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  • Neue Forschungen zur ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Geschichte / New Researches on East Central and South East European History / Recherches nouvelles sur l'histoire de l'Europe centrale et orientale

    ISSN: 1867-013X

    Im Bereich der Geschichtswissenschaft publiziert die Reihe “Neue Forschungen zur ostmittel- und südosteuropäischen Geschichte“ Monographien und Sammelbände zur Kulturpolitik insbesondere Österreich-Ungarns. Die Forschungsschwerpunkte der Herausgeber der Reihe, Professor Harald Heppner und Ulrike Tischler-Hofer, liegen auf Historiographie, allgemeinen Strukturfragen und Geschichtskultur sowie Kulturpolitik, transnationalen Beziehungen und Interkulturalität.

    16 publications

  • Title: Spotlights on Russian and Balkan Slavic Cultural History

    Spotlights on Russian and Balkan Slavic Cultural History

    by Alexandra Ioannidou (Volume editor) Christian Voss (Volume editor) 2009
    ©2009 Edited Collection
  • Title: Maximilian Braun als Südslavist. Eine akademische Biographie (1926-1961)

    Maximilian Braun als Südslavist. Eine akademische Biographie (1926-1961)

    by Jürgen Dinkel (Author) 2009
    ©2009 Monographs
  • Title: Die ländliche Gesellschaft im Zeitalter des Ersten Weltkrieges

    Die ländliche Gesellschaft im Zeitalter des Ersten Weltkrieges

    Herausforderungen und ihre emotionalen Folgen
    by Harald Heppner (Volume editor) Christian Promitzer (Volume editor) Ionela Zaharia-Schintler (Volume editor)
    ©2024 Edited Collection
  • Title: Die Banater-deutsche Sportpresse der Jahre 1934/35

    Die Banater-deutsche Sportpresse der Jahre 1934/35

    Ein Intermezzo in der Presse Rumäniens der Zwischenkriegszeit
    by Ioana Florea (Author) 2021
    ©2022 Monographs
  • Title: «Landfremde» an der Adria

    «Landfremde» an der Adria

    Die Deutschen in Triest 1880–1920
    by Reinhard Reimann (Author) 2020
    ©2020 Thesis
  • Title: Attraktionen und Irritationen

    Attraktionen und Irritationen

    Europa und sein Südosten im langen 19. Jahrhundert
    by Harald Heppner (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2019 Edited Collection
  • Title: Wald- und Ressourcenpolitik im Siebenbürgen des 18. Jahrhunderts

    Wald- und Ressourcenpolitik im Siebenbürgen des 18. Jahrhunderts

    by Dorin-Ioan Rus (Author) 2017
    ©2017 Monographs
  • Title: Provincial Turn

    Provincial Turn

    Verhältnis zwischen Staat und Provinz im südöstlichen Europa vom letzten Drittel des 17. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert
    by Ulrike Tischler-Hofer (Volume editor) Karl Kaser (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Edited Collection
  • Title: Provinz als Denk- und Lebensform

    Provinz als Denk- und Lebensform

    Der Donau-Karpatenraum im langen 19. Jahrhundert
    by Harald Heppner (Volume editor) Mira Miladinović Zalaznik (Volume editor)
    ©2015 Edited Collection
  • Title: Serbien und das Modernisierungsproblem

    Serbien und das Modernisierungsproblem

    Die Entwicklung der Gesundheitspolitik und sozialen Kontrolle bis zum Ersten Weltkrieg
    by Indira Durakovic (Author) 2014
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: «Minimale Kosten, absolut kein Blut»

    «Minimale Kosten, absolut kein Blut»

    Österreich-Ungarns Präsenz im Sandžak von Novipazar (1879–1908)
    by Tamara Scheer (Author) 2013
    ©2014 Monographs
  • Title: Die Rumänische Unierte Kirche am Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil

    Die Rumänische Unierte Kirche am Ersten Vatikanischen Konzil

    by Nicolae Bocsan (Author) Ion Carja (Author) 2013
    ©2013 Monographs
  • Title: Serbien im Ersten Weltkrieg

    Serbien im Ersten Weltkrieg

    Feind-und Kriegsdarstellungen in österreichisch-ungarischen, deutschen und serbischen Selbszeugnissen
    by Daniela Schanes (Author)
    ©2011 Thesis
  • Title: Zwischen Front und Heimat

    Zwischen Front und Heimat

    Österreich-Ungarns Militärverwaltungen im Ersten Weltkrieg
    by Tamara Scheer (Author) 2014
    ©2009 Others
  • Title: Türkenangst und Festungsbau

    Türkenangst und Festungsbau

    Wirklichkeit und Mythos
    by Harald Heppner (Volume editor) Zsuzsa Barbarics-Hermanik (Volume editor)
    ©2009 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Bonstettiana


    Historisch-kritische Ausgabe der Briefkorrespondenzen Karl Viktor von Bonstettens und seines Kreises 1753-1832- mit Einleitung und Kommentar herausgegeben von Doris und Peter Walser-Wilhelm- Band I: 1753-1773-
    ©1997 Others
  • Title: The First World War and the Balkans: Historic Event, Experience, Memory Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Ereignis, Erfahrung und Erinnerung

    The First World War and the Balkans: Historic Event, Experience, Memory Der Erste Weltkrieg auf dem Balkan: Ereignis, Erfahrung und Erinnerung

    53. Internationale Hochschulwoche der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft in Tutzing 6.-10. Oktober 2014
    by Wolfgang Höpken (Volume editor) Wim van Meurs (Volume editor) 2018
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Doing Gender - Doing the Balkans. Dynamics and Persistence of Gender Relations in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor States

    Doing Gender - Doing the Balkans. Dynamics and Persistence of Gender Relations in Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav successor States

    by Roswitha Kersten-Pejanić (Volume editor) Simone Rajilić (Volume editor) Christian Voß (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Edited Collection
  • Title: Im intertextuellen Schlangennest

    Im intertextuellen Schlangennest

    Adam Mickiewicz und polnisch-russisches (anti-)imperiales Schreiben
    by Heinrich Kirschbaum (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Postdoctoral Thesis
  • Eurosinica

    ISSN: 2235-6258

    "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. For Authors EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Editors • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Board Members • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Pour les auteurs EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Éditeurs • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Les membres du conseil d'administration • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Für Autoren EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Herausgeber • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Vorstandsmitglieder • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) "

    12 publications

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