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Open Access
  • Allokation im marktwirtschaftlichen System

    Die Publikationsreihe Allokation im marktwirtschaftlichen System veröffentlicht Studien im Rahmen der Volkswirtschaftslehre und ist das Publikationsorgan für die jährlich stattfindenden Bad Orber Gespräche über kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe beschäftigen sich mit Gesundheitsökonomie, Finanzwissenschaft und Makroökonomie. Themen sind dabei unter anderem Finanzierung und Aufbau des Gesundheitswesens, die Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung sowie Ressourcen- und Risikoallokation. Die Publikationsreihe Allokation im marktwirtschaftlichen System veröffentlicht Studien im Rahmen der Volkswirtschaftslehre und ist das Publikationsorgan für die jährlich stattfindenden Bad Orber Gespräche über kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe beschäftigen sich mit Gesundheitsökonomie, Finanzwissenschaft und Makroökonomie. Themen sind dabei unter anderem Finanzierung und Aufbau des Gesundheitswesens, die Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung sowie Ressourcen- und Risikoallokation. Die Publikationsreihe Allokation im marktwirtschaftlichen System veröffentlicht Studien im Rahmen der Volkswirtschaftslehre und ist das Publikationsorgan für die jährlich stattfindenden Bad Orber Gespräche über kontroverse Themen im Gesundheitswesen. Die Monographien und Sammelbände der Reihe beschäftigen sich mit Gesundheitsökonomie, Finanzwissenschaft und Makroökonomie. Themen sind dabei unter anderem Finanzierung und Aufbau des Gesundheitswesens, die Kranken- und Pflegeversicherung sowie Ressourcen- und Risikoallokation.

    77 publications

  • Sprache – System und Tätigkeit

    Die Buchreihe präsentiert Forschungsergebnisse vorrangig zur deutschen Gegenwartssprache und zu aktuellen Prozessen der sprachlichen Kommunikation sowie zu deren Vermittlung. In Monographien und Sammelbänden werden sowohl theorie- als auch anwendungsorientiert Aspekte aller Teildisziplinen der Linguistik inklusive der Sprachdidaktik und des Deutschen als Zweit- und Fremdsprache behandelt.

    70 publications

  • Organismus und System

    Schriftenreihe des Wiener Arbeitskreises für Systemische Theorie des Organismus

    ISSN: 1438-6909

    Band 8 schließt diese Reihe ab.

    8 publications

  • Consciousness and Human Systems

    The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology. The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology. The interdisciplinary series "Consciousness and Human Systems" presents conference proceedings on philosophy, education, and medicine. Scholars present current studies on human thought, natural laws and psycho-semantics as well as Shamanism, traditional healing and meditation. The series is published by professors of psychology, philosophy, and medical anthropology.

    3 publications

  • Systems Thinking for Safety

    ISSN: 2571-6913

    Advisory board Professor Erik Hollnagel, University of Southern Denmark Professor Ragnar Löfstedt, King's Centre for Risk Management, King’s College London, UK Professor Alan Irwin, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Captain Rogers E. Smith, NASA Dryden Flight Research Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng, Imperial College London, UK Professor Dominic Elliott, University of Liverpool Management School, UK Captain Tim Berry, Jet2.com Dr Robert Hunter, British Air Line Pilots Association (BALPA), UK Dr Anne Eyre, Trauma Training Ltd, UK Dr David Fletcher, University of Leicester, UK Associate Professor David Ison, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA Dr Terry Shevells, University of Leicester, UK Associate Professor Tony Masys, University of South Florida, USA Dr Simon Bennett, University of Leicester, UK     Series description This series draws on the success of the systems-thinking approach to safety management in commercial and military aviation, with a view to improving safety performance in other complex socio-technical systems, such as health-care, nuclear power generation, chemicals production, oil and gas extraction, deep mining and sea and rail transportation. Following the 1977 Tenerife air disaster (that killed 583 people), a traumatised and vilified aviation industry resolved to improve its safety performance. The adoption of a systems-thinking approach to risk analysis and mitigation, expressed in innovations such as the teamworking protocol crew resource management, has benefited the industry. In 2010 the industry achieved a world accident rate for scheduled flights of 4·0 accidents per million departures. This rate reflects a total of 121 accidents out of 30,556,513 scheduled flights. You are much, much safer in a pressurised aluminium tube cruising at eighty per cent the speed of sound six miles above terra firma than you are driving up the M1 on a sunny day in a modern, gas-bag equipped automobile, fully alert and not under the influence. The series is aimed at practitioners as well as academics and students. To this end, it is written in an accessible style with jargon explained. This reflects its purpose: to leverage change.

    1 publications

  • Changing Democracy and Systems of Differences and Adjustments

    "The series is intended as a collection of original and critical political-philosophicalworks as well as interdisciplinary studies on contemporary trends within democracy, its counter-actors, and transparent–global market players. Authors representing various backgrounds and standpoints are encouraged in order to engage in the political philosophy; theoretical and mathematical analyses on politics; cyber society; environments; economics; civil, constitutional, and international law (e.g. legal transplants); human rights; social psychology; and sociology. The series used to collect the best global achievements and standards. Accordingly, the series has been provided in Spanish, Japanese, [Modern] Greek, German, French, and English but all double-peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts should contain an English translation of its detailed contents and a résumé written in English. The world of the social has been rich enough to suggest no leading theoretical standpoint and no approaches of investigations are expected as imposed to the subject but normative studies on changing democracy and systems of differences and adjustments are not preferred because every non-changeable thing/idea disappears."

    1 publications

  • Institutionelle und Sozial-Ökonomie / Institutional and Socio-Economics

    "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. May 2012 The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) " "In the "Institutional and Socio-Economics" book series, the economy is studied as a genuinely social system of heterogeneous agents in an institutional context. The series includes a broad range of different methodological approaches, theoretical perspectives and subjects of study. Interdependencies among agents in complex social systems can be studied using evolutionary economic models, as well as institutional economic and simulation studies. Hence, the focus is being laid on approaches that are more explorative than the standard equilibrium analysis; on approaches that allow for complexity; on approaches that consider development, history, institutions, and values. Thus, we may conclude that institutions are more than just devices for the reduction of transaction costs. From an institutionalist perspective, institutions are the common and collective solutions to social decision problems, particularly social dilemma problems, coordination problems, and collective-good problems. Such solutions require ‘recognized interdependence’ and learned coordination and cooperation, thus a learned culture of a long-run perspective – emerging as the result of a process of interactions. Institutions often are transitory only, part of the ongoing dynamics, adequately modeled possibly as an evolutionary process. Also, they may be instrumental solutions to a social decision problem at first and may degenerate into ceremonial power-and-status-based phenomena later, thus limiting the possibility of further innovation and development. In a genealogy of economics, the thematic and methodological spectrum of this book series would embrace the history of thought beginning with the classics including great names such as Adam Smith and Karl Marx but also the late classics who already have struggled with issues like complexity, process, historical time, and evolution. In newer times, the spectrum continues with Veblenian, Keynesian, and Post-Keynesian thinking; it would also include works in the traditions of original institutionalist economics, ecological economics, Neo-Schumpeterian thinking, evolutionary economics, and game theory. Social economics and social policy analysis, behavioral economics, complex modeling, system dynamics, and agent-based computational economics would be embraced as well. Such lists, however, can never be exhaustive. Last not least, institutional and socio-economics deals with the epistemology and substance of values, norms and ethics, value warrants of economic behavior as well as the normative foundations of economics. This series, thus, stands in the best traditions of plural economic research areas and pluralistic theoretical perspectives. It may be called ’heterodox’, but it shall always be cutting-edge and of high quality. Enjoy exploring the works of this book series. The Editors: Wolfram Elsner Editor-in-Chief University of Bremen Torsten Heinrich Managing Editor University of Bremen Wilfred Dolfsma Co-Editor University of Groningen Arne Heise Co-Editor University of Hamburg Helge Peukert Co-Editor University of Erfurt Werner Schönig Co-Editor Catholic University of Applied Sciences Cologne Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Elsner (Editor-in-Chief) Dr. rer. pol. Torsten Heinrich (Managing Editor) "

    11 publications

  • Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen / Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations

    The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. The „Dresden Papers on Law and Policy of the United Nations“ offer a platform for scientific research regarding the United Nations – including UN specialized agencies and regional organizations. They reflect in a legal and/or political scientific perspective the structure and work of the world organization and aim at examining the opportunities which exist in order to strengthen the UN system as a basis for a “world’s peace law” through governance. By doing so, the Dresden Papers wish to contribute to the field of “UN Studies” in research and teaching. Die Reihe "Dresdner Schriften zu Recht und Politik der Vereinten Nationen" bietet ein Forum für wissenschaftliche Forschung zum Themengebiet der Vereinten Nationen, eingeschlossen UN-Sonderorganisationen und Regionalorganisationen, welche in rechts- und/oder politikwissenschaftlicher Perspektive die Struktur sowie die Arbeitsweise der Weltorganisation abbildet. Im Rahmen der Reihe sollen Möglichkeiten untersucht werden, wie im Wege von Governance bzw. einer Verrechtlichung von globaler Ordnungspolitik das System der Vereinten Nationen als Grundlage eines "Weltfriedensrechts" gestärkt werden kann. Damit setzten sich die Dresdner Schriften auch zum Ziel, einen Beitrag zum Ausbau des jungen Fachgebiets "UN-Studien" in Forschung und Lehre zu leisten.

    19 publications

  • Leipziger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kommunikationsgeschichte

    ISSN: 0940-421X

    Die "Leipziger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kommunikationsgeschichte" werden vom Leipziger Institut für Germanistik herausgegeben. Seit 1996 erscheinen in dieser Reihe Monographien und Sammelbände zu Themen der Germanistik. Unter anderen widmen sich die Studien dem Einsatz von Sprache und dem Sprachgebrauch im politischen System und in politisch motivierten Kommunikationssituationen, der Geschichte der Texttypologien und der Sprachdynamik im historischen Kontext. Die "Leipziger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kommunikationsgeschichte" werden vom Leipziger Institut für Germanistik herausgegeben. Seit 1996 erscheinen in dieser Reihe Monographien und Sammelbände zu Themen der Germanistik. Unter anderen widmen sich die Studien dem Einsatz von Sprache und dem Sprachgebrauch im politischen System und in politisch motivierten Kommunikationssituationen, der Geschichte der Texttypologien und der Sprachdynamik im historischen Kontext. Die "Leipziger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kommunikationsgeschichte" werden vom Leipziger Institut für Germanistik herausgegeben. Seit 1996 erscheinen in dieser Reihe Monographien und Sammelbände zu Themen der Germanistik. Unter anderen widmen sich die Studien dem Einsatz von Sprache und dem Sprachgebrauch im politischen System und in politisch motivierten Kommunikationssituationen, der Geschichte der Texttypologien und der Sprachdynamik im historischen Kontext.

    17 publications

  • Slavolinguistica

    ISSN: 2567-6644

    In der Reihe Slavolinguistica werden Arbeiten aus der slavistischen Linguistik veröffentlicht. Schwerpunkte bilden funktions- und datenorientierte Studien mit system-, kontakt-, psycho- oder soziolinguistischer Ausrichtung. Neben den aktuellen werden auch historische Sprachstadien berücksichtigt.

    18 publications

  • Literatur als Sprache. Literaturtheorie, Interpretation, Sprachkritik

    Alle Literatur ist sprachlich. Das ist eine Trivialität, die das Denken erst noch provozieren müßte. Literatur als Sprache zu verstehen, soll bedeuten, daß es nicht genügt, Literatur als Kunst oder als Kommunikation und als Information zu definieren. Für die traditionelle Literaturästhetik ist die Sprache Material wie Ton, Farbe, Stein. Das kann sie nicht sein, denn sie ist immer auch Bedeutung. In den gängigen Literaturtheorien unserer Tage soll die Sprache als Zeichen der Information oder als Medium der Kommunikation funktionieren, also als Instrument. Damit reduziert man Sprache auf ein Moment an ihr. Gleichzeitig macht man Literatur zu einer Partikel dieses Moments. Dagegen kann an Literatur gelernt werden, was Sprache ist und sein kann, wenn diese nicht empirischen Zwängen und terminologischen Einschränkungen gehorcht. Literatur lehrt, was Sprache als die Einheit von subjektivem Ausdruck, Dialog und „Weltherstellung“ bedeutet. Literatur zeigt, daß Sprache nicht als System, sondern als menschliche Geschichte begriffen werden soll. Diese Reihe macht den Versuch, die Sprachlichkeit der Literatur in den Mittelpunkt der Reflexion zu stellen und dadurch einem neuen Sprachverständnis zu dienen. Das geschieht sowohl in Interpretationen und theoretischen Beiträgen, die die Universalität der Sprache darstellen, wie in sprachkritischen Untersuchungen, die auf Reduktionen der Sprache aufmerksam machen

    8 publications

  • Régionalisme & Fédéralisme / Regionalism & Federalism

    The contemporary nation-state is undergoing a series of transformations which question its traditional role as a container of social, political and economic systems. New spaces are emerging with the rise of regional production systems, movements for territorial autonomy and the rediscovery of old and the invention of new identities. States have responded by restructuring their systems of territorial government, often setting up an intermediate or regional level. There is no single model, but a range, from administrative deconcentration to federalization. Some states have regionalized in a uniform manner, while others have adopted asymmetrical solutions. In many cases, regions have gone beyond the nation-state, seeking to become actors in broader continental and transnational systems. The series covers the gamut of issues involved in this territorial restructuring, including the rise of regional production systems, political regionalism, questions of identity, and constitutional change. It will include the emergence of new systems of territorial regulation and collective action within civil society as well as the state. There is no a priori definition of what constitutes a region, since these span a range of spatial scales, from metropolitan regions to large federated states, and from administrative units to cultural regions and stateless nations. Disciplines covered include history, sociology, social and political geography, political science and law. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. In addition to empirical and comparative studies, books focus on the theory of regionalism and federalism, including normative questions about democracy and accountability in complex systems of government. L’État-nation contemporain a subi une série de transformations qui remettent en cause son rôle traditionnel de cadre pour les systèmes sociaux, politiques et économiques. Des nouveaux espaces ont émergé avec la mise en place de systèmes de production régionaux, le développement des mouvements pour l’autonomie territoriale et la redécouverte des anciennes identités aussi bien que l’invention de nouvelles. Les États ont répondu à ces mutations par la restructuration de leurs systèmes de gouvernement territoriaux, le plus souvent par l’instauration d’un niveau intermédiaire ou régional. Il n’y a pas de modèle unique mais bien une gamme allant de la décentralisation administrative à la fédéralisation. Certains États se sont régionalisés de manière uniforme, tandis que d’autres ont adopté des solutions asymétriques. Dans plusieurs cas, les régions ont dépassé le cadre des États-nations, cherchant à devenir des acteurs au sein des systèmes continentaux et transnationaux. La collection s’intéresse à toute étude concernant cette restructuration territoriale, incluant le développement des systèmes de production régionaux, le régionalisme politique, les questions d’identité et les changements constitutionnels. Elle prend également en compte l’émergence de nouveaux systèmes de régulation territoriale et l’action collective au niveau de la société civile aussi bien que de l’État. Il n’y a pas de définition a priori de ce qui constitue une région, celle-ci pouvant embrasser un éventail de niveaux territoriaux, des régions métropolitaines aux grands États fédérés et des unités administratives aux régions culturelles et aux nations-sans-État. La collection comprend des études dans des disciplines variées telles que l’histoire, la sociologie, la géographie sociale et politique, la science politique et le droit. Les approches interdisciplinaires sont particulièrement bienvenues. Enfin, parallèlement aux études empiriques et comparatives, certains ouvrages s’intéressent à la théorie du régionalisme et du fédéralisme, incluant des questions normatives sur la démocratie et la responsabilité dans les systèmes complexes de gouvernement. The contemporary nation-state is undergoing a series of transformations which question its traditional role as a container of social, political and economic systems. New spaces are emerging with the rise of regional production systems, movements for territorial autonomy and the rediscovery of old and the invention of new identities. States have responded by restructuring their systems of territorial government, often setting up an intermediate or regional level. There is no single model, but a range, from administrative deconcentration to federalization. Some states have regionalized in a uniform manner, while others have adopted asymmetrical solutions. In many cases, regions have gone beyond the nation-state, seeking to become actors in broader continental and transnational systems. The series covers the gamut of issues involved in this territorial restructuring, including the rise of regional production systems, political regionalism, questions of identity, and constitutional change. It will include the emergence of new systems of territorial regulation and collective action within civil society as well as the state. There is no a priori definition of what constitutes a region, since these span a range of spatial scales, from metropolitan regions to large federated states, and from administrative units to cultural regions and stateless nations. Disciplines covered include history, sociology, social and political geography, political science and law. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. In addition to empirical and comparative studies, books focus on the theory of regionalism and federalism, including normative questions about democracy and accountability in complex systems of government.

    14 publications

  • Finance, FinTech, and Crowdfunding in Islam

    ISSN: 2572-7435

    Our second collaboration with the BIT-AMENA (University of California, Berkeley iTechpreneurship in Asia, Middle East, and North Africa) Center for Building Innovation Economies, this series focuses on how a financial system is comprised of different subsystems—such as the banking system, financial markets, capital markets, insurance, and derivatives—which are underpinned by legal and commercial infrastructure. When compared to the conventional system, the Islamic financial system has two distinct features: first, the prohibition of riba (interest), which eliminates the possibility of debt and of leveraging within the financial system, and second, the promotion of risk-sharing, facilitated through modes of transaction designed for investors to share the risks and rewards of investment on a more equitable basis. As such, the Islamic financial system is based on a banking system that operates without a debt economy, and instead promotes the financing of the real economy. Researchers have argued that an active and vibrant market of securitized assets, which has some resemblance to the conventional asset-based debt market, replaces the debt market and behaves and operates differently. We will subsequently examine the vital role that the stock market plays within a risk-sharing economy.

    1 publications

  • The Modernist Revolution in World Literature

    ISSN: 1528-9672

    In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series In the stormy time period approximately between the Paris Commune in 1871 and the revolutionary events in May 1968, or between the conclusion of the American Civil War and the withdrawal of American troops from Vietnam, the rise and fall of international modernism was crucial to all historical, political, and intellectual de-velopments around the world. By the time the United States had emerged from its military involvement in Indo-China, the modernist movement had given way to postmodernism. This series investigates the development of international modern-ism in the half century leading up to World War I and its disintegration in the fol-lowing fifty years. High modernism claimed that it represented a break with corrupt values of previous cultural traditions, but we now think that this very drive to “make it new” is itself derivative. What are the roots and characteristics of modernism? How did the philosophical and pedagogical system supporting modernism develop? Is mod-ernism, perhaps, not a liberating movement but a device to shield high culture from rising democratic vulgarization? What is the role of modernism in postcolonial struggles? Where does feminism fall in the modernist agenda? How do changing systems of patronage and the economy of art influence modernism as an enor-mously expanded reading public becomes augmented by cinema, radio, and televi-sion? Such questions on a worldwide stage, in the century approximately from 1870 to 1970, in all manifestations of literature, art, politics, and culture, represent the scope of this series

    3 publications

  • Relations financières internationales / International Financial Relations

    The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.). La « Fondation internationale Triffin », établie près l’Institut d’études européennes de l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), s’est fixé pour objectif de constituer un centre dédié à la poursuite du travail scientifique et à la valorisation de l’héritage intellectuel de Robert Triffin (1911-1993) sur le système monétaire international, et plus généralement dans les domaines de l’économie, de la finance et des sciences sociales. Les publications de la collection « Relations financières internationales » assurent la promotion de travaux individuels et collectifs dont les thèmes centraux sont ceux auxquels Robert Triffin était particulièrement attaché – l’Union européenne des paiements, la création de Droits de Tirage Spéciaux, le Système monétaire européen. La collection accueille également des ouvrages qui abordent les futures difficultés auxquelles sera confronté le système monétaire international à l’aube du XXIe siècle, tels que les effets extérieurs de l’Union économique et monétaire européenne, les nouvelles tâches du Fonds monétaire international ou la prévention des crises financières. The «International Triffin Foundation», hosted by the Institute for European Studies at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium), has the objective of establishing a centre dedicated to the continuation of the scientific work and the intellectual legacy of Robert Triffin (1911–1993) in the field of the international monetary system, and more generally in the areas of economics, finance and the social sciences. Regular publications in the series «International Financial Relations» will ensure promotion of individual or collective works whose main themes are the ones with which Robert Triffin was particularly associated (the European Payments Union, the creation of Special Drawing Rights, the European Monetary System), as well as addressing the new problems which the international monetary system will be confronting at the dawn of the 21st century (external effects of the European Economic and Monetary Union, new tasks for the International Monetary Fund, prevention of financial crises, etc.).

    5 publications

  • Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe

    ISSN: 2235-7025

    This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English. This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English. This series focuses on the political, economic and cultural changes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary research on this multifaceted part of the world. The focus lies mainly on current and recent developments in societies and political systems; but research on cultural and historical backgrounds has its place here, too. The range of disciplines includes political science, history, and social anthropology, but also philosophy, cultural studies, and literary criticism. The articles are written in English.

    25 publications

  • Higher Education Research and Policy

    ISSN: 2193-7613

    The Higher Education Research and Policy (HERP) series is intended to present both research-oriented and policy-oriented studies of higher education systems in transition, especially from international comparative perspectives. Higher education systems worldwide are currently under multi-layered pressures to transform their funding and governance structures in rapidly changing environments. The series intends to explore the impact of such wider social and economic processes as globalization, internationalization and Europeanization on higher education institutions and it is focused on such issues as changing relationships between the university and the state, the changing academic profession, changes in public funding and university governance, the emergent public/private dynamics in higher education, the consequences of educational expansion, education and public/private goods, and the impact of changing demographics on national systems. Its audience includes higher education researchers and higher education policy analysts, university managers and administrators, as well as national policymakers and staff of international organizations involved in higher education policymaking. Board Members Daniel C. Levy, Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, State University of New York, Albany, USA Peter Maassen, Department of Edcational Research, University of Oslo, Norway Paul Temple, Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES), Institute of Education, London, United Kingdom Pavel Zgaga, Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS), Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    10 publications

  • Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft

    Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen. Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen. Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur quantitativen Wirtschaftswissenschaft“ präsentiert aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich der Betriebswirtschaft. Die Monographien der Reihe befassen sich unter anderem mit den Themen Risikomanagement, empirische Kapitalmarktforschung, Investment Management, Management Control Systeme, Corporate Governance und Familienunternehmen.

    4 publications

  • Urban Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1404

    Cities are inherently places of communication, meeting spaces for interaction and/or observation. The nature of any communication venue is altered by social and technological circumstances and the urban environment is altered, in turn, by changes in communication patterns. We need to understand relationships among these significant forces – communication, technology, and the urban, suburban, rural environment – as they shape each other. Communication systems and urban social systems can be examined at multiple levels as scholars and planners examine interaction in public spaces, neighborhood communication patterns, and urban systems of transport. The focus of this series is on social relationships in a swiftly changing communication environment. Media coverage of urban issues, conflict resolution and contested urban space, visual communication, rhetorical dimensions of urban life, film and the city, journalism, the ethnic press, local media and public policy are just some areas of relevance. Volumes in this series provide a forum to explore and discuss the challenges created by the intersection of communication and urban life, focusing on what communication scholarship has to offer for enhanced understanding of cities and for the development of a public policy that takes into account communication needs and practices.

    14 publications

  • Teaching Texts in Law and Politics

    "The new series Teaching Texts in Law and Politics is devoted to textbooks that explore the multidimensional and multidisciplinary areas of law and Politics. Special emphasis will be given to textbooks written for the undergraduate classroom. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: constitutional law; civil rights and liberties issues; law, race, gender, and gender orientation studies; law and ethics; women and the law; judicial behavior and decision-making; legal theory; comparative legal systems; criminal justice; courts and the political process; and other topics an the law and the political process that would be of interest to undergrad.uate curriculum and education. Submission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. " "The new series Teaching Texts in Law and Politics is devoted to textbooks that explore the multidimensional and multidisciplinary areas of law and Politics. Special emphasis will be given to textbooks written for the undergraduate classroom. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: constitutional law; civil rights and liberties issues; law, race, gender, and gender orientation studies; law and ethics; women and the law; judicial behavior and decision-making; legal theory; comparative legal systems; criminal justice; courts and the political process; and other topics an the law and the political process that would be of interest to undergrad.uate curriculum and education. Submission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. " "The new series Teaching Texts in Law and Politics is devoted to textbooks that explore the multidimensional and multidisciplinary areas of law and Politics. Special emphasis will be given to textbooks written for the undergraduate classroom. Subject matters to be addressed in this series include, but will not be limited to: constitutional law; civil rights and liberties issues; law, race, gender, and gender orientation studies; law and ethics; women and the law; judicial behavior and decision-making; legal theory; comparative legal systems; criminal justice; courts and the political process; and other topics an the law and the political process that would be of interest to undergrad.uate curriculum and education. Submission of single-author and collaborative studies, as well as collections of essays are invited. "

    36 publications

  • Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik

    Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik“ veröffentlicht Studien aus dem Fachbereich der Volkswirtschaft. Sie deckt mit ihren empirischen Studien zur Wirtschaftsforschung das gesamte Spektrum der Volkswirtschaft ab und behandelt dabei unter anderem die Themen Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors sowie politischer Systeme. In der Reihe erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände in deutscher wie auch in englischer Sprache. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Franco Reither Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Zimmermann Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik“ veröffentlicht Studien aus dem Fachbereich der Volkswirtschaft. Sie deckt mit ihren empirischen Studien zur Wirtschaftsforschung das gesamte Spektrum der Volkswirtschaft ab und behandelt dabei unter anderem die Themen Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors sowie politischer Systeme. In der Reihe erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände in deutscher wie auch in englischer Sprache. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Franco Reither Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Zimmermann Die Buchreihe “Schriften zur Wirtschaftstheorie und Wirtschaftspolitik“ veröffentlicht Studien aus dem Fachbereich der Volkswirtschaft. Sie deckt mit ihren empirischen Studien zur Wirtschaftsforschung das gesamte Spektrum der Volkswirtschaft ab und behandelt dabei unter anderem die Themen Ökonomie des öffentlichen Sektors sowie politischer Systeme. In der Reihe erscheinen Monographien und Sammelbände in deutscher wie auch in englischer Sprache. Homepage der Herausgeber: Prof. Dr. Franco Reither Prof. Dr. Klaus W. Zimmermann

    47 publications

  • Anthropocene / Anthropocène / Anthropozän

    New geological period following the impact of human activities on the Earth system, the Anthropocene is at the same time a concept resulting from the Earth System Sciences and Geology, a political concept on the possible orientations of the human adventure, but also an ideological concept invested to generate social, economic and political changes. This collection integrates books (monographs or collective) from Earth System Sciences as well as from Environmental Humanities. In this collection the works raise the question of the future and its preparation in a period marked by uncertainty. The topics covered can be particularly varied, as, for example: stratigraphy of the Anthropocene, planetary boundaries, plastics, biogeochemical cycles... but also education, health, governance and democracy, the organization of contemporary societies and ecological changes, agriculture, urbanism, the stories of the Anthropocene, science fiction, or economic models. Nouvelle période géologique suite à l’impact des activités humaines sur le système Terre, l’Anthropocène est tout à la fois un concept issu des Sciences du système Terre et de la Géologie, un concept politique portant sur les orientations possibles de l’aventure humaine, mais aussi un concept idéologique investi pour générer des changements sociaux, économiques et politiques. Cette collection accueille des ouvrages (monographies ou collectifs) des Sciences du système Terre comme des Humanités environnementales. Les ouvrages de cette collection permettent de mettre au travail la question de l’avenir et de sa préparation dans une période marquée par l’incertitude. Les thématiques abordées peuvent être particulièrement variées, comme, à titre d’exemple : la stratigraphie de l’Anthropocène, les limites planétaires, les plastiques, les flux bio-géo-chimiques… mais aussi l’éducation, la santé, la gouvernance et la démocratie, l’organisation des sociétés contemporaines et les mutations écologiques, l’agriculture, l’urbanisme, les récits de l’Anthropocène en construction, la science-fiction, ou encore les modèles économiques. Als eine neue geologische Zeit aufgrund der Auswirkungen menschlicher Einflüsse auf das Erdsystem, ist das Anthropozän gleichzeitig ein Konzept, das aus den Erdsystemwissenschaften und aus der Geologie entwickelt wurde. Es handelt sich dabei auch um ein politisches Konzept, das sich mit den möglichen Strebungen des menschlichen Abenteuers befasst. Schließlich ist es ein ideologisches Konstrukt das für soziale, wirtschaftliche und politische Veränderungen genutzt wird. Die vorliegende Sammlung umfasst Bücher (Monographien oder mit mehreren Autoren) der Erdsystemwissenschaften und der Umweltwissenschaften. Die in dieser Sammlung enthaltenen Bücher stellen die Frage nach der Zukunft der Menschen und wie sie sich darauf in einer Zeit der Ungewissheit vorbereiten können. Die verarbeiteten Themen können sehr unterschiedlich sein, z. B.: Stratigraphie des Anthropozän, planetarische Grenzen, Kunststoffe, bio-geo-chemische Zyklen… aber auch Bildung, Gesundheit, Politik und Demokratie, Organisation von gegenwärtigen Gesellschaften, ökologische Mutationen, Landwirtschaft, Urbanismus und auch, was über das sich bildende Anthropozän bereits geschrieben wurde, Science-Fiction, oder Wirtschaftsmodelle.

    4 publications

  • Understanding Media Ecology

    ISSN: 2374-7676

    Media Ecology is a field of inquiry defined as ‘the study of media as environments’. Within this field, the term «medium» can be defined broadly to refer to any human technology or technique, code or symbol system, invention or innovation, system or environment. Media ecology scholarship typically focuses on how technology, symbolic form, and media relate to communication, consciousness, and culture – past, present and future. This series publishes research that furthers the formal development of media ecology as a field of study. Works in this series bring a media ecology approach to bear on specific topics of interest, including theoretical or philosophical investigations concerning the nature and effects of media or a specific medium. Further, this series also publishes books that examine new and emerging technologies and the contemporary media environment, as well as historical studies of media, technology, modes, and codes of communication. Scholarship regarding technique and the technological society is particularly welcome, as is scholarship on specific types of media and culture (e.g., oral and literate cultures, image, etc.). Publications may also consider specific aspects of culture (such as religion, politics, education, journalism, etc.); critical analyses of art and popular culture; and studies of how physical and symbolic environments function as media.

    21 publications

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