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  • Linguistic Insights

    Studies in Language and Communication

    ISSN: 1424-8689

    This series aims to promote specialist language studies, both in the fields of linguistic theory and applied linguistics, by publishing volumes that focus on specific aspects of language use in one or several languages and provide valuable insights into language and communication research. A cross-disciplinary approach is favoured and most European languages are accepted. The series includes two types of books: Monographs – featuring in-depth studies on special aspects of language theory, language analysis or language teaching. Collected papers – assembling papers from workshops, conferences or symposia. Each volume of the series is subjected to a double peer-reviewing process. Advisory Board Vijay Bhatia (Hong Kong) David Crystal (Bangor) Konrad Ehlich (Berlin / München) Jan Engberg (Aarhus) Norman Fairclough (Lancaster) John Flowerdew (Hong Kong) Ken Hyland (Hong Kong) Roger Lass (Cape Town) Matti Rissanen (Helsinki) Françoise Salager-Meyer (Mérida, Venezuela) Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff) Susan Šarcevic (Rijeka) Lawrence Solan (New York) Complete series overview 2016 This series aims to promote specialist language studies, both in the fields of linguistic theory and applied linguistics, by publishing volumes that focus on specific aspects of language use in one or several languages and provide valuable insights into language and communication research. A cross-disciplinary approach is favoured and most European languages are accepted. The series includes two types of books: Monographs – featuring in-depth studies on special aspects of language theory, language analysis or language teaching. Collected papers – assembling papers from workshops, conferences or symposia. Each volume of the series is subjected to a double peer-reviewing process. Advisory Board Vijay Bhatia (Hong Kong) David Crystal (Bangor) Konrad Ehlich (Berlin / München) Jan Engberg (Aarhus) Norman Fairclough (Lancaster) John Flowerdew (Hong Kong) Ken Hyland (Hong Kong) Roger Lass (Cape Town) Matti Rissanen (Helsinki) Françoise Salager-Meyer (Mérida, Venezuela) Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff) Susan Šarcevic (Rijeka) Lawrence Solan (New York) Complete series overview 2016 This series aims to promote specialist language studies, both in the fields of linguistic theory and applied linguistics, by publishing volumes that focus on specific aspects of language use in one or several languages and provide valuable insights into language and communication research. A cross-disciplinary approach is favoured and most European languages are accepted. The series includes two types of books: Monographs – featuring in-depth studies on special aspects of language theory, language analysis or language teaching. Collected papers – assembling papers from workshops, conferences or symposia. Each volume of the series is subjected to a double peer-reviewing process. Advisory Board Vijay Bhatia (Hong Kong) David Crystal (Bangor) Konrad Ehlich (Berlin / München) Jan Engberg (Aarhus) Norman Fairclough (Lancaster) John Flowerdew (Hong Kong) Ken Hyland (Hong Kong) Roger Lass (Cape Town) Françoise Salager-Meyer (Mérida, Venezuela) Srikant Sarangi (Cardiff) Susan Šarcevic (Rijeka) Lawrence Solan (New York) Complete series overview 2016

    330 publications

  • Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

    ISSN: 2363-7242

    The series brings together contemporary research within the fields of philosophy of language and linguistics. The range of topics includes philosophical and formal investigations into the nature of language, the influence of philosophy (especially, but not exclusively, analytic) upon linguistics and the philosophical background of semantic and pragmatic theories. Other topics of interest include the influence of modern linguistic research upon philosophy, issues in linguistic methodology, linguistic and philosophical aspects of argumentation, and the interrelations between philosophy of language, philosophy of literature, and philosophy of mind. Volumes in the series should be of interest to philosophers, linguists, and researchers within the fields of logic, argumentation theory, cognitive science and communication studies. The series Studies in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics will publish quality monographs and thematic collective volumes by scholars from Poland and abroad. The language of the series is English.

    25 publications

  • Nordeuropäische Arbeiten zur Literatur, Sprache und Kultur / Northern European Studies in Literature, Language and Culture

    ISSN: 2196-9760

    The object of these interdisciplinary series is above all studies from the Nordic countries which deal with questions in the field of literary, linguistic and cultural studies. Special emphasis is placed on phenomena of interculturality and transculturality respectively as well as on aspects of the teaching and learning of other languages. Against this background these series at the same time aim to close a gap between theory and practical use. Gegenstand der interdisziplinär angelegten Reihe sind Arbeiten vor allem aus den nordischen Ländern, die sich mit literatur-, sprach- und kulturwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen beschäftigen. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf Phänomenen der Inter- bzw. Transkulturalität sowie auf Aspekten des Lehrens und Lernens anderer Sprachen. Vor diesem Hintergrund versteht die Reihe sich zugleich als Brückenschlag zwischen Theorie und Praxis.

    22 publications

  • Participation in Broadband Society

    This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre. This series publishes peer-reviewed monographs and edited volumes by internationally renowned scholars in the field of the social use of information and communication technologies (mass media included), communication studies and science and technology social studies. It provides an editorial space specifically dedicated to the collection of work that integrates new research regarding theoretical discourse, methodologies and studies from multiple disciplines such as sociology, anthropology, psychology, geography, linguistics, information science, engineering and more. The editors particularly welcome texts elaborating new theories, original methodological approaches and challenges to existing knowledge. Proposals aimed at scholars, professionals and operators working in the diverse field of participation in broadband society are invited from all disciplines. Leopoldina Fortunati is Professor of the Sociology of Communication at the Faculty of Education, University of Udine, Italy. Julian Gebhardt is a researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Studies at the University of Arts, Berlin. Jane Vincent is Visiting Fellow at the University of Surrey’s Digital World Research Centre.

    7 publications

  • European Semiotics / Sémiotiques Européennes

    ISSN: 2235-6266

    European Semiotics originated from an initiative launched by a group of researchers in Semiotics from Denmark, Germany, Spain, France and Italy and was inspired by innovative impulses given by René Thom and his «semiophysics». The goal of the series is to provide a broad European forum for those interested in semiotic research focusing on semiotic dynamics and combining cultural, linguistic and cognitive perspectives. This approach, which has its origins in Phenomenology, Gestalt Theory, Philosophy of Culture and Structuralism, views semiosis primarily as a cognitive process, which underlies and structures human culture. Semiotics is therefore considered to be the discipline suited par excellence to bridge the gap between the realms of the Cognitive Sciences and the Sciences of Culture. The series publishes monographs, collected papers and conference proceedings of a high scholarly standard. Languages of publication are mainly English and French. Sémiotiques européennes est le résultat d'une initiative prise par un groupe de chercheurs en sémiotique, originaires du Danemark, d'Allemagne, d'Espagne, de France et d'Italie, inspirée par l'impulsion innovatrice apportée par René Thom et sa «sémiophysique». Le but de cette collection est de fournir une large tribune européenne à tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la recherche sémiotique portant sur les dynamiques sémiotiques, et réunissant des perspectives culturelles, linguistiques et cognitives. Cette approche, qui se nourrit de différentes sources, telle que la phénoménologie, le gestaltisme, la philosophie de la culture et le structuralisme, part du principe que la sémiosis est essentiellement un procès cognitif, qui sous-tend et structure toute culture humaine. La sémiotique est donc considérée comme la discipline par excellence capable de créer un pont entre les domaines des Sciences cognitives et ceux des Sciences de la culture. Sémiotiques européennes accueille tant des monographies que des anthologies et des actes de colloques d'un haut niveau de recherche, rédigé de préférence en anglais et en français.

    14 publications

  • Aachen British and American Studies / Aachener Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik

    This series has been terminated after vol. 20. This series includes in-depth studies, dissertations, and edited volumes on a broad range of topics in the fields of language theory, applied linguistics, corpus linguistics, British and American literary and cultural studies and foreign language teaching. Each volume is embedded in the specialized research areas of the Department of English, American and Romance Studies at RWTH Aachen University. Band 20 schließt diese Reihe ab. Die vorliegende Reihe umfasst Einzeluntersuchungen, Dissertationen und Aufsatzsammlungen zu einem breiten Spektrum von Forschungsthemen in den Bereichen Sprachtheorie, Angewandte Linguistik, Korpuslinguistik, Britische und Amerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft und Fremdsprachendidaktik. Die einzelnen Bände der Reihe stehen im Kontext der Forschungsschwerpunkte des Instituts für Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Romanistik an der RWTH Aachen.

    15 publications

  • Repenser le cinéma / Rethinking Cinema

    The main purpose of the «Rethinking Cinema» series is to provide film scholars as well as professionals from the audiovisual field with innovative research material in the field of film aesthetics, theory and history. Many areas of last century’s main attraction are still there to be rediscovered or have seldom been approached in the past. Consequently, priority is given to film concepts, genres, works or authors which have not been frequently dealt with. Conference proceedings, collections of essays, revised doctoral theses or monographs are published and have to distinguish themselves by a considerable degree of originality, audacity and scientific rigour, without neglecting the transdisciplinary and cross-cultural aspects related to different branches from the Humanities such as Art History, Philosophy or Linguistics. The series welcomes manuscripts written in French and/or in English as well as translations of noteworthy texts from other foreign languages. La collection « Repenser le cinéma » privilégie les approches novatrices, les analyses de concepts, de genres, de courants, d’auteurs et de films rarement étudiés, qu’il s’agisse d’actes de colloque, d’essais, de versions remaniées de thèses de doctorat ou encore de monographies. Elle se propose d’offrir aux chercheurs, aux enseignants de l’audiovisuel ainsi qu’aux professionnels du cinéma des pistes de réflexion inédites sur la théorie, l’histoire et l’esthétique d’un art qui recèle de multiples chantiers peu balisés au cours du siècle qui l’a vu naître. La démarche méthodologique adoptée au sein des travaux publiés doit faire preuve d’originalité, d’audace et de rigueur scientifique, tout en visant les corrélations transdisciplinaires et transculturelles avec d’autres domaines des sciences humaines (histoire de l’art, philosophie, linguistique, etc.). La collection accueille des ouvrages en français ou en anglais, des publications bilingues, ainsi que des traductions d’ouvrages étrangers difficilement accessibles.

    13 publications

  • Nouvelle poétique comparatiste / New Comparative Poetics

    ISSN: 1376-3202

    This series publishes contributions which explore new territory in the ever-evolving field of comparative literature. Its monographs, written in English or in French, typically deal with the interaction between various authors, literary genres and societies or cultures, if necessary drawing on literary theory. The term «comparative» is not restricted to the study of different national literatures. It also refers to comparative studies within a single linguistic culture, e.g. in a multicultural society or a postcolonial country. The series seeks to re-assess the complex relationship between margin and center, emphasizing, whenever possible, a non-Eurocentric perspective. Cette collection publie des travaux ouvrant de nouveaux horizons dans le domaine sans cesse en évolution de la littérature comparée. Ses monographies, rédigées en anglais ou en français, traitent de préférence de l’interaction entre différents auteurs, genres littéraires et sociétés ou cultures, en faisant appel, le cas échéant, à la théorie de la littérature. Le terme « comparatiste » n’est pas limité à l’étude de différentes littératures nationales. Il s’applique également aux études comparatistes effectuées dans les limites d’une seule culture linguistique, par exemple dans une société multiculturelle ou postcoloniale. La collection tente donc de redéfinir la relation complexe entre centre et périphérie, en adoptant, dans la mesure du possible, une perspective non-eurocentrique.

    47 publications


    Études de linguistique française

    ISSN: 2030-2363

    The series, seeking to present the richness that this expansion of points of view constitutes, will welcome studies making it possible to confront the data and the observations of research centered on the linguistic system with those of studies exploring other areas of research on the operation of language in specific contexts: the area of acquisition, the area of teaching/learning, the area of different types of variation, diachronic, diatopic, diastratic, oral/written, etc. All the volumes published in the series «GRAMM-R» will be subject to double blind peer review. La collection « GRAMM-R. Études de Linguistique française » a pour but de rendre accessibles les travaux de linguistique française, en tenant compte, à la fois, des grandes théories linguistiques, de la multiplication des recherches dans des domaines connexes et de la diversification des points de vue sur le langage. Pour rendre compte de la richesse que constitue ce foisonnement de points de vue, la collection accueillera les travaux permettant de confronter les données et les observations des recherches centrées sur le système langagier à celles des travaux explorant d’’autres aires de recherche sur le fonctionnement de la langue dans des contextes spécifiques : l’’aire de l’’acquisition, l’’aire de l’’enseignement/apprentissage, l’’aire de la variation diachronique, diatopique, diastratique, oral/écrit, etc. Tous les volumes de la collection « GRAMM-R » sont soumis à une expertise en double aveugle par les pairs.

    53 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance

    Historical Narratives. Theater. Public Life

    The series aims at presenting innovative cross-disciplinary and intercultural research in performance practice and theory. Its mission is to expand and enrich performance studies with new research in theatre, film, dance, ritual and art. It also draws on queer and gender studies, anthropology, linguistics, archeaology, ethnography, sociology, history, media and political sciences, and even medicine and biology. The series focuses on promoting groundbreaking methodologies and new directions in studying performative culture by scrutinizing its transformative and transgressive aspects. The series Interdisciplinary Studies in Performance publishes in English and German. Volumes may be monographs as well as thematic collections of papers by scholars from Poland and from abroad.

    34 publications

  • Studies in Modern Poetry

    This series brings together book-length works on particular modern poets and twentieth-century movements as well as comparative and theoretical studies. Works in the series seek to explore the contributions of twentieth-century poets beyond the well-known major figures of Modernism such as Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot, in the belief that modern poetry is characterized by its variety, richness and scope. The series focuses on books which compare poetic projects from different national and linguistic traditions or explore the interconnections between poetic expression and the other arts. Authors whose critical approaches utilize contemporary literary theory and/or multicultural perspectives are especially encouraged to consider this series. Languages of the poetry studied include, but are not limited to, English, French, German, Italian and Spanish, though the texts should be written in English and addressed to readers beyond strictly national or disciplinary boundaries.

    18 publications

  • Criminal Humanities & Forensic Semiotics

    This series publishes monographs, anthologies, annotated literary editions, and comparative studies that critically engage the humanities as a locus for the study of criminal offending, criminal investigation, deviance, penology, and deterrence, as well as the epistemology of justice. We are especially interested in submissions with a strong interdisciplinary orientation and which lie at the crossroads of theory and practice. In other words, this series is foremost concerned with using artistic, literary, and multimedia texts, situations, and other products of the strictly non-investigative world as vehicles for exploring long-standing social and procedural issues of interest to both academia and the general public. By engaging a wide readership encompassing both scholars and practitioners, it is the intent of this series to breathe new life into the humanities and cultural studies, not to further alienate or obfuscate the scholarship done in these disciplines. For this reason, collaborations between authors representing academic institutions and those working in both private and public knowledge sectors, including government and specialized areas of law enforcement, are encouraged to collaborate with respect to this project. The series will publish studies and anthologies that explore the connection between fictional writing, movies, music, traditional electronic media, the Internet, and other domains of popular culture and how they have influenced the perception of crime and criminality. The synergy that exists between real crime (reality) and imagined criminality as manifesting itself through representations in writing and media is the primary focus of the series. We also welcome submissions that draw on any number of semiotic, linguistic, and comparative literature traditions, particularly those espousing new approaches to these fields and which allow key concepts to be unpacked within the framework of the criminal justice system, the forensic sciences, or other professions or institutions that serve the public interest.

    5 publications

  • World Science Fiction Studies

    ISSN: 2296-8814

    World Science Fiction Studies understands science fiction to be an inherently global phenomenon. Proposals are invited for monographs and edited collections that celebrate the tremendous reach of a genre that continues to be interpreted and transformed by a variety of cultures and linguistic communities around the world. The series embraces this global vision of the genre but also supports the articulation of each community’s unique approach to the challenges of science, technology and society. The series encourages the use of contemporary theoretical approaches (e.g. postcolonialism, posthumanism, feminisms, ecocriticism) as well as engagement with positionalities understood through critical race and ethnicity studies, gender studies, queer theory, disability studies, class analysis, and beyond. Interdisciplinary work and research on any media (e.g. print, film, television, visual arts, video games, new media) is welcome. The language of the series is English. Advisory Board: Jinyi Chu (Yale University), Antonio Cordoba (Manhattan College), Elizabeth Ginway (University of Florida), Hugh O’Connell (University of Massachusetts, Boston), Iva Polak (University of Zagreb), Umberto Rossi (Sapienza University of Rome), Alfredo Luiz Suppia (University of Campinas), Ida Yoshinaga (Georgia Institute of Technology).

    4 publications

  • Contemporary Critical Concepts and Pre-Enlightenment Literature

    ISSN: 1074-6781

    "Writers who worked before the beginning of rationalist universalism's triumphal period which may be ending now-explored issues of consciousness, ideology, and culture that recent criticism and critical theory, using various specialized vocabularies of concepts, have returned to the center of literäry and social criticism. These early modern figures often anticipated some of our clilemmas; How to manipulate an apparently quite mutable world and, at the same time, preserve belief in an immutable "centered" self? How to reconcile rationalist universalism with personal and cultural stability? Rene Descartes's postulate of man as the master and proprietor of an increasingly built world is fundamentally incompatible with his effort to underwrite man as a stable philosophical subject. Man's technical and linguistic mastery devours his "transcendent subjectivity." Students of literature are now using the ideas of what Larry Riggs calls "post-enlightenment thinkers"-Max Horkheimer, Jacques Lacan, Michael Foucault, Rene Girard, and others-to elucidate the implicit and explicit debates about rationalism that are embedded in literary works. This trend is most usefully seen as a renewal of contact with preoccupations that were quite current in medieval, Renaissance, and seventeenth-century European literature. To date, however, innovative criticism has focused an more recent literature. Some post-structuralists-most notably Jacques Lacan-have tried their hand at interpreting early works. Their ideas are interesting, but their knowledge of the periods in question is often weak. Manuscripts on Elizabethan and Restoration theater, French, Italian, and German writers of the medieval and Renaissance periods, and die seventeenth-century French dramatists and moralists are welcome. "

    3 publications

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