22 results
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  • Title: Zu Hermeneutik, Literaturkritik und Sprachtheorie / On Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature and Language

    Zu Hermeneutik, Literaturkritik und Sprachtheorie / On Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature and Language

    Gesammelte Vorträge, Beiträge und Essays / Collected Essays, Lectures and Papers
    by Kurt Mueller-Vollmer (Author) 2019
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: The Aesthetics and Multimodality of Style

    The Aesthetics and Multimodality of Style

    Experimental Research on the Edge of Theory
    by Martin Siefkes (Author) Emanuele Arielli (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Translationswissenschaft: Alte und neue Arten der Translation in Theorie und Praxis / Translation Studies: Old and New Types of Translation in Theory and Practice

    Translationswissenschaft: Alte und neue Arten der Translation in Theorie und Praxis / Translation Studies: Old and New Types of Translation in Theory and Practice

    Tagungsband der 1. Internationalen Konferenz TRANSLATA «Translationswissenschaft: gestern – heute – morgen», - 12.-14. Mai 2011, Innsbruck / Proceedings of the 1st International Conference TRANSLATA «Translation & Interpreting Research»
    by Lew Zybatow (Volume editor) Alena Petrova (Volume editor) Michael Ustaszewski (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Art – Knowledge – Theory

    ISSN: 2235-2759

    Art Knowledge Theory is a book series that explores artistic modes of expression as forms of knowledge production. It focuses on transdisciplinary, epistemological and methodological approaches to contemporary art. Linking artistic and scientific practices, tools, techniques and theories, the volumes investigate the cultures of aesthetics and science studies as they relate to works of art. Art Knowledge Theory analyzes the role of art in contemporary culture by probing the philosophical, historical and social parameters by which images are accessed and assessed. As an amplification - as well as intervention or even a correction to historical research, this series questions the state of the art and knowledge within a culture, characterized by technology and science.

    8 publications

  • Title: Resemblance and Identification in Personal Devotion: The Images of St. Ursula Commissioned by Anne of Brittany
  • Title: On Variations of Classical Chinese Literary Theory for a Framework of Global Literary History
  • Title: Don't Weep a Gold Chain

    Don't Weep a Gold Chain

    Observations on Primary and Secondary Systems in Russian Classical and Romantic Art and Literature
    by Paul M. Waszink (Author) 2003
    ©2003 Monographs
  • Title: Inscriptions/Transgressions


    Kunstgeschichte und Gender Studies – Histoire de l’art et études genre – Art History and Gender Studies
    by Kornelia Imesch (Volume editor) Jennifer John (Volume editor) Daniela Mondini (Volume editor) Sigrid Schade (Volume editor) Nicole Schweizer (Volume editor)
    ©2008 Edited Collection
  • Title: 3. The Meaning of a Liberal Arts and Sciences Education in the United States: Anachronistic Lessons from a Parochial Past
  • Title: Lef and the Left Front of the Arts

    Lef and the Left Front of the Arts

    by Halina Stephan (Author) 1981
    ©1981 Monographs
  • Title: Sense Sensibility / Die Sinne spüren

    Sense Sensibility / Die Sinne spüren

    Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment / Ästhetik, Aisthesis und Medien der Verkörperung
    by Sabine Flach (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Der C-Test: Theorie, Empirie, Anwendungen / The C-Test: Theory, Empirical Research, Applications

    Der C-Test: Theorie, Empirie, Anwendungen / The C-Test: Theory, Empirical Research, Applications

    by Rüdiger Grotjahn (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Edited Collection
  • Title: Gemeinsam/Together


    Kognitiv beeinträchtigte Menschen in europäischen Theatern – Theorie und Praxis/People with Learning Disabilities in European Theatres – Theory and Practice. Unter Mitarbeit von Soledad Pereyra
    by Susanne Hartwig (Volume editor) 2022
    ©2022 Edited Collection
  • Title: Sprachwissenschaft auf dem Weg in das dritte Jahrtausend / Linguistics on the Way into the Third Millennium

    Sprachwissenschaft auf dem Weg in das dritte Jahrtausend / Linguistics on the Way into the Third Millennium

    Akten des 34. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Germersheim 1999. Teil II: Sprache, Computer, Gesellschaft / Proceedings of the 34th Linguistics Colloquium, Germersheim 1999. Part II: Language, Computer, and Society
    by Reinhard Rapp (Volume editor)
    ©2002 Edited Collection
  • New Studies in Aesthetics

    This series publishes explorative thinking in the philosophy of art as well as in the philosophy of life. Applied aesthetics and theoretical development of non-traditional topics are considered, along with traditional studies in aesthetic theory or the problems in specific arts. Well-written volumes may take the form of monographs, treatises, collected essays, proceedings, reference works, and translations. Use of illustrations is encouraged. In addition to works in English, texts in German, French, Spanish, Italian, and other languages may be published. This series publishes explorative thinking in the philosophy of art as well as in the philosophy of life. Applied aesthetics and theoretical development of non-traditional topics are considered, along with traditional studies in aesthetic theory or the problems in specific arts. Well-written volumes may take the form of monographs, treatises, collected essays, proceedings, reference works, and translations. Use of illustrations is encouraged. In addition to works in English, texts in German, French, Spanish, Italian, and other languages may be published. This series publishes explorative thinking in the philosophy of art as well as in the philosophy of life. Applied aesthetics and theoretical development of non-traditional topics are considered, along with traditional studies in aesthetic theory or the problems in specific arts. Well-written volumes may take the form of monographs, treatises, collected essays, proceedings, reference works, and translations. Use of illustrations is encouraged. In addition to works in English, texts in German, French, Spanish, Italian, and other languages may be published.

    29 publications

  • Mikrokosmos

    Beiträge zur germanistischen und allgemeinen Literaturwissenschaft

    Wolfgang Harms established the Mikrokosmos series in 1974 and was later joined by Peter Strohschneider as co-editor. In 2015, editorial responsibility was taken over by Frieder von Ammon and Michael Waltenberger. The monographs and anthologies published in this series focus on subjects in the field of German-speaking literature from the distant past right up to the present. Areas of contact with neighbouring literature, relations to other forms of art, and interrelationships with cultural contexts are also addressed. Particular focus lies on studies that analyse their subject matter in great depth, combined with extensive conceptual and methodical reflection, to produce advanced contributions to topics currently under discussion in the field of literature theory. Die Reihe Mikrokosmos wurde 1974 von Wolfgang Harms gegründet, später von ihm gemeinsam mit Peter Strohschneider herausgegeben. Seit 2015 liegt die Herausgeberschaft bei Frieder von Ammon und Michael Waltenberger. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe befassen sich mit Themen aus dem Gesamtbereich der deutschsprachigen Literatur von ihren Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. Kontaktzonen zu den Nachbarliteraturen, Beziehungen zu den anderen Künsten und Wechselwirkungen mit kulturellen Kontexten werden mitbeachtet. Einen Schwerpunkt bilden Studien, die mit dem präzisen analytischen Zugriff auf ihren Gegenstand einen hohen Grad an konzeptueller und methodischer Reflexion verbinden und auf diese Weise avancierte Beiträge zu aktuellen literaturtheoretischen Diskussionen liefern können.

    80 publications

  • Theaomai – Studien zu den performativen Künsten

    ISSN: 1436-1981

    The Old Greek verb theaomai – looking both with the mind’s eye and the actual eye – since the very beginning of European theatre suggests a close relation between theatre and theory. Within the act of perception the spectators, theates, relate the things they hear and see to the site of their memory and psyche. Of all the arts those who reflect the process of perception in the aesthetic form itself are performative arts. This series publishes interdisciplinary studies between theatre- and media studies as well as studies on the visual arts that analyse the social and subjective potential of the aesthetic process of looking, hearing, and reading. Das altgriechische Verb theaomai – «mit dem geistigen wie konkreten Auge schauen» – legt seit den Anfängen des europäischen Theaters eine enge Beziehung von Theater und Theorie nahe. Diese wird vom Zuschauer theates über den Akt seiner Wahrnehmung geknüpft: er verbindet konkretes Hören und Sehen mit dem Schauplatz seines Gedächtnisses und seiner Psyche. Künste, die diesen Prozess des Wahrnehmens in der ästhetischen Form selbst reflektieren, somit Denken und sinnliche Teilnahme des Rezipienten fordern, um die Sinnpotentialitäten des ästhetischen Gegenstands zu realisieren, sind performative Künste. Die Reihe veröffentlicht interdisziplinäre Studien im Übergang von Theater-, Kunst- und Medienwissenschaft, die das gesellschafts- und subjektkritische Potential des Prozesses ästhetischer Zuschauer-, Hörer- oder Leserwahrnehmung untersuchen.

    12 publications

  • American Culture

    American Culture is a series of publications specializing in literary and cultural studies. We welcome publications on literature, literary and cultural theory, history, theater, film and the arts. On the board of editors are members of the English/American language and history departments at the universities of Hamburg and Berlin (FU and HU). Die Reihe American Culture veröffentlicht Monographien aus der Anglistik/Amerikanistik und geht dabei insbesondere auf Literaturtheorie und Kulturwissenschaften ein. Weitere thematische Schwerpunkte der Reihe liegen in den Bereichen der Geschichts-, Kunst- sowie Theater- und Filmwissenschaft. Herausgegeben wird die Reihe von Professoren der Universität Hamburg und der Freien Universität Berlin sowie der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

    20 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance

    Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life

    The series aims at presenting innovative cross-disciplinary and intercultural research in performance practice and theory. Its mission is to expand and enrich performance studies with new research in theatre, film, dance, ritual and art. It also draws on queer and gender studies, anthropology, linguistics, archeaology, ethnography, sociology, history, media and political sciences, and even medicine and biology. The series focuses on promoting groundbreaking methodologies and new directions in studying performative culture by scrutinizing its transformative and transgressive aspects. The series Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance publishes in English and German. Volumes may be monographs as well as thematic collections of papers by scholars from Poland and from abroad.

    34 publications

  • Title: Zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung

    Zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung

    Eine vergleichende Untersuchung über Lernmotivation der Musikstudierenden in Taiwan und Österreich
    by Yuan-hao Wu (Author) 2012
    ©2012 Thesis
  • Title: Musik – Raum – Akkord – Bild- Music – Space – Chord – Image

    Musik – Raum – Akkord – Bild- Music – Space – Chord – Image

    Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Dorothea Baumann- Festschrift for Dorothea Baumann’s 65th Birthday- Unter Mitarbeit von/In collaboration with Debra Pring, Lena Kopylova und/and Matthias von Orelli
    by Antonio Baldassarre (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Others
  • Title: 3. Learning to Innovate in Higher Education Through Deep Wonder
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