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  • Human Right Studies

    Subseries: Italian Yearbook of Human Rights

    ISSN: 2294-8848

    The legal and political significance of human rights has increased enormously at the international and European levels. It has become increasingly clear that the respect and promotion of human rights must be at the centre of States and local communities' public policies and that human rights are the basis of civil society initiatives and movements. There is a large mechanism, at all levels of governance, monitoring the way in which States implement the obligations they have assumed towards each person under their sovereignty. The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights Series provides year by year, a dynamic and up-to date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies in line with international human rights law and to comply with the commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The book series thus intends to contribute to the continuous monitoring activity of the human rights situation in Italy undertaken at the local, national and international levels by the relevant intergovernmental and civil society actors. Each volume of this series surveys the activities carried out, during the year of reference, by the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, each Yearbook provides a selection of examples from international and national case law that cast light on Italy’s position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. The Yearbook is edited by the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, in cooperation with the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights, Democracy and Peace of the same university, and with the support of the Region of Veneto. The Centre, established in 1982, carries out research and education following a global and interdisciplinary approach. It hosts the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on intercultural dialogue, human rights and multi-level governance.

    11 publications

  • Philosophie und Transkulturalität / Philosophie et transculturalité

    Editors’ Homepage: Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler Au centre de la série, publiée par les Chaires UNESCO de Philosophie aux Universités de Tunis I (Fathi Triki) et de Paris (Jacques Poulain) et de la Section allemande «Droits de l´Homme et cultures» de la chaire parisienne (Hans Jörg Sandkühler), figurent les questions de la philosophie pratique qui concernent, d’un côté, le dialogue interculturel et le vivre-ensemble transculturel et, de l’autre, les contributions épistémologiques au développement de la réflexion sur les sciences, la politique et les droits, l’éthique et l’esthétique dans le cadre défini par l’UNESCO. Le travail des notions et des concepts philosophiques, le renouvellement de notre glossaire d'idées et la mise en question de nos visions du monde, nous aident à mieux maîtriser notre monde. Par l’examen attentif des modes de vie, par la fondation d'un nouvel universalisme qui prend au sérieux les différences et les diversités, la philosophie participe à édifier une identité plurielle ouverte à l'homme contem-porain. Page d'accueil d’éditeur : Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler Im Mittelpunkt der von den UNESCO-Lehrstühlen für Philosophie an den Universitäten Tunis (Fathi Triki) und Paris (Jacques Poulain) sowie der Deutschen Abteilung «Menschenrechte und Kulturen» des Pariser Lehrstuhls (Hans Jörg Sandkühler) herausgegebenen Reihe stehen Fragen der Praktischen Philosophie, des transkulturellen Dialogs und des humanen Zusammen-Lebens sowie epistemologische Beiträge zur Reflexion über die Wissenschaften, über Ethik, Politik und Recht und über Ästhetik in dem durch die UNESCO definierten Rahmen. Die philosophische Arbeit des Begriffs, die Erneuerung der Ideen und das Infragestellen der Weltbilder tragen zur besseren Meisterung der Weltprobleme bei. Die Philosophie leistet durch die Analyse der Lebensweisen und durch die Begründung eines neuen Universalismus, der die Differenzen und Unterschiede ernst nimmt, ihren Beitrag zur Stiftung einer pluralen, für das heutige menschliche Leben offenen Identität. Homepage des Herausgebers: Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Sandkühler

    18 publications

  • Cultural Management and Cultural Policy Education

    ISSN: 2466-7137

    The series exists to foster critical debate and to publish academic research in the field of cultural management and cultural policy as well as to open up a forum for discussions and debate on the topics of cultural management and cultural policy among scholars, educators, policy makers and cultural managers. It is also intended to provide a reference tool for education and lifelong learning on cultural management and cultural policies. It is becoming more and more evident that education in cultural management and cultural policy cannot and should not be separated from research and being conducted in the field. Since its creation, ENCATC has recognized this need and was always very active in pursuing, publishing, presenting, and disseminating research in arts and cultural management and cultural policy to strengthen the understanding of cultural management and cultural policy issues. Created in 1992, ENCATC is the «European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centers». It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 Higher Educational Institutions and cultural organisations in 40 countries. It holds the status of official partner of UNESCO and of observer to the Steering Committee for Culture of the Council of Europe.

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