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  • Strukturwandel und Strukturpolitik. Structural Change and Structural Policies.

    Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Editor’s Homepage: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Page d'accueil des éditeurs: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner "Strukturwandel", vor allem "globaler Strukturwandel", ist in aller Munde. Er ist in der Tat das wichtigste Phänomen, in dem sich die Dynamik des Wirtschaftens äußert und das dem Wachstum der Wirtschaft zugrunde liegt. Auch Wirtschaftspolitik ist seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten weit eher "Strukturpolitik" (im weitesten Sinne, also institutionelle Strukturen eingeschlossen) als "Globalsteuerung". Statisch-statistisch gesehen haben Struktur und Strukturwandel mit ökonomischen Phänomenen auf "mittlerer" Aggregationsebene und ihrem Wandel zu tun: Sektoren, Branchen, sektorale Cluster und Netzwerke, ferner Regionen, regionale Cluster und Netzwerke sowie schließlich Betriebsgrößenklassen (wie z. B der "Mittelstand" oder Kleinstunternehmen und Existenzgründer). Diese strukturelle Dimension der Wirtschaft beschreibt zugleich das moderne Feld der Meso-Ökonomik. Zur Strukturpolitik zählen dementsprechend die sektorale Strukturpolitik (industrial policy), die heutzutage auch cluster- und netzwerkorientiert ist, einschließlich der Technologiepolitik, die regionale Strukturpolitik, einschließlich der Humankapitalförderung i. w. S., sowie die Mittelstands- und Existenzgründungsförderpolitik. Insgesamt soll mit dieser Reihe der Anspruch verfolgt werden, eine moderne, interaktive Meso-Ökonomik zu repräsentieren. Diese kann die vielfältigen Insuffizienzen reiner Mikro- und reiner Makro-Ökonomik und die vielfältigen, oft unbeabsichtigten (wenngleich oft systematischen) strukturellen Effekte von mikro- und makroökonomischen Vorgängen und mikro- und makropolitischen Aktionen aufdecken helfen und schließlich die Probleme durch adäquate privat-private und privat-öffentliche Interaktionsstrukturen einer Lösung näherbringen. Editor in Chief: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner Managing Editor: Dr. des. Henning Schwardt Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner

    22 publications

  • Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education

    ISSN: 2466-7137

    The series exists to foster critical debate and to publish academic research in the field of cultural management and cultural policy as well as to open up a forum for discussions and debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural managers. It is also intended to provide a reference tool for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies. It is becoming more and more evident that education in cultural management and cultural policy cannot and should not be separated from research and being conducted in the field. Since its creation, ENCATC has recognized this need and was always very active in pursuing, publishing, presenting, and disseminating research in arts and cultural management and cultural policy to strengthen the understanding of cultural management and cultural policy issues. Created in 1992, ENCATC is the «European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers». It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 Higher Educational Institutions and cultural organisations in 40 countries. It holds the status of official partner of UNESCO and of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe.

    8 publications

  • Cité européenne / European Policy

    ISSN: 1376-0890

    « La Cité européenne » est une collection interdisciplinaire ayant pour objet l’étude de l’intégration européenne au sens large. Tout en mettant l’accent sur l’Union européenne, elle encourage par ailleurs la publication d’ouvrages ayant une perspective pan-européenne, ainsi que des études comparatives, notamment sur d’autres formes d’intégration dans le monde. Les disciplines principales de la collection sont les sciences politiques et économiques, le droit et l’histoire. D’un haut niveau scientifique, « La Cité européenne » s’adresse tout autant au monde académique qu’aux acteurs politiques et aux praticiens et vise à promouvoir un large débat sur les questions européennes. «European Policy» is an interdisciplinary collection devoted to the study of European integration in a broad sense. Although mostly focusing on the European Union, it also encourages the publication of books addressing the wider, pan-European context, as well as comparative work, including on other forms of regional integration on the world scene. The core disciplines are politics, economics, law, and history. While being committed to high academic standards, «European Policy» seeks to be accessible to a wide readership, including policy-makers and practitioners, and to stimulate a debate on European issues. Submissions will normally undergo a thorough peer-review process. The collection publishes both in English and in French. « La Cité européenne » est une collection interdisciplinaire ayant pour objet l’étude de l’intégration européenne au sens large. Tout en mettant l’accent sur l’Union européenne, elle encourage par ailleurs la publication d’ouvrages ayant une perspective pan-européenne, ainsi que des études comparatives, notamment sur d’autres formes d’intégration dans le monde. Les disciplines principales de la collection sont les sciences politiques et économiques, le droit et l’histoire. D’un haut niveau scientifique, « La Cité européenne » s’adresse tout autant au monde académique qu’aux acteurs politiques et aux praticiens et vise à promouvoir un large débat sur les questions européennes. «European Policy» is an interdisciplinary collection devoted to the study of European integration in a broad sense. Although mostly focusing on the European Union, it also encourages the publication of books addressing the wider, pan-European context, as well as comparative work, including on other forms of regional integration on the world scene. The core disciplines are politics, economics, law, and history. While being committed to high academic standards, «European Policy» seeks to be accessible to a wide readership, including policy-makers and practitioners, and to stimulate a debate on European issues. Submissions will normally undergo a thorough peer-review process. The collection publishes both in English and in French.

    54 publications

  • Studien zu Zeitgeschichte und Sicherheitspolitik - Studies in Contemporary History and Security Policy

    ISSN: 1422-8327

    The Studies in Contemporary History and Security Policy, edited by the Center for Security Studies at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), address issues of domestic and international security as well as aspects of contemporary history. According to the main topics of the center's scientific and academic activities, the series focuses mainly on the following areas: Swiss foreign and security policy since World War II, international security policy and international relations, as well as conflict research. The Studies in Contemporary History and Security Policy, edited by the Center for Security Studies at the ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), address issues of domestic and international security as well as aspects of contemporary history. According to the main topics of the center's scientific and academic activities, the series focuses mainly on the following areas: Swiss foreign and security policy since World War II, international security policy and international relations, as well as conflict research. Die Studien zu Zeitgeschichte und Sicherheitspolitik, herausgegeben von der Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik der ETH Zürich, beschäftigen sich mit aktuellen Fragen nationaler und internationaler Sicherheit sowie Themen der Zeitgeschichte. Entsprechend den wissenschaftlichen Interessen der Forschungsstelle weist die Serie folgende Schwerpunkte auf: Schweizerische Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, internationale Sicherheitspolitik und internationale Beziehungen sowie Konfliktforschung.

    15 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Equity in Higher Education Theory, Policy, and Praxis

    A BOOK SERIES FOR EQUITY SCHOLARS & ACTIVISTS Beth Powers-Costello, General Editor Globalization increasingly challenges higher education researchers, administrators, faculty members, and graduate students to address urgent and complex issues of equitable policy design and implementation. This book series provides an inclusive platform for discourse about – though not limited to – diversity, social justice, administrative accountability, faculty accreditation, student recruitment, admissions, curriculum, pedagogy, online teaching and learning, completion rates, program evaluation, cross-cultural relationship-building, and community leadership at all levels of society. Ten broad themes lay the foundation for this series but potential editors and authors are invited to develop proposals that will broaden and deepen its power to transform higher education: (1) Theoretical books that examine higher education policy implementation, (2) Activist books that explore equity, diversity, and indigenous initiatives, (3) Community-focused books that explore partnerships in higher education, (4) Technological books that examine online programs in higher education, (5) Financial books that focus on the economic challenges of higher education, (6) Comparative books that contrast national perspectives on a common theme, (7) Sector-specific books that examine higher education in the professions, (8) Educator books that explore higher education curriculum and pedagogy, (9) Implementation books for front line higher education administrators, and (10) Historical books that trace changes in higher education theory, policy, and praxis. Expressions of interest for authored or edited books will be considered on a first come basis. A Book Proposal Guideline is available on request. For individual or group inquiries please contact editorial@peterlang.com.

    35 publications

  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Studies for Military Pedagogy, Military Science & Security Policy

    Die Buchreihe Studies for Military Pedagogy, Military Science & Security Policy präsentiert Studien aus dem Fachgebiet der Pädagogik mit interdisziplinärem Bezug zur Politikwissenschaft. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe erscheinen in englischer oder deutscher Sprache und behandeln unter anderem Forschungsschwerpunkte wie Militärpädagogik, Militärethik oder auch die Gewaltproblematik im philosophischen Kontext. Die Reihe wird ab Band 13 unter dem Titel Studies for Military Psychology and Military Pedagogy fortgesetzt. Die Buchreihe Studies for Military Pedagogy, Military Science & Security Policy präsentiert Studien aus dem Fachgebiet der Pädagogik mit interdisziplinärem Bezug zur Politikwissenschaft. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe erscheinen in englischer oder deutscher Sprache und behandeln unter anderem Forschungsschwerpunkte wie Militärpädagogik, Militärethik oder auch die Gewaltproblematik im philosophischen Kontext. Die Reihe wird ab Band 13 unter dem Titel Studies for Military Psychology and Military Pedagogy fortgesetzt.

    12 publications

  • Studien zur Kulturpolitik / Cultural Policy

    Die Buchreihe “Studien zur Kulturpolitik“ wird herausgegeben von Professor Wolfgang Schneider. Sie widmet sich Themen aus dem Fachbereich der Politikwissenschaft mit interdisziplinärem Bezug zur Musikwissenschaft, Kulturwissenschaft sowie Theater- und Filmwissenschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe präsentieren Forschungsarbeiten zur Kulturpolitik und Kulturförderung, besonders im Hinblick auf Film und Theater. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch den Herausgeber der Reihe geprüft.

    24 publications

  • Business and Innovation

    The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La création de nouvelles activités, de nouveaux modes de production et de consommation, de nouveaux biens et services, de nouveaux marchés, de nouveaux emplois, etc. repose aussi bien sur l’action héroïque des entrepreneurs que sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises qui se déploient sur une échelle mondiale. L’innovation et les affaires sont intrinsèquement liées. Trois grandes thématiques seront particulièrement privilégiées : « Entrepreneuriat, entreprise, innovation et développement durable » ; « Innovation et réseaux » ; « L’Innovation dans un contexte global ». Les rapports synergiques entre entrepreneuriat innovant, stratégies des firmes et politiques d’innovation est un axe majeur dans le changement des paradigmes technologiques et la modification des structures économiques et sociales des pays riches et moins riches. Dans la collection sont publiés en français ou en anglais des ouvrages d’économie, de management et de sociologie de l’innovation, du changement et de l’entrepreneur dans une perspective locale, nationale et internationale. La collection bénéficie de l’appui du Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La collection est dirigée par le Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation.

    38 publications

  • International and Comparative Social History

    Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections of essays and monographs. Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections of essays and monographs. Since the second half of the 1980s attention for international comparative aspects of social and labour history has been a central element in the research and publication policy of the Amsterdam-based International Institute of Social History (IISH). The new series INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE SOCIAL HISTORY, published by Peter Lang AG, is designed as an outlet for this IISH-policy The series will contain collections of essays and monographs.

    9 publications

  • History of Schools and Schooling

    ISSN: 1085-0678

    This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders. This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders. This series explores the history of schools and schooling in the United States and other countries. The series will examine the historical development of schools and educational processes, with special emphasis on issues of educational policy, curriculum and pedagogy, as well as issues relating to race, class, gender, and ethnicity. Special emphasis will be placed on the lessons to be learned from the past for contemporary educational reform and policy. Although the series will publish books related to education in the broadest societal and cultural context, it especially seeks books on the history of specific schools and on the lives of educational leaders and school founders.

    73 publications

  • Travail et Société / Work and Society

    ISSN: 1376-0955

    The series «Work & Society» analyses the development of employment and social policies, as well as the strategies of the different social actors, both at national and European levels. It puts forward a multi-disciplinary approach – political, sociological, economic, legal and historical – in a bid for dialogue and complementarity. The series is not confined to the social field stricto sensu, but also aims to illustrate the indirect social impacts of economic and monetary policies. It endeavours to clarify social developments, from a comparative and a historical perspective, thus portraying the process of convergence and divergence in the diverse national societal contexts. The manner in which European integration impacts on employment and social policies constitutes the backbone of the analyses. La collection « Travail & Société » analyse les évolutions de la sphère du travail et des politiques sociales à travers l’étude des stratégies menées par les acteurs sociaux, tant sur le plan national qu’européen. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire – politique, sociologique, économique, juridique et historique – dans un souci de dialogue et de complémentarité. La collection ne se limite pas à des études du champ social stricto sensu mais vise également à illustrer les impacts sociaux indirects des politiques économiques et monétaires. Elle s’attache à mettre en perspective les évolutions sociales, tant du point de vue historique que de manière comparative, en illustrant la convergence et la divergence dans les différents parcours nationaux. La dimension européenne, et plus particulièrement l’impact de l’intégration européenne, constitue un axe d’analyse privilégié.

    84 publications

  • Cahiers du Collège d’Europe / College of Europe Studies

    L'Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'’’Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d'’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’'Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d'’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L’’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’’’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L’’’Union européenne s’’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’’’intérieur et de l’’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d’’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d’’’Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l’’’Union européenne et le processus d’’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’’’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l’’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d’’édition - L’’excellent développement d’’un sujet relevant d’’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’’acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d’’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. European politics, economics, law and indeed European societies are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The «College of Europe Studies» series seeks to publish research on these issues done at the College of Europe, both at its Bruges and its Warsaw campus. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law or economics, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote understanding of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review. L'’Europe subit des mutations permanentes. La vie politique, l’'’économie, le droit, mais également les sociétés européennes, changent rapidement. L'Union européenne s'’’inscrit dès lors dans un processus d’’’adaptation constant. Des défis et des nouvelles demandes surviennent sans cesse, provenant à la fois de l’'’intérieur et de l'’’extérieur. La collection des « Cahiers du Collège d'’’Europe » publie les résultats des recherches menées sur ces thèmes au Collège d'Europe, au sein de ses deux campus (Bruges et Varsovie). Focalisés sur l'’’Union européenne et le processus d'’’intégration, ces travaux peuvent être spécialisés dans les domaines des sciences politiques, du droit ou de l’'’économie, mais ils sont le plus souvent de nature interdisciplinaire. La collection vise à approfondir la compréhension de ces questions complexes et contribue ainsi au débat européen. Critères pour l'’acceptation des manuscrits dans la collection : - Un manuscrit abouti et finalisé, rédigé dans un anglais et/ou français correct, ne demandant pas ou pratiquement pas de correction linguistique - Un manuscrit mis aux normes éditoriales de la maison d'édition - L'’excellent développement d'’un sujet relevant d'’un des quatre domaines de recherche du Collège d’’Europe (Droit, Économie, Science politique et diplomatie, Relations internationales ou une approche interdisciplinaire) ; qui est à jour qui ouvre des perspectives sur le futur - Un texte original, qui représente une valeur ajoutée aux études européennes et qui est destiné à une audience académique internationale - Un texte qui montre une expertise dans le champ des études européennes, ou une discipline annexe, qui rencontre les attentes (élevées) des lecteurs de la collection - Un livre qui se veut être académique et analytique, et non politique ou idéologique, même si, bien entendu, les recommandations peuvent laisser transparaitre des préférences. On conseille aux futurs auteurs de faire relire leur manuscrit par un ou deux collègues, pour augmenter les chances d’'acceptation du manuscrit. Les manuscrits proposés seront soumis pour évaluation aux directeurs de collection ainsi que, de façon anonyme, à un comité d'’évaluation externe. Europe is in a constant state of flux. The European Union’s politics, economics, law and external action are changing rapidly. The European Union itself is in a continuous situation of adaptation. New challenges and new requirements arise continually, both internally and externally. The College of Europe Studies series seeks to publish new research on these issues carried out by members of its academic community. Focused on the European Union and the European integration process, this research may be specialised in the areas of political science, law, economics or international relations, but much of it is of an interdisciplinary nature. The objective is to promote the understanding and explanation of the issues concerned and to make a contribution to ongoing discussions. Criteria for acceptance of manuscripts include: - a fully-fledged mature manuscript in correct English and/or French, which requires little or no language editing - a manuscript which is technically up to standard and in conformity with the publishers editorial guidelines - a good treatment of a subject in the four areas that the College of Europe has expertise in (Law, economics, political science and diplomacy + International Relations or a solid interdisciplinary treatise); which is up-to-date and preferably also forward looking - a text which is original and presents an added value in EU studies for a sophisticated international academic readership - a text showing expertise in EU studies, or the relevant segment of it, which reflects the (high) expectations or readers of the College of Europe series - a book which is academic and analytical, not political or ideological, although of course (policy) recommendations can express certain preferences. Potential authors are well advised to have the manuscript read critically by one or two colleagues, so that the chances of being accepted increase. Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a critical review by the book series editors as well as external «blind» peer review.

    21 publications

  • Institutionelle und Sozial-Ökonomie / Institutional and Socio-Economics

    "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. May 2012 The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) "

    11 publications

  • Kozminski Studies in Management and Economics

    "This series is meant to bring selected studies of Polish and international management, organization, and economics scholars, both from academia and from public institutions, to the attention of a practically minded broad audience. The books published in this series present themes that are either of international importance due to their subject or they are considered to be of a broader interest to economists, policy-makers and scholars dealing with business research. Thus, the aim of the series is to contribute to the discussion of results of theoretical and applied research on topical economic and management issues. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, and post-conference volumes Koźmiński University is a private university in Warsaw, Poland. It is ranked 37th among the 75 best European business schools by the Financial Times (2013)." "This series is meant to bring selected studies of Polish and international management, organization, and economics scholars, both from academia and from public institutions, to the attention of a practically minded broad audience. The books published in this series present themes that are either of international importance due to their subject or they are considered to be of a broader interest to economists, policy-makers and scholars dealing with business research. Thus, the aim of the series is to contribute to the discussion of results of theoretical and applied research on topical economic and management issues. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, and post-conference volumes Koźmiński University is a private university in Warsaw, Poland. It is ranked 37th among the 75 best European business schools by the Financial Times (2013)." "This series is meant to bring selected studies of Polish and international management, organization, and economics scholars, both from academia and from public institutions, to the attention of a practically minded broad audience. The books published in this series present themes that are either of international importance due to their subject or they are considered to be of a broader interest to economists, policy-makers and scholars dealing with business research. Thus, the aim of the series is to contribute to the discussion of results of theoretical and applied research on topical economic and management issues. Authors are welcome to submit manuscripts of monographs, collected volumes, and post-conference volumes Koźmiński University is a private university in Warsaw, Poland. It is ranked 37th among the 75 best European business schools by the Financial Times (2013)."

    3 publications

  • Popular Culture and Everyday Life

    "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class." "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class." "Popular Culture and Everyday Life (PC&EL) is the new space for critical books in cultural studies. The series innovates by stressing multiple theoretical, political, and methodological approaches to commodity culture and lived experience, borrowing from sociological, anthropological, and textual disciplines. Each PC&EL volume develops a critical understanding of a key topic in the area through a combination of a thorough literature review, original research, and a student-reader orientation. The series includes three types of books: single-authored monographs, readers of existing classic essays, and new companion volumes of papers on central topics. Likely fields covered are: fashion; sport; shopping; therapy; religion; food and drink; youth; music; cultural policy; popular literature; performance; education; queer theory; race; gender; class."

    37 publications

  • Regional Integration and Social Cohesion

    ISSN: 2030-8787

    «Regional Integration and Social Cohesion» (RISC) is an interdisciplinary and multilingual (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) series that examines the human and environmental impacts of regional integration, defined legally/politically (supranationalism), economically (globalization), socially (identity), and geographically (borders). The series aims to link global analysis of issues associated with social cohesion, such as market shifts, immigration, environmental risk and the deterioration of natural resources, human rights, violence and security, etc., with national and subnational studies that focus on political decision-making, the non-governmental sector and social participation in public debates, economic transformations, social marginalization, identity, etc. Thus, the series aims to combine the international, national and subnational arenas of politics in thematically-oriented research. While proposed case studies are welcome, the works presented in this series from all social science disciplines, are predominantly based on the comparative method. Studies that compare across geographic regions, defined continentally, are of particular interest. In addition to the scientific focus described above, this series aims to connect theoretical analysis of questions related to social cohesion with policy-based research. In doing so, it examines the role of political actors at different levels of regional integration processes and it studies citizen responses to changing opportunity structures in the economic, social and political spheres. Thus, the series attempts to shed light on contemporary shifts in the uses and types of power in policy-making processes. The issue of changes in how policies are being made is linked to: «who affects policy-making?» and «what impact do policies have in social and economic arenas?» « Intégration régionale et cohésion sociale » (RISC) est une collection interdisciplinaire et multilingue qui étudie les impacts humains et environnementaux qu’exerce l’intégration régionale, telle que définie légalement/politiquement (supranationalisme), économiquement (mondialisation), socialement (identité) et géographiquement (frontières). La collection cherche à mettre en relation d’une part l’analyse globale de problématiques associées à la cohésion sociale – les mouvements des marchés économiques, l’immigration, les enjeux écologiques, la préservation des ressources naturelles, les droits de l’homme, la violence et la sécurité, etc. – et d’autre part les études nationales et régionales/locales qui se centrent sur la prise de décision politique, le secteur non gouvernemental, la participation dans les débats publics, les transformations économiques, la marginalisation sociale, l’identité, etc. La collection cherche dès lors à combiner international, national et régional/local dans une perspective thématique. Si les études de cas y sont les bienvenues, on tentera cependant de privilégier les analyses comparatistes, dans le champ des sciences humaines, toutes disciplines confondues. Une attention toute particulière sera accordée aux études établissant des comparaisons entre continents. En outre, la collection souhaite relier l’analyse théorique de questions liées à la cohésion sociale à une recherche de type politique. Elle examine ainsi le rôle des acteurs politiques aux différents niveaux de l’intégration régionale et elle étudie la réaction des citoyens face aux mutations des structures économiques, sociales et politiques. RISC met dès lors en lumière les tendances contemporaines des usages et des types de pouvoir à l’œuvre dans les processus de prise de décision. La question de savoir comment les politiques sont élaborées est liée aux questions suivantes : « Qui peut influencer les politiques ? » et « quel est l’impact des politiques sur la scène politique et économique ? ».

    20 publications

  • Africa in Development

    ISSN: 1662-1212

    Editorial Board Adebayo Adebiyi, University of Lagos, Nigeria Fantu Cheru, Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden Mamadou Diouf, Columbia University, USA Guy Martin, Winston-Salem State University, USA Pamela Mbabazi, Mbarara University, Uganda Carlos Oya, SOAS, London University, UK Tim Shaw, Royal Roads University, Canada Series text While African development remains a preoccupation, policy craftsmen and a multiplicity of domestic and international actors have been engaged in the quest for solutions to the myriad problems associated with poverty and underdevelopment. Academic and scholarly responses have built on the traditional and non-traditional analytical frameworks and promoted a multidimensional discourse on, for example, conflict management, peace and security systems, HIV/AIDS, democratic governance, and the implications of globalization. This series is designed to encourage innovative thinking on a broad range of development issues. Thus its remit extends to all fields of intellectual inquiry with the aim of highlighting the advantages of a synergistic interdisciplinary perspective on the challenges of and opportunities for development in the continent. Of particular interest are studies with a heavy empirical content which also have a bearing on policy debates and those that question theoretical orthodoxies while being grounded on concrete developmental concerns. The series welcomes proposals for collected papers as well as monographs from recent PhDs no less than from established scholars. Book proposals should be sent to the editor at .

    14 publications

  • Économie sociale et Économie publique / Social Economy and Public Economy

    ISSN: 2030-3408

    This «Social Economy & Public Economy» series brings together books and monographs with a common focus: the analysis of the economic activities of formal and informal organisations that aim to serve the «public/general interest» or broad «common welfare» of their societies. Diverse initiatives and a wide variety of organisational forms are concerned: public or private nonprofit organisations and services, social services, public utilities, regulatory rules and actions, public enterprises, local community and regional economic development bodies, cooperatives, mutualist enterprises, etc. The series aims to promote a more scientific, and in-depth international and comparative understanding of this type of research that has been rapidly expanding in recent years. The series will reflect about these developments and through its dissemination, it will also support the increasing inter-disciplinarity and multi-disciplinarity of much of this recent research (e.g. economics, sociology, political science, law, policy evaluation and policy analysis, etc.) Editorial responsibility for the series resides with CIRIEC, an international scientific organisation that promotes, supports and disseminates research on the public economy, the social economy, and cooperatives. One of CIRIEC’s key goals and activities is the promotion, support, and expansion of a large international network of researchers who specialise in these issues. This series will allow the publication of work by members of this network as well as providing an outlet for any related research work by other people outside the existing CIRIEC network. La collection « Économie sociale & Économie publique » rassemble des ouvrages proposant, dans une perspective de comparaison internationale, des analyses des organisations et des activités économiques orientées vers l’intérêt général et l’intérêt collectif : services sociaux, services publics, régulation, entreprises publiques, action économique des entités territoriales (régions, autorités locales), coopératives, mutuelles, associations, ... Dans un contexte de « grande transformation », l’activité scientifique dans ce domaine s’y est fortement développée et la collection se veut un nouveau vecteur de diffusion et de valorisation de cette activité dans une approche pluridisciplinaire (économie, sciences sociales, droit, sciences politiques, ...). La collection est placée sous la responsabilité éditoriale du CIRIEC. Organisation internationale à but scientifique, le CIRIEC a pour objet la réalisation et la diffusion de la recherche sur l’économie publique et l’économie sociale et coopérative. Une de ses principales activités est l’animation d’un vaste réseau international de chercheurs dans ces domaines. La collection permet de publier des ouvrages réalisés par les membres de ce réseau, mais est aussi ouverte à des personnes extérieures à ce réseau.

    7 publications

  • Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures

    ISSN: 2031-3519

    "Europe of Cultures" is a series of studies, monographs, stories, research projects, reports on conferences and debates devoted to the complexities and changing realities in European societies. It bridges the past with the future at the cross road of challenges and opportunities of the transformation of European societies. The management of changes in societies refers to the interconnection of various dimensions and levels of policy-making impacting on economic, social, political, democratic, communication, philosophical, artistic, religious as well as ethical traditions and behaviour. As an editorial project the series is structured along two interconnected and complementary sub-series: i.e. the "(Europe of) Dialogues" series and the "(Europe of) Living Stories". The sub-series "(Europe of) Dialogues" mainly deals with (cultural) diversities, identity and citizenship building in Europe as well as with the relevant multi-level governance and communication structures in the transformation of European societies. Europe is a laboratory for understanding this multi- and intercultural reality. The purpose is to contribute to a better understanding and communication of the changes taking place by looking at the European societies in general, and the specificities of different national, regional and local cultures and communities in a framework of dialogues. The series presents interdisciplinary and critical views of value-driven and policy-oriented reflections. Moreover, it offers new insights into understanding how to manage, value and communicate cultural diversity, identity and citizenship. It also wants to contribute to the development of new ways of "living together", in which cultures and communities are perceived as binding forces in creative society building. The sub-series "(Europe of) Living Stories" (the former "Mémoires de l’Europe en devenir", Director Gabriel Fragnière) is devoted to inspiring narratives for a broad public with a view to contribute to a better understanding, communication and contextualisation of the newly emerging Europe. It mainly focusses on stories, memories and testimonies of persons, events, institutions and issues that have transformed mentalities, fostered European awareness and finally shaped Europe’s future. These stories serve as important references and communication tools for future developments of Europe in the world. This collection wants to be open and diverse, original and dynamic in its content, method and pedagogy faithful to Europe’s role and reference in the globalising world. "Europe des cultures" est une collection d'études, de monographies, d’essais, de récits, de recherches et de compte-rendu de conférences et de débats consacrés à la complexité et l'évolution des réalités dans les sociétés européennes. Elle relie passé et futur au carrefour des défis et opportunités de la transformation des sociétés européennes. L’étude des changements dans les sociétés se réfère à l'interconnexion des différentes dimensions et niveaux de l'élaboration des politiques, incluant les traditions et comportements économiques, sociaux, politiques, démocratiques, communication, philosophiques, artistiques, religieuses ainsi qu’éthiques. Comme projet éditorial, la collection est structurée en deux sous-séries complémentaires: la série "(l'Europe des) Dialogues" et la série « (l'Europe des) Histoires Vivantes». La série "(L’Europe des) Dialogues" se concentre principalement sur les diversités (culturelles), l'identité et la citoyenneté en Europe ainsi que sur les structures de gouvernance et de communication multi-niveaux pertinentes dans la transformation des sociétés européennes. L'Europe est un laboratoire pour comprendre cette réalité multiculturelle et interculturelle. Le but est de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension et communication des changements qui ont lieu en observant les sociétés européennes en général, et les spécificités des différentes cultures et communautés nationales, régionales et locales dans un cadre de dialogues. La collection présente des vues interdisciplinaires et critiques axées sur des réflexions des valeurs et politiques. En outre, elle offre de nouvelles perspectives dans la compréhension de la façon de gérer, valoriser et communiquer la diversité culturelle, l'identité et la citoyenneté. Elle veut aussi contribuer au développement de nouvelles façons de « vivre ensemble », dans lequel les cultures et les communautés sont perçues comme des forces de liaison à l’égard de la société créative. La série "(l’Europe des) Histoires Vivantes" (anciennement « Mémoires de l'Europe en devenir », Directeur Gabriel Fragnière) est consacrée à des récits destinés à un large public en vue de contribuer à une meilleure compréhension, communication et contextualisation de la nouvelle Europe émergente. Elle se concentre principalement sur des histoires, des souvenirs et des témoignages de personnes, d'événements, des institutions et des questions qui ont transformé les mentalités, la conscience européenne et enfin façonné l'avenir de l'Europe. Ces histoires servent de références et d’outils de communication pour des développements futurs de l'Europe dans le monde. Cette collection se veut ouverte et diversifiée, originale et dynamique dans son contenu, méthode et pédagogie fidèle au rôle et référence de l'Europe dans un monde globalisé.

    31 publications

  • Human Right Studies

    Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

    ISSN: 2294-8848

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously at the international and European levels. It has become increasingly clear that the respect and promotion of human rights must be at the centre of States and local communities' public policies and that human rights are the basis of civil society initiatives and movements. There is a large mechanism, at all levels of governance, monitoring the way in which States implement the obligations they have assumed towards each person under their sovereignty. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights Series provides year by year, a dynamic and up-to date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies in line with international human rights law and to comply with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The book series thus intends to contribute to the continuous monitoring activity of the human rights situation in Italy undertaken at the local, national and international levels by the relevant intergovernmental and civil society actors. Each volume of this series surveys the activities carried out, during the year of reference, by the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, each Yearbook provides a selection of examples from international and national case law that cast light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. The Yearbook is edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace of the same university, and with the support of the Region of Veneto. The Centre, established in 1982, carries out research and education following a global and interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue, human rights and multi-level governance.

    11 publications

  • Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus

    Humanism, which is characterized by the special status of human beings within the world, i.e. human beings do not differ gradually but categorically from other natural beings, is in a crisis. It gets attacked from various directions. Basically, it is possible to distinguish two main movements which try to transcend Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism. In the book series Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus, monographs and essay collections will be published which discuss aspects of this range of topics historically or systematically. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Editor’s Homepage: www.sorgner.de. From 1st January 2016 employed as an associate professor of philosophy at the John Cabot University in Rome. Editorial Board Members: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece Der Humanismus, der durch die Sonderstellung des Menschen in der Welt gekennzeichnet ist, d.h. der Mensch unterscheidet sich nicht graduell, sondern kategorisch von anderen natürlichen Wesen, befindet sich in einer Krise. Er wird aus verschiedenen Richtungen attackiert. Grundsätzlich kann man zwei Hauptströmungen feststellen, die sich darum bemühen, den Humanismus zu überwinden, den Trans- und den Posthumanismus. Im Rahmen der Buchreihe Beyond Humanism: Trans- and Posthumanism / Jenseits des Humanismus: Trans- und Posthumanismus sollen Monographien und Sammelbände erscheinen, die Aspekte dieses Themenspektrums entweder historisch oder systematisch erörtern. Editor Dr. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. Homepage des Herausgebers: www.sorgner.de. Ab 1. Januar 2016 als Associate Professor für Philosophie an der John Cabot University in Rom angestellt. Editorial Board Mitglieder: Prof. Dr. H. James Birx, Anthropology, Canisus College, SUNY Geneseo, USA Prof. Dr. Irina Deretic, Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Serbia Dr. James J. Hughes, Sociology, Executive Director, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies Lecturer, Public Policy Studies, Trinity College, Associate Editor, Journal of Evolution and Technology, USA Prof. Dr. Andy Miah, Ethics and Emerging Technologies, University of the West of Scotland, a Fellow of FACT, the Foundation for Art and Creative Technology (Liverpool), and a Fellow of the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (USA) Prof. Dr. Domna Pastourmatzi, American Literature, University of Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Evi Sampanikou, Art History, University of the Aegean, Greece

    9 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    22 publications

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