des thèses universitaires, projets collectifs, actes de colloque) et s'adresse en priorité, mais non exclusivement, aux chercheurs provenant de la Pologne ou d'autres pays de l'Europe de l'Est.

    79 publications

  • Exploration

    Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education

    ISSN: 0721-3700

    Interlocutrices privilégiées tant des acteurs sociaux que des autres sciences sociales, les sciences de l'éducation alimentent le questionnement éducatif des sociétés contemporaines. La Collection Exploration entend contribuer à cette réflexion. La pluralité des disciplines et des approches en sciences de l'éducation définit la vocation de la Collection Exploration, celle de carrefour des multiples dimensions de la recherche et de l'action éducative. Sans a priori quant aux méthodes, la Collection publie des travaux empruntant une démarche scientifique, afin de les rendre accessibles aux chercheurs, aux formateurs, enseignants et éducateurs, et plus généralement à toute personne intéressée par l'analyse des phénomènes éducatifs. Comme l'évoque son nom, Exploration privilégie les travaux investissant des terrains nouveaux, abordant des questions vives de la recherche éducationnelle ou développant des méthodologies et des problématiques prometteuses. Exploration comprend trois séries. Recherches en sciences de l’éducation couvre tous les domaines de l’éducation ; Éducation: Histoire et pensée est dédiée aux travaux sociohistoriques et de philosophie ; Vygotskij : œuvres et études se spécialise dans le développement, l’art et les concepts y relatifs en éducation. Placée sous les auspices de la Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation, Exploration a été fondée en 1977; elle a depuis lors publié une centaine d'ouvrages. Quatre à huit volumes paraissent annuellement, choisis par les directeurs de la collection et évalués par des chercheurs scientifiques reconnus. Page d'accueil de l'éditeur : Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation (SSRE) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (SGBF) Società svizzera di ricerca in educazione (SSRE) Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE)"

    157 publications

  • Welten Ostasiens / Worlds of East Asia / Mondes de l'Extrême-Orient

    ISSN: 2235-5766

    The aim of the series Worlds of East Asia of the Swiss Asia Society is to publish high-quality, representative work issuing from academic research on all aspects of East Asia. It comprises, and receives, studies on present-day and historical East Asian cultures and societies covering the fields of art, literature and thought as well as translations and interpretations of important sources. Furthermore the series intends to present studies that offer expert knowledge on relevant themes and current questions appealing not only to the academic public, but also to an audience generally interested in East Asia. One important goal of the series is to establish a forum for academic work in the fields of the humanities and social sciences in Switzerland. However, the series is also committed to the rich variety of studies and writing on East Asia in the international research community. The main publication languages for studies, collections (by individual or several contributors), and surveys are therefore German, French, and English. The series is supervised and internally reviewed by an editorial board comprising leading representatives in East Asian studies. La série Mondes de l’Extrême-Orient de la Société Suisse-Asie publie des recherches de qualité représentatives de la recherche académique sur les cultures et sociétés de l’Asie orientale. Elle propose des études dans des domaines variés comme l’art, la littérature, et la pensée, anciens ou modernes, ainsi que des traductions et interprétations de sources. Elle publie également des travaux qui traitent de questions plus actuelles ou immédiates, de façon compétente mais abordable, avec le souhait de toucher, au-delà des cercles académiques, le grand public cultivé. L’un des buts de la série est de servir de forum pour les sciences humaines et sociales dans le domaine des études asiatique en Suisse. Les travaux de la communauté scientifique internationale sont cependant les bienvenus. Les langues principales des travaux, collections, ou recueils thématiques sont l’allemand, le français et l’anglais. La série est dirigée par un comité composé de chercheurs actifs dans les diverses disciplines des études extrême-orientales. Die Reihe Welten Ostasiens der Schweizerischen Asiengesellschaft stellt repräsentative Arbeiten aus der facettenreichen akademischen Forschung vor. Sie nimmt Studien zu den ostasiatischen Kulturen und Gesellschaften in Gegenwart und Vergangenheit in den Bereichen Kunst, Literatur und Denken sowie Übersetzungen und Interpretationen von Quellentexten auf. Sie will aber auch Arbeiten anbieten, die in allgemein verständlicher Weise kompetentes Wissen zu relevanten und aktuellen Fragen vermitteln und neben dem wissenschaftlichen Zielpublikum auch einer breiter interessierten Leserschaft zugänglich sind. In erster Linie ist sie ein Forum für geistes- und sozialwissenschaftliche Arbeiten aus der Schweiz, daneben werden aber auch Beiträge aus der internationalen Forschung aufgenommen. Die Hauptpublikationssprachen für die Studien, Sammelbände und Übersichtswerke sind Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch. Die Reihe wird von einem Herausgebergremium geleitet, das von führenden Fachvertretern aus den jeweiligen akademischen Disziplinen beraten wird.

    21 publications

  • Comparatisme et Société / Comparatism and Society

    ISSN: 1780-4515

    «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience. « Comparatisme et Société » est une collection interdisciplinaire qui envisage la littérature, les arts et les sciences humaines dans une interaction étroite avec l’évolution de la société et de l’histoire des idées. Ouverte au pluralisme des méthodes d’analyse, elle privilégie toutefois la perspective des regards croisés, dans la conviction que l’objectif inhérent à toute recherche se doit de dépasser le cadre des frontières linguistiques, nationales et disciplinaires. Elle s’attache à multiplier les contacts entre les chercheurs d’université et les personnes soucieuses de toute communication et diffusion des résultats de recherche auprès d’un plus large public. «Comparatism and Society» is an interdisciplinary collection which considers literature, the arts and the humanities in a close interaction with the evolution of society and the history of ideas. Although open to a wide range of methodologies, it nevertheless favours the perspective of cross-analysis, convinced that the objective of all research should be to reach beyond the limits of linguistic, national and disciplinary borders. Comparatism and Society aims to increase contacts between university researchers and those interested in sharing results and disseminating them to a wider audience.

    49 publications

  • Modern French Identities

    ISSN: 1422-9005

    This series aims to publish monographs, editions or collections of papers based on recent research into modern French literature. It welcomes contributions from academics, researchers and writers worldwide and in British and Irish universities in particular. Modern French Identities focuses on the French and Francophone writing of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, whose formal experiments and revisions of genre have combined to create an entirely new set of literary forms, from the thematic autobiographies of Michel Leiris and Bernard Noël to the magic realism of French Caribbean writers. The idea that identities are constructed rather than found, and that the self is an area to explore rather than a given pretext, runs through much of modern French literature, from Proust, Gide, Apollinaire and Césaire to Barthes, Duras, Kristeva, Glissant, Germain and Roubaud. This series explores the turmoil in ideas and values expressed in the works of theorists like Lacan, Irigaray, Foucault, Fanon, Deleuze and Bourdieu and traces the impact of current theoretical approaches – such as gender and sexuality studies, de/coloniality, intersectionality, and ecocriticism – on the literary and cultural interpretation of the self. The series publishes studies of individual authors and artists, comparative studies, and interdisciplinary projects and welcomes research on autobiography, cinema, fiction, poetry and performance art and/or the intersections between them. Editorial Board Contemporary Literature and Thought: Martin Crowley (University of Cambridge) Francophone Studies: Louise Hardwick (University of Birmingham) and Jean Khalfa (University of Cambridge) Gender and Sexuality Studies: Florian Grandena (University of Ottawa) and Cristina Johnston (University of Stirling) Language and Linguistics: Michaël Abecassis (University of Oxford) Literature and Art: Peter Collier and Jean Khalfa (University of Cambridge) Literature and Non-fiction: Muriel Pic (University of Bern) Poetry: Nina Parish (University of Stirling) and Emma Wagstaff (University of Birmingham) Zoopoetics and Ecocriticism: Anne Simon (CNRS/Ecole normale supérieure, Paris)

    155 publications

  • Hispanic Studies: Culture and Ideas

    ISSN: 1661-4720

    This series aims to publish studies in the arts, humanities and social sciences, the main focus of which is the Hispanic World. The series invites proposals with interdisciplinary approaches to Hispanic culture in fields such as history of concepts and ideas, sociology of culture, the evolution of visual arts, the critique of literature, and uses of historiography. It is not confined to a particular historical period. Monographs as well as collected papers are welcome. Languages of publication are English, Spanish and Spanish-American.

    97 publications

  • American Studies: Culture, Society & the Arts

    The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders. The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders. The series aims to publish studies of the American achievement in the literary and non-literary arts, of American intellectual history and of American cultural and social history, from the period of discovery to the present. It invites disciplinary pluralism and comparative approaches extending beyond national boundaries, as well as explorations which work within more conventional frameworks. The series is not confined to a particular critical or theoretical orientation. It welcomes contributions by scholars working both within and outside the academy and seeks to support work of intellectual independence and imaginative scope. Publications in a variety of formats will be considered: critical, historical and theoretical studies, essay collections, conference proceedings, annotated editions, anthologies, as well as work which may cross critical and creative borders.

    7 publications

  • Cultural Interactions: Studies in the Relationship between the Arts

    Interdisciplinary activity is now a major feature of academic work in all fields. The traditional borders between the arts have been eroded to reveal new connections and create new links between art forms. Cultural Interactions is intended to provide a forum for this activity. It will publish monographs, edited collections and volumes of primary material on points of crossover such as those between literature and the visual arts or photography and fiction, music and theatre, sculpture and historiography. It will engage with book illustration, the manipulation of typography as an art form, or the ‘double work’ of poetry and painting and will offer the opportunity to broaden the field into wider and less charted areas. It will deal with modes of representation that cross the physiological boundaries of sight, hearing and touch and examine the placing of these modes within their representative cultures. It will offer an opportunity to publish on the crosscurrents of nationality and the transformations brought about by foreign art forms impinging upon others. The interface between the arts knows no boundaries of time or geography, history or theory.

    52 publications

  • Reimagining Ireland

    ISSN: 1662-9094

    The concepts of Ireland and ‘Irishness’ are in constant flux in the wake of an ever-increasing reappraisal of the notion of cultural and national specificity in a world assailed from all angles by the forces of globalisation and uniformity. Reimagining Ireland interrogates Ireland'’s past and present and suggests possibilities for the future by looking at Ireland’'s literature, culture and history and subjecting them to the most up-to-date critical appraisals associated with sociology, literary theory, historiography, political science and theology. Some of the pertinent issues include, but are not confined to, Irish writing in English and Irish, Nationalism, Unionism, the Northern ‘Troubles’, the Peace Process, economic development in Ireland, the impact and decline of the Celtic Tiger, Irish spirituality, the rise and fall of organised religion, the visual arts, popular cultures, sport, Irish music and dance, emigration and the Irish diaspora, immigration and multiculturalism, marginalisation, globalisation, modernity/postmodernity and postcolonialism. The series publishes monographs, comparative studies, interdisciplinary projects, conference proceedings and edited books. “A major intervention in Irish Studies. Irish Studies have come back to Ireland itself. The ‘Reimagining Ireland’ series is at the cutting edge of what it means to be Ireland.” (Prof. Luke Gibbons)

    154 publications

  • Liminaires – Passages interculturels

    ISSN: 1660-1505

    Liminaires - Passages interculturels est une collection publiée par le LASLAR (Lettres Arts du Spectacle Langues Romanes) de lUniversité de Caen Basse-Normandie. Le LASLAR rassemble des francisants, des italianistes, des hispanistes dont les champs dintérêt et de recherche traversent de nombreuses disciplines et portent sur différentes époques de notre culture, du Moyen Age au XXIe siècle. Cette collection prend, sans solution de continuité, la suite de « Liminaires-Passages interculturels italo-ibériques » et présente des travaux conduits dans ce nouveau cadre institutionnel où les chercheurs romanistes du LEIA construisent leurs recherches de façon féconde avec des chercheurs en littérature française et arts du spectacle (théâtre et cinéma). Liminaires - Passages interculturels accueille des ouvrages en langues romanes répartis en trois grands domaines (italien, espagnol et français) : des actes de colloques, des cycles de conférences, des thèses de doctorat, des recherches de jeunes chercheurs ou de collaborateurs universitaires ou non, des éditions de textes dans une perspective pluriculturelle.

    56 publications

  • Italian Modernities

    ISSN: 1662-9108

    The series aims to publish innovative research on the written, material and visual cultures and intellectual history of modern Italy, from the 19th century to the present day. It is open to a wide variety of different approaches and methodologies, disciplines and interdisciplinary fields: from literary criticism and comparative literature to archival history, from cultural studies to material culture, from film and media studies to art history. It is especially interested in work which articulates aspects of Italy's particular, and in many respects, peculiar, interactions with notions of modernity and postmodernity, broadly understood. It also aims to encourage critical dialogue between new developments in scholarship in Italy and in the English-speaking world. The Italian Modernities series also includes the Panoramas sub-series. These volumes provide accessible, wide-ranging, research-led accounts of significant new trends, emerging fields of study and new methodologies within work on modern Italian culture, history and related disciplines.

    46 publications

  • Iberian and Latin American Studies: The Arts, Literature, and Identity

    ISSN: 1662-1794

    This series publishes titles from any area of Iberian and Latin American Studies that explore issues relating to questions of identity. The series accepts for publication scholarly monographs and collections of essays that aim to further our knowledge and understanding of the lives of individuals and communities who speak any of the languages of the Iberian Peninsula or Latin America. Ideas and concepts of identity can be explored at various levels, ranging from the individual to the national or international, and in different media. Proposals are welcome from researchers working in any cultural field, for example, the history of ideas, literature, performance, cinema, art and photography, and on a variety of issues, including nationhood, exile, memory, and gender. The series welcomes manuscripts in English or Spanish.

    16 publications

  • Cultural History and Literary Imagination

    This series promotes critical inquiry into the relationship between the literary imagination and its cultural, intellectual or political contexts. The series encourages the investigation of the role of the literary imagination in cultural history and the interpretation of cultural history through literature, visual culture and the performing arts. Contributions of a comparative or interdisciplinary nature are particularly welcome. Individual volumes might, for example, be concerned with any of the following: The mediation of cultural and historical memory, The material conditions of particular cultural manifestations, The construction of cultural and political meaning, Intellectual culture and the impact of scientific thought, The methodology of cultural inquiry, Intermediality, Intercultural relations and practices. Acceptance is subject to advice from our editorial board, and all proposals and manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review assessment prior to publication. The usual language of publication is English, but proposals in French, German, Italian and Spanish may also be considered. Editorial Board: Rodrigo Cacho, University of Cambridge; Sarah Colvin, University of Cambridge; Kenneth Loiselle, Trinity University; Heather Webb, University of Cambridge.

    36 publications

  • Repenser le cinéma / Rethinking Cinema

    The main purpose of the «Rethinking Cinema» series is to provide film scholars as well as professionals from the audiovisual field with innovative research material in the field of film aesthetics, theory and history. Many areas of last century’s main attraction are still there to be rediscovered or have seldom been approached in the past. Consequently, priority is given to film concepts, genres, works or authors which have not been frequently dealt with. Conference proceedings, collections of essays, revised doctoral theses or monographs are published and have to distinguish themselves by a considerable degree of originality, audacity and scientific rigour, without neglecting the transdisciplinary and cross-cultural aspects related to different branches from the Humanities such as Art History, Philosophy or Linguistics. The series welcomes manuscripts written in French and/or in English as well as translations of noteworthy texts from other foreign languages. La collection « Repenser le cinéma » privilégie les approches novatrices, les analyses de concepts, de genres, de courants, d’auteurs et de films rarement étudiés, qu’il s’agisse d’actes de colloque, d’essais, de versions remaniées de thèses de doctorat ou encore de monographies. Elle se propose d’offrir aux chercheurs, aux enseignants de l’audiovisuel ainsi qu’aux professionnels du cinéma des pistes de réflexion inédites sur la théorie, l’histoire et l’esthétique d’un art qui recèle de multiples chantiers peu balisés au cours du siècle qui l’a vu naître. La démarche méthodologique adoptée au sein des travaux publiés doit faire preuve d’originalité, d’audace et de rigueur scientifique, tout en visant les corrélations transdisciplinaires et transculturelles avec d’autres domaines des sciences humaines (histoire de l’art, philosophie, linguistique, etc.). La collection accueille des ouvrages en français ou en anglais, des publications bilingues, ainsi que des traductions d’ouvrages étrangers difficilement accessibles. The main purpose of the «Rethinking Cinema» series is to provide film scholars as well as professionals from the audiovisual field with innovative research material in the field of film aesthetics, theory and history. Many areas of last century’s main attraction are still there to be rediscovered or have seldom been approached in the past. Consequently, priority is given to film concepts, genres, works or authors which have not been frequently dealt with. Conference proceedings, collections of essays, revised doctoral theses or monographs are published and have to distinguish themselves by a considerable degree of originality, audacity and scientific rigour, without neglecting the transdisciplinary and cross-cultural aspects related to different branches from the Humanities such as Art History, Philosophy or Linguistics. The series welcomes manuscripts written in French and/or in English as well as translations of noteworthy texts from other foreign languages.

    13 publications

  • Pensée et perspectives africaines / African Thought and Perspectives

    La collection « Pensée et perspectives africaines » a pour but de révéler, de manière critique, les différents aspects de la pensée africaine. Elle s’efforce, d’une part, de mieux faire comprendre celle-ci et, d’autre part, de dégager les voies à travers lesquelles l’Afrique peut se construire et contribuer à la construction du monde. La collection se préoccupe de stimuler et de faire connaître l’expérience noétique africaine dans ce qu’elle a de spécifique et d’universel. Elle promeut la recherche et la réflexion au sens le plus large. En créant les conditions d’une connaissance à la fois intime et critique des langues, cultures et arts d’Afrique, elle favorise la production d'oeuvres nouvelles. Elle accueille donc toute étude de littérature, anthropologie, histoire, philosophie, art, linguistique, etc., quelle que soit sa provenance, qui contribue à faire connaître la pensée africaine ou d’inspiration africaine. The series «African Thought and Perspectives» aims at a critical analysis of the various aspects of African thought. On the one hand, it focuses on a better understanding of African thought and, on the other, it endeavours to find out ways through which Africa can develop itself while contributing to the development of the world as a whole. The series presents the African intellectual experience in its specificity as well as in its universality. It will also promote research and reflection on African matters in the widest sense. By creating the conditions in which African languages, cultures and arts can be intimately and critically examined, it encourages the production of new works. It, therefore, particularly welcomes studies on literature, anthropology, history, philosophy, art or linguistics that contribute to a better knowledge of African – or African-inspired –thought.

    9 publications

  • ThéoCrit'

    ISSN: 2033-4737

    Si, en ce début de XXIe siècle, la théorie de la littérature a renoncé aux prétentions scientistes qu’avait fait naitre l’essor du structuralisme, elle n’a sans doute jamais été aussi indispensable. Sur fond de modifications des conceptions du sujet et de son rapport au monde, d’évolution de ses relations avec les autres médias comme avec les autres arts, la pratique littéraire, en pleine mutation, mérite aujourd’hui un examen scrupuleux et renouvelé. Il en va non seulement de la question de sa définition, mais aussi de celle de son pouvoir. C’est à cette exigence théorique que se consacre la collection « ThéoCrit’ ». Comme son titre l’indique, celle-ci accueille aussi bien des travaux de recherche proprement théoriques que des études critiques, pour peu que celles-ci témoignent d’une suffisante rigueur heuristique. De plus, recherche et enseignement entretenant un dialogue nécessaire, des travaux menés en didactique des lettres y sont également publiés. Conçus sous la responsabilité scientifique des directeurs de collection et évalués par un comité de spécialistes des questions traitées, les volumes de ThéoCrit’ englobent des monographies, des recueils d’articles, des Actes de colloques, des synthèses ou des anthologies à destination de l’enseignement. Les langues de ces publications sont le français, l’anglais et l’espagnol. Si, en ce début de XXIe siècle, la théorie de la littérature a renoncé aux prétentions scientistes qu’avait fait naitre l’essor du structuralisme, elle n’a sans doute jamais été aussi indispensable. Sur fond de modifications des conceptions du sujet et de son rapport au monde, d’évolution de ses relations avec les autres médias comme avec les autres arts, la pratique littéraire, en pleine mutation, mérite aujourd’hui un examen scrupuleux et renouvelé. Il en va non seulement de la question de sa définition, mais aussi de celle de son pouvoir. C’est à cette exigence théorique que se consacre la collection « ThéoCrit’ ». Comme son titre l’indique, celle-ci accueille aussi bien des travaux de recherche proprement théoriques que des études critiques, pour peu que celles-ci témoignent d’une suffisante rigueur heuristique. De plus, recherche et enseignement entretenant un dialogue nécessaire, des travaux menés en didactique des lettres y sont également publiés. Conçus sous la responsabilité scientifique des directeurs de collection et évalués par un comité de spécialistes des questions traitées, les volumes de ThéoCrit’ englobent des monographies, des recueils d’articles, des Actes de colloques, des synthèses ou des anthologies à destination de l’enseignement. Les langues de ces publications sont le français, l’anglais et l’espagnol.

    17 publications

  • Participation in Broadband Society

    This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre.

    7 publications

  • Kultur, Wissenschaft, Literatur

    Beiträge zur Mittelalterforschung

    In dieser Reihe können Dissertationen und Habilitationen erscheinen, Tagungsakten, Texteditionen, aber auch gute Diplom- und Magisterarbeiten, sofern der Inhalt mediävistischer Art ist; die Reihe ist interdisziplinär angelegt, sodass auch Arbeiten nicht germanistischer Art grundsätzlich aufgenommen werden können. Anfragen können formlos gerichtet werden an: t.bein@germlit.rwth-aachen.de

    50 publications

  • Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus

    Humanism, which is characterized by the special status of human beings within the world, i.e. human beings do not differ gradually but categorically from other natural beings, is in a crisis. It gets attacked from various directions. Basically, it is possible to distinguish two main movements which try to transcend Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism. In the book series Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus, monographs and essay collections will be published which discuss aspects of this range of topics historically or systematically. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Editor’s Homepage: www.sorgner.de. From 1st January 2016 employed as an associate professor of philosophy at the John Cabot University in Rome. Editorial Board Members: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece Der Humanismus, der durch die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Welt gekennzeichnet ist, d.h. der Mensch unterscheidet sich nicht graduell, sondern kategorisch von anderen natürlichen Wesen, befindet sich in einer Krise. Er wird aus verschiedenen Richtungen attackiert. Grundsätzlich kann man zwei Hauptströmungen feststellen, die sich darum bemühen, den Humanismus zu überwinden, den Trans- und den Posthumanismus. Im Rahmen der Buchreihe Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus sollen Monographien und Sammelbände erscheinen, die Aspekte dieses Themenspektrums entweder historisch oder systematisch erörtern. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Homepage des Herausgebers: www.sorgner.de. Ab 1. Januar 2016 als Associate Professor für Philosophie an der John Cabot University in Rom angestellt. Editorial Board Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece

    9 publications

  • Encounters. The Warsaw Studies in English Language Culture, Literature, and Visual Arts

    ISSN: 2191-4060

    This series offers a platform that welcomes publications dealing with culture, literature and visual arts developed in English speaking countries. We invite academic works (both essays and volume-length texts) on a wide range of topics, including historical and recent developments in literary and cultural studies. As the title "encounters" indicates, we wish this series to be a meeting point for a variety of academic approaches. Hence we encourage diverse, interdisciplinary, comparative and multi-faceted takes that may blend sophisticated, theoretical analyses with pragmatic discussions, enabling new ways of thinking and interpreting human experience.

    7 publications

  • The Art and Science of Music Teaching and Performance

    Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education. Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education.

    2 publications

  • Studies in Literature in English

    The series “Studies in Literature in English“ publishes in the field of English Language and Literature, also including the newly emerging literatures written and published in English whose authors may represent various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The editor Professor Liliana Sikorska aims to cover a wide range of approaches with the collected volumes, starting from discourses on history in English literature, the theory of literature, self-fashioning and self-representation in literature, and Colonialism in Art and Literature. The series “Studies in Literature in English“ publishes in the field of English Language and Literature, also including the newly emerging literatures written and published in English whose authors may represent various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The editor Professor Liliana Sikorska aims to cover a wide range of approaches with the collected volumes, starting from discourses on history in English literature, the theory of literature, self-fashioning and self-representation in literature, and Colonialism in Art and Literature. The series “Studies in Literature in English“ publishes in the field of English Language and Literature, also including the newly emerging literatures written and published in English whose authors may represent various ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The editor Professor Liliana Sikorska aims to cover a wide range of approaches with the collected volumes, starting from discourses on history in English literature, the theory of literature, self-fashioning and self-representation in literature, and Colonialism in Art and Literature.

    5 publications

  • Philologica Wratislaviensia: From Grammar to Discourse

    The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching.

    0 publications

  • Katowice Interdisciplinary and Comparative Studies

    Literature, Anthropology and Culture

    This newly launched series creates the opportunity for those scholars who, on the one hand, wish to see literary works in the unceasing dialogue with other arts and, on the other, want to rethink literary theory in terms of its embededness in the reflection which involves notions crucial for the shape of contemporary human community such as democracy, justice, friendship, hospitality, home, passions, and many others. Thus we invite essays on a wide range of topics which include studies of individual texts placing them in a rich web of comparative references not turning away from the body-politic, interpretations of texts and images as important ways towards the formation of cultural identity, explorations of the dialogue between the word and the image with the complicated transpositions taking place in the process, as well as in-depth investigations of particular notions in their historical and multicultural contexts. The analyses undertaken by the authors in this series will make a serious contribution to a better understanding of the notions and processes constituting our being together. This newly launched series creates the opportunity for those scholars who, on the one hand, wish to see literary works in the unceasing dialogue with other arts and, on the other, want to rethink literary theory in terms of its embededness in the reflection which involves notions crucial for the shape of contemporary human community such as democracy, justice, friendship, hospitality, home, passions, and many others. Thus we invite essays on a wide range of topics which include studies of individual texts placing them in a rich web of comparative references not turning away from the body-politic, interpretations of texts and images as important ways towards the formation of cultural identity, explorations of the dialogue between the word and the image with the complicated transpositions taking place in the process, as well as in-depth investigations of particular notions in their historical and multicultural contexts. The analyses undertaken by the authors in this series will make a serious contribution to a better understanding of the notions and processes constituting our being together.

    5 publications

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