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Rethinking Development Strategies in Africa
The Triple Partnership as an Alternative Approach – The Case of Uganda©2011 Monographs -
The Problem of Nutrition
Experimental Science, Public Health and Economy in Europe 1914-1945©2010 Monographs -
Microeconomic Impacts of Institutional Change in Vietnam’s Northern Uplands
Empirical Studies on Social Capital, Land and Credit Institutions©2014 Thesis -
Commercialization of Smallholder Horticultural Farming in Kenya
Poverty, Gender, and Institutional Arrangements©2014 Thesis -
The Private Sector and the Marginalized Poor
An Assessment of the Potential Role of Business in Reducing Poverty and Marginality in Rural Ethiopia©2016 Thesis -
Restoring Dignity in Rural and Urban Madagascar
On How Religion Creates New Life-stories©2014 Monographs -
Unsettling Research
Using Critical Praxis and Activism to Create Uncomfortable Spaces©2015 Textbook -
Water Governance – Challenges in Africa
Hydro-optimism or hydro-pessimism?©2013 Conference proceedings -
A Different Place in the Making
The Everyday Life Practices of Chinese Rural Migrants in Urban Villages©2014 Postdoctoral Thesis -
Agricultural Knowledge and Knowledge Systems in Post-Soviet Societies
©2016 Edited Collection -
Opening Up Knowledge Production through Participatory Research?
Agricultural Research for Vietnam’s Northern Uplands©2009 Thesis -
Rural Development through Carbon Finance
Forestry Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol- Assessing Smallholder Participation by Structural Equation Modeling©2009 Thesis -
Going Local? Linking and Integrating Second-Home Owners with the Community’s Economy
A comparative study between Finnish and Polish second-home owners©2018 Monographs -
Médecine et santé dans les campagnes
Approches historiques et enjeux contemporains©2019 Edited Collection -
Women in the Informal Sector and Poverty Reduction in Morocco
The City of Fez as a Case Study©2019 Monographs