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  • Practical Theology

    The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series. The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series. The Practical Theology series aims to publish scholarly yet creative books in the field of practical theology by established and emerging scholars alike.T his area of study and its constituent disciplines address issues and problems of faith communit ies and in the wider public with rich interdisciplinary frameworks. Scholars in this métier tend to work at the dynamic intersections of lived and historical faith communities, of practices and doctrines, and of contexts and norms. Book proposals add ressing issues in the theory, history, and practice of practical theology as well as in such disciplines as homiletics, pastoral care, religious education, spirituality, and mission are particularly appropriate for this series.

    3 publications

  • Educational Equity in Community Colleges

    ISSN: 2690-4438

    This series centers theory and practice in enacting educational equity, and, ultimately, educational justice at the administrative, institutional/programmatic, governance, and pedagogical levels of community colleges and other institutions of higher learning (Woods & Harris, 2016; Nevarez & Wood, 2010). There is a corpus of literature on the pernicious effects of oppressive pedagogy at the K-12 level, especially for traditionally marginalized, minoritized students (Nasir, 2011; Delpit, 2012; Leonardo, 2010). However, this is not the case at the community college level even though these same traditionally marginalized, minoritized students overwhelming start their college careers in two-year community colleges. Frankly, though there are many valuable contributions to community college education, overall there is a dearth of literature on critical, justice-centered pedagogy, theory and practice (i.e., praxis) within community college administration, governance, programming, and pedagogy. Community college practitioners are interested in enacting educational equity. However, there is little community college-specific literature for them to use to reimagine and, ultimately, reconstruct their administrative, programmatic, and pedagogical practices so that these institutionalized practices become commensurate with educational equity and justice (Tuck & Yang, 2018). Therefore, the goal of this series is to blend the work of university researchers and community college practitioners to illuminate best practices in achieving educational equity and justice via a critical-reality pedagogical framework (Giroux, 2004; Emdin, 2017; Sims, 2018). This series aims to highlight work that illuminates both the successes and struggles in developing institutionalized practices that positively impact poor ethno-racially minoritized students of color. Therefore, we will be looking at pedagogies, policies, and practices that are intentionally developed, curated and sustained by committed educators, administrators, and staff at their respective college campuses that work to ensure just learning conditions for all students.

    4 publications

  • Urban Communication

    ISSN: 2153-1404

    Cities are inherently places of communication, meeting spaces for interaction and/or observation. The nature of any communication venue is altered by social and technological circumstances and the urban environment is altered, in turn, by changes in communication patterns. We need to understand relationships among these significant forces – communication, technology, and the urban, suburban, rural environment – as they shape each other. Communication systems and urban social systems can be examined at multiple levels as scholars and planners examine interaction in public spaces, neighborhood communication patterns, and urban systems of transport. The focus of this series is on social relationships in a swiftly changing communication environment. Media coverage of urban issues, conflict resolution and contested urban space, visual communication, rhetorical dimensions of urban life, film and the city, journalism, the ethnic press, local media and public policy are just some areas of relevance. Volumes in this series provide a forum to explore and discuss the challenges created by the intersection of communication and urban life, focusing on what communication scholarship has to offer for enhanced understanding of cities and for the development of a public policy that takes into account communication needs and practices.

    14 publications

  • Studies in Communication and Politics

    ISSN: 2197-1625

    Technological development and the emergence of new notions of media and media-like services (blogs, online gaming, social networks, wikis, virtual worlds etc.) have changed the nature of communication, making it more open, personalized, fragmented and interactive. At the same a shift in paradigms in relation to traditional concepts of democracy, political communication and public participation has been observed. All of this has an impact on the functioning of contemporary societies and offers a wide range of opportunities for reexamination and redefinition of several concepts in social science. In Studies in Communication and Politics the editors are particularly interested in changing approaches to democracy, communication, political participation and media. By publishing collaborative works and monographs they aim at supporting and promoting interdisciplinary research, offering comparative approach and/or examining national factors for communication and politics development. Hence, the emphasis here is being put on the changing approaches to democracy and its institutions, political actors, electoral campaigns, as well as citizens' participation in political processes, electoral behavior, and so on. Having in mind the changing media landscape and the rise of media ecologies we also aim at investigating emerging communication and media policies, evolution of journalism culture, changing patterns of users' behavior and media innovations in the digital and multiplatform scenario. All of this when taking into account interrelations between communication and as well as the role of media in contemporary politics. The editors believe that the topic presented here will stimulate international and interdisciplinary research changes and challenges facing communication and politics today. We also hope that the wide range of approaches presented in each collection will be of interest for researchers, academic experts as well as policy makers and media professionals who might be particularly interested in taking a part in the debate on emerging theories and practices.

    24 publications

  • Critical Perspectives on English and American Literature, Communication and Culture

    ISSN: 2297-4628

    The peer-reviewed series provides a forum for first-class scholarship in the field of English and American Studies and focuses on English and American literature, drama, film, theatre and communication. The series welcomes critical perspectives on the reading and writing of texts, the production and consumption of high and low culture, the aesthetic and social implications of texts and communicative practices. It publishes monographs, collected papers, conference proceedings and critical editions. The languages of publication are both English and Spanish. Scholars are invited to submit their manuscripts to the editors or to the publisher.

    35 publications

  • Intersections in Communications and Culture

    Global Approaches and Transdisciplinary Perspectives

    ISSN: 1528-610X

    This series publishes a wide range of new critical scholarship, particularly works that seek to engage with and transcend the disciplinary isolationism and genre confinement that characterizes so much of contemporary research in communication studies and related fields. The Editors are particularly interested in manuscripts that address the broad intersections, movement, and hybrid trajectories that currently define the encounters between human groups in modern institutions and societies. The way these dynamic intersections are coded and represented in contemporary popular cultural forms and in the organization of knowledge is also explored in this series. Works that emphasize methodological nuance, texture, and dialogue across traditions and disciplines (communications, feminist studies, area and ethnic studies, arts, humanities, sciences, education, philosophy, etc.) are particularly welcome, as are projects that explore the dynamics of variation, diversity, and discontinuity in local and international settings. Topics covered by this series include (but are not limited to): multidisciplinary media studies; cultural studies; gender, race, and class; postcolonialism; globalization; diaspora studies; border studies; popular culture; art and representation; body politics; governing practices; histories of the present; health (policy) studies; space and identity; (im)migration; global ethnographies; public intellectuals; world music; virtual identity studies; queer theory; critical multiculturalism.

    50 publications

  • Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas

    ISSN: 2372-6830

    The Latinx presence continues to grow and intersect with every aspect of life in the 21st century. This is evident when one considers the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor as Associate Justice to the United States Supreme Court. As well as the prominence of distinct Latinx individuals in various spheres of social, cultural, and political life such as Mario J. Molina, Nobel Prize winner and recipient of the Medal of the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013; and Jorge Maria Bergoglio (Pope Francis) who has revolutionized the Catholic church since he became the highest ecclesiastical authority of the Catholic world in 2013. Latino Studies, as an academic field of inquiry, began to emerge during the early 1990s surfacing from the more recognized field of Chicano Studies. As such, the major contributions to the field first emerged from Mexican/Chicano scholarship—publications such as Aztlán, the most important journal in the field of Chicano Studies since 1970; Gloria Anzaldúa’’s groundbreaking memoir/essay, Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza (1987); George J. Sanchez’s historical account, Becoming Mexican American: Ethnicity, Culture, and Identity in Chicano Los Angeles, 1900-1945 (1995); and the two volumes of The Chicano Studies Reader: An Anthology of Aztlan, 1970-2010. These are a few examples of the consolidation and the continuing development of Chicano Studies in the United States. In the past two decades, Latino Studies have grown and expanded significantly. There have been a large number of publications about Latinxs in the Midwest and North East; in addition, due to the fast-growing population of Latinxs in the area, new scholarship has emerged about the Latinxs in the New South. Some examples of the emerging field of Latino Studies are the Latinos on the East Coast (2015) edited by Yolanda Medina and Ángeles Donoso Macaya, Global Cities and Immigrants (2015) by Francisco Velasco Caballero and María de los Angeles Torres; the Handbook of Latinos and Education (2010) edited by Enrique Murillo, et al.; Angela Anselmo’s and Alma Rubal-Lopez’s 2004 On Becoming Nuyoricans; David Carey Jr. and Robert Atkinson (2009) Latino Voices in New England; Yolanda Prieto’s case study entitled, The Cubans of Union City: Immigrants and Exiles in a New Jersey Community (2009); and Lawrence La Fontaine-Stokes’ Queer Ricans Cultures and Sexualities in the Diaspora (2009). Critical Studies of Latinxs in the Americas will become the counterpart of the aforementioned research about the Latinx diaspora that deserve equal scholarly attention and will add to the academic field of inquiry that highlights the lived experience, consequential progress and contributions, as well as the issues and concerns that all Latinxs face in present times. This provocative series will offer a critical space for reflection and questioning of what it means to be Latinx living in the Americas, extending the dialogue to include the North and South hemispheric relations that are prevalent in other fields of global studies such as Post-Colonial Theory, Post-Colonial Feminism, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Critical Race Theory, and others. This broader scope can contribute to prolific interdisciplinary research and can also promote changes in policies and practices that will enable today’s leaders to deal with the overall issues that affect us all. Topics that explore contemporary inequalities and social exclusions associated with processes of racialization, economic exploitation, health, education, transnationalism, immigration, identity politics, and abilities that are not commonly highlighted in the current literature as well as the multitude of socio-economic, and cultural commonalities and differences among the Latinxs in the Americas will be at the center of the series. As the Latinx population continues to grow and change, and universities enhance their Latino Studies programs to be inclusive of all types of Latinx identities, a series dedicated to the lived experience of Latinxs in the Americas and a consideration of their progress and concerns in the social, cultural, political, economic, and artistic arenas is of incredible value in the quest for pedagogical practices and understandings that apply a critical perspective to the issues facing scholars in this area of study. Scholars, faculties, and students alike will benefit from this series. Expressions of interest for authored or edited books will be considered on a first come basis. A Book Proposal Guideline is available on request. For individual or group inquiries please contact the Series Editors at ymedina@bmcc.cuny.edu & Margarita.MachadoCasas@UTSA.edu.

    49 publications

  • Sprachliche Konstruktion sozialer Grenzen: Identitäten und Zugehörigkeiten / Linguistic Construction of Social Boundaries: Identities and Belonging

    ISSN: 2509-4505

    This series focuses on linguistic negotiations of belonging, covering processes of identity construction and group formation (groupness) in social, spatial and temporal terms. At the interface between linguistic, sociological, ethnographic and cultural sciences research, it seeks to depict different communities in their cultural and language practices, which can be implicit in routines of everyday encounters or subject to negotiations and adjustment. Bi- and plurilingual – as well as migratory contexts – are particularly suitable for inquiries regarding belonging. It is often an overt subject of debate within these communities, as the outcome determines the in- or exclusion of members. This series therefore offers a vital and transdisciplinary contribution to recent discussions on belonging. Book proposals are welcome and may be submitted to the editors. All publications will be peer reviewed. Die Reihe thematisiert sprachliche Aushandlungen von Zugehörigkeit in Interaktionen und Prozesse von Identitätskonstruktionen sowie soziale, räumliche und zeitliche Aspekte von Gruppenbildung. An der Schnittstelle zwischen linguistischer, soziologischer, ethnographischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung werden kulturelle Praktiken und Sprachgebrauch von Gemeinschaften vergleichend dargestellt. Sie zeichnen sich durch alltägliche (Sprach-)Routinen aus oder stehen zur Disposition und werden neu verhandelt. Insbesondere in Migrationskontexten sowie in bi- und plurilingualen Gemeinschaften sind Zugehörigkeitsaushandlungen Teil ein- oder ausgrenzender Prozesse. Die Reihe hat zum Ziel, eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive in die aktuelle Zugehörigkeitsforschung einzubringen. Die Auswahl beinhaltet ein Peer-review-Verfahren. Manuskriptvorschläge an die Herausgeberinnen sind willkommen.

    15 publications

  • Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism

    ISSN: 1661-1985

    This series addresses a new need. The constitution of many contemporary communities is radically diverse, and the need is to think anew about them. Through a mixture of edited collections and single-authored volumes, the series aims both to examine how radical diversity has arisen in the religious and political constitution of society and to analyse the implications for the future so as to help ensure the harmonious relations between communities and the best practice of government. Studies in the History of Religious and Political Pluralism will evaluate new trends and theories and make available the findings of empirical research which demonstrates the nature of the pluralistic world in which we live.

    11 publications

  • Champs Didactiques Plurilingues : données pour des politiques stratégiques

    "La recherche en mouvement" / " Savoirs pour savoir faire"/"Échanges de la recherche"

    ISSN: 2593-6972

    The Book Serie «Champs didactiques plurilingues» aims to promote practice and research about foreign language teaching and learning from a triple bond between subjects, objects and contexts, each with their individual and interacting dynamics. This involves the disciplinary fields involved in the production of practical and theoretical ideas, and of the concrete, educational and professional contexts of teaching and learning , together with school and university language policies which influence the learning of a particular language, the choice of languages and their status. The series is divided into three strands : one strand, "Research in action" is intended for researchers, student-researchers, and practitioner-researchers, which can include many teachers; a second strand "Knowledge for know-how" is intended especially for students, practitioners and decision-makers; the other strand "Research exchanges"specially designed to papers written from conferences and congress papers. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publish books in English, French, Portuguese or Spanish and a partnership with the journal Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index ) allows authors to publish a podcast presenting their book (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La collection «Champs didactiques plurilingues» vise à promouvoir les travaux et recherches autour de l’enseignement / apprentissage des langues étrangères autour du triple ancrage sujets – objets – contextes et de leurs dynamiques propres et interagissantes. La collection se déploie sur trois volets : un volet "La recherche en mouvement" destiné aux chercheurs, aux étudiants-chercheurs et aux praticiens-chercheurs ; un volet "Savoirs pour savoir faire" destiné plus particulièrement aux étudiants, aux praticiens et aux décideurs; un volet "Échanges de la recherche" pour des articles écrits à partir de communications de colloques et congrès. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publie des livres en anglais, français, espagnol ou portugais et un partenariat avec la revue Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de l'Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permet aux auteurs de publier un podcast de présentation de leur ouvrage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ A coleção « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tem como objetivo promover trabalhos de investigação em torno do ensino / aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, numa tripla encoragem : sujeitos, objetos, contextos e suas dinâmicas próprias e interatuantes. A coleção é dividida em três partes : um componente "Investigação em movimento", para investigadores e estudantes e profissionais investigadores; um componente "Saberes para saber fazer" voltado especificamente para estudantes, profissionais e decisores políticos; um componente "Intercâmbios de investigação" para artigos escritos a partir de comunicações de conferências e congressos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica livros em inglês, francês, espanhol ou português e uma parceria com a revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras da Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite que os autores publiquem um podcast apresentando seu livro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ La colección « Champs didactiques plurilingues » tiene como objetivo promover la reflexión y la investigación en torno a la enseñanza/aprendizaje de idiomas extranjeros, con miras al triple anclaje sujetos/objetos/contextos así como la dinámica propia de cada uno de esos elementos y sus mutuas interacciones. La colección tiene tres vertientes : "Investigación en movimiento" se dirige a investigadores, estudiantes-investigadores y profesores-investigadores; "Saberes para saber hacer" se dirige más específicamente a estudiantes, profesores y responsables institucionales; "Intercambios de investigación" para artículos escritos a partir de ponencias de coloquios y congresos. «Champs didactiques plurilingues» publica libros en inglés, francés, español o portugués y una alianza con la revista Matices en Lenguas Extranjeras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/male/index) permite a los autores publicar un podcast presentando su libro (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8a-c5nccwM&list=PLktj7abiVwJohkkWimsHEajIG_J6PQjEQ). ______________________________________________________________________________ *Scientific Board / Comité scientifique / Comité científico* Frédéric Anciaux, INSPE Guadeloupe (France) / Maria Helena Araújo e Sá, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) / Philippe Blanchet, Université de Haute Bretagne Rennes 2 (France) / Jean-Marc Defays, Université de Liège (Belgique) / Christain Degache, Universidade Federal do Minais Gerais - Université Grenoble Alpes (Brésil / France) / Fred Dervin, Helsingfors Uniersitet (Finlande) / Piet Desmet, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgique) / Olivier Dezutter, Université de Sherbrooke (Canada) / Enrica Galazzi, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italie) / Laurent Gajo, Université de Genève (Suisse) / Tony Liddicoat, University of Warwick (Royaume Uni) / Eliane Lousada, Universidade de São Paulo (Brésil) / Bruno Maurer, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier 3 (France) / Dominique Macaire, Université de Lorraine (France) / Danièle Moore, Simon Fraser University (Canada) / Christian Ollivier, Université de La Réunion (France) / Rosana Pasquale, Universidad Nacional de Luján (Argentine) / Fabián Santiago, Université Paris 8 Vincennes - Saint-Denis & CNRS (France) / Haydée Silva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Mexique) / Francis Yaiche, Université de Paris (France)

    37 publications

  • Asian American Studies

    The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome. The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome. The Asian American Studies series will continue to contribute to an understanding of the long neglected history, rich cultural heritage, and present position of Asian Americans in society. The series encompasses studies on all aspects of the Asian American experience, and we are committed to expanding the traditions of knowledge within the field to address vast Asian American epistemologies, communities, activities, and practices. We are looking for work which explores various facets of a transnational perspective including for example: diaspora, displacement and migratory identities, cultural hybridity, transculturation, comparative race studies, contemporary community issues, immigration politics, nationalisms, and representation. While seeking the highest standards of scholarship, the Asian American Studies series is thus a broad forum for research on diverse and complex Asian American issues. The Asian American Studies series is committed to interdisciplinary and cross cultural scholarship. The series scope is primarily in the Humanities and Social Sciences. For example, topics in history, literature, culture, philosophy, religion, visual arts, performing arts, sociology, language & linguistics, gender studies, global studies, ethnic studies, etc. would be suitable. The series welcomes both individually authored and collaboratively authored books and monographs as well as edited collections of essays. The series will publish manuscripts primarily in English (although secondary references in other languages are certainly acceptable). Proposals from both emerging and established scholars are welcome.

    1 publications

  • Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides

    The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides is a curriculum-based series reflective of theory creating praxis. The series targets not only undergraduate and graduate audiences, but also tenured and “experienced” teachers of all disciplines. Research suggests that teachers need to have well-designed, thematic-centered curricula and lessons at their disposal. This is accomplished when the school works as a community to meet their own needs. Community in this sense includes working collaboratively with students, parents, and local community organizations to help build the curriculum. Practically, this means that time is devoted to professional development workshops, not exam reviews or test preparation pointers, but real learning. Together with administrators, teachers form professional learning communities (PLCs) to discuss, analyze, and revise curricula and share pedagogical strategies that meet the needs of their particular school demographics. This communal approach was found to be more successful than requiring each individual teacher to create lessons on her/his own. Ideally, we would love it if each teacher could create their own authentic lessons because only s/he truly knows her/his students – and we encourage it, because it is possible! However, as educators ourselves, we understand the realities our colleagues in public schools face, especially when teaching in high needs areas. The Critical Praxis and Curriculum Guides provides relief for educators needing assistance in preparing their lessons. When possible, and in the spirit of communal practices, the series welcomes co-authored books by theorists and practitioners or solo-authored books by an expert deeply informed by the field. Because we strongly believe that theory guides our practice, each guide will blend theory and curriculum chapters creating a praxis. All, of course, in a critical pedagogical framework. Ultimately, the guides will serve as resources for teachers to use, expand upon, revise, and re-create.

    13 publications

  • Inclusion and Teacher Education

    Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences. Historically, inclusive education developed as a reaction to the exclusion of students of minoritized identity groups marked by race, language, sexual orientation, disability, etc. Our position in this series is that inclusion can and should be more. It can be understood as embracing and planning for difference, building relationships across difference, teaching and learning that acknowledges and supports difference while also minimizing the use of identity categories as the foundation for arguments about inclusion. In other words, the silos of educational discourse based on identity categories need to be broken down, little by little, to reconceptualize inclusion as just, compassionate, and creative ways of living, teaching, and learning in a complex and diverse world. Inclusive teaching depends on deeply respectful relationships between teachers, students, and community members. Books in the series must make clear connections between theory and practice. Both are necessary ingredients for inclusion. This series will help teacher educators prepare teachers to be knowledgeable and skillful in teaching all students, regardless of their differences.

    7 publications

  • Language, Migration and Identity

    ISSN: 2296-2808

    This series fills a hitherto neglected but now growing area in the treatment of migration: the role of language and identity. This topic is central in a globalized world where the definition of community is constantly challenged by the increased mobility of individuals. Linked to this mobility is the issue of identity construction, in which language plays a key role. Language practices are indicators of the socialization process in bilingual and multilingual settings, and part of the strategies by which speakers assert membership within social groups. Migrant speakers are constantly engaged in identity construction in varying settings. Language, Migration and Identity invites proposals for revised dissertations, monographs and edited volumes on language practices and language use by migrant speakers. A wide range of themes is envisaged, within the area of migration, but from a broadly linguistic perspective. The series welcomes studies of migrant communities and their language practices, studies of language practices in multilingual educational settings, and case studies of identity building among migrants through language use. Proposals might focus on topics such as second language acquisition in social contexts, variation in L2 speech, multilingualism, acquisition of sociolinguistic competence, hybridity and ‘crossing’ in relation to identity. A multiplicity of approaches in the treatment of this interdisciplinary area will be welcome, from quantitative to ethnographic to mixed methods. The series welcomes established scholars as well as early career academics and recent PhD research.

    5 publications

  • Telecollaborative learning and Virtual Exchange in Education

    ISSN: 3042-4569

    This series focuses on the pedagogical processes and learning outcomes nof engaging learners from diverse cultural and geographical backgrounds in online contact and collaboration for educational purposes. Emphasis is placed on innovative teaching and learning practices that leverage modern digital communication technologies to facilitate interaction, collaboration and intercultural learning. The activity is referred to in different academic contexts as Virtual Exchange, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), telecollaboration, Global International Teams and e-tandem among others. The series editors welcome proposals from authors using any of these different terms. Proposals related to Blended Mobility initiatives which combine online collaborative learning with short periods of physical mobility are also encouraged.  "Telecollaborative learning and Virtual Exchange in Education" deals with the application of these practices in different subject areas (e.g. Foreign Languages, History, Science) and in different educational contexts, including but not limited to primary, secondary, university and adult education.  A major aim of the series is to reflect the diversity of research and practice in this area of knowledge, providing a space for transversal dialogue among teachers and teacher trainers, administrators, researchers, and educators working in different subject areas as well as various areas of education. Publications within the series include scholarly monographs and edited volumes as well as cutting-edge projects that exemplify good practice in the application of distanced collaborative efforts. Language of publication is English. Volumes 1-6 have been published under the series name "Telecollaboration in Education". ISSN volumes 1-6: 1662-3037 ISSN from volume 7 onwards: 3042-4550 – eISSN from volume 7 onwards: 3042-4569

    8 publications

  • Documentary Film Cultures

    ISSN: 2504-4834

    This series provides a space for exploring the development of documentary film cultures in the contemporary context. The series takes an ecological approach to the study of documentary funding, production, distribution and consumption by emphasizing the interconnections between these practices and those of other media systems. It thus encourages new ways of understanding documentary films or practices as part of other, wider systems of cultural production. Volumes may focus on specific sociopolitical environments, such as that of a nation or region. Alternatively, they may explore specific themes or production practices, such as new wave documentaries, environmentalism or indigenous film communities. Studies of shared technological platforms, including films that make use of embodied technologies or using emergent distribution platforms, are also welcome. The series reflects not only the maturing of literature on documentary film and media production studies over the last two decades but also the growing interest amongst nonacademic and professional audiences in documentary texts as they occupy an increasingly hybrid cultural space: part journalism, part art cinema, part activism, part entertainment, part digital culture. Editorial Board: Jouko Aaltonen (Aalto University), John Corner (Liverpool University, UK), Yingchi Chu (Murdoch University, Australia), Jonathan Dovey (University of the West of England, Bristol), Susanna Helke (Aalto University, Finland), Anette Hill (Lund University, Sweden), Bert Hogenkamp (Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision), Ilona Hongisto (Macquarie University, Australia), K. P. Jayasankar (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India), Susan Kerrigan (Newcastle University, Australia), Richard Kilborn (University of Stirling), Erik Knudsen (University of Central Lancashire, UK), David MacDougall (Australian National University), Anjali Monteiro (Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai), Pablo Piedras (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina), Agnieszka Piotrowska (University of Bedfordshire, UK), Laura Rascaroli (University College Cork, Ireland), Belinda Smaill (Monash University, Australia), Inge Sorensen (University of Glasgow, UK), Bjørn Sørenssen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Malin Walhberg (Stockholm University, Sweden), Deane Williams (Monash University, Australia), Yingjin Zhang (UC San Diego, USA)

    6 publications

  • Education Management

    ISSN: 1947-6256

    The Education Management: Contexts, Constituents, and Communities (EM:c3) series includes the best scholarship on the varied dynamics of educational leadership, management, and ad-ministration across the educational continuum. In order to disseminate ideas and strate-gies useful for schools, colleges, and the education community, each book investigates critical topics missing from the extant literature and engages one or more theoretical perspectives. This series bridges the gaps between the traditional management research, practical approaches to academic administration, and the fluid nature of organizational realities. Additionally, the EM:c3 series endeavors to provide meaningful guidance on con-tinuing challenges to the effective and efficient management of educational contexts. Volumes in the series foreground important policy/praxis issues, developing professional trends, and the concerns of educational constituencies. The aim is to generate a corpus of scholarship that discusses the unique nature of education in the academic and social spaces of all school types (e.g., public, private, charter, parochial) and university types (e.g., public, private, historically black, tribal institutions, community colleges). The EM:c3 series offers thoughtful research presentations from leading experts in the fields of educational administration, higher education, organizational behavior, pub-lic administration, and related academic concentrations. Contributions represent re-search on the United States as well as other countries by comparison, address issues related to leadership at all levels of the educational system, and are written in a style ac-cessible to scholars, educational practitioners and policymakers throughout the world.

    17 publications

  • New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies

    ISSN: 1523-9543

    New literacies emerge and evolve apace as people from all walks of life engage with new technologies, shifting values and institutional change, and increasingly assume 'postmodern' orientations toward their everyday worlds. Despite many efforts to take account of such changes, educational institutions largely remain out of touch with the range of new ways of making and sharing meanings that increasingly mediate and shape the lives of the young people they teach and the futures they face. This series aims to explore some key dimensions of the changes occurring within social practices of literacy and the educational challenges they present, with a view to informing educational practice in helpful ways. It asks what are new literacies,how do they impact on life in schools, homes, communities, workplaces, sites of leisure, and other key settings of human cultural engagement, and what significance do new literacies have for how people learn and how they understand and construct knowledge? It aims to challenge established and 'official' ways of framing literacy, and to ask what it means for literacies to be powerful, effective, and enabling under current and foreseeable conditions. Collectively, the works in this series will help to reorient literacy debates and literacy education agendas.

    120 publications

  • Critical Education and Ethics

    ISSN: 2166-1359

    The Critical Education and Ethics series intends to systematically analyze the pitfalls of social structures such as race, class, and gender as they relate to edu-cational issues. Books in the series contain theoretical work grounded in prag-matic, society-changing practices. The series places value on ethical responses, as prophetic commitments to change the conditions under which education takes place. The series aims to (1) Further the ethical understanding linking broader social issues to education by exploring the environmental, health-related, and faith/spiritual responses to our educational times and policy, and (2) Ground these works in the everyday world of the classroom, viewing how schools are impacted by what critical researchers do. Both theoretically and practically, the series aims to identify itself as an agent for community change. The Critical Education and Ethics series welcomes work from emerging scholars as well as those already established in the field.

    18 publications

  • Social Justice Across Contexts in Education

    ISSN: 2372-6849

    Social Justice Across Contexts in Education addresses how teaching for social justice, broadly defined, mediates and disrupts systemic and structural inequities across early childhood, K-12 and postsecondary disciplinary, interdisciplinary and/or transdisciplinary educational contexts. This series includes books exploring how theory informs sustainable pedagogies for social justice curriculum and instruction, and how research, methodology, and assessment can inform equitable and responsive teaching. The series constructs, advances, and supports socially just policies and practices for all individuals and groups across the spectrum of our society’s education system. The series provides sustainable models for generating theories, research, practices, and tools for social justice across contexts as a means to leverage the psychological, emotional, and cognitive growth for learners and professionals. It positions social justice as a fundamental aspect of schooling, and prepares readers to advocate for and prevent social justice from becoming marginalized by reform movements in favor of the corporatization and de-professionalization of education. The over-arching aim is to establish a true field of Social Justice Education that offers theory, knowledge, and resources for those who seek to help all learners succeed. It speaks for, about, and to classroom teachers, administrators, teacher educators, education researchers, students, and other key constituents who are committed to transforming the landscape of schools and communities.

    22 publications

  • New Trends in Translation Studies

    ISSN: 1664-249X

    In today’'s globalised society, translation and interpreting are gaining visibility and relevance as a means to foster communication and dialogue in increasingly multicultural and multilingual environments. Practised since time immemorial, both activities have become more complex and multifaceted in recent decades, intersecting with many other disciplines. New Trends in Translation Studies is an international series with the main objectives of promoting the scholarly study of translation and interpreting and of functioning as a forum for the translation and interpreting research community. This series publishes research on subjects related to multimedia translation and interpreting, in their various social roles. It is primarily intended to engage with contemporary issues surrounding the new multidimensional environments in which translation is flourishing, such as audiovisual media, the internet and emerging new media and technologies. It sets out to reflect new trends in research and in the profession, to encourage flexible methodologies and to promote interdisciplinary research ranging from the theoretical to the practical and from the applied to the pedagogical. New Trends in Translation Studies publishes translation- and interpreting-oriented books that present high-quality scholarship in an accessible, reader-friendly manner. The series embraces a wide range of publications – monographs, edited volumes, conference proceedings and translations of works in translation studies which do not exist in English. The editor, Professor Jorge Díaz-Cintas, welcomes proposals from all those interested in being involved with the series. The working language of the series is English, although in exceptional circumstances works in other languages can be considered for publication. Proposals dealing with specialised translation, translation tools and technology, audiovisual translation and the field of accessibility to the media are particularly welcomed. This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.

    46 publications

  • Transnational Cultures

    ISSN: 2297-2854

    Transnational Cultures promotes enquiry into the literary and cultural productions of transnational experiences characterized by the vertical and lateral exchanges of ideas, objects and linguistic practices across the globe. With the growth of diasporic communities, migratory crossings and virtual exchange, literary and cultural productions beyond, across and traversing borders have become a growing focus of scholarship within historical, contemporary and comparative contexts. Concepts of nationhood are increasingly understood as a limiting and limited way of understanding culture. While we question the binary relations of center versus periphery, global versus local, we also recognize the importance of scholarship examining relationships that escape these binaries, such as those focusing on South–South exchanges, minor transnational relations and Indigenous experiences. The series encourages new work that investigates how a transnational lens might transform existing understandings of cultural exchange and identity formation in any period or location. We are particularly interested in research that shines a light on transnational cultural experiences that are underrepresented and explores how writers and artists from underrepresented groups position themselves vis-à-vis national and global forces. What broader flows of knowledge, capital and power mark pre-modern, modern and contemporary cultural productions and identity formations? How do marginal experiences trouble existing narratives of the nation-state and global–local paradigms? What kinds of creolization of cultures and experiences evolve in the processes of transnationalism? How do transnational flows in the Global South, and among marginal or minority communities, facilitate sites of articulation outside normative discourses? The series strives to offer a renewed understanding of minor and minority expressions and articulations of transnational experiences that often escape national and global discourses. Proposals for monographs and edited collections from international scholars are welcome. The series is interdisciplinary in scope and welcomes research on literature, film, new media, visual culture and beyond. All proposals and manuscripts will be subjected to rigorous peer review. The main language of publication is English. Editorial Board: Rhian Atkin (Lisbon), Shakuntala Banaji (London School of Economics), Simone Brioni (Stony Brook), Helena Buescu (Lisbon), Deborah Cherry (London), Anne Garland Mahler (Virginia), Weihsin Gui (Riverside), Maria Koundoura (Emerson), Su Lin Lewis (Bristol), Churnjeet Mahn (Strathclyde), Jacqueline Maingard (Bristol), Stephen Morton (Southampton), Nasser Mufti (Chicago), Christopher Ouma (Cape Town), Dorothy Price (Courtauld Institute of Art), Oana Popescu-Sandu (Southern Indiana), James Procter (Newcastle), Sara Pugach (Los Angeles), Giulia Riccò (Michigan), Mark Sabine (Nottingham), Shuang Shen (Penn State), Lisa Shaw (Liverpool), Siobhán Shilton (Bristol), Catherine Speck (Adelaide), Emily Celeste Vázquez Enríquez (UC Davis), Toshio Watanabe (East Anglia), Adam Watt (Exeter)

    5 publications

  • Hip-Hop Education

    Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation

    ISSN: 2643-5551

    Hip-Hop Education is a sociopolitical movement that utilizes both online and offline platforms to advance the utility of hip-hop as a theoretical framework and practical approach to teaching and learning. The movement is aimed at disrupting the oppressive structures of schools and schooling for marginalized youth through a reframing of hip-hop in the public sphere, and the advancement of the educative dimensions of the hip-hop culture. Hip-Hop Education’s academic roots include, but are not limited to the fields of education, sociology, anthropology and cultural studies and it draws its most distinct connections to the field of hip-hop studies; which is in many ways, is the stem from which this branch of study has grown and established itself. Authors and academics who brought hip-hop into fields like African American studies, philosophy, and the general public writ large, provided in depth studies of a wide range of topics that range from feminism to race and racism. Hip-Hop Education: Innovation, Inspiration, Elevation will be the first of its kind in educational praxis. The series will be composed of books by artists, scholars, teachers, and community participants. The series will publish global authors who are experts in the fields of Hip-Hop, Education, Black Studies, Black Popular Culture, Community Studies, Activism, Music, and Curriculum. Hip-Hop Education is explicit about its focus on the science and art of teaching and learning. This series argues that Hip-hop embodies the awareness, creativity and innovation that are at the core of any true education. Furthermore, its work brings visibility to the powerful yet silenced narratives of achievement and academic ability among the hip-hop generation; reflecting the brilliance, resilience, ingenuity and intellectual ability of those who are embedded in hip-hop culture but also not necessarily academics in the conventional sense.

    9 publications

  • International Studies in Folklore and Ethnology

    ISSN: 1662-0615

    This series seeks to contribute to the current vibrant multidisciplinary academic debate regarding folklore and ethnology. The definition of both folklore and ethnology is a constant challenge, and the history of the development of the disciplines differs from one country to another. Folklore is at once dynamic process, shared communication and performance, and ethnology embraces context and folklife. So while these research areas continue to experience dramatic transformation, in terms of methodology, theoretical approaches as well as practical engagement with people and cultures, this series focuses on the evolving study of traditional and popular cultures, in all contexts and across all geographies of time and space. As folklore and ethnology reach across boundaries and become manifest in (new) cultural contexts through the enabling power of global communications and re-imaginings, this series therefore provides an international forum for continuing debate. Through a mixture of edited collections and single-author monographs, this series aims to re-evaluate contemporary critical thought as well as exploring new directions and theories, thus making a significant contribution to these disciplines which are fundamental to our understanding of contemporary culture and identity.

    1 publications

  • Complicated Conversation

    A Book Series of Curriculum Studies

    ISSN: 1534-2816

    Reframing the curricular challenge educators face after a decade of school deform, the books published in Peter Lang's Complicated Conversation Series testify to the ethical demands of our time, our place, our profession. What does it mean for us to teach now, in an era structured by political polarization, economic destabilization, and the prospect of climate catastrophe? Each of the books in the Complicated Conversation Series provides provocative paths, theoretical and practical, to a very different future. In this resounding series of scholarly and pedagogical interventions into the nightmare that is the present, we hear once again the sound of silence breaking, supporting us to rearticulate our pedagogical convictions in this time of terrorism, reframing curriculum as committed to the complicated conversation that is intercultural communication, self-understanding, and global justice.

    91 publications

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