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Open Access
  • Social Strategies

    Monographien zur Soziologie und Gesellschaftspolitik / Monographs on Sociology and Social Policy

    ISSN: 2235-7491

    Die Zielsetzung der Reihe Social Strategies ist es, Theorie und Praxis in soziologischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Problemstellungen zu verbinden. Dabei interessieren fundierte Analysen sowie konkrete Lösungsansätze und Handlungsvorschläge. Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte bilden die Bereiche soziale Ungleichheit sowie Konflikt und Kooperation im Kontext globaler Prozesse. Eine enge Zusammenarbeit besteht mit der Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), dem Basler Institut für Soziologie (Universität Basel) und dem dort angesiedelten Zentrum für Konfliktforschung. Daneben nimmt die Reihe aber auch Manuskripte von anderen Forscherinnen und Forschern auf. Die sozialwissenschaftlich orientierten Arbeiten sollen neben dem wissenschaftlichen auch ein breiteres, an soziologischen und gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen interessiertes Publikum ansprechen. Publiziert werden Kongressberichte, Festschriften, Dissertationen und weitere Arbeiten, die sich interdisziplinär mit sozialen Fragen und Strategien auseinander setzen. Die Publikationssprachen sind deutsch, englisch und französisch.

    27 publications

  • Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques

    "La recherche en mouvement" / " Savoirs pour savoir faire"/"Échanges de la recherche"

    ISSN: 2593-6972

    The Book Serie «Champs didactiques plurilingues» aims to promote practice and research about foreign language teaching and learning from a triple bond between subjects, objects and contexts, each with their individual and interacting dynamics. This involves the disciplinary fields involved in the production of practical and theoretical ideas, and of the concrete, educational and professional contexts of teaching and learning , together with school and university language policies which influence the learning of a particular language, the choice of languages and their status. The series is divided into three strands : one strand, "Research in action" is intended for researchers, student-researchers, and practitioner-researchers, which can include many teachers; a second strand "Knowledge for know-how" is intended especially for students, practitioners and decision-makers; the other strand "Research exchanges"specially designed to papers written from conferences and congress papers. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publish books in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish and a partnership with the journal Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index ) allows authors to publish a podcast presenting their book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La collection «Champs didactiques plurilingues» vise à promouvoir les travaux et recherches autour de l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères autour du triple ancrage sujets – objets – contextes et de leurs dynamiques propres et interagissantes. La collection se déploie sur trois volets : un volet "La recherche en mouvement" destiné aux chercheurs, aux étudiants-chercheurs et aux praticiens-chercheurs ; un volet "Savoirs pour savoir faire" destiné plus particulièrement aux étudiants, aux praticiens et aux décideurs; un volet "Échanges de la recherche" pour des articles écrits à partir de communications de colloques et congrès. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publie des livres en anglais, français, espagnol ou portugais et un partenariat avec la revue Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de l'Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permet aux auteurs de publier un podcast de présentation de leur ouvrage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ A coleção « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tem como objetivo promover trabalhos de investigação em torno do ensino / aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, numa tripla encoragem : sujeitos, objetos, contextos e suas dinâmicas próprias e interatuantes. A coleção é dividida em três partes : um componente "Investigação em movimento", para investigadores e estudantes e profissionais investigadores; um componente "Saberes para saber fazer" voltado especificamente para estudantes, profissionais e decisores políticos; um componente "Intercâmbios de investigação" para artigos escritos a partir de comunicações de conferências e congressos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica livros em inglês, francês, espanhol ou português e uma parceria com a revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras da Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite que os autores publiquem um podcast apresentando seu livro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La colección « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tiene como objetivo promover la reflexión y la investigación en torno a la enseñanza/aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros, con miras al triple anclaje sujetos/objetos/contextos así como la dinámica propia de cada uno de esos elementos y sus mutuas interacciones. La colección tiene tres vertientes : "Investigación en movimiento" se dirige a investigadores, estudiantes-investigadores y profesores-investigadores; "Saberes para saber hacer" se dirige más específicamente a estudiantes, profesores y responsables institucionales; "Intercambios de investigación" para artículos escritos a partir de ponencias de coloquios y congresos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica libros en inglés, francés, español o portugués y una alianza con la revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite a los autores publicar un podcast presentando su libro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ *Scientific Board / Comité scientifique / Comité científico* Frédéric Anciaux, INSPE Guadeloupe (France) / Maria Helena Araújo e Sá, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) / Philippe Blanchet, Université de Haute Bretagne Rennes 2 (France) / Jean-Marc Defays, Université de Liège (Belgique) / Christain Degache, Universidade Federal do Minais Gerais - Université Grenoble Alpes (Brésil / France) / Fred Dervin, Helsingfors Uniersitet (Finlande) / Piet Desmet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique) / Olivier Dezutter, Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) / Enrica Galazzi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italie) / Laurent Gajo, Université de Genève (Suisse) / Tony Liddicoat, University of Warwick (Royaume Uni) / Eliane Lousada, Universidade de São Paulo (Brésil) / Bruno Maurer, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 (France) / Dominique Macaire, Université de Lorraine (France) / Danièle Moore, Simon Fraser University (Canada) / Christian Ollivier, Université de La Réunion (France) / Rosana Pasquale, Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentine) / Fabián Santiago, Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis & CNRS (France) / Haydée Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexique) / Francis Yaiche, Université de Paris (France)

    37 publications

  • The Art and Science of Music Teaching and Performance

    Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education. Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education.

    2 publications

  • Studies in History, Memory and Politics

    ISSN: 2191-3528

    Until the publication of volume 45, the series was edited by Anna Wolff-Powęska and Piotr Forecki, and the title of the series was "Geschichte – Erinnerung – Politik. Studies in History, Memory and Politics". Die Schriftenreihe umfasst Publikationen, die sich im weitesten Sinn mit Erinnerungskultur aus polnischer Perspektive befassen. Der Umbruch von 1989/90 hat eine Zäsur geschaffen, die eine Verifikation der Bilder von unserer eigenen Geschichte und von der Geschichte der Beziehungen der Polen zu ihren Nachbarn ermöglicht. Mit der Serie wird das Ziel verfolgt, dem Leserpublikum die Leistungen einer ganzen Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen vor Augen zu führen, u. a. der Geschichtswissenschaft, der Soziologie, der Anthropologie, der Kulturwissenschaft, der Literaturwissenschaft, der Politikwissenschaft und der Philosophie, also Disziplinen, die mit den Bedingungen der kollektiven Erinnerung, mit den Strategien und Formen der Erinnerung an die Vergangenheit, mit den Medien als Trägern des Gedenkens (Museen, Denkmäler, Kunst, Literatur), mit der Geschichtspolitik sowie mit Symbolen und Erinnerungsritualen (dem Begehen historischer Jubiläen und Gedenktage) zu tun haben. Die polnische Abrechnung mit der Nazizeit und der sowjetischen Fremdherrschaft stellt einen Beitrag zur Begründung der polnischen Identität und zur Legitimierung der Politik dar. Diese Literatur inspiriert zu komparatistischen Analysen und ist ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Darstellung der komplexen europäischen Erinnerungslandschaft.

    54 publications

  • Transferwissenschaften

    In der Reihe Transferwissenschaften erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände, die sich mit Fragen zur Transformation von Wissen durch Kommunikation befassen. Die Prinzipien von Wissensproduktion und -rezeption sind dabei ebenso relevant wie strukturelle, kulturelle, kognitive, sprachlich-mediale und emotionale Bedingungen. Die Vermittlung von Kenntnissen und Kompetenzen impliziert beim horizontalen und vertikalen Wissenstransfer zudem fachsprachliche und fachkommunikative Strategien und auch eine mutter- und fremdsprachendidaktische Reflexion. Herausgeber der von Gerd Antos und Sigurd Wichter begründeten Reihe sind Matthias Ballod (Halle), Thorsten Roelcke (Berlin) und Tilo Weber (Liberec). Manuskripteinreichungen werden erbeten an den Verlag oder an die Herausgeber. Für diese Reihe gibt es ein Stylesheet – es kann bei den Herausgebern oder unter m.ruecker@peterlang.com angefragt werden.

    18 publications

  • Sprache in der Gesellschaft

    Beiträge zur Sprach- und Medienwissenschaft

    Das sprachliche Universum ist äußerst facettenreich und ausdifferenziert. Sprache, so zeigt die moderne Linguistik, zerfällt in die Sprachen einzelner Gruppen und Medien, geprägt von Tradition und Innovation, von Handlungsfeldern und Weltanschauungen. Sprache signalisiert, was als Wirklichkeit erfahren wird, wie man diese beschreibt und ordnet, um sich und andere zu orientieren. Die Reihe Sprache in der Gesellschaft hat das Ziel, Bedingungen sprachlichen Handelns in unterschiedlichen Kommunikationssphären und Praxisfeldern zu beleuchten – auch um gesellschaftlich relevantes Wissen auf hohem fachlichen Niveau anzubieten. Es gilt, das Geflecht der sprachlichen Normen und Regeln zu erforschen, die eine soziale Wirklichkeit erzeugen, stabilisieren oder verändern. Diese Normen und Regeln zeigen sich in der Analyse von Situationen und Gattungen; sie werden bei der Erforschung von kommunikativen Strategien offenbar; und sie ergeben sich aus den Zwängen des jeweiligen Mediums (Zeitung, Radio, Fernsehen, Netzmedien). Die einzelnen in dieser Reihe veröffentlichten Arbeiten analysieren – primär auf linguistischer Grundlage, jedoch mit einem programmatischen Interesse an der Verbindung von Sprach- und Medienwissenschaft auf dem Weg zu einer interdisziplinären Medienforschung – ergiebige Schnittstellen und Spannungsfelder der mündlichen und schriftlichen Kommunikation: zwischen Wissenschaft und Anwendung, Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit, Norm und Variation. Die Qualität der in dieser Reihe erscheinenden Arbeiten wird vor der Publikation durch Herausgeber der Reihe geprüft. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Pörksen Universität Tübingen Medienwissenschaft Wilhelmstr. 50 72074 Tübingen Tel. +49 (07071) 29-72798 E-Mail: bernhard.poerksen@uni-tuebingen.de Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schröder Universität Hamburg Institut für Germanistik Niederdeutsche Sprache und Literatur Von-Melle-Park 6, Postfach #15 20146 Hamburg Tel. +49 (40) 42838-2723 E-Mail: ingrid.schroeder@uni-hamburg.de

    31 publications

  • Forschung und Praxis zukunftsfähiger Unternehmensführung

    Die Reihe Forschung und Praxis zukunftsfähiger Unternehmensführung beinhaltet ausgewählte Schriften, die sich mit Theorien, Konzepten und Instrumenten einer fortschrittsfähigen Organisation beschäftigen. Das Themenspektrum wird dabei durch die drei Eckpunkte, Humanressourcen-Organisation-Strategie, aufgespannt. Das Fundament der Schriftenreihe bilden wissenschaftlich fundierte Dissertationsschriften mit Anspruch auf Praxisrelevanz. Angereichert wird die Reihe durch für wertvoll erachtete Sammelbände aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Die Verfasser der in der Reihe erscheinenden Bücher wollen sowohl die Wissenschaft als auch die Führungspraxis mit Interesse an zukunftsfähiger Unternehmensführung ansprechen. Homepage des Herausgebers: Dr. Stephan Kaiser Institut für Entwicklung zukunftsfähiger Organisationen und Professur für Personalmanagement und Organisation

    7 publications

  • Business and Innovation

    The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La création de nouvelles activités, de nouveaux modes de production et de consommation, de nouveaux biens et services, de nouveaux marchés, de nouveaux emplois, etc. repose aussi bien sur l’action héroïque des entrepreneurs que sur la stratégie des grandes entreprises qui se déploient sur une échelle mondiale. L’innovation et les affaires sont intrinsèquement liées. Trois grandes thématiques seront particulièrement privilégiées : « Entrepreneuriat, entreprise, innovation et développement durable » ; « Innovation et réseaux » ; « L’Innovation dans un contexte global ». Les rapports synergiques entre entrepreneuriat innovant, stratégies des firmes et politiques d’innovation est un axe majeur dans le changement des paradigmes technologiques et la modification des structures économiques et sociales des pays riches et moins riches. Dans la collection sont publiés en français ou en anglais des ouvrages d’économie, de management et de sociologie de l’innovation, du changement et de l’entrepreneur dans une perspective locale, nationale et internationale. La collection bénéficie de l’appui du Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. La collection est dirigée par le Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation. The creation of new activities, of news production and consumption modes, of new goods and services, of new markets and new jobs (etc.) depends as much on the heroic action of entrepreneurs as on the strategies of big corporations which develop their activities at a global scale. Innovation and business are interlinked. The main themes of the books published in this series are: « Entrepreneurship, enterprise and innovation »; « Innovation strategies in a global context »; « Innovation policies and business climate »; « Innovation, business dynamics and socio-economic change ». The synergies between innovative entrepreneurship, firms’ strategies and innovation policies is of major importance in the explanation of technological paradigms change and of the transformations in economic and social structures of wealthy and less wealthy countries. In this series are published books in English or in French specialized in economics, management and sociology of innovation and also dealing with change and entrepreneurship in a local, national or international perspective. This series is supported by the Research Network on Innovation. This series is directed by the Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation.

    38 publications

  • Language, Migration and Identity

    ISSN: 2296-2808

    This series fills a hitherto neglected but now growing area in the treatment of migration: the role of language and identity. This topic is central in a globalized world where the definition of community is constantly challenged by the increased mobility of individuals. Linked to this mobility is the issue of identity construction, in which language plays a key role. Language practices are indicators of the socialization process in bilingual and multilingual settings, and part of the strategies by which speakers assert membership within social groups. Migrant speakers are constantly engaged in identity construction in varying settings. Language, Migration and Identity invites proposals for revised dissertations, monographs and edited volumes on language practices and language use by migrant speakers. A wide range of themes is envisaged, within the area of migration, but from a broadly linguistic perspective. The series welcomes studies of migrant communities and their language practices, studies of language practices in multilingual educational settings, and case studies of identity building among migrants through language use. Proposals might focus on topics such as second language acquisition in social contexts, variation in L2 speech, multilingualism, acquisition of sociolinguistic competence, hybridity and ‘crossing’ in relation to identity. A multiplicity of approaches in the treatment of this interdisciplinary area will be welcome, from quantitative to ethnographic to mixed methods. The series welcomes established scholars as well as early career academics and recent PhD research. This series fills a hitherto neglected but now growing area in the treatment of migration: the role of language and identity. This topic is central in a globalized world where the definition of community is constantly challenged by the increased mobility of individuals. Linked to this mobility is the issue of identity construction, in which language plays a key role. Language practices are indicators of the socialization process in bilingual and multilingual settings, and part of the strategies by which speakers assert membership within social groups. Migrant speakers are constantly engaged in identity construction in varying settings. Language, Migration and Identity invites proposals for revised dissertations, monographs and edited volumes on language practices and language use by migrant speakers. A wide range of themes is envisaged, within the area of migration, but from a broadly linguistic perspective. The series welcomes studies of migrant communities and their language practices, studies of language practices in multilingual educational settings, and case studies of identity building among migrants through language use. Proposals might focus on topics such as second language acquisition in social contexts, variation in L2 speech, multilingualism, acquisition of sociolinguistic competence, hybridity and ‘crossing’ in relation to identity. A multiplicity of approaches in the treatment of this interdisciplinary area will be welcome, from quantitative to ethnographic to mixed methods. The series welcomes established scholars as well as early career academics and recent PhD research. This series fills a hitherto neglected but now growing area in the treatment of migration: the role of language and identity. This topic is central in a globalized world where the definition of community is constantly challenged by the increased mobility of individuals. Linked to this mobility is the issue of identity construction, in which language plays a key role. Language practices are indicators of the socialization process in bilingual and multilingual settings, and part of the strategies by which speakers assert membership within social groups. Migrant speakers are constantly engaged in identity construction in varying settings. Language, Migration and Identity invites proposals for revised dissertations, monographs and edited volumes on language practices and language use by migrant speakers. A wide range of themes is envisaged, within the area of migration, but from a broadly linguistic perspective. The series welcomes studies of migrant communities and their language practices, studies of language practices in multilingual educational settings, and case studies of identity building among migrants through language use. Proposals might focus on topics such as second language acquisition in social contexts, variation in L2 speech, multilingualism, acquisition of sociolinguistic competence, hybridity and ‘crossing’ in relation to identity. A multiplicity of approaches in the treatment of this interdisciplinary area will be welcome, from quantitative to ethnographic to mixed methods. The series welcomes established scholars as well as early career academics and recent PhD research.

    5 publications

  • Studies in Education and Spirituality

    ISSN: 1527-8247

    Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens? Studies in Education and Spirituality presents the reader with the most recent thinking about the role of religion and spirituality in higher education. It includes a wide variety of perspectives, including students, faculty, administrators, religious life and student life professionals, and representatives of related educational and religious institutions. These are people who have thought deeply about the topic and share their insights and experiences through this series. These works address the questions: What is the impact of religious diversity on higher education? What is the potential of religious pluralism as a strategy to address the dramatic growth of religious diversity in American colleges and universities? To what extent do institutions of higher learning desire to prepare their students for life and work in a religiously pluralistic world? What is the role of spirituality at colleges and universities, particularly in relationship to teaching and learning pedagogy, the cultivation of values, moral and ethical development, and the fostering of global learning communities and responsible global citizens?

    8 publications

  • Transversales

    Langues, sociétés, cultures et apprentissages

    ISSN: 1424-5868

    La collection Transversales propose une plate-forme de débats, de confrontations des travaux portant sur le plurilinguisme et la pluriculturalité. Elle s'intéresse aux intersections possibles entre langues, sociétés et cultures, notamment à travers l'analyse de situations de contacts entre les individus et groupes dans le cadre de politiques linguistiques au sein des institutions éducatives au sens large. On y aborde aussi les questions liées aux personnes en situation de mobilité et à leurs stratégies linguistiques, sociales, culturelles mises en Œuvre dans la communication quotidienne. Par des approches bi- ou pluridisciplinaires, Transversales interroge les conceptions de l'altérité, l'évolution des représentations véhiculées dans l'apprentissage des langues et dans la formation des médiateurs culturels. La collection Transversales propose une plate-forme de débats, de confrontations des travaux portant sur le plurilinguisme et la pluriculturalité. Elle s'intéresse aux intersections possibles entre langues, sociétés et cultures, notamment à travers l'analyse de situations de contacts entre les individus et groupes dans le cadre de politiques linguistiques au sein des institutions éducatives au sens large. On y aborde aussi les questions liées aux personnes en situation de mobilité et à leurs stratégies linguistiques, sociales, culturelles mises en Œuvre dans la communication quotidienne. Par des approches bi- ou pluridisciplinaires, Transversales interroge les conceptions de l'altérité, l'évolution des représentations véhiculées dans l'apprentissage des langues et dans la formation des médiateurs culturels. La collection Transversales propose une plate-forme de débats, de confrontations des travaux portant sur le plurilinguisme et la pluriculturalité. Elle s'intéresse aux intersections possibles entre langues, sociétés et cultures, notamment à travers l'analyse de situations de contacts entre les individus et groupes dans le cadre de politiques linguistiques au sein des institutions éducatives au sens large. On y aborde aussi les questions liées aux personnes en situation de mobilité et à leurs stratégies linguistiques, sociales, culturelles mises en Œuvre dans la communication quotidienne. Par des approches bi- ou pluridisciplinaires, Transversales interroge les conceptions de l'altérité, l'évolution des représentations véhiculées dans l'apprentissage des langues et dans la formation des médiateurs culturels.

    55 publications

  • Travail et Société / Work and Society

    ISSN: 1376-0955

    The series «Work & Society» analyses the development of employment and social policies, as well as the strategies of the different social actors, both at national and European levels. It puts forward a multi-disciplinary approach – political, sociological, economic, legal and historical – in a bid for dialogue and complementarity. The series is not confined to the social field stricto sensu, but also aims to illustrate the indirect social impacts of economic and monetary policies. It endeavours to clarify social developments, from a comparative and a historical perspective, thus portraying the process of convergence and divergence in the diverse national societal contexts. The manner in which European integration impacts on employment and social policies constitutes the backbone of the analyses. La collection « Travail & Société » analyse les évolutions de la sphère du travail et des politiques sociales à travers l’étude des stratégies menées par les acteurs sociaux, tant sur le plan national qu’européen. Elle propose une approche pluridisciplinaire – politique, sociologique, économique, juridique et historique – dans un souci de dialogue et de complémentarité. La collection ne se limite pas à des études du champ social stricto sensu mais vise également à illustrer les impacts sociaux indirects des politiques économiques et monétaires. Elle s’attache à mettre en perspective les évolutions sociales, tant du point de vue historique que de manière comparative, en illustrant la convergence et la divergence dans les différents parcours nationaux. La dimension européenne, et plus particulièrement l’impact de l’intégration européenne, constitue un axe d’analyse privilégié.

    84 publications

  • Emerging Markets Studies

    ISSN: 2190-099X

    The Peter Lang series Emerging Markets Studies includes works which address opportunities, problems, and challenges of socio-economic development and reform in so-called emerging markets. These comprise middle-income developing and transition economies which are relevant for the world economy due to a large market potential, a favorable or improving investment climate, or due to the availability of important natural resources. Emerging markets have realized or show the potential to generate sustained socio-economic development and growth processes over time. The volumes in this series seek to address three key questions: What are the determinants of successful socio-economic development, What are appropriate reform strategies to overcome impediments to catching-up processes, and how do politico-institutional factors affect the performance of an emerging economy? The scope of the series is comparative, institutionalist, and international. The overall focus of all titles is to enhance the understanding of socio-economic catching-up processes and their institutional foundations from a political-economy perspective. Due to the complexity of development processes and policy reform, various methodological tools and academic approaches may prove to be appropriate. Hence the series includes contributions from various disciplines such as economics, political science, or sociology.

    10 publications

  • Health Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1277

    This series examines the powerful influences of human and mediated communication in delivering care and promoting health. Books analyze the ways that strategic communication humanizes and increases access to quality care as well as examining the use of communication to encourage proactive health promotion. The books describe strategies for addressing major health issues, such as reducing health disparities, minimizing health risks, responding to health crises, encouraging early detection and care, facilitating informed health decision making, promoting coordination within and across health teams, overcoming health literacy challenges, designing responsive health information technologies, and delivering sensitive end-of-life care.

    32 publications

  • Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides

    The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides is a curriculum-based series reflective of theory creating praxis. The series targets not only undergraduate and graduate audiences, but also tenured and “experienced” teachers of all disciplines. Research suggests that teachers need to have well-designed, thematic-centered curricula and lessons at their disposal. This is accomplished when the school works as a community to meet their own needs. Community in this sense includes working collaboratively with students, parents, and local community organizations to help build the curriculum. Practically, this means that time is devoted to professional development workshops, not exam reviews or test preparation pointers, but real learning. Together with administrators, teachers form professional learning communities (PLCs) to discuss, analyze, and revise curricula and share pedagogical strategies that meet the needs of their particular school demographics. This communal approach was found to be more successful than requiring each individual teacher to create lessons on her/his own. Ideally, we would love it if each teacher could create their own authentic lessons because only s/he truly knows her/his students – and we encourage it, because it is possible! However, as educators ourselves, we understand the realities our colleagues in public schools face, especially when teaching in high needs areas. The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides provides relief for educators needing assistance in preparing their lessons. When possible, and in the spirit of communal practices, the series welcomes co-authored books by theorists and practitioners or solo-authored books by an expert deeply informed by the field. Because we strongly believe that theory guides our practice, each guide will blend theory and curriculum chapters creating a praxis. All, of course, in a critical pedagogical framework. Ultimately, the guides will serve as resources for teachers to use, expand upon, revise, and re-create.

    13 publications

  • History and Philosophy of Science

    Heresy, Crossroads, and Intersections

    ISSN: 2376-6336

    This series invites book proposals that include innovative strategies for pursuing history and philosophy of science. Especially welcome are scholarly works using non-analytic philosophical perspectives to successfully bring to bear on our understanding of how scientific practices are related to the humanities and the social sciences. The series also welcomes exploration of the sciences in relation to gender, culture, society, and the intellectual and social contexts that illuminate the places, the structures of origination, and the patterns of development over generations. Approaches may include focused analyses of thinkers from unorthodox perspectives that can shed new light on the history and philosophy of science, such as Montaigne, Bruno, Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Emerson, Thoreau, Nietzsche, Jung, Freud. Proposals aimed at probing the philosophical intersections between the sciences and other societal practices that can be configured as heretic are also encouraged. These might include the emergence of the psychoanalytic movements in the twentieth century, how the fine arts have impinged on the historical processes that gave rise to the sciences over the last few centuries, how in turn the intellectual frameworks inaugurated by the sciences have been imported into the avant-garde movements that paralleled the advent of industrialized societies, and finally how contemporary scientific domains of knowledge reverberate in ’deviant’ social and artistic practices.

    9 publications

  • Race and Resistance Across Borders in the Long Twentieth Century

    ISSN: 2297-2552

    This series focuses on the history and culture of activists, artists and intellectuals who have worked within and against racially oppressive hierarchies in the twentieth century and beyond, and who have then sought to define and to achieve full equality once those formal hierarchies have been overturned. It explores the ways in which such individuals - writers, scholars, campaigners and organizers, ministers, and artists and performers of all kinds - locate their resistance within a global context and forge connections with each other across national, linguistic, regional and imperial borders. Disseminating the latest interdisciplinary scholarship on the history, literature and culture of anti-racist movements in Africa, the Caribbean, the United States, Europe, Asia and Latin America, the series foregrounds, through a cross-disciplinary approach, the transnational and intercultural nature of these resistance movements. The series embraces a range of themes, including but not limited to antislavery, intellectual and literary networks, emigration and immigration, anti-imperialism, church-based and religious movements, civil rights, citizenship and identity, Black Power, resistance strategies, women's movements, cultural transfer, white supremacy and anti-immigration, hip hop and global justice movements. The series is affiliated with the Race and Resistance Research Programme at The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford. Proposals are invited for sole- and joint-authored monographs as well as edited collections. We welcome projects in a wide range of fields, including but not restricted to history, political science, anthropology, literature, cultural studies and media studies. Editorial Advisory Board: Funmi Adewole (DeMontfort University), Joan Anim-Addo (Goldsmiths, University of London), Celeste-Marie Bernier (University of Edinburgh), Alan Cobley (University of the West Indies, Cave Hill), Carolyn Cooper (University of the West Indies, Mona), Zaire Dinzey-Flores (Rutgers, State University of New Jersey), Tanisha Ford (University of Delaware), Maryemma Graham (University of Kansas), Christopher J. Lee (The Africa Institute, UAE), Simon Lewis (College of Charleston), Justine McConnell (King's College London), Pap Ndiaye (Sciences Po), Tessa Roynon (University of Oxford), Barbara Savage (University of Pennsylvania), David Scott (Columbia University), Hortense Spillers (Vanderbilt University), Imaobong Umoren (London School of Economics), Harvey Young (Northwestern University)

    7 publications

  • Cultures in Translation

    Interdisciplinary Studies in Language, Translation, Culture and Literature

    ISSN: 2511-879X

    Cultures in Translation. Interdisciplinary Studies in Language, Translation, Culture and Literature is a series engaging in issues of liaisons between culture and translation as well as translation-related themes within comparative studies. Books published in the series will concern the mediating role of translation in the construction of our understanding of both one’s "own" culture and the cultures of "others". The problem of the cultural dimension of translation will be addressed from a broad range of languages and cultures. The series will provide theoretical and practical guidance towards the development of culture-sensitive strategies of translation. The language of the series is English. However, we are also willing to consider relevant manuscripts in other major languages.

    6 publications

  • Teaching Critical Themes in American History

    ISSN: 2576-0718

    In the United States, the Common Core Standards, the C3 Frame-work for Social Studies Standards (NCSS), and the 10 themes of the National Curriculum Standards (NCS/NCSS) each pose challenges for teachers preparing to teach skills, content, and critical issues of American history. The problem for many middle and secondary teachers is that textbooks do not contain sufficient primary source documents and varied secondary literature linked to these stand-ards. The volumes in the Teaching Critical Themes in American His-tory fill this need by providing teachers with history content, peda-gogical strategies, and teaching resources. The series is organized around key problems/issues in American history so that teachers can select which critical topics upon which they might want to con-centrate. Middle and Secondary pre-and in-service educators will find the books in this series essential for developing and implementing American history and social studies curriculum in diverse and com-plex classrooms. Teachers will find the books in this series valuable as they search for methodologies and material that will help them address the Common Core Standards in the social sciences and his-tory. Community College history instructors can also find the books in this series helpful as supplementary texts in their U.S. history survey courses. The practical—not to mention exciting—implementation of perspectives offered in each title is a key fea-ture of this series. This series will address topics such as the formation of the Ameri-can Republic, the problem of slavery in America, causes of the Civil War, emancipation and reconstruction, America’s response to in-dustrialization, the New Deal, the fight for Civil Rights, and more. The Series Editors invite proposals for edited volumes in American history and social studies, along with articles and lesson plans for both the topics above, and other topics of the series.

    9 publications

  • Christianity and Conversion in Scandinavia and the Baltic Region, c. 800-1600

    ISSN: 2694-555X

    Series Editor: Mihai Dragnea (University of South-Eastern Norway) This is a single-blind peer reviewed series which provides an opportunity for scholars to publish high-quality studies on the culture, society and economy of East Central, Eastern and Northern Europe under the influence of Christianity. It welcomes submissions in various formats, including monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings, and short form publications between 30,000 to 50,000 words (Peter Lang Prompts) on subjects related to: Christian kingship, Christian and pagan identity, cultural encounters, otherness, barbarians, missionary strategy, canon law, canonical aspects of missionary work, forced conversion, clerical involvement in warfare, military orders, Holy War, martyrdom, sacralisation of a landscape, pilgrimage, shrines, saints’ cults, relics of saints, icons, war banners, pagan war rituals, burial practices, diet and fashion, rural area and the concept of town life, intragroup and intergroup relations, linguistic interactions, emotional discourse, narratives gesta episcoporum, saga studies, colonization, settlement, mythology, ethnography, mental geographies, political culture, political relations, dynastic marital alliances, media and communication, trade, exploration, mappae mundi, portolan charts, art history, architecture, numismatics, and all archaeological sub-disciplines. Each volume may contain up to 20 black-and-white images. Editorial Board: Carsten Selch Jensen (University of Copenhagen) Anti Selart (University of Tartu) Jakub Morawiec (University of Silesia) Carole Cusack (University of Sydney) Stanislaw Rosik (University of Wroclaw) Felix Biermann (University of Greifswald) Rob Meens (Utrecht University) David Kalhous (Masaryk University, Brno) Stanislava Kuzmová (Comenius University Bratislava) Peter Ivanič (Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra) Myroslav Voloshchuk (Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk) Attila Bárány (University of Debrecen) Proposals and author/volume editor CV should be sent to mihaidragnea2018@gmail.com

    1 publications

  • Higher Education and Civic Democratic Engagement

    Exploring Impact

    How might we interrogate and reimagine the impact of civic, democratic engagement across higher education? This series invites narratives and new studies that critically and creatively explore the possibilities and limitations of civic, democratic engagement within higher education. The editors seek to gather inclusive, imaginary, transdisciplinary scholarship exploring the impact of next generation civic, democratic engagement from a diverse range of voices. Among others, we hope these voices will include international and indigenous perspectives, members from a diverse array of communities, researchers from across disciplines, teacher-scholars, practitioners and activists, undergraduate and graduate students, politicians, businesses, and different forms of administration. The editors invite proposals that critically examine historical, cultural, and structural dimensions of impact while exploring innovative strategies for disrupting and recreating more inclusive, liberatory, and plural forms of civic democratic engagement. The editors welcome and encourage a wide-range of formats including, but not limited to, narrative studies, ethnographies, mixed method studies, case studies, socio-cultural and/or historical analyses, theoretical treatises from multiple theoretical lens as well as reports and toolkits that support efforts to examine the impact of civic democratic engagement. For inquiries on submitting a proposal should contact the Series Editors Barry Kanpol (Kanpolb@gvsu.edu) & Danielle Lake (lakeda@gvsu.edu) with a brief overview of their project, and explanation of how it fits the series, and a current CV.

    1 publications

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