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  • Exploration

    Collection de la Société Suisse pour la Recherche en Education

    ISSN: 0721-3700

    "Interlocutrices privilégiées tant des acteurs sociaux que des autres sciences sociales, les sciences de l'éducation alimentent le questionnement éducatif des sociétés contemporaines. La Collection Exploration entend contribuer à cette réflexion. La pluralité des disciplines et des approches en sciences de l'éducation définit la vocation de la Collection Exploration, celle de carrefour des multiples dimensions de la recherche et de l'action éducative. Sans a priori quant aux méthodes, la Collection publie des travaux empruntant une démarche scientifique, afin de les rendre accessibles aux chercheurs, aux formateurs, enseignants et éducateurs, et plus généralement à toute personne intéressée par l'analyse des phénomènes éducatifs. Comme l'évoque son nom, Exploration privilégie les travaux investissant des terrains nouveaux, abordant des questions vives de la recherche éducationnelle ou développant des méthodologies et des problématiques prometteuses. Exploration comprend trois séries. Recherches en sciences de l’éducation couvre tous les domaines de l’éducation ; Éducation: Histoire et pensée est dédiée aux travaux sociohistoriques et de philosophie ; Vygotskij : œuvres et études se spécialise dans le développement, l’art et les concepts y relatifs en éducation. Placée sous les auspices de la Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation, Exploration a été fondée en 1977; elle a depuis lors publié une centaine d'ouvrages. Quatre à huit volumes paraissent annuellement, choisis par les directeurs de la collection et évalués par des chercheurs scientifiques reconnus. Editor’s Homepage: Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation (SSRE) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (SGBF) Società svizzera di ricerca in educazione (SSRE) Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE)" "Interlocutrices privilégiées tant des acteurs sociaux que des autres sciences sociales, les sciences de l'éducation alimentent le questionnement éducatif des sociétés contemporaines. La Collection Exploration entend contribuer à cette réflexion. La pluralité des disciplines et des approches en sciences de l'éducation définit la vocation de la Collection Exploration, celle de carrefour des multiples dimensions de la recherche et de l'action éducative. Sans a priori quant aux méthodes, la Collection publie des travaux empruntant une démarche scientifique, afin de les rendre accessibles aux chercheurs, aux formateurs, enseignants et éducateurs, et plus généralement à toute personne intéressée par l'analyse des phénomènes éducatifs. Comme l'évoque son nom, Exploration privilégie les travaux investissant des terrains nouveaux, abordant des questions vives de la recherche éducationnelle ou développant des méthodologies et des problématiques prometteuses. Exploration comprend trois séries. Recherches en sciences de l’éducation couvre tous les domaines de l’éducation ; Éducation: Histoire et pensée est dédiée aux travaux sociohistoriques et de philosophie ; Vygotskij : œuvres et études se spécialise dans le développement, l’art et les concepts y relatifs en éducation. Placée sous les auspices de la Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation, Exploration a été fondée en 1977; elle a depuis lors publié une centaine d'ouvrages. Quatre à huit volumes paraissent annuellement, choisis par les directeurs de la collection et évalués par des chercheurs scientifiques reconnus. Page d'accueil de l'éditeur : Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation (SSRE) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (SGBF) Società svizzera di ricerca in educazione (SSRE) Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE)" "Interlocutrices privilégiées tant des acteurs sociaux que des autres sciences sociales, les sciences de l'éducation alimentent le questionnement éducatif des sociétés contemporaines. La Collection Exploration entend contribuer à cette réflexion. La pluralité des disciplines et des approches en sciences de l'éducation définit la vocation de la Collection Exploration, celle de carrefour des multiples dimensions de la recherche et de l'action éducative. Sans a priori quant aux méthodes, la Collection publie des travaux empruntant une démarche scientifique, afin de les rendre accessibles aux chercheurs, aux formateurs, enseignants et éducateurs, et plus généralement à toute personne intéressée par l'analyse des phénomènes éducatifs. Comme l'évoque son nom, Exploration privilégie les travaux investissant des terrains nouveaux, abordant des questions vives de la recherche éducationnelle ou développant des méthodologies et des problématiques prometteuses. Exploration comprend trois séries. Recherches en sciences de l’éducation couvre tous les domaines de l’éducation ; Éducation: Histoire et pensée est dédiée aux travaux sociohistoriques et de philosophie ; Vygotskij : œuvres et études se spécialise dans le développement, l’art et les concepts y relatifs en éducation. Placée sous les auspices de la Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation, Exploration a été fondée en 1977; elle a depuis lors publié une centaine d'ouvrages. Quatre à huit volumes paraissent annuellement, choisis par les directeurs de la collection et évalués par des chercheurs scientifiques reconnus. Homepage der Herausgeber: Société suisse pour la recherche en éducation (SSRE) Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Bildungsforschung (SGBF) Società svizzera di ricerca in educazione (SSRE) Swiss Society for Research in Education (SSRE)"

    157 publications

  • Transversales

    Langues, sociétés, cultures et apprentissages

    ISSN: 1424-5868

    La collection Transversales propose une plate-forme de débats, de confrontations des travaux portant sur le plurilinguisme et la pluriculturalité. Elle s’intéresse aux intersections possibles entre langues, sociétés et cultures, notamment à travers l’analyse de situations de contacts entre les individus et groupes dans le cadre de politiques linguistiques au sein des institutions éducatives au sens large. On y aborde aussi les questions liées aux personnes en situation de mobilité et à leurs stratégies linguistiques, sociales, culturelles mises en Œœuvre dans la communication quotidienne. Par des approches bi- ou pluridisciplinaires, Transversales interroge les conceptions de l’altérité, l’évolution des représentations véhiculées dans l’apprentissage des langues et dans la formation des médiateurs culturels.

    55 publications

  • Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education

    ISSN: 2235-7327

    " The aim of this series is to present critical, historical and comparative research in the field of vocational and continuing education and human research development, seen from a pedagogical, organisational, economic and societal perspective. It discusses the implications of latest research to contemporary reform policies and practices. One central issue reflected in all publications is gender. A basic feature of all volumes is their cross-cultural approach. The series has a firm basis in the international research network “VET and Culture” (Vocational Education and Training and Culture; www.peda.net/veraja/uta/vetculture) and the editors invite distinguished researchers from Europe and other continents to contribute to the series. Studies in Vocational and Continuing Education includes monographs, collected papers editions, and proceedings. "

    21 publications

  • New International Studies in Applied Ethics

    New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher. New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher. New International Studies in Applied Ethics is a series based at Leeds Metropolitan University and associated with Virginia Theological Seminary. The series examines the ethical implications of selected areas of public life and concern. Subjects considered will include, but are not limited to, medicine, peace studies, international sport and higher education. The series aims to publish volumes which are clearly written with a general academic readership in mind. Individual volumes may also be useful to those confronted with the issues discussed in their daily lives. A consistent emphasis is on recent developments in the subjects discussed and this is achieved by publishing volumes by writers who are foremost in their fields, as well as those with emerging reputations. Both secular and religious ethical views may be discussed as appropriate. No point of view is considered off-limits and controversy is not avoided. The series includes both edited volumes and single-authored monographs. Submissions are welcome from all scholars in the field and should be addressed to either the series editor or the publisher.

    8 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

    ISSN: 2294-8848

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously at the international and European levels. It has become increasingly clear that the respect and promotion of human rights must be at the centre of States and local communities' public policies and that human rights are the basis of civil society initiatives and movements. There is a large mechanism, at all levels of governance, monitoring the way in which States implement the obligations they have assumed towards each person under their sovereignty. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights Series provides year by year, a dynamic and up-to date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies in line with international human rights law and to comply with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The book series thus intends to contribute to the continuous monitoring activity of the human rights situation in Italy undertaken at the local, national and international levels by the relevant intergovernmental and civil society actors. Each volume of this series surveys the activities carried out, during the year of reference, by the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, each Yearbook provides a selection of examples from international and national case law that cast light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. The Yearbook is edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace of the same university, and with the support of the Region of Veneto. The Centre, established in 1982, carries out research and education following a global and interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue, human rights and multi-level governance.

    11 publications

  • Komparatistische Bibliothek / Comparative Studies Series / Bibliothèque d'Études Comparatives

    "Since its founding in 1992, "Comparative Studies Series" publishes interdisciplinary monographs and collected volumes on Pedagogy. Topics include among others the relation of identity, education and citizenship, methodological approaches to Pedagogy or didactical reflections on post-colonial state formation. The volumes of the series are published in English, German and French. Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is assessed by external referees appointed by the editor. As a rule, the review process is double blind. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing the review; the referees’ names are not disclosed." "In der Komparatistischen Bibliothek erscheinen interdisziplinäre Monographien und Sammelbände zur Pädagogik. Themen sind unter anderem das Verhältnis von Identität, Bildung und Staatsbürgerschaft, methodische Ansätze zur Pädagogik oder didaktische Überlegungen zur postkolonialen Staatenbildung. Die Bände der Reihe erscheinen in Englisch, Deutsch und Französisch. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch externe, vom Herausgeber benannte Gutachter geprüft, im Regelfall im Double Blind Verfahren. Dabei ist der Autor der Arbeit den Gutachtern während der Prüfung namentlich nicht bekannt; die Gutachter bleiben anonym."

    28 publications

  • Participation in Broadband Society

    This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre.

    7 publications

  • Europäische Hochschulschriften / European University Studies / Publications Universitaires Européennes

    Reihe 11: Pädagogik / Series 11: Education / Série 11: Pédagogie

    The books within this series include a broad range of topics within the category of Education. Cette collection présente une riche palette de travaux scientifiques dans le domaine de la Pédagogie. In dieser Reihe erscheinen wissenschaftliche Arbeiten zu einem breiten Themenspektrum im Fachgebiet Pädagogik.

    952 publications

  • New Approaches in Educational and Social Sciences / Neue Denkansätze in den Bildungs- und Sozialwissenschaften

    The series presents a broad spectrum of research results from the field of education, encompassing contributions from Eastern European countries. In addition to educational science, the monographs and anthologies, written in German or English, explore topics from various disciplines such as sociology, philosophy, and political science. Up to volume 38, the series was published under the title "Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft / Baltic Studies in Educational and Social Sciences". Die Schriftenreihe bietet ein breites Themenspektrum von Forschungsergebnissen aus der Pädagogik - unter anderem auch aus osteuropäischen Ländern. Neben erziehungswissenschaftlichen Aspekten fließen auch Themen aus anderen Fachbereichen, unter anderem der Soziologie, Philosophie und Politikwissenschaft, in die auf Deutsch oder Englisch verfassten Monographien und Sammelbände ein. Bis Band 38 erschien die Reihe unter dem Titel: Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft / Baltic Studies in Educational and Social Sciences.

    44 publications

  • European Studies in Lifelong Learning and Adult Learning Research

    The “European Studies in Lifelong Learning and Adult Learning Research“ series publishes interdisciplinary editions on Education. The main focus is on adult education. Topics include among others gender and pedagogy, biographical and life history approaches or the trias of state, civil society and citizens from an educational perspective. The editors are professors in the field of pedagogy with a strong emphasis on adult education. The “European Studies in Lifelong Learning and Adult Learning Research“ series publishes interdisciplinary editions on Education. The main focus is on adult education. Topics include among others gender and pedagogy, biographical and life history approaches or the trias of state, civil society and citizens from an educational perspective. The editors are professors in the field of pedagogy with a strong emphasis on adult education. The “European Studies in Lifelong Learning and Adult Learning Research“ series publishes interdisciplinary editions on Education. The main focus is on adult education. Topics include among others gender and pedagogy, biographical and life history approaches or the trias of state, civil society and citizens from an educational perspective. The editors are professors in the field of pedagogy with a strong emphasis on adult education.

    7 publications

  • Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis / Educational Concepts and Practice

    Die Reihe "Erziehungskonzeptionen und Praxis / Educational Concepts and Practice" befasst sich mit dem Gebiet der Pädagogik. Dabei bietet die Reihe ein breites Spektrum an Veröffentlichungen zu diversen Unterrichtsmethoden. Es erscheinen sowohl Beiträge zur Sprach-, Musik-, Literatur und Politikdidaktik, als auch zur Grundlagenreflexion der Lehrausbildung und des Bildungssystems. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von dem Professor für Erziehungswissenschaften Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg.

    83 publications

  • Arbeit, Bildung und Gesellschaft / Labour, Education and Society

    Die Buchreihe "Arbeit, Bildung & Gesellschaft" veröffentlicht sowohl deutsch- als auch englischsprachige Monographien und Sammelbände aus den Bereichen der Soziologie und Politikwissenschaft. Sie bietet ein breites thematisches Spektrum und umfasst neben den soziologischen und politikwissenschaftlichen Schwerpunkten auch Aspekte der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaft sowie der Geschichtswissenschaft. Die Herausgeber forschen und forschten u. a. zur Sozialpolitik, zur Soziologie der Entwicklungsländer, zur Bildungs- wie zur Arbeitssoziologie. Homepages der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Heinz Sünker Dr. Francesco Garibaldo Prof. em. Dr. György Széll

    41 publications

  • The Art and Science of Music Teaching and Performance

    Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education. Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education.

    2 publications

  • Österreichisches Deutsch – Sprache der Gegenwart

    The Österreichisches Deutsch - Sprache der Gegenwart series deals with didactic, educational policy and social aspects of Austrian German in the field of German Language and Literature. It focuses on monographs and anthologies on sociolinguistics, variety research and language contact. Editor of the series is Professor Rudolf Muhr, one of the foremost proponents of an independent, Austrian Standard German. Die Buchreihe Österreichisches Deutsch – Sprache der Gegenwart beschäftigt sich im Bereich der Germanistik mit didaktischen, bildungspolitischen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekten des österreichischen Deutschs. Im Fokus stehen dabei Monographien und Sammelbände zu Soziolinguistik, Varietätenforschung und Sprachkontakt. Der Herausgeber der Reihe ist Professor Rudolf Muhr, einer der prominentesten Vertreter eines eigenständigen österreichischen Standarddeutschs.

    22 publications

  • Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit / Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability

    "The book Series "Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability" is the world´s longest running book series on matters related to education, communication and training on sustainable development. Since it started in 1998, the book series has produced a number of ground-breaking publications focusing on environmental communication, sustainable development in formal and non-formal education, and in university programmes. Some examples of publications produced to date include "Greening the Curriculum", "Handbook of Sustainability Research" or the newly-launched book – volume 34 – "Sustainability at Universities: New Horizons" resulting from a workshop held in Rio de Janeiro parallel to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is double blind reviewed by external referees appointed by the editor. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing the review; the referees’ names are not disclosed. Editor’s Homepage: Prof. Dr. Walter Leal Filho" "The book Series "Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability" is the world´s longest running book series on matters related to education, communication and training on sustainable development. Since it started in 1998, the book series has produced a number of ground-breaking publications focusing on environmental communication, sustainable development in formal and non-formal education, and in university programmes. Some examples of publications produced to date include "Greening the Curriculum", "Handbook of Sustainability Research" or the newly-launched book – volume 34 – "Sustainability at Universities: New Horizons" resulting from a workshop held in Rio de Janeiro parallel to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is double blind reviewed by external referees appointed by the editor. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing the review; the referees’ names are not disclosed. Page d'accueil d’éditeur : Prof. Dr. Walter Leal Filho" "The book Series "Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability" is the world´s longest running book series on matters related to education, communication and training on sustainable development. Since it started in 1998, the book series has produced a number of ground-breaking publications focusing on environmental communication, sustainable development in formal and non-formal education, and in university programmes. Some examples of publications produced to date include "Greening the Curriculum", "Handbook of Sustainability Research" or the newly-launched book – volume 34 – "Sustainability at Universities: New Horizons" resulting from a workshop held in Rio de Janeiro parallel to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20). Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is double blind reviewed by external referees appointed by the editor. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing the review; the referees’ names are not disclosed. Editor’s Homepage: Prof. Dr. Walter Leal Filho"

    29 publications

  • Philologica Wratislaviensia: From Grammar to Discourse

    The subject matter of this series is intended to cover a wide range of interdisciplinary research works on the texts of text-processing activities of humans embedded as communication participants into their social roles and culture. Within the scope of particular topics, the readers may find academic treaties pertaining not only to the structure and content of meaning-bearers materialized in the verbal behavior of people but also to their functioning in the domain of art and education. Respective contributions in the form of books and articles will be made by specialists of theoretical an applied linguistics, as well as the history of literature and intercultural communication engaged in the process of second language teaching.

    0 publications

  • Berufliche Bildung in Forschung, Schule und Arbeitswelt / Vocational Education and Training: Research and Practice

    Editor's Homepage: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becker Prof. Dr. Georg Spöttl Prior to publication, the quality of the work published in this series is blind reviewed by external referees appointed by the editorship. The referees are not aware of the author’s name when performing their review. Die Reihe „Berufliche Bildung in Forschung, Schule und Arbeitswelt“ hat den Anspruch, in erster Linie Beiträge zu publizieren, die sich mit Forschungsschwerpunkten zur beruflichen Bildung, zur Arbeitswelt und den beruflichen Schulen auseinandersetzen. Diese drei Schwerpunkte sind Gegenstand vielfältiger Untersuchungen, die von einer genauen Betrachtung der Arbeitswelt mittels Arbeitsprozessanalysen bis zur Auseinandersetzung mit Fragen einer erfolgreichen Gestaltung von Lernen und Lehren reichen. Forschungsergebnisse, die zu diesem Spannungsfeld beitragen, haben erste Priorität in der Reihe und werden von Wissenschaftlern eingebracht, die schon viele Jahre in deren Gebieten arbeiten. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Matthias Becker Prof. Dr. Georg Spöttl Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch externe, von der Herausgeberschaft benannte Gutachter im Blind Verfahren geprüft. Dabei ist der Autor der Arbeit den Gutachtern während der Prüfung namentlich nicht bekannt.

    16 publications

  • Consciousness and Human Systems

    The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology. The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology. The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology.

    3 publications

  • Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert / Foreign Language Pedagogy – content- and learner-oriented

    Content and Learner-oriented Foreign Language Pedagogy is dedicated to theoretical, practical and current issues in foreign language learning and teaching. One of the main focuses of Hannover's Department of Foreign Language Pedagogy is media didactics. It encompasses fields such as artistic media, fine arts and music, (volumes 1, 12 and 17) as well as digitized media. They are analyzed from the perspective of their potential contribution to language education (volumes 7 and 28). As well as discussing media-related pedagogy (also covered in volumes 1, 11, 15 and 20 on media didactics) this book series deals with teaching literature (volumes 5 and 10) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL) (volumes 9, 21 and 26). Over the last few years, empirical research has been published on learner language, assessment and the implementation of the language portfolio (volumes 23, 25 and 26). Previous publications have included work by guest researchers, and the publishers welcome ideas for future manuscripts. Co-founder: Karlheinz Hellwig Prior to publication, the quality of the works published in this series is reviewed by all editors of the series. Die Reihe Fremdsprachendidaktik inhalts- und lernerorientiert ist forschungsstrategisch wichtigen theoretischen und praktischen sowie aktuellen Fragestellungen der Fremdsprachendidaktik verpflichtet. Ein Forschungsschwerpunk der Hannoverschen Fremdsprachendidaktik liegt in der Mediendidaktik, sowohl künstlerische Medien, wie Bildende Kunst und Musik (Bände 1, 12 und 17), als auch Medien der digitalisierten Welt werden auf ihren Beitrag zu Bildung (Bände 7 und 28) befragt. Neben einer durchgängigen Behandlung von mediendidaktischen Fragestellungen, die auch durch die Publikationen zum mediendidaktischen Kolloquium (Bände 1, 11, 15 und 20) zum Ausdruck kommt, bilden Literaturunterricht (Bände 5 und 10) sowie bilingualer Sachfachunterricht (CLIL) einen weiteren Schwerpunkt (Bände 9, 21 und 26). In den letzten Jahren sind mehrere Publikationen mit vorwiegend empirischen Fragestellungen entstanden, wie z.B. zur Lernersprache, zur Leistungsmessung und zur Portfolioarbeit (Bände 23, 25 und 26). Gastherausgeberschaften kommen erfolgreich zum Einsatz und auch Manuskriptvorschläge sind erwünscht. Mitbegründet von Karlheinz Hellwig Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch alle Herausgeberinnen der Reihe geprüft.

    43 publications

  • Estonian Studies in Education

    The “Estonian Studies in Education series“ is a medium for distributing contributions to the study of Education, Psychology and Sociology. The series shall cover the range of approaches to Pedagogy starting from the analysis of youth subculture, to didactical reflections on teacher’s profession or primary education. In addition the series publishes studies to Estonian education. The editors have a research focus on Adult Education. This series will not be continued.

    5 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie. Studies in Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology

    ISSN: 1865-083X

    The book series Contributions to Educational and Rehabilitation Psychology has been published since 2010 with the aim of documenting new scientific approaches and topical trends from the highly differentiated fields of educational and rehabilitative psychology. The previous main topics were related to basic phenomena of memory and learning, new learning methods which can be used in school lessons and rehabilitative training, learning and adjustment disorders as well as coping with traumatic experiences e.g., after severe natural disasters, such as the 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia. The monographs and anthologies are edited by certified psychologist, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in German and English. Die Reihe Beiträge zur Pädagogischen und Rehabilitationspsychologie erscheint seit 2010 mit dem Ziel, neue wissenschaftliche Zugänge und aktuelle Trends aus den weit verzweigten Gebieten der Pädagogischen Psychologie und der Rehabilitationspsychologie zu dokumentieren. Schwerpunkte liegen auf Basisphänomenen von Gedächtnis und Lernen, neuen Lernmethoden, die in Unterricht und Rehabilitation Anwendung finden können, Lern- und Anpassungsstörungen sowie der Verarbeitung traumatischer Erlebnisse, z. B. nach schweren Naturkatastrophen wie dem Tsunami 2004 in Südostasien. Die Monographien und Sammelbände werden von Frau Diplompsychologin, Prof. Dr. Evelin Witruk in deutscher und englischer Sprache herausgegeben.

    10 publications

  • Education beyond Borders

    Studies in Educational and Academic Mobility and Migration

    The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued. The “Education beyond Borders series“ establishes a forum for theoretical and practical contributions on Education and Sociology. By connecting typical questions on education with new aspects of academic mobility and migration, the series seeks to investigate contemporary global trends and impacts on Didactics and Pedagogy and vice versa. The editor professor Fred Dervin has an exceptional focus on multicultural education. This series will not be continued.

    2 publications

  • Studies in Language, Culture and Society

    ISSN: 2195-7479

    Until the publication of volume 16, the series was coedited by prof. Piotr Ruszkiewicz. The series will publish books addressing the nexus between language, culture and society. Contrastive studies are welcome in particular, whether of a synchronic or diachronic orientation. Various perspectives on language/communication are of interest: grammatical, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, discoursal and semiotic. A wide range of theoretical and methodological positions is accepted: cognitive /anthropological / corpus linguistics, as well as pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, (specialized) genre analysis, or critical discourse studies. The cutting edge of the series is to publish innovative research elucidating the processes of inter- and intra-language variation and change, and – at the same time – relating them to flows in and across cognate categories of culture, community and society. The series will publish monographs and edited volumes reporting on data-driven research that carries a potential for application in translation studies, language teaching, multilingual (multicultural) education, and interdisciplinary critical discourse studies. The languages of publication will be English and German, yet book proposals in other major languages will also be considered, if centrally contributive to the main aim of the series.

    20 publications

  • Interfaces

    Studies in Language, Mind and Translation

    The series explores issues in theoretical and applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology of language and translation studies. While the volumes published in the series may present research in language, mind and translation seen as separate provenances, the overall aim of the series is to pinpoint possible interfaces occurring between them (for example between psycholinguistics and translation studies, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation, etc.) as well as to uncover mutual interaction between these branches of science and other research areas, such as philosophy, media studies, education, multimodality and culture. The books within the series focus primarily on linguistics, which remains the main theme of the series, but they also include a wide range of topics traditionally investigated by a number of neighbouring disciplines, which are interwoven with language studies and inscribe within a wider framework of contemporary linguistics. The series presents studies conducted by Polish scholars, in particular by those affiliated with Bydgoszcz, and by our colleagues and research partners representing other universities. We also welcome submissions (monographs, collections of articles and post-conference volumes) from all those interested in issues remaining within the broad scope of the series themes. The series explores issues in theoretical and applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology of language and translation studies. While the volumes published in the series may present research in language, mind and translation seen as separate provenances, the overall aim of the series is to pinpoint possible interfaces occurring between them (for example between psycholinguistics and translation studies, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation, etc.) as well as to uncover mutual interaction between these branches of science and other research areas, such as philosophy, media studies, education, multimodality and culture. The books within the series focus primarily on linguistics, which remains the main theme of the series, but they also include a wide range of topics traditionally investigated by a number of neighbouring disciplines, which are interwoven with language studies and inscribe within a wider framework of contemporary linguistics. The series presents studies conducted by Polish scholars, in particular by those affiliated with Bydgoszcz, and by our colleagues and research partners representing other universities. We also welcome submissions (monographs, collections of articles and post-conference volumes) from all those interested in issues remaining within the broad scope of the series themes. The series explores issues in theoretical and applied linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychology of language and translation studies. While the volumes published in the series may present research in language, mind and translation seen as separate provenances, the overall aim of the series is to pinpoint possible interfaces occurring between them (for example between psycholinguistics and translation studies, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics, cognitive linguistics and translation, etc.) as well as to uncover mutual interaction between these branches of science and other research areas, such as philosophy, media studies, education, multimodality and culture. The books within the series focus primarily on linguistics, which remains the main theme of the series, but they also include a wide range of topics traditionally investigated by a number of neighbouring disciplines, which are interwoven with language studies and inscribe within a wider framework of contemporary linguistics. The series presents studies conducted by Polish scholars, in particular by those affiliated with Bydgoszcz, and by our colleagues and research partners representing other universities. We also welcome submissions (monographs, collections of articles and post-conference volumes) from all those interested in issues remaining within the broad scope of the series themes.

    8 publications

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