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  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • European Semiotics / Sémiotiques Européennes

    ISSN: 2235-6266

    European Semiotics originated from an initiative launched by a group of researchers in Semiotics from Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Italy and was inspired by innovative impulses given by René Thom and his «semiophysics». The goal of the series is to provide a broad European forum for those interested in semiotic research focusing on semiotic dynamics and combining cultural, linguistic and cognitive perspectives. This approach, which has its origins in Phenomenology, Gestalt Theory, Philosophy of Culture and Structuralism, views semiosis primarily as a cognitive process, which underlies and structures human culture. Semiotics is therefore considered to be the discipline suited par excellence to bridge the gap between the realms of the Cognitive Sciences and the Sciences of Culture. The series publishes monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings of a high scholarly standard. Languages of publication are mainly English and French. Sémiotiques européennes est le résultat d'une initiative prise par un groupe de chercheurs en sémiotique, originaires du Danemark, d'Allemagne, d'Espagne, de France et d'Italie, inspirée par l'impulsion innovatrice apportée par René Thom et sa «sémiophysique». Le but de cette collection est de fournir une large tribune européenne à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la recherche sémiotique portant sur les dynamiques sémiotiques, et réunissant des perspectives culturelles, linguistiques et cognitives. Cette approche, qui se nourrit de différentes sources, telle que la phénoménologie, le gestaltisme, la philosophie de la culture et le structuralisme, part du principe que la sémiosis est essentiellement un procès cognitif, qui sous-tend et structure toute culture humaine. La sémiotique est donc considérée comme la discipline par excellence capable de créer un pont entre les domaines des Sciences cognitives et ceux des Sciences de la culture. Sémiotiques européennes accueille tant des monographies que des anthologies et des actes de colloques d'un haut niveau de recherche, rédigé de préférence en anglais et en français.

    14 publications

  • Semiotics and the Human Sciences

    ISSN: 1054-8386

    16 publications

  • Berkeley Insights in Linguistics and Semiotics

    Through the publication of ground-breaking scholarly research, this series deals with language and the multiple and varied paradigms through which it is studied. Language as viewed by linguists represents micrometa-approaches that intersect with macrometa-approaches of semiotists who understand language as an inlay to all experience. This data-based series bridges study of the sciences with that of the humanities.

    84 publications

  • DASK – Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture

    DASK presents a forum for linguistic research on the interrelationship between language and culture. The series is interdisciplinary in nature and consists of monographs and collections of papers. The main purpose of the editors is to initiate a dialogue between linguistic science and neighbouring disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, semiotics, literary studies and intercultural communication. The aim of establishing a series at the intersection of linguistic and cultural studies is to provide academics and interested students with a scientific framework for studying the interaction of language and culture. The series has been founded by Ulrich Ammon, René Dirven and Martin Pütz.

    124 publications

  • Education and Struggle

    Narrative, Dialogue, and the Political Production of Meaning

    ISSN: 2168-6432

    "WE ARE THE STORIES WE TELL. The series "Education and Struggle" focuses on conflict as a discursive process where people struggle for legitimacy and the narrative process becomes a political struggle for meaning. But this series will also include the voices of authors and activists who are involved in conflicts over material necessities in their communities, schools, places of worship, and public squares as part of an ongoing search for dignity, self-determination and autonomy. This series focuses on conflict and struggle within the realm of educational politics based around a series of interrelated themes: indigenous struggles; western-Islamic conflicts; globalization and the clash of worldviews; neoliberalism as the war within;colonization and neocolonization; the coloniality of power and decolonial pedagogy; war and conflict and the struggle for liberation. It publishes narrative accounts of specific struggles as well as theorizing "conflict narratives" and the political production of meaning in educational studies. During this time of global conflict and the crisis of capitalism, Education and Struggle promises to be on the cutting edge of social, cultural, educational and political transformation. Central to the series is the idea that language is essentially a dialogical production that is formed through a process of social conflict and interaction. The aim is to focus on key semiotic, literary andpolitical concepts as a basis for a philosophy of language and culture where the underlying materialist philosophy of language and culture serves as the basis for the larger project that we might call dialogism (after Bakhtin’s usage). As the late V.N. Volosinov suggests “Without signs there is no ideology”, “Everything ideological possesses semiotic value” and “individual consciousness is a socio-ideological fact”. It is a small step to claim, therefore, “consciousness itself can arise and become a viable fact only in the material embodiment of signs”. This series is a vehicle for materialist semiotics in the narrative and dialogue of education and struggle."

    39 publications

  • Religions and Discourse

    ISSN: 1422-8998

    «Religions and Discourse» explores religious language in the major world faiths from various viewpoints, including semiotics, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics, and reflects on how it is situated within wider intellectual and cultural contexts. In particular a key issue is the role of figurative speech. Many fascinating metaphors originate in religion e.g. revelation as a ‘garment’, apostasy as ‘adultery’, loving kindness as the ‘circumcision of the heart’. Every religion rests its specific orientations upon symbols such as these, to name but a few. The series strives after the interdisciplinary approach that brings together such diverse disciplines as religious studies, theology, sociology, philosophy, linguistics and literature, guided by an international editorial board of scholars representative of the aforementioned disciplines. Though scholarly in its scope, the series also seeks to facilitate discussions pertaining to central religious issues in contemporary contexts. The series will publish monographs and collected essays of a high scholarly standard.

    62 publications

  • Mediated Fictions

    Studies in Verbal and Visual Narratives

    ISSN: 2194-5918

    The Mediated Fiction series aims at providing a forum for studies in English Language and Literatures, but also Comparative Literature, the History of Sciences, and Slavonic Languages and Literatures. The series emphasis is on studies in Verbal and Visual Narratives. The editors, Professor Artur Blaim and Associate Professor Ludmila Gruszewska-Blaim, specialize in literary theory, cultural semiotics and fictional worlds in literature and cinema.

    21 publications

  • Studies in Language, Culture and Society

    ISSN: 2195-7479

    Until the publication of volume 16, the series was coedited by prof. Piotr Ruszkiewicz. The series will publish books addressing the nexus between language, culture and society. Contrastive studies are welcome in particular, whether of a synchronic or diachronic orientation. Various perspectives on language/communication are of interest: grammatical, pragmatic, sociolinguistic, discoursal and semiotic. A wide range of theoretical and methodological positions is accepted: cognitive /anthropological / corpus linguistics, as well as pragmatics, interactional sociolinguistics, (specialized) genre analysis, or critical discourse studies. The cutting edge of the series is to publish innovative research elucidating the processes of inter- and intra-language variation and change, and – at the same time – relating them to flows in and across cognate categories of culture, community and society. The series will publish monographs and edited volumes reporting on data-driven research that carries a potential for application in translation studies, language teaching, multilingual (multicultural) education, and interdisciplinary critical discourse studies. The languages of publication will be English and German, yet book proposals in other major languages will also be considered, if centrally contributive to the main aim of the series.

    20 publications

  • Reflections on Signs and Language

    This book series proposes themes that are generally associated with the so-called language and sign sciences, in the first place semiotics, linguistics and philosophy of language, inclusive of literary language. It also focuses on problems that interest the communication sciences, including mass-medial communication and the question of translation. However, the perspective is not limited to any one of these disciplinary spheres. Moreover, the series intends to propose a vision that is critical, open and dialogic, which means to say developed in terms of interdisciplinary dialogue. Such an approach is proficuous if it is not limited to encounter among specific disciplines, competencies and interests at a scientific level alone. In fact, a priority characterising this series is to create the conditions for encounter between the sciences of signs, language and communication, on the one hand, and the problems of everyday life which are closely involved, indeed are engendered in them, on the other. We live in a world where life overall as much as the life of each one of us depends increasingly on signs, language and communication. But there’s more: not only human life, but life in general, as biosemiotics now evidences unequivocally, consists of communication and is made of signs. We are looking forward to receiving contributions from all over the world, mindful of the series’ interdisciplinary orientation, characteristics and interests. Submissions should be written in English and will be peer-reviewed by the relevant specialists.

    2 publications

  • Mondes de langue portugaise

    ISSN: 2795-6105

    The "Worlds of Portuguese Language" series encompasses different cultural domains related to the Portuguese language without restrictions of thematic, historical or geographical kind. The underlining notion of language is that of a space of deconstruction, conducive to a broader reflection on spatial and temporal correlations, forms of porosity, mobility and exchange within a broad thematic and disciplinary horizon. To promote interdisciplinarity for a global understanding of cultural phenomena is one of our main concerns. From intercultural and plurilingual heritage, and their embodiment of a certain idea of ​​translation, to visual and performing arts, the series welcomes reflections on the text in its different literary modes (whether lyrical, narrative or dramatic) and on inter-artistic approaches which bring together different semiotic systems. Questions arising from postcolonial and postdictatorial memory will put in perspective major research topics related to the representation of the physical and social body, migration and new approaches to pedagogy and teaching. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino. Mondes de langue portugaise est une collection qui a pour vocation d’aborder les divers domaines culturels en lien avec la langue portugaise sans restriction thématique, temporelle ou géographique. La langue est ici conçue comme espace de déconstruction, propice à une réflexion élargie sur les mobilités spatio-temporelles, les porosités, les échanges et les communications dans un large horizon thématique et disciplinaire. L’objectif est de valoriser l’interdisciplinarité pour une compréhension globale des phénomènes culturels. Les héritages interculturels et plurilingues, leurs rapports avec une idée de traduction sont abordés ainsi que les arts visuels et de la scène, le texte dans ses différents modes (lyrique, narratif, dramatique), en ouvrant sur une approche inter artistique qui comprend plusieurs systèmes sémiotiques. A partir des questions de la mémoire post postcoloniale et post-dictatoriale, sont mises en perspective des thématiques abordant les représentations du corps physique et social, la migration ainsi que les nouvelles approches de pédagogie et d’enseignement. --------------------------------- Mundos de língua portuguesa é uma coleção que tem por vocação abordar os diversos domínios culturais em ligação com a língua portuguesa sem restrição temática, temporal ou geográfica. A língua é aqui concebida como um espaço de desconstrução, propício a uma reflexão alargada sobre as mobilidades espácio-temporais, as porosidades, os intercâmbios e as comunicações num largo horizonte temático e disciplinar. O objetivo é o de valorizar a interdisciplinaridade visando uma compreensão global dos fenómenos culturais. As heranças interculturais e plurilingues, as suas relações com uma ideia da tradução são abordadas assim como as artes visuais e de cena, o texto nos seus diferentes modos (lírico, narrativo, dramático), abrindo para uma abordagem interartística que engloba vários sistemas semióticos. A partir das questões da memória pós-colonial e pós-ditatorial são postas em perspetiva temáticas que desenvolvem as representações do corpo físico e social, as migrações assim como as novas abordagens de pedagogia e de ensino.

    5 publications

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