29 results
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  • Title: The Shifting Landscape of the American School District

    The Shifting Landscape of the American School District

    Race, Class, Geography, and the Perpetual Reform of Local Control, 1935–2015
    by David Gamson (Volume editor) Emily Hodge (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Textbook
  • Title: Aufklärung als Weltprojekt

    Aufklärung als Weltprojekt

    Zu ihrer Phänomenologie, Geschichte und Geographie
    by Hans-Otto Dill (Author) 2015
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: The Adriatic Territory

    The Adriatic Territory

    Historical overview, landscape geography, economic, legal and artistic aspects
    by Giuseppe de Vergottini (Volume editor) Valeria Piergigli (Volume editor) Ivan Russo (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Eighteenth-Century Geography and Representations of Space

    Eighteenth-Century Geography and Representations of Space

    in English Fiction and Poetry
    by Jean-Paul Forster (Author) 2014
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Des personnages et des hommes dans la ville

    Des personnages et des hommes dans la ville

    Géographies littéraires et sociales
    by Sylvie Freyermuth (Author) Jean-François Bonnot (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Contested Borders

    Contested Borders

    Territorialization, National Identity and «Imagined Geographies» in Albania
    by Ilir Kalemaj (Author) 2014
    ©2015 Monographs
  • Title: The Geographies of Canada

    The Geographies of Canada

    by Rémy Tremblay (Volume editor) Hugues Chicoine (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Textbook
  • Title: Staatenlexikon Afrika

    Staatenlexikon Afrika

    Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage
    by Wolfgang Gieler (Volume editor)
    ©2016 Others
  • Title: Staatenlexikon Amerika

    Staatenlexikon Amerika

    Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft
    by Wolfgang Gieler (Volume editor) Markus Porsche-Ludwig (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2018 Others
  • Title: Eine Geographie der Triosonate

    Eine Geographie der Triosonate

    Beiträge zur Gattungsgeschichte im Europäischen Raum
    by Matteo Giuggioli (Volume editor) Inga Mai Groote (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Becoming TransGerman

    Becoming TransGerman

    Cultural Identity Beyond Geography
    by Thomas O. Haakenson (Volume editor) Tirza True Latimer (Volume editor) Carol Hager (Volume editor) Deborah Barton (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: The Assyrian Church of the East

    The Assyrian Church of the East

    History and Geography
    by Christine Chaillot (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Political Geography

    Political Geography

    by Igor Okunev (Author) 2021
    ©2021 Monographs
  • Title: Genève, étude régionale

    Genève, étude régionale

    Essai d'analyse sémiologique en géographie humaine
    by Charles Hussy (Author)
    ©1981 Others
  • Title: Indian Agriculture Between Isolation and Integration

    Indian Agriculture Between Isolation and Integration

    A Theoretical Review and an Analysis of the Economic and Social Geography of Four Villages in South India
    by Walter Heinrich Rambousek (Author)
    ©1979 Others
  • Title: Geographie(n) der Kinder

    Geographie(n) der Kinder

    Von Räumen und Grenzen (in) der Postmoderne
    by Karlheinz Benke (Author)
    ©2005 Thesis
  • Title: Geographies of Difference

    Geographies of Difference

    The Social Production of the East Side, West Side, and Central City School
    by Edward Buendía (Author) Nancy Ares (Author)
    ©2006 Textbook
  • Title: Sensing Space

    Sensing Space

    The Poetics of Geography in Contemporary English-Canadian Writing
    by Claire Omhovère (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies

    Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies

    Desert Asceticism and the Christian Appropriation of Greek Ideas on Geography, Bodies, and Immortality
    by Dag Øistein Endsjø (Author)
    ©2008 Monographs
  • Title: Staatenlexikon Europa

    Staatenlexikon Europa

    Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft
    by Andreas Dittmann (Volume editor) Wolfgang Gieler (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Staatenlexikon Asien

    Staatenlexikon Asien

    Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft
    by Wolfgang Gieler (Volume editor) Sabine Wege (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: River Flowing North

    River Flowing North

    Migration Generating Geographies and International Irregular Migrations
    by Suat KOLUKIRIK (Volume editor) Elif Gün (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Handbook of Research on Teacher Education in History and Geography

    Handbook of Research on Teacher Education in History and Geography

    by Cosme J. Gómez Carrasco (Volume editor) Pedro Miralles Martínez (Volume editor) Ramón López Facal (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Edited Collection
  • Title: Aménagement rural et qualification territoriale

    Aménagement rural et qualification territoriale

    Les indications géographiques en France et en Europe
    by Marc Dedeire (Author) 2018
    ©2018 Monographs
  • Title: Transits


    The Nomadic Geographies of Anglo-American Modernism
    by Giovanni Cianci (Volume editor) Caroline Patey (Volume editor) Sara Sullam (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
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