» Romania «
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From Peasants to Farmers? Agrarian Reforms and Modernisation in Twentieth Century Romania
A Case Study: Bordei Verde Commune in Braila County©2012 Thesis -
Apocalypse on the net
Extreme Threat and the Majority-Minority Relationship on the Romanian Internet©2013 Thesis -
Sprachkontakt, Sprachvariation, Migration: Methodenfragen und Prozessanalysen
©2014 Conference proceedings -
Economic Dynamics and Sustainable Development – Resources, Factors, Structures and Policies
Proceedings ESPERA 2015 – Part 1 and Part 2©2016 Conference proceedings -
Translation und sprachlicher Plurizentrismus in der Romania „minor“
©2020 Edited Collection -
Textbooks and Citizenship in modern and contemporary Europe
©2016 Monographs -
Studies of Anglophone Literatures in Central Europe
©2019 Edited Collection -
A propos de frontière
Variations socio-critiques sur les notions de limite et de passage©2003 Edited Collection -
European Perspectives on Chronically Ill People- Chronisch kranke Menschen aus europäischen Blickwinkeln- Perspective Europene asupra Persoanelor cu Suferinţe Cronice
Chronisch kranke Menschen aus europäischen Blickwinkeln©2004 Textbook -
Wieland der Schmied in neuer Perspektive
Romanistische Fakten und germanistische Folgerungen©2004 Monographs -
Scientia valescit
Zur Institutionalisierung von kulturellem Wissen in romanischem Mittelalter und Früher Neuzeit©2009 Monographs -
The Hungarian Minority of Transylvania
A First Assessment of the Transition Period 1990-2007©2012 Monographs -
Economic Dynamics and Sustainable Development – Resources, Factors, Structures and Policies
Proceedings ESPERA 2015 – Part 1©2016 Conference proceedings -
Diachrone Varietätenlinguistik: Theorie, Methoden, Anwendungen
©2020 Edited Collection