Naturally Hypernatural III: Hypernatural Landscapes in the Anthropocene
©2016 Edited Collection -
«How art produces art»
Samuel Richardsons «Clarissa» im Spiegel ihrer deutschen Übersetzungen©2000 Thesis -
Axis of Observation II: Frank Gillette
©2021 Edited Collection -
À la recherche de l’homme nouveau
Alberto Savinio et les avant-gardes à Paris 1911–1937©2020 Monographs -
Axis of Observation: Frank Gillette
©2018 Monographs -
Hermeneutics of Art
7 publications
South Asian Literature, Arts, and Culture Studies
The South Asian Literature, Arts and Culture Studies series invites submissions from scholars working in the field of South Asian Studies, with a particular interest in literature, the arts (print and film), politics, religion, and society. South Asian Studies especially focuses on the Indian subcontinent, particularly India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Burma, and the diaspora of Non-Resident South Asians throughout the world. The series welcomes a variety of approaches and theories that interrogate and explore aspects and elements of South Asian thought, life, and artistic production. The series does not only focus on contemporary, but also in special cases, on the ancient or classical studies. This series welcomes a variety of analytical approaches and theories, especially postcolonial, feminist, post-structural, new historical, psychological, Marxist, and structuralist. Scholars working in related fields, such as philosophy, hermeneutics, and social theory, with a major interest in how these disciplines relate to South Asian Studies, are also invited to contribute manuscripts.
5 publications
Natur, Wissenschaft und die Künste / Nature, Science and the Arts / Nature, Science et les Arts
ISSN: 1663-6007
Nature, Science and the Arts is an international scholarly series dealing with the history of cultural interplay between arts, humanities, natural sciences and technology, both on the level of theoretical reflection and in artistic enunciations. It is not restricted to any particular epoch, society, medium or region. By publishing contributions to this new interdisciplinary research area, the series illuminates the traditional connection between two ways of interpreting the world, a connection that has been largely marginalized since Wilhelm Diltheys strict dissociation between humanities and natural sciences. Nature, Science et les Arts est une collection scientifique internationale qui explore lhistoire des interactions entre la culture des sciences humaines et artistiques et celle des sciences naturelles et techniques, au niveau de la réflexion théorique et de larticulation artistique. Elle sintéresse pour cela à toutes les époques, formes de sociétés, médias et régions. La collection présente des études sur ces nouveaux domaines de recherche et illustre le lien traditionnel entre deux perceptions du monde qui ont été très largement marginalisées depuis la stricte séparation opérée par Wilhem Diltheys entre les sciences humaines et naturelles. Natur, Wissenschaft und die Künste ist eine internationale Wissenschaftsreihe, welche die Geschichte des Zusammenwirkens geisteswissenschaftlich-künstlerischer und naturwissenschaftlich-technischer Kultur auf der Ebene theoretischer Reflektion und künstlerischer Artikulation untersucht. Dabei gibt es keine Beschränkungen auf bestimmte Epochen, Gesellschaftsformen, Medien oder Regionen. Die Reihe stellt Untersuchungen aus diesem neuen wissenschaftlichen Forschungsgebiet vor und veranschaulicht den traditionellen Zusammenhang zweier Formen der Weltdeutung, welcher seit Wilhelm Diltheys strenger Trennung von Geistes- und Naturwissenschaften weitestgehend marginalisiert wurde.
20 publications
Art and Thought / Art et pensée
Histories of the Avant-Garde / histoires des avant-gardesIf the past is continually retold in the present, as Walter Benjamin suggests, what can critical perspectives reveal and what do they obscure about the history of our modern time? Art and Thought: Histories of the Avant-Garde revisits and reconceptualises the histories of modernism, avant-gardism and postmodernism. Volumes in the series will each offer a critical perspective developed in response to specific cultural artefacts and their qualities. They will engage with literary, artistic and theoretical works, from the past as well as the present, and explore the interactions between literature, visual art, film and music, including the livre d’artiste. The series showcases work by new as well as established scholars, whether monographs, single- or multi-authored collections of essays, and new editions of salient or neglected primary texts in English or French, including original aesthetic works. Writing on translation as well as in translation is welcome. Walter Benjamin nous rappelle que le passé se dit au présent. Dans quelle mesure la pensée critique permet-elle d’illuminer notre histoire ? La collection Art et pensée : histoires des avant-gardes se propose de penser à nouveaux frais les problématiques liant les esthétiques de la modernité, de l’avant-garde et du postmoderne. Chaque volume répondra aux qualités ponctuelles d'objets esthétiques et culturels considérés par une perspective critique propre. Des œuvres de littérature, d’art et de réflexion y seront abordées, qui souligneront les rapports intimes de l’écriture, du visuel, de la musique, du cinéma. Les livres d’artistes ne seront pas oubliés. La collection présentera, en langue française ou anglaise, le travail critique de chercheurs établis ou en début de carrière. Elle offrira à ses lecteurs des monographies, des collections d’essais, des volumes collectifs, et des éditions nouvelles d’œuvres marquantes ou jusqu’à présent négligées, y compris les œuvres littéraires et esthétiques. Les œuvres en traduction nouvelle tout comme les travaux sur la traduction même seront vivement accueillis.
6 publications
Contemplations of the Spiritual in Art
©2013 Edited Collection -
The Glass Veil: Seven Adventures in Wonderland
©2015 Monographs -
Senses of Embodiment: Art, Technics, Media
©2014 Edited Collection -
Pictorial Narrative in the Romanesque Cloister
Cloister Imagery and Religious Life in Medieval Spain©2004 Monographs -
The Art and Science of Music Teaching and Performance
Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education. Musicians in the practice room, during instruction, and on the stage will benefit from a critical discussion of vital issues from an interdisciplinary perspective. Whether the examination of the acquisition of musical expertise, or the evaluation of teaching methods and learning strategies based on neuroscience and psychology, this series will emphasize scientific research combined with experiental knowledge that can only be gained from the actual practice of musical performance and education.
2 publications
Literature and the Visual Arts
New FoundationsOffering works of scholarship and criticism on the interrelationship of literature and the visual arts, the series reflects the rich diversity of subjects and approaches in this field. Our authors contribute to an expert's understanding of the topic. At the same time, they speak to readers, lay and professional, with a more general interest in the area. Ideally - and this is the thrust of the phrase «New Foundations» in our series title - works published under the imprint focus on the ways their particular concern leads us to rethink the basic questions of comparative study between the arts, challenging the reader volume by volume continually to remap the grounds, historical and theoretical, on which such inquiry can take place at all. Offering works of scholarship and criticism on the interrelationship of literature and the visual arts, the series reflects the rich diversity of subjects and approaches in this field. Our authors contribute to an expert's understanding of the topic. At the same time, they speak to readers, lay and professional, with a more general interest in the area. Ideally - and this is the thrust of the phrase «New Foundations» in our series title - works published under the imprint focus on the ways their particular concern leads us to rethink the basic questions of comparative study between the arts, challenging the reader volume by volume continually to remap the grounds, historical and theoretical, on which such inquiry can take place at all. Offering works of scholarship and criticism on the interrelationship of literature and the visual arts, the series reflects the rich diversity of subjects and approaches in this field. Our authors contribute to an expert's understanding of the topic. At the same time, they speak to readers, lay and professional, with a more general interest in the area. Ideally - and this is the thrust of the phrase «New Foundations» in our series title - works published under the imprint focus on the ways their particular concern leads us to rethink the basic questions of comparative study between the arts, challenging the reader volume by volume continually to remap the grounds, historical and theoretical, on which such inquiry can take place at all.
15 publications
L’atelier. Travaux d’Histoire de l’art et de Muséologie / Das Atelier. Arbeiten zur Kunstgeschichte und Museumskunde / The Workshop. Art History and Museum Studies
ISSN: 1661-691X
The Workshop. Art History and Museum Studies is devoted to the history of art from the Middle Ages to the present. The series deals especially but not exclusively with the history of collections, of collectors or museums, and more generally with museum studies. Its main objective is to offer to the alleged two Art Histories - the Museum and the Academy - a place open to institutional dialogue and to transdisciplinarity, a place of discussion about experimentation and creation and a place dedicated to the excellence of historical and critical reflection. It welcomes monographs and essays as well as collections of essays in French, German and English. The series was founded by Pascal Griener and Pierre Alain Mariaux, L'Atelier. Travaux d'Histoire de l'art et de Muséologie réunit des études consacrées à l'histoire de l'art du Moyen Age à nos jours. Elle porte entre autres, mais non exclusivement, sur l'histoire des collections, des collectionneurs ou des musées, et plus généralement sur la muséologie. La collection a comme objectif majeur d'offrir aux prétendues deux histoires de l'art, l'académique et la muséale, un lieu ouvert au dialogue institutionnel et à la transdisciplinarité, un lieu de discussion sur l'expérimentation et la création, un lieu dédié à l'excellence d'une réflexion historique et critique. Elle accueille aussi bien des monographies et des essais que des ouvrages collectifs, qu'ils soient rédigés en français, en allemand ou en anglais. La collection a été fondée par Pascal Griener et Pierre Alain Mariaux, Das Atelier. Arbeiten zur Kunstgeschichte und Museumskunde vereint Studien zur Kunstgeschichte vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Die Reihe befasst sich unter anderem mit der Geschichte der Sammlungen, der Sammler und der Museen, aber auch generell mit Museologie. Sie trägt der akademischen und musealen Kunstgeschichte Rechnung, bietet ein Forum für einen transdisziplinären Dialog zwischen Institutionen, ist offen für Diskussionen über "Experimente" und Kreationen und ermöglicht den Austausch historischer und kritischer Überlegungen. Die Reihe nimmt Monografien, Essays und Sammelbände in französischer, deutscher und englischer Sprache auf. Die Reihe wurde von Pascal Griener und Pierre Alain Mariaux gegründet,
8 publications
Internationalism and the Arts
ISSN: 2235-0160
Internationalism and the Arts explores the multiple ways in which the arts have operated internationally, responded to internationalist ideology, and helped shape thinking about world organization. The series challenges the emphasis on nationalism and national schools that has developed over the past 250 years. Instead, it draws attention to internationalist art and ideology; the lives and work of cosmopolitan artists and theorists; international networks, systems and practices; and societies that promote international exchange. The series speaks to the rise of transnationalism as a major approach across a number of research fields. Within this literature, it addresses a relative dearth of publications which focus on international art practice as a crucial element of human experience. Proposals are invited across the performing and visual arts, including art history, music, dance and theatre. Our geographical scope is global and we welcome projects that look beyond the Western world or that examine cross-cultural exchanges. We are open to proposals for monographs and edited collections, anthologies of primary sources and textbooks, and scholarly catalogues that showcase visual material. All proposals and manuscripts will be subject to peer review.
6 publications
Sense Sensibility / Die Sinne spüren
Aesthetics, Aisthesis and Media of Embodiment / Ästhetik, Aisthesis und Medien der Verkörperung©2021 Monographs