27 results
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  • Title: Dinámicas transnacionales de la diversidad cultural: cine y literatura entre Francia y América latina desde finales del siglo XX

    Dinámicas transnacionales de la diversidad cultural: cine y literatura entre Francia y América latina desde finales del siglo XX

    Colloque de Cerisy / Coloquio de Cerisy
    by Julie Amiot-Guillouet (Volume editor) Gustavo Guerrero (Volume editor) Françoise Moulin Civil (Volume editor) 2024
    ©2023 Edited Collection
  • Title: Transnationale Akzente: Zur vermittelnden Funktion von Literatur- und Kulturzeitschriften im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts

    Transnationale Akzente: Zur vermittelnden Funktion von Literatur- und Kulturzeitschriften im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts

    by Michael Peter Hehl (Volume editor) Heribert Tommek (Volume editor) 2021
    ©2021 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Subjekt und Liminalität in der Gegenwartsliteratur

    Subjekt und Liminalität in der Gegenwartsliteratur

    Band 8.2: Schwellenzeit – Gattungstransitionen – Grenzerfahrungen; Sergej Birjukov zum 70. Geburtstag
    by Matthias Fechner (Volume editor) Henrieke Stahl (Volume editor) 2020
    ©2020 Edited Collection
  • Title: Der Massenmensch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

    Der Massenmensch zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts

    Ein diskursgeschichtlicher Vergleich zur deutschen und spanischen Literatur
    by Charlotte Jestaedt (Author) 2019
    ©2019 Thesis
  • Title: The Culture of Translation in Romania / Übersetzungskultur und Literaturübersetzen in Rumänien

    The Culture of Translation in Romania / Übersetzungskultur und Literaturübersetzen in Rumänien

    by Maria Sass (Volume editor) Ștefan Baghiu (Volume editor) Vlad Pojoga (Volume editor) 2019
    ©2018 Edited Collection
  • Title: Transiträume und transitorische Begegnungen in Literatur, Theater und Film

    Transiträume und transitorische Begegnungen in Literatur, Theater und Film

    by E.W.B. Hess-Lüttich (Volume editor) Sabine Egger (Volume editor) Withold Bonner (Volume editor) 2017
    ©2017 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Writing the Great War / Comment écrire la Grande Guerre?

    Writing the Great War / Comment écrire la Grande Guerre?

    Francophone and Anglophone Poetics / Poétiques francophones et anglophones
    by Nicolas Bianchi (Volume editor) Toby Garfitt (Volume editor) 2017
  • Title: Das (franko-)algerische Kino

    Das (franko-)algerische Kino

    Eine filmgeschichtliche Studie aus transnationaler Perspektive
    by Verena Domberg (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Thesis
  • Title: Mitteldeutsche Orientliteratur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. «Graf Rudolf» und «Herzog Ernst»

    Mitteldeutsche Orientliteratur des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts. «Graf Rudolf» und «Herzog Ernst»

    Ein Beitrag zu interkulturellen Auseinandersetzungen im Hochmittelalter
    by Yücel Sivri (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Thesis
  • Title: Geschlechterbilder im Vertreibungsdiskurs

    Geschlechterbilder im Vertreibungsdiskurs

    Auseinandersetzungen in Literatur, Film und Theater nach 1945 in Deutschland und Polen
    by Kirsten Möller (Author) 2016
    ©2016 Thesis
  • Title: Gernika / «Guernica» als Erinnerungsort in der spanischsprachigen Literatur
  • Title: Osteuropäisch-jüdische Literaturen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Identität und Poetik

    Osteuropäisch-jüdische Literaturen im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert: Identität und Poetik

    Eastern European Jewish Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries: Identity and Poetics
    by Klavdia Smola (Volume editor) 2013
    ©2013 Edited Collection
  • Title: Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010- Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit

    Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010- Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit

    Film und visuelle Medien- Multimediale und transnationale Kommunikation im Barockzeitalter- Entwicklungen in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur und Medien nach- 1989- Literatur-Medien-Kultur im germanistischen Kontext -Mitherausgeber
    by Franciszek Grucza (Volume editor) Miroslawa Czarnecka (Volume editor) Carsten Gansel (Volume editor) Ryozo Maeda (Volume editor) Jacek Rzeszotnik (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010- Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit

    Akten des XII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Warschau 2010- Vielheit und Einheit der Germanistik weltweit

    Nationale und transnationale Identitäten in der Literatur- Ich, Individualität, Individuum. Kulturelle Selbst-Vergewisserung in der Literatur -Mitherausgeber: Aleya Khattab und Dirk Kemper
    by Franciszek Grucza (Volume editor) Dirk Kemper (Volume editor) Aleya Khattab (Volume editor)
    ©2013 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Sprache und Kultur im Spiegel der Rezension

    Sprache und Kultur im Spiegel der Rezension

    Ausgewählte Beiträge der GeFoText-Konferenz vom 29.9. bis 1.10.2010 in Vaasa
    by Mariann Skog-Södersved (Volume editor) Christoph Parry (Volume editor) Michael Szurawitzki (Volume editor) 2012
    ©2012 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Filme der Kindheit – Kindheit im Film

    Filme der Kindheit – Kindheit im Film

    Beispiele aus Skandinavien, Mittel- und Osteuropa
    by Christine Gölz (Volume editor) Karin Hoff (Volume editor) Anja Tippner (Volume editor)
    ©2010 Conference proceedings
  • Title: Herrenhäuser ohne Herren

    Herrenhäuser ohne Herren

    Ostelbische Geschichtsorte im 20. Jahrhundert
    by Herle Forbrich (Author)
    ©2009 Thesis
  • Title: Des Iconoclastes Heureux  «et» sans Complexe

    Des Iconoclastes Heureux «et» sans Complexe

    by Jean-Frédéric Hennuy (Author)
    ©2007 Monographs
  • Title: Acta Germanica

    Acta Germanica

    German Studies in Africa- Jahrbuch des Germanistenverbandes im Südlichen Afrika
    by Anette Horn (Volume editor)
    ©2006 Thesis
  • Trans-Atlántico / Trans-Atlantique

    Literaturas / Littératures

    ISSN: 2033-6861

    Dans le panorama de la recherche et, plus particulièrement, de l’hispanisme, un nouveau paradigme privilégiant la prise en considération des échanges et de la circulation de modèles s’affirme. Cette nouvelle perspective permet l’émergence d’un nouveau champ d’études centré sur les relations transatlantiques, transnationales et intercontinentales ; elle met l’accent sur les échanges, les migrations et les passages qui se déclinent de différentes façons entre les cultures des deux côtés de l’Atlantique, depuis plus de cinq siècles. Plus que le paquebot de ligne destiné à la traversée régulière entre l’Europe et l’Amérique, le titre de cette nouvelle Collection « Trans-Atlántico / Trans-Atlantique » évoque le roman homonyme de Witold Gombrowicz – où apparait justement le trait d’union –, les déambulations du protagoniste entre deux mondes, ainsi que les rapprochements entre des lieux bien différents d’une même réalité (la Pologne, où Gombrowicz est né, et l’Argentine, lieu de son séjour prolongé). La Collection « Trans-Atlántico / Trans-Atlantique » se veut un espace d’édition ouvert aux travaux qui privilégient cette approche de la littérature comme lieu transculturel par excellence, lieu de dialogue et de controverse entre différents types de discours, lieu, enfin, de tous les possibles, où s’élaborent de nouvelles pratiques de pensée et de création pour donner du sens à l’en-dehors qui l’entoure. En el panorama actual de la investigación, especialmente en el campo del hispanismo, se afirma la presencia de un nuevo paradigma que toma en cuenta, privilegiándolos, los intercambios y la circulación de modelos. Esta nueva perspectiva ha permitido la emergencia de un nuevo campo de estudios, centrado en las relaciones trasatlánticas, transnacionales e inter-continentales, que subraya la importancia de los intercambios, migraciones y pasajes que se declinan de diferentes modos entre las culturas de los dos lados del Atlántico, desde hace más de cinco siglos. El título de esta nueva Colección «Trans-Atlántico / Trans-Atlantique» se propone evocar, más allá del vapor de línea que hace la travesía regular entre Europa y América, la novela homónima de Witold Gombrowicz – donde aparece justamente el guión –, y las deambulaciones del protagonista entre dos mundos así como los acercamientos posibles entre dos lugares diferentes de una misma realidad (Polonia, donde Gombrowicz nació y Argentina, lugar donde reside de manera prolongada). La Collection «Trans-Atlántico / Trans-Atlantique» es un espacio de publicación de obras que se centren en este tipo de abordaje de la literatura como lugar transcultural por excelencia, lugar de diálogo y de controversia entre diferentes tipos de discurso, lugar de todos los posibles donde se elaboran nuevas prácticas de conocimiento y de creación para dar sentido a lo que está afuera y que, sin embargo, la literatura comprende.

    19 publications

  • Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik / Regensburg Studies in British and American Languages and Cultures

    The series Regensburg Studies in British and American Languages and Cultures was established in 1971 and publishes studies on the languages, literatures and cultures of North America, the British Isles, as well as the English-speaking regions of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Caribbean. Within a transhistorical, transnational and interdisciplinary conceptual framework, the monographs in this series have stressed different areas of focus in their engagement with textual, performative, visual, material and virtual forms of representation. Recent subjects of investigation have been, for instance, language variation and varieties of English as well as the representation and enactment of regional, (trans)national and global identities. Die Buchreihe Regensburger Arbeiten zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik besteht seit 1971 und publiziert Studien zu den Sprachen, Literaturen und Kulturen Nordamerikas, der britischen Inseln sowie der englischsprachigen Regionen Afrikas, Asiens, Ozeaniens und der Karibik. Transhistorisch, transnational und interdisziplinär ausgerichtet, wählen die Monographien der Reihe je unterschiedliche Schwerpunkte in ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit textuellen, performativen, visuellen, materiellen oder virtuellen Repräsentationsformen. Untersuchungsgegenstände der letzten Jahre waren beispielsweise die sprachlichen Varietäten des Englischen sowie Darstellungen und Inszenierungen von regionalen, (trans)nationalen und globalen Identitäten.

    48 publications

  • Méditerranée: Littératures - Cultures / Mittelmeer: Literaturen - Kulturen

    Das Mittelmeer ist in den letzten Jahren nicht nur ins Zentrum politischer Interessen gerückt, sondern auch in den Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften neu entdeckt worden. Seit mehr als 2000 Jahren treten in diesem in exemplarischer Weise transkulturellen Raum Kulturen miteinander in Kontakt, sei es in Form friedlicher Begegnungen, sei es in Form blutiger Konflikte. Das Mittelmeer hat nicht nur die Mentalitäten der Menschen geprägt, die an seinen Ufern leben, sondern Mythologien und Bilderwelten geschaffen, die tief in die literarischen Texte und Filme eingeschrieben sind. Aufbruch und Neuanfang, Reise, die Begegnung mit dem Anderen, die Beziehungen von Mensch, Natur und Geographie sind nur einige der Themen und Motive, die vom Mittelmeer ihren Ausgangspunkt nehmen, um in die Weltliteratur auszustrahlen. Die Reihe nimmt Arbeiten auf, die diesen Themen, Bildern und Mythologien in Literatur und Film nachgehen, die nach der diskursiven Errichtung und Begründung, aber auch nach der Überschreitung und Überwindung kultureller Grenzen im Mittelmeerraum fragen, die die Beziehungen und Bezugnahmen zwischen den einzelnen Kulturen und ihren Artefakten untersuchen. Sie situiert sich im Rahmen einer transnationalen, postkolonial und transkulturell begründeten Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, in der auch die wissenschaftliche Analyse von Film und anderen medialen Formen ihren Platz hat. Homepage der Herausgeberinnen: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Arend Dr. Elke Richter

    3 publications

  • Eurosinica

    ISSN: 2235-6258

    "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. For Authors EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Editors • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Board Members • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Pour les auteurs EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Éditeurs • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Les membres du conseil d'administration • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) " "EUROSINICA is a book series for monographs of various thematic focuses, sharing the goal of studying culture and literature in contemporary or historical contexts. The series, under the imprint of Peter Lang, was founded in 1984 by the German sinologist Günther Debon (1921–2005) and the Canadian comparatist Adrian Hsia (1938–2010); so far, thirteen books have been published. While the founding editors placed the emphasis on the transfer processes of classical literary works and motifs between cultures, the continuation of their work requires new approaches. Rather than operate within the conceptual framework of “cultural dialogue” between an East and a West viewed as distinct entities, the series editors tend to a view of cultures in contact. EUROSINICA is accordingly open for studies and interpretation of authors, personalities, genres and individual works committed to an understanding of humanity as a common source of values which, rather than be impeded by cultural, linguistic or ethnic disparity, are being reshaped and reinvented in different settings. From the basic concept the series’ founders have contributed, we will carry on the approach to literature, the arts and history as transnational narratives emerging out of distinct contextualization and relying on as well as contributing to both the European and the Sinic cultural spheres. We explicitly welcome well-argued innovative interpretations of classical works, as we do historical and translation studies. At a time of ongoing global changes of aesthetic and critical paradigms, EUROSINICA does not intend to propose the East-West-paradigm as a last refuge for intellectual cultural conservatism, but rather envisages new critical approaches to the sporadic process of aesthetic and historical interactions (“contacts”) between formerly allegedly “separated” cultural spheres. Für Autoren EUROSINICA expects to publish between one and two volumes annually and aims for a balance between studies of contemporary or ancient focus. It thereby seeks to counter the trend of separating research on classical and modern issues. EUROSINICA will consider manuscripts in European languages. The series editors and board members are scholars at universities in the Baltic and Nordic countries of Europe, as well as in mainland China, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. They represent the disciplines of comparative literature, cultural studies and history in European and East Asian languages. As a series, EUROSINICA is directed and managed by AsiaRes, the Baltic Research Center for East Asian studies at the University of Latvia in Riga and the Department of Asian, Middle Eastern and Turkish Studies at Stockholm University. For further information, please write to eurosinica@asiares.lv or irmy.schweiger@orient.su.se. Herausgeber • Frank Kraushaar (Tallinn University/Tallinn/Estonia; AsiaRes University of Latvia/Riga/Latvia) • Irmy Schweiger (University of Stockholm/Sweden) Vorstandsmitglieder • He Chengzhou (Nanjing) • Mark Gamsa (Tel Aviv / Riga) • Shu-ching Ho (Düsseldorf) • Lucie Berner (Macao) • Tatsuo Takahashi (Tokyo) • Rossella Ferrari (London) "

    12 publications

  • German Life and Civilization

    ISSN: 0899-9899

    German Life and Civilization contributes to a critical understanding of Central European cultural history from medieval times to the present. Culture is here defined in the broadest sense, comprising expressions and representations in literature, music, performative and pictorial arts, and media, as well as political and sociohistorical developments in the texture of everyday life. Building on its strengths in GDR scholarship and political literature, the series also seeks to explore newer thematic trends such as human entanglements with the environment and natural world, and transnational and minority communities. The series aims to foster progressive and inclusive scholarship that aspires to a synthetic view of culture by crossing traditional disciplinary boundaries. Manuscripts in both English and German are subject to a robust external peer review process. Series Editor: Kristopher Imbrigotta (University of Puget Sound) Series founder: Jost Hermand (University of Wisconsin) Advisory Board: Stephen Brockmann (Carnegie Mellon), Jason Groves (University of Washington), Brigitte Jirku (University of Valencia), Teresa Kovacs (Indiana University), Anke Pinkert (University of Illinois), Caroline Rupprecht (City University of New York), Marc Silberman (University of Wisconsin), Didem Uca (Emory University)

    74 publications

  • Transamerican Film and Literature

    This series publishes scholarly contributions to the growing and ever-changing fields of film and literary studies across the Americas. Written in English or Spanish, the titles in this series include edited volumes, books by single authors, and translations of scholarly monographs. They typically investigate film and literature of the Americas, examining works and trends in relation to form, genre, culture, politics, historiography, and diverse areas of theory. The term "Transamerican" implies transnational perspectives on creative work from all over the Americas, with an emphasis on new assessments of Latin American work, but is not constrained to studies of multiple national cinemas or literatures, and may venture beyond the Americas for comparative purposes. It also encompasses studies of single works or bodies of work from the Americas whose thematics or aesthetics warrant attention from a broad scholarly readership. The mission of the series is to provide a site of dialogue and new collaborations between scholars working on Transamerican film and literary studies throughout the Americas and other continents, emphasizing the region's growing diversity of critical and theoretical perspectives on film and literature. Esta colección estará dedicada a publicar materiales sobre el cine y la literatura que se producen en el continente americano. Los materiales podrán estar escritos en español o en inglés, y podrán ser libros colectivos, trabajos elaborados por un autor individual, traducciones de estudios especializados, así como ediciones o traducciones académicas de textos literarios. En todos los casos serán textos orientados al estudio del cine y/o la literatura en la región continental, en términos de forma, género, cultura, política, historiografía o diversas áreas de la teoría. El término "transamerican" implica una perspectiva transnacional en los estudios sobre trabajos creativos de todo el continente americano, con énfasis en la región latinoamericana, pero no se limita a los estudios sobre los cines o las literaturas nacionales de múltiples países. Por otra parte, admite la exploración, con fines comparativos, de terrenos que rebasan esta región, y puede incorporar estudios sobre las obras individuales o sobre el cúmulo del trabajo de un solo autor cuyas temáticas o características estéticas merecen la atención de una amplia comunidad de lectores especializados. La misión de la serie es ofrecer un espacio para el diálogo entre los investigadores que estudian el cine y la literatura en el continente americano y en otras regiones, así como enfatizar la existencia de una creciente diversidad de perspectivas teóricas y analíticas.

    5 publications

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